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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16983542 No.16983542 [Reply] [Original]

I just want all you to know that if you don't include some iodized salt in your diet you are making yourself and your kids into anxious depressed retards, and if you are pregnant and aren't consuming iodized salt your are doubly making your kid into a retard.

Meme salts are fine as finishers but always, always include some iodized salt in your recipes even if it's just for sweating onions.

I swear people don't know this shit anymore, you literally need it for your mental and developmental health, don't let meme salts make you into a dumb depressed faggot piece of shit. If you're only cooking with kosher salts and pink salts and whatever other nonsense you are absolutely fucking yourself, stop it, consume iodized salt, you absolutely fucking need it.

>> No.16983576

Your mother is gay

>> No.16983581

Cool. I'm still not buying anything with a circled K or U on it.

>> No.16983585
File: 160 KB, 800x897, Baste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to buy iodized salt the other day and was unpleasantly surprised by how small of a selection there was. It seems to be slightly more expensive than kosher salt as well.

With that said it has become my new go to salt.

>> No.16983619
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Only ameriburgers use "kosher salt" in all their recipes because they cannot stop sucking yid dick.

>> No.16983621

that shit iodized?

>> No.16983623


>> No.16983629

Hey you stupid nigger, basically everything in your entire fridge right now has more than enough iodine already in it.

>> No.16983633

>Hey you stupid nigger, basically everything in your entire fridge right now has more than enough iodine already in it.
You still think that we live in a pre 5g world.

>> No.16983636

Shouldn't we get enough from fast food and random garbage products we buy like chips and shit?

>> No.16983654

The premise being you dont rely on a bag of chips to meet your daily salt intake.

>> No.16983715

The only place you are guaranteed to get iodized salt from premade food is Burger King, no other manufacturer or purveyor has it in their food consistently

>> No.16983724
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I buy non iodized salt because I take a kelp supplement. Iodized salt is for plebs

>> No.16983730

you can OD on that and actually cause hyperthyroidism

>> No.16983737

you know alot of so called "evil" veggies contain iodine right?

>> No.16983752

uh huh, which is why countries that introduced iodized salt into their diets saw an IQ increase of 15 points on average, you need this shit.

>> No.16983784

why of course the only way I can survive and be super smarts is if I can BUY BUY BUY FROM MY LOCAL SUPER MARKET
fuck off you absolute drone

>> No.16983788

>$1 for a 26oz of salt that lasts a year

it is very clear that you need it

>> No.16983790

>joe dirt is iodized
americans win again

>> No.16983801

Iodized salt is a huge meme and a trifle, you get no iodine from it, not to speak of any daily values or min-maxing it. Just get a bottle of lugols iodine and have a drop every few days, one drop, that is.

If drinking pure iodine is appalling to you, as it does not taste great, you can apply it on your skin directly, it will be absorbed and you will get 1/10th of the applied value. It stains textiles though.

>> No.16983869

I haven't used iodized salt in two years and my garloids have been fine.
iodized salt is bullstank

>> No.16983873
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Is table salt iodized or should I chug this shit right now

>> No.16983940


>> No.16983972

I did this and now I have a six pack and my penis has gained three times in length.
Thanks, anon!

>> No.16984160

What if I don't eat salt at all for old times sake? Dogs don't eat salt either, they are happier than all of us.

>> No.16984178

Where can I get an iodized salt without sugar added? Europe? Japan?

>> No.16985026
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>needing iodized salt

>> No.16985071

Someone told me that the iodine evaporates away after a year or two in those containers.

>> No.16985094

kosher salt isnt even kosher

>> No.16985107
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Healthiest salt passing through.
>Replaced half the sodium chloride for potassium chloride.
>Literally better for you.
>No microplastics and other pollutants from the sea.

>> No.16985159

What does kosher salt even mean?

>> No.16985169

redpill me on potassium chloride

>> No.16985178

is it fat free though?

>> No.16985186

I just take a multivitamin

>> No.16985374

Basically, our modern diet has too much sodium. For most of evolutionary history, we had a 5:1 potassium to sodium ratio in our diet, and our bodies evolved to be salt conserving machines because sodium was so low.
Salt only became cheap relatively recently in evolutionary history.

We still get most of our potassium from food, but we also add too much salt. At about 4:5 ratio. This helps balance things out to about 5:2 which is closer to what our ancestors ate.

Sodium contracts your arteries while potassium helps relax your artery muscles. You basically dodge high blood pressure from salt intake like that. Essentially, you need to balance this ratio rather than just reducing your intake.

>> No.16985392

there should be a copypasta for this question because it comes up all the time
kosher salt is used for "koshering" meat, which is removing the blood from it (which would make the meat non kosher if not done). The flakey flat shape of it is particularly good at doing this for whatever reason idk
All salt you get at the store is kosher in the religious sense

>> No.16985963

it's possible

>> No.16986304

Iodized salt is not kosher.
If the salt packet has a U in a circle on it, avoid it.

>> No.16986321
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Liquid iodine supplement are cheap and effective.

I have a couple different kinds of salts, and I really like the taste of a pink sea salt that's harvested in Utah of all places.

>> No.16986377

>recommended daily intake is like 200 micrograms
>supplements have around 150-315 micrograms
>WHO says 1000 micrograms per day is ok, other authorities say 500

You'd have to be a retard to actually OD
>Here it says take one a day, let's take 5

>> No.16986627

some people are retarded enough to turn it into a tea, making it an extract, homeopathic retards do it to everything and then they get sick from an OD

>> No.16986735

Yeah that or all of the meat/dairy that fed on highly iodized feed its whole life.

>> No.16986749

It's great for mixing your own electrolyte beverages, since just table salt only replaces sodium.

>> No.16987148

You got some beer and a 3" penis? Nice.

>> No.16987157

>Is Your Salt Real?®
Or is it an illusion?

>> No.16987447

I think that iodized salt is incredibly low quality and tastes bad. I also don't feel like overdosing on salt in order to get a dose of iodine that is okay for me.
I just take an iodine supplement and shut the fuck up. Then I can take care of my sodium chloride intake separately.

>> No.16987454

you can't be this ignorant, it's not possible.

>> No.16987460


>> No.16987532
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>iodine is only found in iodized salt
what kind of idiotic faggotry is this. you can get all of the iodine you need without using durr muh mortons. just eat a balanced diet and stop worrying about specific types of salt you dense faggot

>> No.16987553
File: 32 KB, 337x500, FBEA135A-6DFD-4D37-B710-3A9ECD540598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only keep Kosher salt in my house

>> No.16988031

Good, now shutup.