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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16950536 No.16950536 [Reply] [Original]

No more cooking for me...

>> No.16950538

Based. Now you can eat the really nasty tasting healthy foods like broccoli and red cabbage.

>> No.16950539

>he waited out for the ultra hd expansion pack variant instead of getting natural immunity from the beta test version

>> No.16950540

You could have left the board peacefully. Alas, >>16942533

>> No.16950544
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it happened to me too, I got it back in a week. be careful about eating any food you’re concerned might be expired because you couldn’t tell if anything tastes rotten

>> No.16950548

My loss of taste and smell lasted about two weeks when I had covid. Also lost like 5 pounds due to no appetite and not eating a lot. During that time try some things you normally wouldn't eat that's what I did.

>> No.16950555

I'm now 11.5 months in, still haven't gotten back my smell and only very little of taste.

>> No.16950574

ive been having herpes outbreaks like way more often than before
used to just be like every few years id get one but now its like about every month

>> No.16950581

It took me nearly a year to recover my tastebuds and smell. I was genuinely afraid it would never come back.

>> No.16950591
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>> No.16950623

I only recetly found out I couldn't smell. I had covid like 2 or so months back. I fear the possibility of not having smell for so long as a year.

>> No.16950653

Get some zinc and some magnesium in you. Won't fix it absolutely, but it should help.

>> No.16950660

Why, if you're not lacking it (blood tested)? Genuinely curious.

>> No.16950774

That sucks. Covid altered my sense of taste/smell. Now certain foods taste absolutely disgusting. I cant eat onions, coffee, seafood, raw garlic. Fucking sucks because i loved all those foods (well maybe not seafood so much, but still). It's been nearly 9 months of this bullshit. It must be some kind of nerve damage.

>> No.16950775

Made me chuckle...

>> No.16950802

Took a month after getting better for mine to return. It was an experience. To celebrate I had a burger with bad meat and got food poisoning. Shat and vomited my way through Christmas and almost New Year's

>> No.16950821

if i got covid i would eat likem 8 hard boiled eggs with mayo and drink a gallon of milk and just go around ripping the smelliest farts in public lines and such

>> No.16950836

>it's just a flu!

>> No.16950869

Pretty much. Just a fun larp to play on 4chan to freak people out. Like normal.

>> No.16950873

I've never had a sense of smell. Soon everyone will be like me.

>> No.16950886

That could be from the vaccine (seriously).

>> No.16950888

I got covid and it enhanced my sense of smell. You all must have weak genes.

>> No.16950895

Those taste good you child.

>> No.16950904

isn’t that a normal thing for common colds to do

>> No.16950911

Not to this extent. Covid IS a 'regular' flu (which is why the vaccines could be developed so much faster). Just beefed up a lot, with stronger negative effects and much easier to spread.

>> No.16950914

Wtf, same
Vaccinated and never tested positive

>> No.16950921

so this is a known side effect or what?
cuz id kinda already considered that its gotten substantially worse after the booster

>> No.16950925

For a week or two, not months. Gain of function research thanks to Dr. Fauci ("The Sickle") and your friends at Umbrella Corporation labs, Wuhan.

>> No.16950926

Never vaccinated, never had any issues ;)

Self employed and wealthy. Still a bit bummed about international flights and travel, but meh...

>> No.16950930

Wait, I was mistaken. I got my MMR vaccination in 1984.

>> No.16950934

I was never vaccinated. Got that shit, felt like a gay version of the flu. But then come along months later, I still can't smell shit. Still kinda gay if I'm to be honest, family.

>> No.16950937

Never had that happen with the common cold or flu. Only when I had covid.

>> No.16950941

Your time will come don't worry.

>> No.16950942

Sure is hypochondriac in here.

>> No.16950944

Sure it will. Lol. Probably got it and didn't even know it I'd put my money on.

>> No.16950946

Not really. People like to act and drama also act like pussys online and try to scare people for shits and giggles.

>> No.16950947


>> No.16950962

Searching around there's only a study saying the vaccine was linked to reemerging latent herpes zoster (chickenpox) in 6 female patients

I wonder if there's no link here or if hsv-1 is just considered a mild annoyance so a link hasn't been studied

>> No.16950983

i mean yeah ive had outbreaks (like maybe 4 or 5?) for well over a decade and they were never bad enough to seek treatment or even get a diagnosiis
in fact i normally totally forgot about it as a minor inconvenience
in the last 2 months ive had 3 outbreaks now and finally gotten diagnosed

>> No.16950985

I never lost smell with a cold either. Until right in the middle of the pandemic lol. Was vaccinated and pretty sure it was just a cold but when my congestion first broke I couldn't smell anything, was sure I must have gotten it but it came back the next day and I tested negative. I guess the top part of your smell receptors can be blocked with congestion that doesn't inhibit breathing, while covid destroys the neurological link

>> No.16951016

Or the spike protons did it. You're ready to eat the bugs now.

