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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.13 MB, 640x480, 1610126068418.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16948108 No.16948108 [Reply] [Original]

Proper pasta technique is to snapp it in half so it fits in the pot

>> No.16948120

this kills the italian.

>> No.16948122

god I wish those noodles were my dick

>> No.16948128


>> No.16948134
File: 585 KB, 599x596, 1622265022989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

snapping pasta in half isn't the worst things nips do to pasta. have you seen their original recipes? vile

>> No.16948142

It feels better to eat and somehow seems to taste better at half length. I don't know why they make it so long.

>> No.16948154

but does she have spaget scissors?

>> No.16948552

why does she have such a hard time breaking the spaghet?

>> No.16948565


>> No.16948578

The Chinese legitimately make a single continuous noodle out of each ball of dough, but it's cut at the end to make it more manageable. Itallians do similar things; thet can leave pasta as long as they want, but it's cut down. If they want to be angry, they should be angry at themselves for cutting the pasta first.

>> No.16948600

For some reason Japanese women think its cute if they act like they're retarded and dont know how to do anything
you can see how she purposely makes it harder to break by doing a weird twisting motion at the start before just breaking it normally

>> No.16948604

Why does she snap it like that, surerly even a japanese female has the strength to do it in one motion without twisting, I think the twisting might actually make it harder even
maybe she's never done it before this cosplay

>> No.16948767

The same reason she pulls that exaggerated facial expression. She has trained acting in kabuki style.

>> No.16948819

I hate this fucking anime
>le wholesome haha wooo
>noooo aaaa you can't just lewd the heckin campers

>> No.16948864

asians literally dont know how to act like a human

>> No.16949105
File: 292 KB, 334x530, 1636201046482.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16949219

G-d I hate americans so much. They don't give a fuck about other cultures because they don't have one themselves. Even australians have more culture in the way they speak than this dumb bitch making a quirky youtube video.

>> No.16949236

Nips have better acting when in 2d.

>> No.16949237


>> No.16949303

>have you seen their original recipes? vile
Such as?

>> No.16949325

Why not snap it in quarters so the noodles are kawaii

>> No.16949332

Actually Jap women think they are cute when they act childish and she is pretending to have the hand strength of a 6 year old. Its also why they make those squirrel noises in JAV

>> No.16949340

Udon is just bloated worthless pasta

>> No.16949370

>thinking this is exclusive to japs
Don't forget bimbos and that old meme with the stupid bitch biting a game console controller wire. Yellow bug people might openly fetishize retarded women, but that's really not much different from how being a stupid bitch is considered brave and stunning for Americans.
I'm not defending Japs, I'm telling you this type of thing is everywhere.

>> No.16949388

Personally, I want a girl with a mind like a diamond

>> No.16949407
File: 33 KB, 474x332, downloadfile-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this some kind of YuruCamp remake?

>> No.16949423

It's a live action commercial series for camping goods.

>> No.16949615

Snapped pasta is the stupidest thing to get angry about, only 80iq fake italian burgermutts actually care. Pasta already comes in 9001 shapes and sizes, some of them much smaller

>> No.16949629
File: 139 KB, 321x262, 33-4-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natto pasta, for starters.

>> No.16949507

good, fuck wops

>> No.16949820

>secret key to the cream of authentic japanese carbonera is bean snot

>> No.16949823

based, fuck italy

>> No.16949826

So explain >>16948128

>> No.16949829
File: 38 KB, 306x306, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly fetishize retarded women
why would you want a non-retarded woman

>> No.16949918

Seems like you just hate the fanbase

>> No.16949923

>noooo aaaa you can't just lewd the heckin campers
Doesn't stop anything.

>> No.16950073
File: 709 KB, 2784x1616, _20211107_051747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know shit about fuck. This is a wasabi pasta I had in Saporro, and it was fantastic. Don't go spreading that bullshit when you've seen a few recipes you haven't even tried, and no knowledge of what kind of things people are making.

>> No.16950638
File: 284 KB, 812x1083, homemade_udon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm italian and my gf is Japanese. Would break up on the spot if she did that.
Also would never let her cook spaghetti at home, she makes JP food and I make Italian.

>> No.16950744

Fuck off back to your containment board, frogspammer.

