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File: 886 KB, 2790x1792, Sartori-Cheese-Plate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16947113 No.16947113 [Reply] [Original]

is made in Wisconsin, USA. picrel.
When/why/how did Europe fall off so hard?

>> No.16947166

>American thinks american made X is the best
Dude no way

>> No.16947239

actually the best cheese is made in my garage at 2am

>> No.16947301

actually the best cheese is made in my foreskin at 2am

>> No.16947325

based frumunda maker.

>> No.16947334

Mouth watering

>> No.16947552

Hi, OP here.
Can you please leave this thread if you're not going to contribute in a constructive and decent manner?

>> No.16947585

Lemme guess, you only think its the best because it has a ton of sugar?

>> No.16947590

Do Europeans really put sugar in their cheese?

>> No.16947595

Americans make pasteurized plastic flavoured shit. They think it's the best because they've never eaten real cheese.

>> No.16947600

what does it taste like? best i've had so far is tete de moine

>> No.16947682 [DELETED] 
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>we score more touchdowns in nissan commercials than in games

>> No.16947808

I really like kerrygolds Irish white cheddar but Cabot makes some amazing cheeses.

>> No.16947810


>> No.16947812

Shut up faggot, you probably never even had wensleydale with cranberries...

>> No.16947815

In your dreams seething retard.

>> No.16947821

Also happens to have the best wine in the world, and the best beer. Wisconsin is a true hidden gem of the Midwest.

>> No.16947832

Maybe you faggots can stay out of Chicago then? Or do you have no jobs up there?

>> No.16947842 [DELETED] 
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Wisconsin sucks and their garbage cheese is fit for frozen microwave pizzas and fast food

>> No.16947875

Chicago is worse than Wisconsin.

>> No.16947887

Why do Europeans think that there are no Americans who travel? I've met even toothless trailer park crackheads who have been to Naples, Prague, what have you; I myself have worked in kitchens in Modena, Nice, München, and I have traveled all over Europe, and I can tell you that there's no magic thing that just makes European shit better. You lot are stuck in this idea that, for example, only Italians can make proper parmesan, when the knowledge, livestock, tech to make Parm exists ubiquitously. I've had champagne in Champagne, and "sparkling wine" in Hudson, WI, and the Wisconsin stuff was actually better, if not at least the exact same flavor. Hell, with the internet, any asshole can learn to make the exact same cheese, wine, beer, bread, pastry, pasta, whatever as you can have anywhere in Europe. You people take such insult to this, but I'm not being insulting, I love most of the countries and cities over there that I've lived in, but it tickles me pink how you all get your panties in a twist when an American makes cheese, or wine, or beer, or bread. You use Kraft singles and Bud light and Arbor Mist as proof, as though you don't have shitty cheese, shitty macrobrews, shitty wines for the poor in your countries. Everything you mock Americans for, is the stuff that poor people here eat.

>> No.16947894
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Then you fags will have no problem staying away. Except you don't, I guess no company wants to be up there so you have to move here for work.

>> No.16947906

>Stay out of Chicago
Hey, no problem. I've been to the worst slums in Colombia, and I've been to Chicago, and I'll go back to Bogota (I've been back three times, in fact) before I ever set foot anywhere near Chicago ever again.
Also I'm not even in Wisconsin right now, I just love it there, as long as you stay clear of Milwaukee. I have a cabin outside of Hayward I go to in the summer and fall.

>> No.16947915

I buy their parmesan all the time, it's pretty good.

>> No.16947920

Great, now tell your fellow w*sconites to stay out as well. Too fucking many of here.

>> No.16947930 [DELETED] 

If this isn't pasta, it should be

>> No.16947933

Is this really a thing? In my experience, wisconsinites tend to go to Minneapolis, when they want the "big city" experience. Also a shit hole city, but nowhere near as awful as Chicago. I don't understand why new yorkers have so much pride, but I will never even begin to understand why Chicagoans love their third world dystopian nightmarescape so much. Only Baltimore and Detroit are worse, and at least the citizens of both of those cities know that they live in a dystopian nightmarescape.

>> No.16947940

Save it, friend, it's all yours :^]

>> No.16947952

I don't consider myself one of them, and I don't think the locals consider me one of them, but they have absolutely nothing nice to say about Illinois in general, least of all Chicago. You can keep strutting and puffing your chest, insisting that anyone would willingly move to Chicago and live there, but it really just comes across as cope to absolutely everyone else in this big, wide country.

