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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 196 KB, 766x905, Screenshot_20211110-145957__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16966138 No.16966138 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.16966143

Do not click the link just to hate him. The extra view is all he wants. Ignore thread.

>> No.16966145

I hate this guy's content and he seems like a total pansy and a coward who will justify any single action to anybody but I wish him all the best. He seems like a man who only wants to do what he enjoys. God bless you Adam.

>> No.16966148

Thank you for teaching me a new way to live life.

>> No.16966150

>that face
nightmare fuel, keep this diddler away from children

>> No.16966162

I prefer Mark Wiens

>> No.16966191

oh shit it dropped?!

>> No.16966205

i tried making cornbread and it tasted like cake. in europe it would be classified as dessert as is. i can't imagine adding more sugar and milk etc to it.

>> No.16966231
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>> No.16966255

I don't get ragusea, he's incredibly pessimistic about cooking in a way that would actually hurt beginner cooks trying to enjoy cooking (noo don't use claw grib, just holding food like a retard is fine, nooo don't learn to touch type, staring at your keyboard using one index finger is a fine way to enjoy your time on a pc, noo don't infuse salt, surface salting toootally gives the same taste). even if you just want the I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE redditor vibe, ethan chlebowski objectively makes better food, I've tried recipes from both and adams food is really mediocre, likely due to his dedication to skipping steps that actually improve flavor. I can just imagine being a beginner cook and having ragusea as the first person to learn from, I would never have been able to enjoy cooking if he had convinced me that no complexity and mediocre results is all you can hope for as a home cook.

>> No.16966271

Theres more than 1 way to make cornbread. You probably made a sweet version.

>> No.16966277

If you want actual cooks look for Fernand Point, Escoffier, Ali Bab, Curnonsky, Troisgros, Bocuse, Guérard, Pic, Alain Chapel, Robuchon, Girardet.

>> No.16966282

>Last name has ragu

>Not italian

thread hidden.

>> No.16966288

>not italian
he's """american italian"""

>> No.16966291

This, views help him out, and the longer you watch, the more credibility his account gets, and the more his videos are raised to the front page of search results and suggestions. Also gets money if you watch all of it

>> No.16966293
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>> No.16966300
File: 91 KB, 1578x789, authentic eyetaliano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being real "italian"

>> No.16966321

real italians are kinda based, it's only when they get to america that they magically degenerate into low class cartoon people. sicilians are the exception though, they're shit no matter where they live

>> No.16966543
File: 23 KB, 400x304, Pmpa_Mstdg15qY_ednjsiM9hvA89EaYH3J0RzGmssYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Lauren episode

>> No.16966657

20 eggs yes 30

>> No.16966776

>entire can of condensed milk in a side dish
That's fucking rank.

>> No.16966782
File: 35 KB, 771x633, 692v7zszb0d51[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take that down

>> No.16966807

if I click the link, dislike it and then close the video, doesn't that fuck up his stats? Like average view length

>> No.16967036

this is called a corn casserole and it's about the only think my mom can cook

>> No.16967043

He does a good small face

>> No.16967100

well that looks gross. his ugly face and his trailer trash tier cooking

>> No.16967106

Dude rly made a 40 second video and padded it out to 5 minutes shilling a phone and showing his ugly wife.

>> No.16967129

I'm pretty sure dislikes count the same as likes do in terms of viewer engagement.

>> No.16967356

/ourguy/ is still doing good! Alright!

>> No.16967439

I'm clicked the link. Watching it now.

>> No.16967449

I'm clicked the link. Watching it now.
>this video is an ad for OnePlus

>> No.16967902

Yaaaaas a new video from our King! Thank you for the notice, kind sir.

>> No.16967921

Man someone should tell the naacp or something that this squirrelly little Jew is appropriating their heritage so we can get the dislike ratio even higher

>> No.16967936

Does he post this shit here himself or does he have millennial minions to do it for him? Wasn’t there some post about soy cuck or something that he posted here himself?

>> No.16967951

Why are these youtube spam threads allowed?

>> No.16969023

please link me a good savoury cornbread recipe then. i'll try it again

>> No.16969865

based pasta

>> No.16969871

made it fresh.

>> No.16969974

Yeah, he really looks like he's about to stab and then rape someone.

