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16978642 No.16978642 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Canadians act like they invented cheesy chips and gravy?

>> No.16978646

for one thing they don't have hair on their poutine

>> No.16978647

Curds aren't cheese.

>> No.16978648

It adds to the flavour

>> No.16978651

cheese curds arnt cheese?

>> No.16978652

There was a period about a decade ago where the government felt the whole "Canadians have no unifying identity" thing wasn't a good look for the country, so they began pushing random regional meme dishes as "national cuisine" until one of them stuck. Pretty much every province had some cheap ass places that served loaded fries or fries and gravy, so it was easy enough to meme poutine into a "national dish".
It's a very hollow sort of lip service to a dish that a couple decades ago was just junky after-drinking food in Quebec.

>> No.16978665
File: 27 KB, 400x270, chipdressinggravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I caught onto this conspiracy when I heard someone call chips, dressing, and gravy as "Newfie Poutine". The revisionism and homogenization is fucking disturbing.

>> No.16978667

Milk curds aren't cheese, no.

>> No.16978673

For the same reason why Britishers act as if they invented having a side of fries with some fried food

>> No.16978677

Is that stuffing? Do you call stuffing, dressing? Looks pretty good ngl i love stuffing,

>> No.16978680

Nobody makes fish and chips like british fish and chips whereas anyone can make cheesy chips and gravy.

>> No.16978689

Yeah, that's stuffing. Since it's usually made outside the bird, it's called dressing instead.
Nice hearty newfoundland sloppa.

>> No.16979529

This looks like a good Thanksgiving sloppa

>> No.16979536

Anybody can make fish and chips. Its not complex.

>> No.16979681

>cheesy chips
I can’t stand the way brits talks

>> No.16979830
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>> No.16979834

Which canadian? Which one specifically? I need a name or I can't answer that question.

I probably can't answer it anyway unless the name you give is mine though, because I can't read minds but whatever.

>> No.16979851

The worst fish and chips I've ever had were in England. Nothing is ever caught fresh, there's at least twice as much batter as there is fish, and nothing is seasoned. The best fish and chips I've ever had was in Nova Scotia.

>> No.16979872

>cheesy chips
poutine uses curd, not cheese.

>> No.16980227

It's because it's easy. God forbid they come up with an actually unifying thing. What, a polity with distinct culturally divergent regions? Surely no one but Canada has ever had to deal with this. Better not look at the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, fucking China, we might get ideas!

>> No.16980251

>Nobody makes fish and chips
Literally everyone can make "fish and chips". EVERYONE.

>> No.16980566

if your not british and making fish and chips then you're doing it wrong, simple as.

>> No.16980665

those are clearly bigger than chips.
brits are dumb people.

>> No.16981292

we actually care about the dish, thats why no one cares about your "cheesy fries and gravy", and that's why poutine is ours. i find it hilarious that you tinkly winkly chickadee ding dong brits are always trying to shit on other countries' food. canada is literally a food culture wasteland with our cheese whiz and raspberry jam sandwiches, plain salted pork loin sandwiches and discount blocks of orange cheese and we STILL make you look bad. hopefully when you eventually emigrate here after you destroy your own country you won't miss the taste of rat feces and curry when you eat fish and chips here for the first time.

>> No.16981316

Are ricotta and mozzarella xheese?

>> No.16981519

a classic

>> No.16981560


>> No.16981571

If you're British you're probably doing it wrong. Whiting blows the fuck out of cod.

>> No.16981625
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>ten fucking years ago to the day

>> No.16981630

Fucking nice. We need to make it a birthday cake.

>> No.16981721

Nice catch!

>> No.16981763
File: 975 KB, 358x382, tumblr_n27h3xwhZm1syjt2wo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we did ya fuckin bong piece of shit, ahahahahaha

>> No.16981768

Us Canadians are chads

>> No.16981782
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No, you can tell by the date order that was clearly on the 11th of Smarch.

>> No.16981797
File: 1.17 MB, 1000x682, F250BF98-BB53-47B4-94D8-C7775C006D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the FUCK do brits use our toad in the hole name for their weird ass sausage pudding?

>> No.16981829

Now that is a proper fucking sloppa

>> No.16982330
File: 46 KB, 600x383, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quebec created the dish
ameri-lards got obs*ssed with it
the dish then became meme-fied

some say you can still find local producers that do it the old school way around Saint-Germain-de-la-Graine-au-Fromage but it's a dying art, another regional curiosity killed by globalization

>> No.16983073

Holy shit, did OP plan this?

>> No.16983150

you can find perfectly "authentic" poutine anywhere in quebec dawg, it's not exactly a complex dish

>> No.16983440

try some aussie fish and chips. same thing tho, i was hyped for british fish n chips and its....okay...at best..