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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16961773 No.16961773 [Reply] [Original]

Are beef testicles worth it as legitimate cuisine?
I feel they're a leftover from old times that isolated people kept up as a novelty.

>> No.16961824
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Slice, batter in flour and spices, then deep fry. Serve with country gravy.

Calf fries.

>> No.16961861

But is it good

>> No.16961869
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>bite into beef ball
>piss literally squirting out into your eyes
only a third world savage actively seeks out eating throw away foods or looking up "recipes" to eat them
also putting nuts in your mouth makes you a fag

>> No.16961874

Pee is stored in the balls

>> No.16961905

wtf why are beef sperms so big and dark, you can actually see them in the balls? Or is it just a magnifying lens effect from the curvature?

>> No.16961910

They're not particularly good but you can batter and fry them. They're like a weird meatball. No sense in letting good meat go to waste.

>> No.16961911

is the semen still inside?
thats kinda nasty

>> No.16961912

They make your balls bigger, ir so I heard

>> No.16961914

> you WILL eat the bully bollocks

>> No.16961915


>> No.16961924

99.8% of the volume of semen is made in the boypussy

>> No.16961943

Why would I want bigger balls? A bigger cock, sure, but balls? What use would I have for my big balls?

>> No.16961968

Posting anime does too

>> No.16961986

Okay tinynuts

>> No.16962000


>> No.16962151

>wtf why are beef sperms so big and dark, you can actually see them in the balls? Or is it just a magnifying lens effect from the curvature?

ever see a cow? they're huge animals, way bigger than a person. thats why their sperm is bigger than ppl sperm

>> No.16962157

nice projection buddy my balls already drag across this bitch of a concrete city
why would I need bigger balls? I don't need to bukkake every bitch

>> No.16962176
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Seminiferous tubules. not sperm.

>> No.16962281
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I’ll take your entire stock

>> No.16962520

A man travels to Spain and goes to a restaurant near the bull arena for a late dinner. He orders the house special and he is brought a plate with potatoes, corn, and two large meaty objects.

"What's this?" he asks?

"The Matador Special, Senor," the waiter replies.

What meat is it?" the man asks.

"Cojones," the waiter explains, "They, are the testicles of the bull who lost at the arena this afternoon."

At first the man is disgusted; but being the adventurous type, he decides to try this local delicacy. To his amazement, it is quite delicious.

In fact, it is so good that he decides to come back again the next night and order it again.

This time, the waiter brings out the plate, but the meaty objects are much smaller.

"What's this?" he asks the waiter.

"The Matador Special, senor," the waiter replies.

"No, no," the man objects, "I had the Matador Special yesterday and it was much bigger than this."

"Senor," the waiter explains, "the bull does not always lose."

>> No.16962668

the og deez.

>> No.16962847
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>animeposter talking about what makes someone a fag
oh the irony

>> No.16962864
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>> No.16962876


>> No.16963021


>> No.16963055

If you raise cattle you need to castrate almost all the bulls to keep them from rampaging around all the time
Eating the testes is good because you don't waste them
You should always remove them and and cook them right away on a grill right next to the cattle pen so they can see what you are doing
Eat them with relish and make sure to make lots of obvious eye contact with the donor steer
Ultimate power move

>> No.16963112

The fact that these are balls creep me out.
If you told me they where i dont know some other part, id be fine but this makes me squeemish

>> No.16963161
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>> No.16963805

A lot of these types of foods just aren’t worth it unless you’re in an actual 3rd world country where it priced accordingly. In America chicken feet on a menu cost the same as steak skewers, hearts are more expensive than steak etc. it’s passable food, but just not worth the money. It really is just a novelty. Why buy chicken feet at the dumpling place when I can get a BBQ pork bun for less?

>> No.16963948

Fear factor flashbacks

>> No.16964031

is this shopped? or real

>> No.16964078

yes, only desperately poor poorfags need to eat testicle and organ meat. there's no point getting used to it if you aren't being forced to eat it

>> No.16964084

My late grandmother loved to tell me about a time her son (my father) came home famished from his labouring job, and she served him dinner and watched him wolf it down, encouraging him to finish it all. Then when he was finished she told him "you just ate balls" and he was furious as she laughed her ass off at him.

>> No.16964087

LOL i can relate, my wife keeps me in chastity cage and forces me to suck on the balls (and dick lol!) of her boyfriend

>> No.16964088

I don't know how bulls work but in human balls there is not much semen. The sperm is created and stored there but the actual semen fluid is created elsewhere. That's why you can still shoot after a vasectomy.

>> No.16964111

If you can get it inexpensive, yes, it's good meat. Simmer it for a little while, shock it in ice, then peel off the exterior. Then very thickly slice it. Then grill it or use it in soups or stews or whatever. It will have a very rich, pot-roast flavor.

Watch some videos.

>> No.16965051
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Seriously, though, bull's balls are a traditional dish in Caucasus countries.
Hell, Azerbayjan people just straight up make shish-kebab out of them.

>> No.16965066

I want to eat that bulbo

>> No.16965092

>I feel they're a leftover from old times that isolated people kept up as a novelty
And this is based on your having tried them? Or just imagination?

>> No.16965652

The oldies are always the goodies

>> No.16965764

Why do that over doing the same with any other cut of beef?

>> No.16965769

they are actually tasty, i remember when i used to visit my fathers ranch and every so often they rounded up all the male calves and castrated them with a knife no anesthesia applied, they threw all the testicles in a big bucket and we ate testicles for days, my father would make big batches of testicle stew, i loved them until i one day i came back hungry after a long hot day of riding and decided to eat off the stew that had been sitting all day outside the refrigerator, they tasted like fermented organ meat and i never ate testis again

>> No.16965849
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horribly undervalued post. thank you anon.

>> No.16965869

I ate some and the cows at a local farm were checking out my ass. I think one of them even said "he cute for a white boi"

>> No.16965934

Yes it is very good. There is a slight organ/kidney flavor, but it melds with the beef and crispy batter very well. Gravy is a must for this dish.

>> No.16965935
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Once, I was eating dimsum with a bunch of coworkers and I was sitting next to this cute, young, chubby vietnamese chick I know. We all ate the feet and so as we were passing the empty plate to the side, she spills chicken feet juice in my water. Mind you our waiter only showed up once and that was the only water I got (Sunday in a major city at one of the premier dimsums in its Chinatown). Many laughs were had, the feet had too many bones but I liked the flavor if the skin. I would never marry a fat Asian, but I think about it...

>> No.16966359

The gayest food possible.

>> No.16967519
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>> No.16967815

Sopa Poderosa >:)

>> No.16967830

i feel like i wouldnt know when its cooked

>> No.16967846
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Is it gay to eat sea urchin?

>> No.16967942

in Italy they are called granelli and are considered a delicacy

>> No.16967953
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forgot pic