>> No.16950864

They tried to replicate spaghetti. The result is “napolitan,” a desperate combination of leftover WW2 rations with ketchup in place of tomato sauce.

>> No.16950900

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16950912

same here pastabro but i have to admit ive had mentaiko spaghetti at a few izakayas and its not a bad combination

>> No.16950920

Ah yes I'm sure that video was filmed with a hidden camera and not an orchestrated clip for views with le "italian" getting angry at pasta

>> No.16950927

This pasta is getting stale

>> No.16950935

Why do Asian women behave like young children when they're trying to be attractive?

>> No.16950949

Your culture is to get bombed by Americans - nothing else.

>> No.16950952

Because the men are pedos.

>> No.16951283

A bad fanbase can ruin anything because I will autistically associate them to said thing

>> No.16951357

it's the hd version

>> No.16951370
File: 2.44 MB, 460x568, This kills the Italian.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16951391

Maybe it kills the terrone (or more likely burger guidos who couldn't even find Italy on a world atlas), but the average italian breaks spaghetti whenever necessary to fit them in a small pot. Never even heard of this bullshit irl, only in anglo websites.

>> No.16951420

this is the kind of man I aspire to be

>> No.16951668

why would eye-talians get mad? don't they just make pasta from scratch? or are these italian-americans who pretend they're real italians?

>> No.16951720

More important is where you find them. Still looking.

>> No.16951723

Why doesn't he just eat fusilli, penne, macaroni? Why does he have to so ignorant, whhy?

>> No.16951737


>> No.16951741

I'd break that bitch face in half if she did that in front of me. it doesn't take that fucking long to wait for water to boil holy shit this is annoying.

>> No.16951758

I found the fake italian

>> No.16951942

that looks like shit you pathetic japanophile weeb cuck faggot

>> No.16952000

not really a big deal because I am not italian. I just hate the concept of breaking the pasta, I think people are so lazy that they would rather break the shit in half and sit in front of the tv than wait for the water to boil/or prep and then stir the pasta once it's boiling. it can't be anything else

>> No.16952006
File: 36 KB, 1000x601, EzgQjBFUUAUCuOi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if italy got nuked into rubble I wouldn't even crane my head to look at the news. Any noodle abomination is an objective improvement to whatever mutts consider "authentic"

>> No.16952066

I bet you paid more than $5 for that 50 cent meal.

>> No.16952070

It's better to break it. That's simply the best way.

>> No.16952095

Get a proper pasta pot you bunch of poorfags.

>> No.16952098

If I had a shitty little Coleman pot on a camping trip, I can see halving it. But at home? No. I have normal sized pots and pans.

>> No.16952124
File: 440 KB, 812x646, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking over this thread now. What are some food related faux pas in your country? Not serving a taco with 2 tortillas is one for Mexico

>> No.16952137

It's easily the best. The pasta cooks evenly, and the strands end up a better size for eating.

>> No.16952985

More like 10-15$ lmao

>> No.16953055

Why are you eating maggots?

>> No.16953065

Not exactly a high bar, but yeah, that's true enough. Having said that Australia is a dictator's wet dream, the people here are fucking useless. I can't wait to get the fuck home from this hellhole.

>> No.16954887


>> No.16954891

Just a schizo, no need to be concerned

>> No.16954893

Does this bitch have down syndrome or do all Japanese women look like that?

>> No.16954964

>why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
The same reason english cuisine is.

>> No.16955422

mongoloid is a synonym for retard for a reason

>> No.16955430

Man doesn't want to stain his beard. Goddamn Italians.

>> No.16955435

does she have 5 o'clock moustache in pic rel

>> No.16955469
File: 534 KB, 1896x2860, FUCK Yuru Camp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*burns down your forest*

>> No.16955520
File: 514 KB, 427x576, 1635774778501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What board is that?

>> No.16955535


>> No.16955547


>> No.16955551

Be careful to not cry those salty tears I to your daily ration of gutter oil, chink

>> No.16955570

Here's an archive https://archive.nyafuu.org/out/thread/1186752/#1186752

>> No.16955572


>> No.16955594


>> No.16955803

the anime version is better

>> No.16955831

Break that basta like the jews brake their shitty culture with movies and television