>> No.16970029

No, he's only half Italian. The rest is standard Anglo-Saxon trash. Amazing that he still looks 100% Sicilian regardless.

>> No.16970034

>look at the like/dislike ratio

Yep, it's another ad video again. The vitamins one was hilarious.

>> No.16970113

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16971020
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>> No.16971024
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, laurenmorril2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16971028
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>> No.16971127


>> No.16971219

>people getting mad over cooking techniques

>> No.16971224

why does it not have fur?
is that an abused animal?
it even looks like it has blood,come on if it is an abused animal its not cool

>> No.16971247

It's literally just an ad for the OnePlus 9 Pro, fuck off Adam.

>> No.16971313

i believe it is an abused animal. had eggs rammed in too, which is why they're just pouring out. probably a fetish video, like that brazilian one with a drill and puppies.

>> No.16971326

fucking sick some people
hope that chicken finds rest one day and gets a better life someday

>> No.16971604

literally the first instance of that combination of words in existence

>> No.16972380

it will. just 500 more eggs.

>> No.16973751

tyrone went too hard

>> No.16974577

take your meds, schizo

>> No.16975513

Y do you guys hate this guy?

>> No.16975515
File: 752 KB, 1127x672, arif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your wife has fucked the 5th different guy this week

>> No.16975522

Where's this pic from

>> No.16975528

Bumps are for chumps. Sage is OK.

It's a photo his wife took of him after she had fucked the 5th different guy that week.

>> No.16975539

he is explaining how his wife fucked the 5th different guy that week, i believe

>> No.16975578

>american italian
So not italian.

>> No.16975862

But I love him?

>> No.16975882

is it solely because you didn't have a father figure when growing up, do you think?

>> No.16975883

I might be the only person on this board that likes his videos

>> No.16975942

see >>16966255

>> No.16975959

Fuck you Adam im not watching your gay little video

>> No.16975976

What this anon says. Learn to make things the proper way and not the shitty/shortcut way this idiot does things. His knife and kitchen work are laughable bad for an e-cuck. Learn the right techniques and learn how to use your equipment properly.

>> No.16975980

My parents are still together to this day. I think it might be related to the unrequited schoolgirl crush I used to have on my uncle, though.

>> No.16975990

I knew him when his name was Larry.

>> No.16976092

Just look up "savoury cornbread recipes" I like adding chedder and jalepeno but ive had it made with different herbs, thyme,basil,oregano, etc or with onion/garlic.

>> No.16976099

Looks like an background extra in the Underworld sequals

>> No.16976749

another ragukino! nibba debones a turkey. based soychad! https://youtu.be/peeRWHI7FpY

>> No.16976756

Can someone please link the video where he goes off the rails in the comment section

>> No.16976801


>> No.16976802

>and it's not even Tuesday yet

>> No.16976827

>scissors for the joints
Fucking hell. I like the guy's videos, hence me sitting here watching it, but he keeps doing these boomer tier "shortcuts" that just make things harder.

>> No.16976843

>it's another e-celeb thread with some retarded fag that never did anything else than doing shit they saw on internet recipe
perfect retarded content for retards

>> No.16976991

Fucking faggot ahahahahaha

>> No.16977008
File: 45 KB, 1734x293, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16977231

lol the seethe

>> No.16977266

He's the embodiment of slave morality. You can tell that behind his cringey little "you do you!" shit and starting his plebbit comments with "friend, ...", there's real contempt hiding. He speaks this way because he's terrified of confrontation and has no idea how to handle disagreement. It's quite evident that he genuinely thinks he's the shit, but he's just too much of a coward and a mental weakling to face any critique head-on and honourably. That's why he hedges with these weasely little phrases, why he pre-empts all possible criticism with a pre-written and pinned FAQ, and why he saw the need to make that bizarre and incoherent video on why he refuses to use metric conversions.

So it doesn't surprise me that he's prone to the occasional outburst of impotent anger in his comments section from time to time -- he clearly has an ego and a measure of masculine rage, but has never learnt what to do with them, and has spent his life being afraid of any kind of self-affirmation. Why, for example, did he overreact with such vitriol to this relatively benign comment about ceramic stoves? Why does he get so upset over a very gentle quip about the narration? Because that's the kind of language in which Adam would himself codify his criticism. He interprets the slightest of gibes as full-frontal attacks because that's the way he'd make a criticism. Simple, honest and straightforward language is not for him; he lacks the courage to be direct.