>> No.16947953

>american thinks something is merely the sum of its parts
How american

>> No.16947954

Chicago is a corrupt crime filled shit hole. You have a literal retard for a mayor, which is fitting given that she governs over a city of retards.

>> No.16947961
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I've met so many down here. I guess they want to live in a kino city and know they're not gonna get it in fucking Milwaukee.
You faggots aren't exactly quiet down here and there are way too many of you. Go home and tell them all about how much we suck.

>> No.16947966
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Nah it's not. But I understand why you made this thread I really do.

>> No.16947977
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>No, I swear, grapes can only be properly grown in this specific region! It's just not possible to do this anywhere else in the 21st century!

>> No.16947983

We agree that Milwaukee sucks, but I'll go there with Bell's on before I ever go back to Chicago.

>> No.16947990

Nice picture of the cesspit that runs through downtown https://www.newsweek.com/dave-matthews-band-dropped-800-pounds-feces-chicago-sightseers-14-years-ago-1064129

>> No.16947996

cropwell bishop stilton is the best cheese i thought everyone knew this

>> No.16947997

How much head trauma did your step dad inflict on you?

>> No.16948725

if European products aren't special then stop desperately trying to name your shit after it, if it's really good you wouldn't need to steal the name of actually good cheese

>> No.16948771

i like pepperjack cheese from kroger

>> No.16948908

then why do yuro cheese competition judges keep picking it in blind taste tests?

>> No.16948922

you do know America can use raw milk in cheese if its aged like three weeks

>> No.16949062

>stop describing what you made

>> No.16949915

Your "premium cheese" comes in bars.
My premium cheese is aged naturally inside a cave with free-range local goats.
Enough said

>> No.16949991

*cheese-like product

>> No.16950000
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you can get that here too

>> No.16950002


>> No.16950008

>european products have nothing unique
>see we can just copy them lol

Americans are extremely low iq

>> No.16950018

Hey, I recognize that packaging. These fags make the coffee cheese, right? That shit is good. Very good. Not the best cheese on the continent, let alone the world, but very damn good, and probably my favorite aged cheddar.

>> No.16950022


>> No.16950075

you don't know what that word means

>> No.16950108

or your big head can't comprehend why it applies

>> No.16950115

>posts argument bait
>"GUIZ please take it srsly"

>> No.16950116

tell me why then

>> No.16950122
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Amish cheese is better than Wisconsin cheese

>> No.16950138

haha gottem

>> No.16950184

Another reason why my circumcised is superior. US keeps winning.

>> No.16950202

>he will never experience the joy of cutting his own curds and tasting them

>> No.16950278

Chicago gang bangers have this weird mentality that they could go into my city, and "run" things.
They end up always getting shot, or disapearing but every year brings a new batch of these clowns, and the city eats them up. They never learn that what's acceptable in Chicago only works when in Chicago.

>> No.16950284
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here OP, I made you a graph

>> No.16950303

Maybe it depends on proximity to civilization, but I have no problem finding european meme awarded cheese at the grocery stores. Most the cheese I buy just end up being "good" cheese by some meme french world associasion without caring about it.

>> No.16950332
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>every year brings a new batch of these clowns
you should see it in FL, we get them from all over country

>> No.16950356
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been up and down the east coast and never seen even a shitty grocery store without a cheese counter full of foreign cheeses and highend domestic cheese.
Had some suprisingly good cheddar from Austral of all places

>> No.16950370

That reminds of me an italian friend of mine who thought he could be a big shot criminal in ireland. he got mixed up with the wrong junkies and ended up stabbed to death on his doorstep. I think we meds misunderstand how dangerous northern people are because of their secretive nature.

>> No.16950546

so what I'm hearing is
>american-made cheese can never be as good as european-made cheese because it lacks PVRE EVROPA SOVL

>> No.16950557
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>> No.16950573

okay, just making sure I wasn't reading too much into the dumbassery

>> No.16950586

I wouldn't say the best but it can be really good. the main weakness of Wisconsin cheese is that raw soft paste cheeses, the best kinds of cheeses, seem impossible to source.

>> No.16950600

seems to be europe's only argument thus far

>> No.16950608

Best cheese according to whom? The Global International Cheese World Organization (headquartered at Wisconsin, USA)?

