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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16976786 No.16976786 [Reply] [Original]

I just poached a fucking egg in the fucking microwave and now I'll never stop doing it that way.

45 seconds, no special equipment, no mess. Absolutely based.

What are some other ways you've learned to save time in the kitchen?

>> No.16976793


>> No.16976807

A small bowl, just big enough to fit an egg and the water to cover it.

Microwave for 45-50 seconds on the outer edge of your microwave platter. Don't let it go to a full minute, it'll start to explode.

That's it. It's literally so simple.

>> No.16976813

Delete this thread if you know what's good for humanity

>> No.16976850

trying this but even if it works theres no way i can do it every day without feeling like a retard

>> No.16976896

It'll totally work. the only part that requires finesse is turning the microwave off before it overcooks or explodes. Gotta trust that carryover heat.

>> No.16976962

I nuke eggs ONLY for a breakfast sandwich on the go
I found that leaving the egg uncovered vs covered and on 50% power keeps it from assploding

>> No.16976975

Cramming the eggs directly into your ass only takes a couple of seconds and you get to absorb the nutrients of the shell too

>> No.16976994

Just because you're being a debbie downer, I'm going to share like six more kitchen time savers:

If you want to make a lot of caramelized onions at once, do it in your oven at 400F. They cook from both sides and don't scorch like they would in a pan if you didn't pay attention to them.

The same goes for browning beef for, say, bolognese or tacos. Broil that shit in the oven in a single flat layer on a rimmed sheet pan. Like, make it one big burger patty. Then pull it out and mince it by hand once it's browned out and done. Makes it easy to get the fat out, there are far more caramelized bits than you would ever get in a pan while still maintaining some interior moisture, and it's super easy and hands off.

If you have a bunch of eggs to peel for, say, potato salad or something and grey yolk exteriors don't matter, pressure steam them. Once the pressure comes down, take the lid off and dump a bunch of ice in there. The egg shells will almost implode, and you'll have eggs that will jump out of the shell.

Easy brunoise using a benriner: make sure your veggie is squared off, then place it between two chopsticks or skewers or whatever else. Cut crosswise down to the skewer so that you cut through 95% of the veggie but not 100%. Then, using the julienne teeth on your benriner, just run the veggie through slowly but firmly. Voila, instant brunoise. If you're feeling extra lazy, just make sure the julienne teeth extend about 2 times the thickness of your cut. You want it to cut into the vegetable above the part that's getting sliced off. Then, just rotate your veggie 90 degrees between cuts. Instant brunoise. If you use thinner angles you can get fancy diamond cuts.

I microwave my veggies all the time, with either no water or a very small amount of water. 60 seconds on high, they come out vibrantly colored and fork tender. Wrap them tight with plastic wrap to create a steamy environment, but make sure to open it away from you so you don't burn yourself.

>> No.16977128

Good hax thanks anon

>> No.16977135

As a kid I realize I could cook an egg more evenly by adding a little bit of water and covering it with a lid. It's kind of like poached and works really well.
I have since blown the mind of several roommates by doing this, so I'm not sure it is obvious.

>> No.16977154

Like, in a pan? That's a basted egg, my dude. It's the connoisseur's way of cooking and eating an egg. Flipping eggs makes them leathery and tough on both sides, basted means crispy fried bottom and velvety top.

>> No.16977156

God fucking damnit, there is egg all over the inside of my microwave

>> No.16977161

It was in a pan, I've never followed up any further on what it's called. It's just how I learned to make them as a kid and unless I'm doing scrambled or over-* style eggs, I do this every time. It's easy and it works.

>> No.16977169
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>God fucking damnit, there is egg all over the inside of my microwave

>> No.16977225

I told you not to explode it.

>> No.16977228

It's kind of hard to know what the various ways of cooking eggs are unless you've cooked eggs for a living. But if you ask for basted eggs in a restaurant, you will get eggs cooked exactly that way and they will be delicious every time.

>> No.16977230

I used 3 eggs so I set the timer for 3 minutes to accommodate the extra 2 eggs, that is logical right? Wtf now I don't know if you were trolling to begin with or not

>> No.16977252

No, not logical. I'm not sure what the extra time is for 3 eggs, but 3 minutes sure isn't it. They cook extremely fast in the microwave. I would start with maybe 1:15 and go from there.

>> No.16977274

Will attempt again whenever I am able to clean all this nuked egg from the inside of my microwave (realistically I'll probably just end up getting a new microwave because that seems like significantly less effort)

>> No.16977291

I actually heard the eggs pop at around the 1 and a half minute mark but I let it cook for the full 3 minutes for some reason, pretty sure the egg is permanently fused to the interior

>> No.16977292

Here's another timesaver:

1:1 water to vinegar in a bowl, at least a cup of each. Microwave for five minutes, until it's boiling and steamy. Let it sit for 3-5 minutes after to let the steam soften everything up. Then just wipe all that shit off. Super easy.

Make sure you let it air dry before closing the door.

>> No.16977308

Okay trying this now

>> No.16977331

God fucking damnit, there is water and vinegar all over the inside of my microwave

>> No.16977333

lol no there isn't.

>> No.16977392

This Anon >>16977331 is not me, I tried the water and vinegar method (this time with 4 eggs due to larger bowl size) and the eggs still popped around the 2 minute mark (why did you suggest 5 minutes this time when you said 3 minutes was too long last time??). I am not falling for this again

>> No.16977404

bruh, >>16977292 is instructions to clean your microwave.

>> No.16977411


>> No.16977427


>> No.16977672

That should have been more clearly specified

>> No.16977698

Time saving hack... Just order in.

Or, you know, do it properly?

>> No.16977708

What the fuck did you think I meant by "Then just wipe all that shit off."?

>> No.16977714
File: 38 KB, 500x500, lzt5sb3cilh41[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can chop long vegetables faster if you line up 3 or 4 of them instead of doing it one at a time

>> No.16977768

Who fucking told you this?

>> No.16978101

Are you fucking trolling?

>> No.16979050
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