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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16957671 No.16957671 [Reply] [Original]

>1/2 cup of olive oil
>and 3 TB of butter
>for a fucking vegetable soup
>from a seminal italian cooking authority

holy shit italians are fucking disgusting. and they call americans fat. ironic.

>> No.16957678

italian "food" is just garlic flavored noodles

>> No.16957684

>1/2 cup of oil and 3 TB of butter is too much for 8 people
t. allergic to exercise hamerilard who thinks bicycles are "faggot lance armstrong toys" and gets winded walking to the free pizza at planet fitness

>> No.16957701
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Do you even like your own ingredients or do all of you swarthy shitskins just want to guzzle oil?
This is not healthy and is the antithesis of a good vegetable soup.
And I'm French, you filthy ape. Our food has been mogging yours for ages. Even our most egregious butter additions don't compare to this.

It's absolutely vile.

>> No.16957713

i assume the oil is used to saute the vegetables in other words OP is a retard and faggot as usual

>> No.16957744
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Wrong continent, silly confused anime poster. I like all kinds of ingredients. And I believe this is where I say: you will never bee a woman

p.s. get some exercise fatty

>> No.16957910

6-8 servings, that's like 200 calories of oil/butter per serving? just don't eat 6 bowls at once
keep thinking that butter and olive oil are giving you heart disease while sucking up your fast food and hostess cakes

>> No.16958147
File: 80 KB, 800x491, DYR9YCHU8AAp021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from a seminal italian cooking authority
who ?
I tried looking for this "minestrone alla romagnola" and the only result in italian is about this recipe from the 1900.
Unless the guy who wrote this is like 100 years old it's more likely adjusted to american taste, which makes your post really ironic.

> and they call americans fat. ironic.

>> No.16958158

>Do you even like your own ingredients or do all of you swarthy shitskins just want to guzzle oil
> french
Put down the butter and stop making 1000 of sauce to hide the taste of your ingredient and then you can talk

>> No.16958160

Yall niggas the antithesis of a strong country surrendering ass nigga

>> No.16958265

I would have guessed Mexico for second most obese but NZ? Really?

>> No.16958281

We should be up there. I wonder why we weren't included.

>> No.16958291

Could you post the full recipe? I love minestrone.

>> No.16958293

Theres like 10 people there and 3 are fat

>> No.16958329

looked it up
it's marcella hazan

>> No.16958343

Whats wrong with that?
Olive oil is both a cooking fat and a seasoning.

>> No.16958579
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>Marcella Hazan
Oh, then yes it is a terrible recipe.

Most people on this board cry themselves to sleep knowing that their continent and country were discovered by and named after Italians.

Most people on this board don't know it was the French who introduced potatoes and tomatoes in Italy.

Most people on this board only know 2 Italian dishes: pizza and Bolognese, via a pseudo-Italian cunt who can't cook: Marcella Hazan. Tomato isn't very important in Italian cooking.

Most people on this board can only name 2 tomato varieties: Roma (developed by the USDA in the 1950's): can be grown out of season, can be kept and transports easily. Has 0 taste and no nutritional value. And San Marzano - because it has very little seeds it's used for tomato paste and passata.

Most people on this board don't know there are over 10000 tomato varieties, most of which are delicious, fragrant - when grown in the right conditions aka away from greenhouse factories.

>> No.16959785
File: 24 KB, 534x443, 1303758214759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic is almost absent from day to day Italian cooking and outside of some specialty dishes, anon.
Dunno why Italo-American cuisine decided all Italian food needed nauseating amounts of garlic added to it.

>> No.16959802

That's one American serving, 6-8 normal servings

>> No.16959825
File: 10 KB, 234x250, 1623850829622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marcella hazan
>seminal italian cooking authority
Nobody has heard of this woman here in Italy. I'd never encountered the name at all until I heard Americans speak about her recipes.
>be random Italian woman making mediocre food
>would just be another housewife in Italy
>move to the US
>take basic Italian recipes and dump in 5kg of butter for the mutts
>suddenly your mediocre food is a top tier culinary art in the US

>> No.16959855

Same for France.

>> No.16961481

For the past couple months, I've literally been cooking out of La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene, Il cucchiaio d'argento, and Marcella's book, and Marcella mogs all of them.

Sorry wog.

>> No.16961484

>Nobody has heard of this woman here in Italy.
she's won awards in italy multiple times
commonfolk in your shithole just don't know who she is because, spoiler: most people, regardless of country of origin, can't cook and don't know shit about cooking lmao

>> No.16961554

>ACHSKUALLY she's really famous blablabla
Ok sure still never heard of her and neither has anyone else here.