>> No.16950620

Wisconsin is a shit hole and the only thing your "cheese" is good for is bottom shelf fast food chains that need something cheap and flavorless

>> No.16950626

can confirm
those wacky dudes know their cheese

>> No.16950631

These threads are are the worst. Most people doesn't even understand what terroir is. Hint: It's not about some geographical location arbitrarily being superior. It's about how differences in the soil, the climate, how the humans cultivate the land including which varieties of something to grow and in for example wine making, the decision to use wild yeast for example, in short the sum of every factor that affect the production of an agricultural product.Terroirs are created. One could create a terroir very similar to a terroir in a different location, and the result could even be better. But it would still be retarded to call it for example Champagne if it wasn't made there, because after all that's a geographical location.

>Hell, with the internet, any asshole can learn to make the exact same cheese, wine, beer, bread, pastry, pasta, whatever as you can have anywhere in Europe.
Well for a roquefort for example, he would have to get the exact same milk that's used, exact same production mechanism, have a perfect copy of the caves they are matured in with the exact same conditions. It would be very hard to keep unpasteurized milk from roquefort fresh to a different part of the world. The milk would lose freshness and that would negatively affect the final product. And in the end, it wouldn't be roquefort because to be roquefort it has to be made in roquefort too. It won't be exact same if the milk travels around the world. Now can you make really good blue cheese in USA for example? Of course, but it's much smarter to work with what you have, rather than try to copy Europe. Of course that's what you're been doing for years because you realise the quality of it. That you get infuriated about it not being allowed to be called the same, just confirms the quality of the original.

>> No.16950642

The word "terroir" implies that the natural geography/climate/etc have at least something to do with the outcome. If you're just ultrapasteurizing and homogenizing your factory farmed flyover trashmilk and using chemical enzymes to semi-curdle it (but not in a way that might create textures unfamiliar to and therefore frightening to the flyover palate), then the earth has got nothing to do with it

>> No.16950644

Parmesan producers can sell at a large premium, so they don't have to cut corners.

When some other company tries to make a parmesan like cheese they always cut corners and over time will tweak the production to cut more corners. No consistency.

>> No.16950646

>not being allowed to claim a name for a food product
This was thanks to Americans (and otger agreeing nations), and it was mostly set up, so certain countries can recouperate after major wars.
The US mostly wins blind taste tests, but that only infuriates the eternal yuropean.

>> No.16950650

>ultrapasteurizing and homogenizing your factory farmed flyover trashmilk
Why would they do that? Roquefort is completely legal here and is imported straight from Roquefort.

>> No.16950687

>The US mostly wins blind taste tests, but that only infuriates the eternal yuropean.
Blinde taste tests of what exactly? All agricultural products? Please provide some further inormation. USA won World Cheese Awards for the first time in 2019 and since then have constantly claimed to have the best cheese in the world because of this one award, even though Swiss won in 2020 and Spain in 2021.

>> No.16950690


>> No.16950725

>Blinde taste tests of what exactly?
Cheese, and wines in Europe.

>> No.16950747

>won for the first time in 2019
131 titles that year, and anerican cheese manufacturers have came in in the top 3 many times before that, so quality cheese from the us is not unheard of anon.

>> No.16950750

>Premium American cheese
>Created in a factory and sold as a plastic block


>> No.16950782

Americans are insecure.
If a single cheese produced by them wins some irrelevant award you'll hear about it for years.
When Europeans win some prize they don't even know about it because they don't care. They are not insecure.
Simple as

>> No.16950808

cheese is good and taste is subjective
stop sperging about something being better than another just because muh country of origin

>> No.16950813

Europeans pour over our laws looking for random cheeses that are banned to pretend are their favorites and they still get them wrong.

>> No.16950828

The only ones sperging in this thread are americans. As I said, Europeans do not care about some award won by some unknown american cheesemaker, particularly when you consider 95%+ of Americans only consume pasteurized cheese product that "now melts!".

>> No.16950853

>sperg over appellations for hundreds of years
>1 (one) retard shows up screaming about some random award
>haha ur the ones sperging
its all so tiresome...

>> No.16950865


>> No.16950870

I think the plastic cheese has penetrated your brain. Calm down.

>> No.16950879

good faith discussion is dead

>> No.16950884
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in some ways, it was never here to begin with

>> No.16950892

That's great. No idea about the best or how you decide this, as there are hundreds of cheeses each with varying uses, but I would like to try it. Is it sold anywhere in Europe?

>> No.16950979

France lost a cheese competion and never stopped bitching about it. Mranwhile otger yuropoors brag about chocolate.

>> No.16951075

>Why do Europeans think that there are no Americans who travel?
Because as late as 2000 only 10% of americans had a passport. The percentage is higher now, but you have to wonder whether that's because of actual americans going abroad or naturalized spics going visiting their families.

