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16979888 No.16979888 [Reply] [Original]

My preferred way has always been live in boiling water, and I cannot comprehend how this is in any way wrong
>muh ethics
Shut the fuck up and go back to eating wonder meat, faggot

>> No.16979914

i knife the brain, but really it's just a big cockroach so I don't mind killing it in any way.

>> No.16979936

Lobsters are dumber than a fucking chicken, and chickens are FUCKING DUMB. Why would you care what it "feels", it's not much closer to actual consciousness and sapience than an average insect.

>> No.16979941

Are there any benefits to doing this? Their brains work off multiple ganglia so pithing them doesn't guarantee death

>> No.16979945

This. If you really want them to have a "painless" death(not that they feel much... since they are essentially automatons), just cool them down so they are essentially asleep when you dispatch them.

But yeah, who cares. I'm much more concerned about a pig or a cow and how they are slaughtered than a fucking lobster.

>> No.16979946

Yeah it works, after cutting his face in half I asked him his name and he didn't respond.

>> No.16979952

>why would you care what it feels
I don't. Every time I bring home one of these fuckers my sister has a fit because she thinks it's cruel. Don't even get me started on that old wives tale about them screaming when they're being boiled. Last time I brought some home, I offered to show her first hand that it was bullshit and she refused

>> No.16979958

The thing about cattle and pigs is that most home cooks never have to experience their slaughter. Even most farmers send their animals away to a slaughterhouse to have someone else do the dirty work. Lobsters are probably the most sentient animal most people have real experience in killing, but even that level of sentience is extremely low

>> No.16980173

The edge in this thread

>> No.16980188

its no effort killing the animal quickly by splitting the head in half. boiling it alive is psychotic, and chilling it to near death is almost equally screwed up. stop being so fucking chinese and kill your food before preparing it.

>> No.16980198

This. They lack the thermoregulation required to remain awake when close to freezing temps.
When we 'sacrificed' crayfish for study in lab, we anesthetized them w/ an ice water bath.

>> No.16980215

If the argument is "boiling/exposing the lobster to a high temperature is inhumane" then in what screwed up mindset can someone believe freezing the lobster is any different? Have you ever stuck your hand into a bath of ice? It will feel like it is on fire after half a minute. We are not certain if a lobster has pain receptors but a sane person would err on the side of caution and assume that it does. Taking that into consideration boiling is in fact more humane than freezing it as the process will kill the lobster more quickly.

>> No.16980230

>Taking that into consideration boiling is in fact more humane than freezing it as the process will kill the lobster more quickly.
What takes more energy? To get from room temperature to boiling point or from room temp to freezing point. Retard.

>> No.16980235
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Wake the lobster with an alarm clock early in the morning, make him wear a lobster uniform, and lead him to a lobster workplace where you'll have him do menial tasks and get yelled at by other lobsters for 8 hours daily so he gradually turns his impotent anger at the world inwards with long term low grade inflammation ultimately culminating in cancer or heart attack.

>> No.16980239

Freezing doesn't kill it, it suspends it. It will then get boiled and thusly warm up to normal temperature before continuing to boil. Ergo it takes longer.

>> No.16980240

I was just expounding on the cooling them down statement. Last time I ate crab, it was boiled alive.

>> No.16980247

Lobster will lose consciousness more quickly and arguably with less sufferring(as much as it can suffer...) than boiling it would.

Whether cutting the brain in half works well enough depends on how the brain works.

>> No.16980248

Shoot it in the head

>> No.16980250


>> No.16980294

This kills the wagie

>> No.16980639

You ever tongue kissed her?

>> No.16980668

If a lobster had a better personality, would it cease to be a filthy animal?

>> No.16980687

gonna have to give freezing a try or at least fridge them
everytime ive done the knife to the head method i can feel the lobster just tensing up
i have to hold the tail from curling

>> No.16980893

Die, coomer

>> No.16980906

>Can't kill for sustenance.

Not gonna make it after the collapse anon.

>> No.16980912

Just boil her alive desu

>> No.16980917

There's no need to be rude. I was just wondering if you've ever kissed her in a loving way. Don't you love your sister?

>> No.16980932
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>> No.16980973

Really? What was his name?

>> No.16981006
File: 360 KB, 1020x652, E179E8B6-CF25-4ABB-B9F6-A4A78E5CAB3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scissors to the neck?

I remember when Edward Furlong and his friends tried to steal lobsters from their grocery store tank and tgff egg n I don’t know what they were going to do with them this was in landlocked Kentucky but somehow he gets them on a boat and throws them back into the ocean https://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/2004/09/18/Edward-Furlong-caught-freeing-lobsters/33811095520337/

>> No.16981051

I know they are like really dumb but I used to have to rip them in half while they were alive for one of my jobs and it was still kinda fucked up to do

>> No.16981055

I'm no lobster anatomy expert but I think scissors would be just as excruciating as boiling water, if not more

>> No.16981057

>getting ptsd for killing cockroach like animals
For fucks sake, snowflake.

