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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 80 KB, 564x564, FEOLbysXMAAG3-B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16989442 No.16989442 [Reply] [Original]

How much food could you handle in one sitting without your body telling you it was a mistake?

Me I could do this no problem. This is child's play.

>> No.16989458

I can do that easily

>> No.16989502

That an appetizer before the real feast

>> No.16989505

That’s a light snack on the way to the location of said appetizer and feast.

>> No.16989512

That's a retarded amount of food

>> No.16989603

A bagel and a half

>> No.16989622

4000 calories. Maybe 5000 if im pushing it

>> No.16989657

Chicken nuggets are easy to gluttonize

>> No.16989679

that's the amount of leftovers in my beard after the light pre-appetizer-and-feast snack

>> No.16989686

That's a fairly small amount of McDonalds for an average-sized person, I'd say? The main reason fast-food cooks so fast and "lasts" so short is that there isn't much density to it. I wouldn't WANT to eat an octuple helping of nuggets in that timeframe, but I could easily.

>> No.16989702

You could eat FIVE THOUSAND nuggets?

>> No.16989704

a captcha was solved for this post

>> No.16989705

5000 calories

>> No.16989714

that’s a small amount of food for an average sized person id say?

>> No.16990606

As I child I could eat much more, but could still down 80 nugs large fry and a mcdouble in 15 minutes

>> No.16990617

Imagine being proud of being a fat fuck.

>> No.16990626

When i was in high school me and 3 other guys had a cheeseburger eating contest. I couldn't even finish 6 and the last one tasted like chalk.
The record was 12. Contest eating is not for me.

>> No.16990817
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when I was 22 myself and two of my friends ordered 100 chicken nuggets, I made it to 32 and on the 33rd I chewed twice before I began to wretch and had to run to the mcdonalds bathroom where I proceeded to repaint one of their stalls. so to answer your question 32 nuggers and a large orange Hi-c with probably a quarter cup of ketchup is my limit.

>> No.16991044

That's nothing. A light snack at most.

>> No.16991117

I could eat an entire little ceaser's hot and ready pepperoni in one sitting, but I think that's my absolute limit. That manny nuggies would kill me

>> No.16991127

It is the nature of man to challenge himself, to achieve greatness. Why does the climber surmount peaks? Because they are there.

>> No.16991128

I could probably do a quarter of that and I'd feel pretty terrible.

>> No.16991148

its more of what type of food youre eating x amount of versus pure quantity. processed chicken nuggs full of sodium would make you feel like dogshit after a certain amount eaten even if you weren't full

>> No.16991152

Yeah I can do this as long as I get an equal amount of a side of fries.
I mean is this even one chickens worth of nuggets?

>> No.16991170

A whole chicken from the store is around 5 pounds (which only has 2 - 2.5 pounds of actual meat). That looks to be around 6 pounds of nuggets.

>> No.16991383

two full plates of pasta and seven large schnitzels

>> No.16991416

"Chickensworth" should be a unit of measurement.

>> No.16991425

Okay but don't forget you have to drink all the sauces too

>> No.16991671

Did your other friends achieve the same amount? If each of you did 32 that's almost the full 100.

>> No.16991690

I'd agree with you especially from mcdonalds. I've routinely had the below order.

>20 mcnuggets buffalo and honey musty sauces
>large big mac meal with diet coke
>extra buffalo sauce

I'm not even fat. 185 and 6'2. I'd imagine really big people could put away a ton of food.

>> No.16992127

I THOUGHT I could eat that much chicken in one setting, even after calorie and carb restricting for a week. No siree. I barely ate half.

>> No.16992157

I’d eat the equivalent of this in mash potatoes.

>> No.16992223

probably 12-15

>> No.16992473
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1 nuggen

>> No.16992934

Serious question. Is it actually the best fast food sandwich?

>> No.16992970

As a teen, my record was six hamburgers (from 2lbs of 80/20) and a shitton of mayo slathered on. But my body told me it was a mistake, as I was in physical pain for a few hours afterwards.

>> No.16992981
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Each nugget is only 1 calorie sir

>> No.16993014
File: 25 KB, 600x338, awooga_awooga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy FUCK

>> No.16993020

You sick fuck, she's only 17.99 after taxes.

>> No.16993023

Yeah and I'll only jerk off to her 17.99 times

>> No.16993031

came to post this, I could eat a shit load of thigh fillets or something and just feel tired but just half as much heavily processed nuggies would make me feel poisoned

>> No.16993185
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>> No.16993457

This board makes me hate americans

>> No.16993558

They make that easy enough even without the board's help.

>> No.16994352


>> No.16994359

He managed 37.

>> No.16994375

But you said two friends so there had to be one more.

>> No.16994382

The other friend just watched us do 69.

>> No.16994397

Oh, that makes sense.