>> No.16951038

It sometimes happens with a bad case of the flu. But rarely with a common cold.

I had a bad case of the flu when I was teen one of the saving graces was I could enjoy the smell of warm soup and buttered toast. helped a lot since I was breaking a fever like three times a day and almost died.

>> No.16951532

Cook from memory, make yourself shit with a lot of spice and tartness- not only is the vitamin C good for a sickie but you can still taste sour and salt when your sense of smell's out of commission. You'll taste salt a little, but you'll have to salt shit more- don't forget to rehydrate after eating extra salty food, because it'll tax your kidneys and flush out more water which is important when sick.

>> No.16951542

so you're the same as everyone who says "oh I don't smell because I'm asian and we don't stink" or "wypipo don' season they food" now? That sounds like equality in action to me and only a kkk nazi would complain desu

>> No.16951709

might as well save money and eat bugs

>> No.16951732

It took me a solid four months to get my smell and taste back. I'm ok, but the only scary thing is I'm not 100% convinced that my nose is back to full capacity. Not sure how to explain it but I think I only got 80% of my smell back and maybe 20% of my smell receptors got destroyed or something. I dunno, might just be in my head.

>> No.16951745

Anosmia sucks, had a temporary case of that after a bad flu.
Here's hoping it comes back for you eventfully op

>> No.16951756

After experiencing something similar from flu a few years ago it did take me 5-6months for my smell to return compared to taste. Hopefully it comes back for you

>> No.16953107

But the reddit migrants on here told me that it wasn't real!!!!

>> No.16953180

How long has it been? Been a month for me since taste/smell kinda return, but i still feel sweet/sour as if through a filter, very diluted. Anyway, go for texture. I ate so much quick-fried frozen green peas+corn mix. Also, pearl barley with ssamjang, it tingled a bit for me. Pumpkin + baked eggplant and chili pepper pureed soup

>> No.16953217

Took me a week before it stated coming back slowly.
The same shit happen to me, after a year by now I feel like I recovered around 80% of my sense of smell, taste is a little better but still not as before. But I couldn't smell my shit for more than 6 month.

Sometimes I still wake up unable to smell or taste anything for 1/2h max.
It scares the shit out of me everytime but luckily it happens a couple of time a month and doesn't last long

>> No.16953253

you have a zinc deficiency

>> No.16953420

go neck yourself you plague rat faggot

>> No.16953478

lmao ok bud.

>> No.16953484

I lost mine for four days. Temperature and texture alone made food so god damn boring I didn't want to eat at all. Thankfully both my sense of taste and smell came back after a few days.

>> No.16953494

Not him but I've taken literally no precautions in a passive attempt at "getting it over with" and haven't gotten so much as a cold since 2019

>> No.16953519

>in this thread
lmao ok homo.

>> No.16953561

Same, had it in February, lost taste for a month or so, then it came back and a couple months later everything you listed started smelling and tasting foul. Started using Flonase because I read that might help but no change yet. Really hope it comes back to normal.

>> No.16953599

what, man?

>> No.16953668

>cobid army marching through your body
>Jesus christ what the fuck happened here we better fix this place up so its at least somewhat livable
>hurr good genes

>> No.16953683

They lied to you it was covid but they're not paid to rack up the numbers of vaccinated sick people.

t. Just made that shit up desu

>> No.16953734
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Your mom has a cum deficiency, and I'm the cure.

>> No.16953758

Ever had a noogie? I'm sure you have.

>> No.16953864


>> No.16954343

>Brassica bad!!
Back to the mcrib thread with you

>> No.16954363
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>> No.16954365

Covid is a hoax

>> No.16954370
File: 1.84 MB, 2368x1776, oof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the monkey dewormer and you will be fine,

>> No.16954398

I lost mine too, but they've mostly come back since I got over the virus about a week and a half ago.

>> No.16954452

Have you considered miracle berries? They normally alter the shape of your tastebuds and I sell them at parties so girls scull alcohol without tasting it and i can fuck them when they pass out, but they’re also used for chemo patients to grow their tastebuds back

>> No.16955007


>> No.16955020

Covid did none of that to me. Im convinced you covid tards are so obsessed with this meme virus you’ve given yourself psychosomatic symptom that cure themselves spontaneously like >>16950544 said whenever marvel releases their new capeshit to take your attention away from covid hysteria. It bears ALL the hallmarks of a psychosomatic issue and will stop when you just stop giving a shit about a meme virus

>> No.16955484

>shit that doesn't happen to me is made up
Underdeveloped frontal lobe

>> No.16955507

Gross dude

>> No.16955521

I used to get 4-5 herpes a year. Ive had 3 vaccines and zero herpes.

>> No.16956013

when you have covid (i.e when you have anosmia) it doesn't take away your sense of taste. you only lose your sense of smell. learn to use your tongue the way it's designed

>> No.16956205

hearty kek

>> No.16956301

something like 99% of the population carries some form of herpes virus and like two thirds of them will never experience symptoms

it’s a lot like covid in that regard