As other anons have said, all of this has probably been reinforced/cemented by his having been a professor, where he's been able to go mostly unchallenged in his little fiefdom for years. Now he's suddenly exposed to the internet, where everyone is way harsher, and more importantly, don't need to please him to pass a class. I guess he's struggling to adapt a bit.

>> No.16977601
File: 218 KB, 1066x949, Courtesy-of-Emmymade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emmy is a cute

>> No.16977762

>meatiest substance known to man
>isn't a video about my penis
what an ill-informed hack

>> No.16977800


>> No.16977816

Ignore this faggot watch chef John instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRUkJ0e3LQg

>> No.16977828

>Ignore this faggot watch chef John
i think you mean Chef Jean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6Yqw6J8WHo

>> No.16977833

>bumped the thread

>> No.16977871

this is my issue with ragusea over everything else. he is just BAD for aspiring cooks. all these shitty meme shortcuts just means newbies will never really reach a true flowstate in the kitchen, and their results will constantly have deeply unnecessary compromises.
the second thing I hate about him is that he thinks salt infusion leads to inferior results, taste is subjective, but it's highly abnormal to think salt infused food tastes worse than exclusively surface salted meat (he does do a nice brine in this video, but he then walks back on it). 99.9% of his audience would have a better time if he just endorsed it.

>> No.16977877

I think you mean bruno albouze

>> No.16977885
File: 349 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_2021-11-13-15-59-13-884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol more like 2k now people are also commenting how it really put them off making whole ad videos, he will lose fans by shilling so much

>> No.16977923

Ragusa is the king of /ck, everyone knows it!

>> No.16978337


>> No.16978341
File: 24 KB, 500x500, propane_11kg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gas line
don't a lot of people use these?

>> No.16978347

Still needs a line to run it to your stove.

>> No.16978348

Not really. Those are mostly for retrofits or areas without natural gas services.

>> No.16978356

>I'm not a chef, cooking should be an easy thing to do at home!
>lemme just de-bone the entire turkey and prepare demi-glace for 16+ hours
Getting kinda mixed signals here, guys.

>> No.16978437

He started by saying he's advocating for the easier method he's uploaded before. But do you expect a foodtuber to not make a new Thanksgiving vid?

>> No.16978448

I'm so glad someone saved the copypasta I made.

>> No.16978451

Yes. Most of the world has no thanksgiving.

>> No.16978470

third-worldoid detected

>> No.16978481


>> No.16978885
File: 366 KB, 1080x1080, emmyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe she's 44

>> No.16978902

they go into stasis mode until they hit menopause

>> No.16978907

my dad makes really good cornbread.
i don't like corn, and i don't like cornbread.
but this shit is off the fucking chain and it always shocks me whenever i have it.
i'll have to get the recipe some time.

>> No.16978910

it's really sad but lots of people would be really attractive if they just had braces.
it's such a minor thing but you see a cute girl and then she opens her mouth and it's a fucking shark's maw and my penis inverts itself.

>> No.16978924

I recently got that extension that skips sponsors, title cards, and breaks in youtube videos. 1:30 of this 5 minute video was skipped
Does Adam have Semitic heritage by chance?

>> No.16978928

Ragusa is a city in Sicily

>> No.16978957

sponsorblock is incredible. i don't want to imagine life without it.

>> No.16978960


>> No.16978974

but it's not pronounced Fagusea

>> No.16979769


>> No.16979819

ragusea is trying really hard to exclude non-americans, I think he might be like a secret ultra nationalist, cause he's really weird about promoting domestic produce

>> No.16979822


>> No.16979998

Can we troll this guy and make him kill himself? He seems to be hanging on by a thread as it is

>> No.16980032

It’s funny when his wife made fun of him for drinking olive oil and you could basically see him holding back tears

>> No.16980172

Please link

>> No.16980180

I used to hate him a lot, but he answers a lot of micro questions and assumptions I had about cooking. Plus, the youtube poops of him are bloody hilarious.

>> No.16980201

last 10 seconds of the video. the embarrassment in his eyes

>> No.16980206

It's the most accurate examination of this card board cut out of a "man." Good job if it's indeed your work. He probably pays a shrink big money every week when he only needs to read that.