>> No.16981167

that would be fucking hot

>> No.16981843

Would a grocery store lobster make a good pet?

>> No.16981874
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>remove claw from live lobster.
>stab lobster with his own claw.
Thank me later

>> No.16981884

You eat it raw like san asian

>> No.16981885

With kindness :)

>> No.16981910

I don't think they feel any significant pain. They have so little going on in their simple little nervous systems. Also I've never seen one struggle at all. They just sink into the water, have a few little spasms, stop moving, and turn red

>> No.16981955

>Have you ever stuck your hand into a bath of ice? It will feel like it is on fire after half a minute.
It felt cold and then it went numb. You lied.

>> No.16981968

don't they piss and shit themselves when they die? do you want to eat boiled lobster poop?

>> No.16981989

According to invertebrate zoologist Jaren G. Horsley, “The lobster does not have an autonomic nervous system that puts it into a state of shock when it is harmed. It probably feels itself being cut. … I think the lobster is in a great deal of pain from being cut open … [and] feels all the pain until its nervous system is destroyed” during cooking.

>> No.16981993

“As an invertebrate zoologist who has studied crustaceans for a number of years, I can tell you the lobster has a rather sophisticated nervous system that, among other things, allows it to sense actions that will cause it harm. … [Lobsters] can, I am sure, sense pain.” —Jaren G. Horsley, Ph.D.

>> No.16981999
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If left alone, lobsters can live to be more than 100 years old. They recognize other individual lobsters, remember past acquaintances and have elaborate courtship rituals. Researchers who study lobsters say that their intelligence rivals that of octopuses—long considered to be the world’s smartest invertebrate. Michael Kuba, Ph.D., told Katherine Harmon Courage, author of Octopus! The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea, that lobsters are “quite amazingly smart animals.”

>> No.16982035

Normal, unstressed crayfish showed some hesitation before entering the well-lit areas of the tank, but generally entered them. Fossat then shocked a group of crayfish with electricity to stress them out. Even well after the shocking had ended, these crayfish had highly elevated serotonin levels and cowered in the dark corners of the tank, afraid to go into the light areas. After being injected with benzos, however, the crayfish became adventurous again.

"We demonstrate that stressed crayfish express context-independent anxiety-like behavior that can be promoted by [increased serotonin levels] and abolished by a benzodiazepine," he wrote.

To further prove that it was serotonin causing the anxiety, Fossat injected crayfish with serotonin—they displayed the same anxious behavior that the shocked crayfish displayed.

>> No.16982065
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fuck you anon now I'll never be able to eat lobsters again

>> No.16982106

If anyone has read Jordan Peterson's book (I only read the first few chapters) you'd know all about lobsters being very interesting creatures. So what do you suggest anon?

I still think freezing, they sleep, then boiling seems most humane.

>> No.16982121

How long until they suffocate from being out of the water? Two or three hours?

>> No.16982142

Hahaha this faggots reading books by a right wing Canadian the has way to big of an influence on American incels

>> No.16982155

Google says 5 days.

"1)Stunning the crustacean by chilling it in cold air or an ice slurry - saltwater or freshwater, according to the species - for at least 20 minutes
Once the lobster is stunned, it should be mechanically killed as quickly as possible, says the RSPCA, by splitting it along the longitudinal midline on its underside. This can be done without first stunning the animal, but it cannot be considered as entirely humane as it takes even the most experienced person several seconds to carry out

2) Using the aquatic fish anaesthetic AQUI-S, which studies suggest kills without causing pain or distress"
Get your lobster death pills everyone!

>> No.16982159
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>the has way to big of an influence on American incels

>> No.16982177

>How do you kill a lobster?

Import non-lobster crustaceans into their territory and convince the lobsters that they are being racists if they oppose them. Monopolize their media and replace all the popular lobsters with non-lobster crustaceans, and retell all the popular lobster stories replaced with non-lobster crustaceans. Infiltrate their education system, lower the standards, discriminate against the males, and convince the females that they would be more self fullfilled working for some random crustacean corporate entity rather then becoming a wife and mother to a lobster family. Destroy the lobster families by stealing money from the lobster community to pay for the lobster children of unwed mothers. Infiltrate their government and squander all their tax dollars on ridiculous social programs aimed at non-lobster crustaceans. Finally, attack their social structure and economy to the point that they openly and violently revolt against you, where you can then enlist the aid of non-lobster crustacean governments to openly and violently attack them in their cities and homes throughout the lobster community.

>> No.16982186

Don't bother. It's /pol/tard gibberish.

>> No.16982193

Thanks, but I don't want to continually slurp whatever the lobster equivalent of foreskin is

>> No.16982197


>> No.16982210


>> No.16982217

i've never heard any complaints about ethics. i heard it had to do with the taste of the meat being 'stressed' if you boil it alive vs head shot k.o. to the brain with a knife.

>> No.16982230

Why does that lobster pepe have a scorpion tail?

>> No.16982257

>reading jordan peterson
jesus christ you people are embarassing. what's next? twilight?

