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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16984418 No.16984418 [Reply] [Original]

How long does it take me to get used to a food? I finally want to eat healthy, but I find fruits and vegetables disgusting. I have been forcing different fruits on myself for 3 days in a row now. It was disgusting and almost made me throw up. When will it get better?

>> No.16984430

what exactly are you eating. like if your getting sick from apples that's pretty weird

>> No.16984436

>t. American NEET anime-watching video-game-playing incel

>> No.16984438

Drop the fruits, and juice the vegetables if you can't handle them with salt, and butter.

>> No.16984451

Apples, bananas and oranges. The first bite requires enormous overcoming. I almost throw up. When chewing it is okay if I do it slowly and the taste is not too strong, otherwise I have to spit it out.
I am a mess I know. I try to get better though

>> No.16984465

I will start with vegetables only on Monday. I was thinking broccoli. How do I prepare it really tasty and with what best?

>> No.16984595

>How long does it take me to get used to a food?
it never happens.

>> No.16984598

>How do I prepare it really tasty and with what best?
that is not possible. broccoli taste like shit no matter how it is prepared all you can do is cover it in something that actually taste good.

>> No.16984599

The absolute state of burgers Jesus fucking christ

>> No.16984601

Don’t start with a brassica
Raw carrots are crunchy and mildly sweet.
Celery is basically crunchy water.

>> No.16984605


>> No.16984838

I don't know based johanchristiandahlvesuvius poster

>> No.16984860


>> No.16985011

I am not even american