>> No.16980237

I like how he calls her hot in all his vids where he talks about her. Uh oh spaghetti-o.

>> No.16980275

>hai guise watch my video so i can get more (((youtube))) clicks


>> No.16980545

get your drink on and she’s a 7/10

>> No.16980607

She has 7/10 of a CM of tooth gap

>> No.16981549
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Advertising is not permitted.

>> No.16981562

Her teeth are her best feature. I don't mean that as an insult. That mouth with a less round face, more prominent cheekbones, nicer hair and a completely different nose would be hot as hell.

>> No.16982055

From when he found out his wife fucked the 5th guy this week

>> No.16982077

fuck you, adam

>> No.16982080

Why is he so obsessed with things burning? I've never burned anything in my life and I don't pay any attention to the shit he talks about

>> No.16982087 [DELETED] 

Because he's a higher level cook and understands that you need to get a maillard reaction to get flavors you can't add by simply cranking up the fat or salt. I make this clear all the time.

>> No.16982109
File: 3.86 MB, 345x395, 41AAC1FB-5CAA-4EA7-A256-5EB2EEC8838F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maillard reaction

>> No.16982111

Who're you quoting?

>> No.16982116

Is it true he tried to rape a kid?

>> No.16982118

>dick sucking fageusa
>I make this clear all the time
>delete post afterward
look, it was a decent effort so i'll give you 5/10 but that's as high as i'm going

>> No.16982122

It's true. Google "why I groom my children, not my facial hair"

>> No.16982516

i literally just bake and pan fry meat and vegetables. the most complicated thing i do is make a butter, cream, vinegar sauce to go with every meat. if you want to be a home cook, you just bake and pan fry meat, then make a simple sauce. oh and saute vegetables

>> No.16982523

how often do you make a demi glaze? cause if you reduce gelatine that much burning it is a pretty major concern, it's the most likely way someone would fuck that up, it makes perfect sense that he'd stress that for the viewer

>> No.16982529


>> No.16982536

he mentions not letting the food burn in every video and its not out of concern for the viewer only cause he talks about him worrying about it burning while cooking

>> No.16982541

>that nose
is he jewish? I always thought he was Italian, but if he is jewish it would explain a lot.

>> No.16982547

because he uses an electric stove. unironically they burn things like a motherfucker.

>> No.16983159


>> No.16983290
File: 118 KB, 290x401, marcus-religion-290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a (You) because this is exceptionally well-written. Keep spreading it and hopefully Adam sees it one day.

>> No.16983300

>can't believe she's 44
okay now post the average 44 year old white woman

>> No.16983338

how many times does it have to be posted on his videos before youtube disables comments?

>> No.16983484
File: 385 KB, 1080x2186, Screenshot_20211114-034341_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gotta be Jewish

>> No.16984664

he's so insecure it's funny

>> No.16984746

>next video
>now i'll show you why its season my bull before i season my wife!

>> No.16984783
File: 2.99 MB, 405x278, Les Claypool.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are white people unaware that they too have big ass noses? Adam is half Italian, half Angloid.

>> No.16984799

>Does Adam have Semitic heritage by chance?

He's half Sicilian. He's more likely to have North African than "Semitic". Just say Jewish you fucking ghoul.

>> No.16985065

Sorry man. No real chef has a ceramic stove at home

>> No.16985300
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>> No.16985364

i watch the whole thing and give him a thumb up

>> No.16985367
File: 937 KB, 1889x1035, 6E99E5D7-D12F-48F3-870A-E698D626E911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press T to thank him for hiding his goblin beast this time


>> No.16985402

lauren morril btfo. but getting to the point, imagine shitting your babies onto the floor like that, hopefully there is some cushioning inside those eggs or baby had a hard landing.

>> No.16985702
File: 243 KB, 640x768, yH1srdobnlUD-QvbhetMbBujSYEQ3BQSIKsxRfRKNpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aftet I saw his wife in the turkey video I got weirdly jealous
Like, she's a mousey little cutie
Where's my mouse wife bros

>> No.16986087

I've never in my life heard it called corn pudding, its corn casserole, and since my opinion>other peoples opinions, I am right.