>> No.16982265
File: 99 KB, 1199x749, WhatNow..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put lobster into freezer to be humane so it wouldn't feel pain and it turned fucking BLUE! What the fuck do I do now my in-laws are going to be here in 20 minutes and they wont eat this fucking shit! My stupid bitch wife is screaming in my face about listening to you fucking assholes. Can I blow torch it to turn it red again? What the fuck?

>> No.16982278

what is it you dislike about him?

>> No.16982299

say it's special blue lobster worth twice the price

>> No.16982324

>i cannot comprehend how this is wrong because i ignore this reason for it being wrong

anyway, the quickest methods of killing something usually result in higher quality meat. stress can make the meat tougher and produce some off flavors.

>> No.16982325
File: 380 KB, 572x322, a good death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've slaughtered ducks before. You just stun them and then cut their head off. It's pretty easy with vertebrate, you are literally pulling the plug, without a brain, they cant receive pain signals.

Honestly a large animal like a hog can be pretty easy to kill painlessly as long as you arent a religious asshole about it. You shoot an animal in the right place and they just drop, then you can bleed them out while they are dead and their heart is slowing down.

I haven't slaughtered any large animals yet, but Ive seen how its done and it seems like it would be kind of nice to not have to send an animal away and they can die at home without them seeing it coming.

>> No.16982349

I hate this fucking video. Ducks do not like dogs. This duck also looks particularly stressed. The feathers around her eyes look really bad implying infection. I get the feeling this duck is just too exhausted to fight back, potentially from the filmmaker abusing them into submission.

There are people out there who abuse animals for "cute" vids. Look out for them. If it doesn't seem natural, it's probably abuse.

>> No.16982376

t. incel

>> No.16982387

it is retarded to care about the feelings of something you intend to eat
jews don't give a fuck about the feelings of the children they eat but spend millions of dollars a year telling us we aren't allowed to eat meat and good tasting bugs because it's wrong

>> No.16982430

>it is retarded to care about the feelings of something you intend to eat

>> No.16982455

I'm not saying that you should abuse animals, I'm not jewish. I'm saying that you should dispatch your food efficiently and then eat it.

>> No.16982463

Figured. Jump cuts always make me wonder too.

>> No.16982480
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>> No.16982491

>Researchers who study lobsters say that their intelligence rivals that of octopuses
Oh for fuck's fucking sake, there goes another one.

>> No.16982502

seven-six-two millimeter.

>> No.16982506

Lobsters are literally incapable of feeling pain

>> No.16982517
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>> No.16982850

Difference is we're not Jews

>> No.16982866

Why would you want to boil a lobster or crab in its own guts? I always kill and remove guts before cooking.

>> No.16983051

Is it singing Eurodance?

>> No.16983343


>> No.16983503
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>> No.16983529
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>> No.16983679
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just shoot it like a normal person. like a real man. a real fisherman.

>> No.16983685

>Lobsters are dumber than a fucking chicken, and chickens are FUCKING DUMB.
t. Never owned a chicken

>> No.16983727

I used to kill chickens with my own hands like my frandmother taught my by snapping/pulling their necks in our back yard. Chickens are probably the dumbest of all avians.

>> No.16983893

That is kind of scary to imagine, having your head cut off and losing all sensation below the neck

>> No.16984317

When I was two years old I saw my cousin chop a chicken's head off with an axe. The headless body kept on running all over the place and it made me laugh my ass off

>> No.16984633

What job was that??

>> No.16984648

Thats why you stun the animal first, whack him on the head.
He passes out and when he wakes up he is already dead.

>> No.16985292
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> Im an edgy teenager farming for yous
Cool story bro

>> No.16985362
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>> No.16985442
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The fact that people in Maine have lobster timers they take with them into the other room after throwing them into the pot so as not to hear the screaming and clinging and clanging of the lobster desperately trying to escape their boiled doom is testament to the gruesomeness of the practice. Cutting its head in half doesn't do anything either as they have ganglionic nervous systems. There is, simply put, no ethical way to kill a lobster and if you eat them just admit you don't give a fuck about another sentient being's suffering in pursuit of your own gustatory pleasure and be done with it
Luv me lobster rolls btw

>> No.16985570

if you give chickens a fully cooked piece of chicken they will eat it. is that smart?

>> No.16985594

I would never kill a lobster. I'm not a brute. I have written letters complaining to every local supermarket that has live lobster tanks that they kill

>> No.16986386

A lobster ripsman

>> No.16986479


>> No.16987688

>muh ganglions

>> No.16987713

I don't like the idea of waking up dead.

>> No.16988155

Scrambled eggs are good for chickens, even the egg shells

>> No.16988181
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>> No.16988188

If I gave you a fully cooked piece of human you'd eat it. Are you smart? By all accounts human meat just takes like pork, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference any more than a chicken would, and you care, a chicken doesn't. The health risks from cannibalism are the same as eating any other animal, chickens are just unconcerned with the petty morality of man. In many ways they are beyond us, more evolved, more adapted.

>> No.16988228