>> No.16994400

in a row?

>> No.16994402

There's a highway McDs in Illinois that still does 50 piece nuggies and I ate that once. Was unpleasant after about 35

>> No.16994406

I mean, anything caked with sugar is going to allow you to overeat

>> No.16994410

In what universe are chicken nuggets caked with sugar?

>> No.16994884

Think he means the sauce

>> No.16994890

0. I don’t eat trash for autists.


Probably 50

>> No.16995050
File: 22 KB, 680x378, EFAEC03B-BF28-4343-B0F1-912DC4E7B52C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literal mountain of food
>Diet coke

>> No.16995078
File: 155 KB, 1080x850, 879F43B9-38AF-4C26-AB09-D035D9F8919C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Largest meals I’ve had
1. 2 chipotle burritos
2. Triple Whooper large combo (probably more if I didn’t have a soda
3. 16 oz ribeye steak, twice baked potato, wedge salad (quarter of a head of lettuce)
4. 20 oz of Wagyu steak and a order of creme brûlée
5. Half a Oreganos deep dish pan pizza

>> No.16995081
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Fixed :)

>> No.16996603

I don’t understand how you people literally can’t eat that much. Maybe it’s because I’ve been exercising for my whole life but I could probably eat a hundred whole nuggets easily. I’ve eaten 4 pound burgers when I was trying competitive eating.

>> No.16996761

That looks like ~50? Yeah, I can do that.

>> No.16996778

When burger king used to have those double stackers for $1 I would eat 10 at a time. My usual order from BK was 3 triple whoppers. I would grab a handful of salt packets and put salt on each bite. When I first got into "cooking" my usual go to was 2 lbs of ground hamburger made into meatloaf style burger patties. I would make 4 and top them with mayo, thick cut bacon and 3 cheeses.

>> No.16996799
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Fixed ;)

>> No.16996868

Why do people like to ruin burgers by adding bacon?

>> No.16996876

I don't know desu. I acknowledge that I am a trash tier American. Burgers are a part of my culture and we are taught early on that bacon goes on everything.

>> No.16997040

Literally doesn't matter, it's just a skill you train. Competitive eating champions are almost all small scrawny dudes and girls

>> No.16997060

I'd say kys, but you are obv a fat fuck and will die accordingly

>> No.16997072

I'd say kys, but you are obv a fat fuck and will die accordingly
I hate to be the one to tell you this but you will die too, buddy.

>> No.16997074

A fine addition to my coomer_spinoffs folder

>> No.16997112

>I could do that easy
There are 120 nuggets there, that's 5740 calories not including any of the dips you fat fucks.

>> No.16997129

I could probably handle 15 of those without feeling too stuffed or ill

>> No.16997135

i bet you are a bodybuilder

>> No.16997141
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>> No.16997155

Lmao, every comic this guy makes is like his eternal asspain given form.

>> No.16997175

Pretty funny how people who are seething always start their post off with this these days.

>> No.16997188

lol based science-truster

>> No.16997198

How's that horse paste working out for you?

>> No.16997386

I don't know, but when the phizer patent goes through you'll be rushing to use their new treatment which is just that but rebranded

>> No.16997427

That says all that needs to be said about you.

>> No.16998080

I'd say between 11 and 12 thousand nuggets and maybe 4 gallons of sauce?

Just built different I guess.

>> No.16998194

I can eat 50 eggs.

>> No.16998201
File: 116 KB, 400x595, 1471739976116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah?

>> No.16998207

Must be coincidence, I guess. I use it when I find something funny.

>> No.16998430

this thread has no right to be as funny as it is

>> No.16998647

Standard amerfat diet, bad thread

>> No.16998682

Well I hope you're not the other guy who tried to be all cute, "I don't know what you're talking about teehee~, but also in the same sentence here's my dimwitted take on the thing I'm pretending not to know about, gotta be as vague as possible or it'll be too easy to prove I'm a fucking idiot!" What was he thinking, people saw right through that. Like when you play dumb online people don't look at the discussion and think "Damn that guy's a badass, he sure has changed my mind." They think you're an idiot. They notice what you're trying to pull. So frankly take that New York Post article you regurgitated that opinion from and shove it up your ass.

>> No.17000016


>> No.17000107

Based BobMob

>> No.17000254

anon you're fucking hilarious

>> No.17000335
File: 220 KB, 900x1200, E_z4BzXUUAoQe6q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17000346

1 and a half of any fast food hamburger

>> No.17000541

ooooh thats some bad oil

>> No.17000545

It's also child's food.

>> No.17000546

just one entire pizza to myself

>> No.17000647

I can eat unreal amounts of food at my peak, but I’ve been barely eating for like the past 11 days so I could probably only eat a third of that right now

>> No.17002278

The fuck

>> No.17003123

how can you tell the grade of the oil from this image?