>> No.16986095

my cornbread doesn't have sugar, my corn casserole as no added sugar, I'm not watching this faggots shit so I don't know what he puts in his, cornbread shouldn't be sweet, if you want it sweet some people put honey on cornbread but thats after its done.

>> No.16986099

youtube is retarded so just going on a video to dislike but not watch tells them its something people will hate watch so it gets pushed anyway.

>> No.16986113

he is purposely low effort and his videos seem to mostly revolve around how hundreds of years of techniques are wrong because he is a lazy shitheel who doesn't want to learn, I remember his macron recipe where he just refused to use a fucking piping bag, so that night I made macron for the very first time, and they turned out good for the most part, better than his, because I took a gallon bag and snipped it with scissors, its all he had to do.

>> No.16986132

I have one of those hooked up to the house, but its way bigger, when its full the thing is probably 200 pounds, so I'd guess its about 3 times that one, lasts about 5 to 6 months at a time, line is outside the house we just gotta hook it up to that.

>> No.16986188

bet she can do a mean whistle through those

>> No.16986272

doesn't he use induction now?

>> No.16986529

He has a gas stove now and every video he makes a show of accidentally lighting something on fire.

>> No.16987003

>claims to be accepting of all techniques and experience levels
>shits on gas stoves whenever possible

>> No.16987477

He acts like it's a huge problem instead of something that people regular do on purpose. https://youtu.be/5qRexHDwfds?t=345

>> No.16988015

It won't happen if you don't do it on purpose or use a pan too small for the burner, and there's nothing to deglaze in that pan anyway. The guy's an idiot. Why don't they call him out in the comments?

>> No.16988298

because his viewers are aware of him being wrong, his channel is based around doing things "simple" which would naturally draw in newer cooks who don't know better, and his fucked up sense of cooking ethic will probably fuck them up too, turning them lazy, or hopefully they realize he is a hack and a fraud.

>> No.16988814

fuck, just realized I said
>are aware
instead of aren't aware.

>> No.16988828
File: 41 KB, 384x418, 1602507251645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube removed dislikes so fags could get away with videos like these

>> No.16989992
File: 687 KB, 2451x237, 1627269435596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the actual fuck? thats about a quarter if not a third of the whole video. thats a new low even for fagusea.

>> No.16990450

New video is up!

>> No.16990466
File: 314 KB, 1348x521, 256123926_442728420646423_8932914020906536782_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You watch youtube without ad's blocked?

>> No.16990485

you cant block ads if they are integrated into the video

>> No.16990493

how the fuck did you arrive at that conclusion? that green shit is sponsorblock, an addon that crowdsources finding embedded ads and "like, subscribe, press the bell button, donate to my onlyfans, suck my taint".
i never went without an adblocker since 07 when i first got proper broadband.

>> No.16990520

just to repeat my point for your benefit - sponsorblock does indeed skip over ads integrated into the video, provided its a popular enough channel and enough time passed for somebody to manually mark the ad segments in the video.

>> No.16990523
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1636390090496s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you can, you don't watch the video of the faggot etuber

>> No.16990524

So I don't really drop by here much anymore. Was he actually getting assblasted and posting here or not?

>> No.16990678

He posts here to maintain recognition, not to defend himself. He probably pays to have it done for him at this point, but when starting out he did it himself.

>> No.16990800

Why is everyone here hating on Adam? I've been watching him for a while and his videos are pretty inoffensive.

>> No.16990801

Shut up you dumb bitch

>> No.16990814

make me

>> No.16991255
File: 9 KB, 293x172, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schmuzzles!!! cute doggie

>> No.16991297

Yeah that guy is a ck native

>> No.16991309

he’s like /ck/‘s own lolcow it’s really funny

>> No.16991315

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9Jpg3b90M ragussy is on a roll

>> No.16991329

No unless you have a tank that's a couple hundred gallons. I guess we use the little ones for grills

>> No.16991337

Yeah but that ad revenue mostly comes from America so English speaking cooking channels are gonna pander

>> No.16991364

I can't, this is a blue board and the only images I have of women in their 40s are ones I saved where they sent me their cooter

>> No.16991384

His content is actually tolerable when he's not making shit takes about cooking and just sticking to objective documentaries.

>> No.16991391

I feel like he must be paid by some american agriculture board cause every single one of these docus is about shilling for usa's farm and produce industry

>> No.16991406

> White Truffles are... Le Bad