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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16967320 No.16967320 [Reply] [Original]

How the h*ck do I use one of these?
>coarse side
>get it nice and whet
>sharpen my knife
>still not very sharp
>go to smooth side
>sharpen some more
>knife now even duller
I just wanna be able to shave my armhair after sharpening my knives. Is there a way to get razor sharp knives with this thing?

>> No.16967334

Strop the blade with leather afterwards.

>> No.16967378

You need to focus on forming an even burr and then gently removing that burr with the fine side of your stone. After that very gently strokes on the fine side will refine your edge.

You do not need to strop knives if you have good technique with your stones. It adds unnecessary complexity for a beginner also.

>> No.16967391

>You do not need to strop knives if you have good technique with your stones. It adds unnecessary complexity for a beginner also.
OP has shit technique samurai san.

>> No.16967394

if he's ending dull on the fine stone then stropping is not the right advice ffs.
keep a consistent angle, feel for the burr, create burrs, remove burrs, keep honing in on that sharp edge, finish off with stropping(on the stone)

>> No.16967400

stropping with shit technique won't get you a sharp knife

>> No.16967402

I've sharpened knives off ocean rocks and the bottoms of porcelain bowls, how do you manage to fuck up with a whetstone?

>> No.16967407

if all else fails, it might be the quality of your knife. shit steel can be really hard to sharpen especially on a whetstone.

>> No.16967411
File: 20 KB, 204x296, 1597785304250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it's not razor sharp by the time you're done with the coarse side you have no business moving to the finer side

>> No.16967418

Does saying shit like this get you laid?

>> No.16967490

I stropped your mothers whetstone if you know what I mean

>> No.16967492
File: 112 KB, 850x582, lansky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How the h*ck do I use one of these?
throw it out and get pic related

>> No.16967509

stropping with shit technique on a whetstone won't get you a sharp killing blade desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu~

>> No.16967520
File: 80 KB, 728x525, Kimball on sharpeners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's good enough for the founder of America's Test Kitchen, it's good enough.

This guy knows more about cooking than all of us combined.

>> No.16967523

He didn't say it was good enough for himself, he said it was good enough for the great unwashed.

>> No.16967536

>He didn't say it was good enough for himself
yes he did

>> No.16967541
File: 751 KB, 900x900, 1572214709258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just wanna be able to shave my armhair after sharpening my knives
I think I see your problem OP. Chef's knives are meant to cut food. If you want those smooth sexy arms, buy a razor.

>> No.16967550

>be old chef
>run company
>retards ask you questions non-stop
>"just use whatever man its all the same, just cut the food"

>> No.16967555

if your knife can't even accomplish a simple task of shaving an arm hair it's not sharp

>> No.16967567

I do

>> No.16967579

Also you only need a knife to be sharp enough to do it's job. The competitive meme edge shit is for casuals that don't professionally do anything.

>> No.16967589
File: 29 KB, 713x457, 515C8C726UL._AC_SL1100_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap and gives a really good edge for being such a simple and cheap looking device.

>> No.16967622

This is probably the best beginners video on using whetstones that I've been able to find. You'll need roughly 2 or 3 hours practice to start getting comfortable sharpening. Once you're good shaving sharp only takes 3-5 minutes if you're only resharpening a dulled the edge.


>> No.16967895

>you'll need roughly 2 or 3 hours practice to start getting comfortable sharpening.
I better be making sharp knives soon then, I'm coming up on 2 hours of trying...

>> No.16967932

Unfortunately the difference between trial and error, or aimless practice, and practice with the knowledge of what you're supposed to do are quite different.

If you watch that vid it will explain exactly what you need to focus on to get good edges on your knives.

>> No.16968380

I have one. And a buck knife like the picture. It works great on the buck. Doesn't work for shit on anything else.

>> No.16968535

>t. mountain man

>> No.16968542

witaf is that lmao? rube goldberg

>> No.16968554

Sharpen the knife when it gets dull, then cut food with it.
It's not about sharpening knives; it's about cooking food.
If your food tears when cutting it, it's time to sharpen. Don't overthink it.

>> No.16968617

Using wet stones is a skill. You have to develop that skill through use over time. Wet stones also take time to use. You can't just run your knife over them a few times and hope for a honed edge. Don't use a wet stone if you want immediate amazing results. Get a quick sharpening gadget. They will never do as good a job as wet stone when done proper. But, they'll be a hell of a lot easier to use.

>> No.16968635

It's whetstone, brother. You know what whet means?

>> No.16968654

Whet means to sharpen. My bad on the misspell. Either way, my advice stands.

>> No.16968670

Try doing while having running water, it worked for me. It does take practice

>> No.16968689

Yeah, it's solid advice.

This doesn't really make a difference unless you're using certain types of stones and attempting certain levels of sharp usually for straight razors.

Generally speaking creating slurry is a good thing as long as you aren't clogging up the stone.

>> No.16968835
File: 893 KB, 400x554, 1619408959307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vid helped a lot, thanks. I was doing it completely wrong before. Also checked

>> No.16968870

>if he's ending dull on the fine stone then stropping is not the right advice ffs.
stropfags only know one thing to say lmao, you must excuse their stupidity, anon

>> No.16968873

other anon btfo'd

>> No.16968876

>Don't use a wet stone if you want immediate amazing results.
ur a dumbass

>> No.16968891

my grandma has one of those
very good and fast for a "good enough" kind of sharpness

>> No.16968903

just do what this man says, once you've got this down, feel free to explore other options
all other opinions are shit

>> No.16968911

Why? Please explain.

>> No.16968944

Look up videos on youtube.
I used this video https://youtu.be/o4XgLgvqjYk as my guide. His delivery is kinda jankey, but the fundamentals he teaches you are good.
My suggestion is start with knives you don't really care about, like pocket knives and stuff. Then when you gain more confidence, start sharpening your chef's knives

Also make sure you have at least a decent stone.
This stone https://youtu.be/o4XgLgvqjYk is the first one I got which is good for the price.
And you'll also want a decent holder like this one https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NFB2MTI

>> No.16969335

these things take off a freakish amount of material

>> No.16969342
File: 53 KB, 900x900, feelsokayman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have really dull knife
>try to sharpen on a stone
>doesn't get sharp
>feel defeated
>try again 2 days later
>gets a little sharp but it's uneven and not paper splitting, have better knives that are still kinda trash
>next day, decide to try to hone it with a honing iron, really align the edge, maybe I just fucked up the finishing touches
>it cuts paper like all the soiboys on youtube
I did it

>> No.16969351

This. You end up with a fillet knife quickly.
>my knife is duller after using a stone
You're not supposed to drag the blade along the stone perpendicularly. Watch youtube videos on sharpening. If it's making it duller DO NOT SWITCH TO HIGHER GRIT. You're just destroying that side of the stone now.

>> No.16969457

Stropping on dried metall polished us the most idiot proof way to get shaving sharp

>> No.16969467

never stropped a day in my life and no one i know has either, whats it supposed to do?

>> No.16969539

>My suggestion is start with knives you don't really care about, like pocket knives and stuff. Then when you gain more confidence, start sharpening your chef's knives
Odd, I would think starting with a Chef's knife would be easier to handle and angle, granted I would get some junk knife from thrift store to fuck up before anything else.

>> No.16969543

combine these advices. start with a chefs knife you don't care about. that's what worked for me. also you're gonna build experience with what you actually wanna do