You Will Never Cook Real Italian Food

>> No.16961583

i would bet my life on me cooking your own cuisine better than you. for fuck's sake i'm probably arguing with some NEET loser who happens to be italian

>> No.16961589

>FAT BAD *chucks corn syrup after eating deep lard fried breaded chicken slime*

>> No.16961600
File: 131 KB, 1200x1616, 1200x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> La scienza in cucina
This is not a cooking book retard

> Marcella mogs all of them
kek, shitty bait. You need to be more subtle next time

>> No.16961607 [DELETED] 

>This is not a cooking book retard
>literal step-by-step instructions for recipes
Italians are always such bellicose, barnyard retards.

>> No.16961615

>This is not a cooking book retard
>literal step-by-step instructions for recipes
>have cooked out of it multiple times
Italians are such bellicose, barnyard retards.

>kek, shitty bait. You need to be more subtle next time
You would know it to if you actually bothered to cook in your miserable life. What's the last thing your Moor-tainted hands made, Mario?

>> No.16961627

>for 6-8 servings
divide 1/2 a cup by 6, 7 or 8 and it begins to seem a lot less.

>> No.16961628

>literal step-by-step instructions for recipes
I though you meant just "la scienza in cucina " which is another book

Anyway, you are still a fag for using a book with recipes from 1911 and thinking it is actual italian cuisine, you cretin

stop samefagging you clown

>> No.16961640

I'm sure you would anon, just chuck 2 heads of garlic, 2 buckets of butter, and finish with a gallon of cream. Wa la, Anglo-"Italian" cuisine.
>calls other bellicose
>is absolutely seething

>> No.16961647

>1/2 cup of olive oil

I grew up in a European war ghetto (WW2 migrants) and my best friend is a third gen Italian. We go into his shed one day and there's a huge barrel, I'm not talking some fake ass knee-high cylinder, I'm talking a proper, 110 liter, barrel. It's not like... From a pirate ship, or a distillery, so it's just an aluminum cylinder with reinforced sides, like an oil barrel, but with "Virgine//Olio di Oliva//Pompeiano robusto" written on it.

I point to it and I'm like "what the hell is in this?" And he's like "oh, that's just where we keep our olive oil." Like it was totally normal.

Fucking Italians, man.

>> No.16961651
File: 15 KB, 489x365, Cookie Islands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat, I mean he got a weight problem. What's the n***** gonna do? He's Samoan.

>> No.16961659

>i would bet my life on me cooking your own cuisine better than you.
you would lose. But it's not like the stake is particular valuable

>> No.16961680

I love how you have to make up this caricature to even dream of competing with me. Name the last 10 Italian dishes you made. Go ahead.

>> No.16961705

not that anon but my last 10 dishes were italian by construction

>> No.16961725

>10 dishes
Why not 100? I'll name you the last three, that's the most I can be arsed doing.
>pasta al burro
>focaccia (eaten with sopressa)
Now what? What are you going to do with this info?

>> No.16961743
File: 877 KB, 3000x2000, NFF_Tomatoes_Mix-2-W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue the most people also know beefsteak tomatoes.
For me it's absinthe, Moscow or jubilee

>> No.16961744

anyway from what I can remember
- branzino al cartoccio
- calamarata
- risotto alla milanese (w/o ossobuco)
- acquacotta
- linguine con le vongole (my uncle sent me these beautiful clams from his region)
- polpo alla luciana
- pasta e piselli
- torta di ceci (o farinata, depending on where do you live in italy)
- fegato alla veneziana
- monestrone
- tortiera di alici

I eat pasta once a day but I didn't list them because they are generally a pasta with legumes, or pasta with tomato sauce in this season

>> No.16961760

meant for >>16961680

I don't know if it counts, but I also did some fermented giardiniera and limoncello

>> No.16961952

>commonfolk in your shithole just don't know who she is because, spoiler: most people, regardless of country of origin, can't cook and don't know shit about cooking
nope, we don't know her because the awards she got in Italy were principally "honorary" shit not related to food.
And you are also wrong on culinary capabilities, people some country average are more able to cook on average, like Italy for example.

>> No.16962053

they, and everyone else, call Americans fat because they are fat. Not because a random recipe they found.

>> No.16962188

Based and thank you. I have never cooked any Italian food in my life, and I never get any real suggestions from /ck/ when I ask nicely in threads, so I always do this.

>> No.16962231
File: 12 KB, 208x243, mutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mama said we wuz france royalty n shiieeet!

>> No.16962235
File: 563 KB, 516x688, xershock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 terabytes of butter

>> No.16962236

>go down 13%
>apparently be a gigachad despite 20% of the population being obese
Fox News tier.

>> No.16962237


>> No.16962347

half a cup? that's not sauteeing, that's deep frying