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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16991417 No.16991417 [Reply] [Original]

Post food you made, ate, or requests that you want to see, doesn't matter.

Kickin it off with a little surf and turf

>> No.16991424

you garnished the plate for yourself?

>> No.16991433

Yeah, it makes me feel cute

>> No.16991436

What do you have against garnishing? You don't like fresh herbs?

Also this was at a friends place for the Canelo fight.

>> No.16991443

also what this guy said.

>> No.16991445

chop your parsley more fine, you mong.
>captcha 02ASS

>> No.16991450

r/ cooked chicken nuggets that are diced up and added to an asian stir fry noodle/rice dish

>> No.16991454

>What do you have against garnishing?
When did anon say that?

>> No.16991455

lol k, well it wasn't chopped at all just roughly picked, and post something you made.

>> No.16991462

The fact that he was questioning that I would ever garnish a plate for myself? What do you think anon meant?

>> No.16991465

is that corelle dishware? i love that shit
looks great, i wouldn't have sliced the steak, although it makes for an impressive presentation, especially in a photo
if you really made that, 9/10
best of luck to you

>> No.16991467

alright dude, post something that you made.

>> No.16991469
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here you go tard

>> No.16991471

bro come on

>> No.16991479

Heh, the meat was obviously not reverse seared or sous vided and has an overcooked exterior. My piss would smell for a day due to the asparagus, which is stacked. Food stacking should be illegal. The worst part about this good stacking is it doesn't look intentionally faggy, it appears your plate is too small. Do you not have a bigger plate? Can you not afford one? Are you poor? Obviously it's the latter because only a poor would cocktease their guests with only a nibble of crab stacked upon overcooked beef displayed on an intentionally small plate with the intention of deceiving the eye, whetting the appetite, yet delivering little of substance or sustenance. Evil, or retarded, poor for sure, but it's hard to tell. Where's the finishing sauce? Not even butter for the beef? You are pure evil, OP.

>> No.16991480

Thanks dude, I don't own the plates, I made this at a friend's place. I'll have to look up that brand though cuz they seemed really nice.

>> No.16991486


>> No.16991499

so much seethe in one post, lol sorry you have it so rough man.

>> No.16991516
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>> No.16991527
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>weeb post

Why am I not surprised.

Here's my fried chicken.

>> No.16991533

Oooh. Tell me about your slaw. Looks good.

>> No.16991558
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pho broth i made

>> No.16991559

It's a pretty standard red cabbage slaw. I make it a little different every time, but here's the gist.

>sliced red cabbage
>sliced carrots
>little bit of white onion
>bit of buttermilk
>apple cider vinegar
>little bit of celery seed

That should pretty much do it. It's all to taste depending on what I'm serving it with. I like doing it with fried chicken since you can use the buttermilk for the chicken, biscuits, and slaw.

>> No.16991566

Looks good anon, but there is no way I could eat just one crab leg. That would be such a tease.

>> No.16991569

I'm not white lmao

>> No.16991570
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nice, i live in mtl and i'll do a poutine pic show someday, ill go to the srestaurant post pics of the menu and let you choose the order

>> No.16991576
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Hell yeah brother, do you have a finished product? Mine came out a bit dark the last time I made it. I also made it with beef necks since that's what they had at the store at the time. COVID cooking be like that

>> No.16991579
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>> No.16991584
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Got the same plates and countertops

>> No.16991589
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yeah i know, alot to take in. its what a real man eats.

>> No.16991590
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lol fair enough. What do you think of my random asian fusion abomination?

>asian slaw with pork belly char siu
>udon with a katsuobushi and red miso dashi
>grilled tuna collar marinated in mirin, soy, and yuzu

>> No.16991599

yeah I cooked for everyone and ended up with the smallest plate cuz I messed up on the crab and didn't buy enough.

Had enough steak and sides for everyone to get seconds though.

>> No.16991600


>> No.16991607
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>> No.16991609

All 3 dishes seem kinda rich. I'd need some tea, pickles, or maybe a seaweed salad.

>> No.16991611
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heres my weeb shit contribution

>> No.16991613
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that looks decent, contrast to my girlie steak again

>> No.16991621

I had those too! Just not pictured. I did have some kimchi with the char siu, but I also had a seaweed salad and few other things from the Japanese grocer I went to.

>> No.16991627

that looks pretty legit

>> No.16991643

>ill go to the srestaurant post pics of the menu and let you choose the order

that sounds pretty dope, do people do that here?

>> No.16991667

lol that's funny, this was actually at a buddy's place. You have good taste though!

>> No.16991710
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does this count?

>> No.16991715

hell yeah, what kind of oysters? They kind of look like blue points.

Also what kind of sauce is that?

>> No.16991732
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gulf and mignonette sauce

>> No.16991743

>mignonette sauce
oh yeah duh, it kind of looked thicker like sweet n sour in the photo.

Nice turk you got there.

>> No.16991765

>gulf oysters
I salute you, oysterbro, but I wouldn't even eat a fried gulf oyster in December. You must be made of sterner stuff. Hats off.

>> No.16991769
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i'll live

>> No.16991777

are they that bad? I don't think I've ever had them.

I've only had atlantic and olympia oysters that I'm aware of.

>> No.16991783
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full english

>> No.16991785

They're always spawning and kinda mushy and strange tasting. I love oysters, and live near the gulf. Won't eat the gulf oysters tho. If others like them then more for them. I'm kinda jealous.

>> No.16991823
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tabulli, beetroot salad, baba ganoush, roasted garlic and artichoke hummus

>> No.16991842

what's a garnish?

>> No.16991849
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din din
boston butt and broccoli

>> No.16991892
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This is my food , I cooked it shit was tasty as fuck . Its beef with potatoes and rice.

>> No.16991947


>> No.16991992
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Deep fried some wings, they taste ok, but the batter needed a smidge more cornstatch in it.

>> No.16992086

that looks muy dank

>> No.16992139
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big ass kolaches

>> No.16992173
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I should've let the peppers drain a bit more but it was good. Too bad I don't own a wood stove it really does make a difference

>> No.16992192

mountain dew or crab juice?

>> No.16992194
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I think I make pretty good chicken

>> No.16992195
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im a sloppa conisour myself

>> No.16992207
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>> No.16992215

a good trick ive found is turning your oven up as hot as it will go and using one of those pizza pans with the holes in the bottom

>> No.16992232

hell yah dude looks tight

>> No.16992234

You ain't right in the head, negro. Straight legit retarded, noamsayin?

>> No.16992240
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reminded me of the simpsons

>> No.16992246

is that some pumpkin kari?

>> No.16992258

i miss big poppa sloppa i havent seen him recently

>> No.16992259

Eww I'll take a crab juice

>> No.16992273
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i like to do a little sloppa here and there

>> No.16992274
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and im done. had this at a restaurant and it was one of tjh best things ive ever eaten. going to the sister restaurant this thrusday, someone should tell me what to order because it all looks good.

>> No.16992279

haha helll yeah

>> No.16992281


>> No.16992288

looks pretty fuckin dank, what's on the menu?

>> No.16992290

I'll try that next time, cheers

>> No.16992306

Ceviche. And more ceviche. And even more ceviche. GULF OYSTERS! Straight fucking nasty.

>> No.16992321
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got you senpai. desu im not paying 11 dollarinos for a half dozen of fucking oysters