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16973426 No.16973426[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're do differently here is Ohio, Chief

>> No.16973429

Yes you're do, faggot.

>> No.16973430


>> No.16973437

why are there noodles where there should be french fries?

>> No.16973439


Fucking foreigner esl pieces of shit

>> No.16973442

Shut the fuck up pussy so typo was s made well get fucked up bitch nobody give damn what you say

>> No.16973443

Op just told you're that they're do differently is Ohio, Cheif.

>> No.16973444

Kek believe it or not, I'm the anon who originally posted the "hey chief, we do things differently here in Ohio" sentence. It's my legacy

I'm not the first anon to shitpost about skyline however, someone else started that.

Truth be told, I've been to Cincinnati twice for work. It's a shithole, but skyline is pretty good sloppa. I prefer conies though

>> No.16973447

I don't habeeb it.

>> No.16973448
File: 265 KB, 1000x1468, When+you+spread+your+legs+and+he+says+quotno+hissquot+_e87ff8bb60863970c121ec824f937f9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be sure to put that on your gravestone because you won't ever be known for anything else

>> No.16973450

Here is isn't a fucking typo. You don't understand the language faggot. Go speak your hurka durka bullshit on another chan.

>> No.16973451

Now that I think about it, it's been too long since we've had a skyline shitpost storm. Gonna catalyze on during the next few days, hopefully get the ball rolling

>> No.16973455


>> No.16973456

What state is Ohio in?

>> No.16973463

>cheese in the drink
do Americans really

>> No.16973470

Cheese is the drink shlomo.

>> No.16973474

i think it's near caliwali

>> No.16973479

I didn’t invent sloppa, but I spammed the shit out of it after someone else did.

>> No.16973493


I remember the sloppa with the floppa posts, was that you

>> No.16973499

Deenz with the floppa

>> No.16973505

I still have some images with skyline sloppa with deenz on top of it kek

>> No.16973508

based jpg-haver

>> No.16973512

I started
>you will never be a real woman

>> No.16973518


>> No.16973522

I started the hard boil egg trend where you put a hard boil egg up your ass, and smuggle it in places then lay it.

>> No.16973528

No, but I made the calvin and hobbes sloppa meme. Someone posts it from time to time.

>> No.16973540
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>calvin and hobbes

>> No.16973591

Calvin and Hobbes is soy now?

>> No.16973613

>be floridian gigachad
>the most powetful of all races
>have skyline in our state and no reason to visit shithole states

>> No.16973615

It's in Ohio... Gosaimasu

>> No.16973640

>anti consumerism
>critical of pop culture and television
>nature and isolationism over cities and development
>not one strip about race/gender/etc. issues
Doesn’t sound soy to me, but these funny open mouth man memes gotta get posted somehow!

>> No.16973647

might go to ohio next year. what does it taste like?

>> No.16973719

I've noticed a lot of extremely bad ESLs on different boards today, and that's saying something considering how many have flooded here over the past half decade.

>> No.16973730

Don't you mean fritos?

>> No.16973803

Trips confirm it