>> No.16951091

It's really because most americans travel with their other passports without bothering to get a US one.

>> No.16951127

But USA does not win most blind tastes of cheese and wine in Europe.
No one said America can't make good cheese. But they don't win most blind test in cheese.
Never heard a Frenchie whine about losing a cheese competition, which one was it? You mean that ONE wine tasting you Americans can't stop repeating again and again, just like you can't stop claiming you have the best cheese after winning ONE cheese competition?

>> No.16951134

>Never heard a Frenchie whine
The entire country according to all the articles.

>> No.16951154

>Never heard a Frenchie whine about losing
Many people find this hard to beleive.

>> No.16951198

they usually end up surrendering before they lose proper

>> No.16951203

just like Americans in Afghanistan?

>> No.16951205 [DELETED] 

>When Europeans win some prize they don't even know about it because they don't care.
>Learned English and participates on an American website

>> No.16951209

So what cheese competition was it?

>> No.16951241

How is that even related? Are you dumb?

>> No.16951247

He's American. What do you think?

>> No.16951261

Americans just keep killing until they're sent home. It's the product of international agreements written that prevents the USA from gaining land through conquest. Hence the high kill ratios before leaving.

>> No.16951270

The great cheese catastrophy of 2019. France lost so hard that they ended up burning down notre dame after losing all faith in god.

>> No.16951274 [DELETED] 

Because you think about us all the time, enough so just to learn English to discuss American politics, music, film, tv, be on websites like 4chan and so on

>> No.16951285

>I perfectly know what happens in your head and what you're thinking about and you're obsessed about ME!
Go outside, take a walk.

>> No.16951290 [DELETED] 

Is English your first language

>> No.16951299

You keep the goats in the cave?

>> No.16951356

The new York clowns are the worst about it. On any given weekend in ybor, you can see some manlet popping off about how great new yawk is and how garbage Florida is, popping off about how big and tough he is because he's from [city borough], only to get stomped down by a good ol boy or a negro with palm tree dreads.

>> No.16951380

And that's the main issue, the terroir. By the end of the day, Wisconsin is so irrelevant that I don't even know where the fuck it is

That's clearly because you have a shitty taste. Italians ARE the only ones that can make parmesan, not only because their regional appellation, but because of their topography, edaphology and technique behind production (which is, in fact, impossible to reproduce). Man, and you speak about sparkling wine? I surround myself with profesionnal wine and food expert for a living, so we have tried wine form Wisconsin. I can objectively say that despite not being an absolute piece of shit, is not even close to european standards

>> No.16951389

>so we have tried wine form Wisconsin
LMFAO I'm pretty sure Wisconsin doesn't have the climate for that.

>> No.16951394

>That's clearly because you have a shitty taste. Italians ARE the only ones that can make parmesan, not only because their regional appellation, but because of their topography, edaphology and technique behind production (which is, in fact, impossible to reproduce).
They are the only ones who can legally make cheese, and call it parmegiano. Not, because it can't be recreated, but, because it was agreed upon on by unicef. Everyone else has to label it as parmesian, or whatever as long as it's not parmigiana.

>> No.16951405

>I surround myself with profesionnal wine and food expert for a living
This means nothing I mean even before social it meant nothing, but now it's worth nothing. Any homeless lesbian can claim this.

>> No.16951413


>> No.16951503
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Not for vinifera certainly, but there are a few french-american hybrids that do okay if you nab em before the frost. There's also some wineries that buy grapes from other states and ferment them on-property.

This. Europoors eat and drink all sorts of swill; they just don't export it. Also, France has been in an eternal seethe since the judgement of paris in '76. They suppress their poor showings at international competitions so they can continue charging a premium, but even that strategy is becoming less viable. At least Italians know how to make good stuff for cheap.

>> No.16951512

Are these the ones that take place in your head?

>> No.16951552

We do have wine and let me tell you, it's really fucking terrible and I'm not even much of a wine guy

>> No.16951575

Nah. Alot of american cheese gets like in the top 3 internationally depending on the guild. Denying American made cheese is the most uneducated cope you can do.

>> No.16951583

Well, for a living I'm a fairly successful chef/restaurateur who has four successful, profitable restaurants, and one that's a money pit but it's where I work most of the time, really I just use it to go crazy with the menu, in an area where people would just rather have a regular cheeseburger. I don't "surround myself" with food experts, I am the food expert.

>> No.16951599

They are going to reply to you with some "but what about muh processed cheese" pretending that's the only thing that exists
Euros are the most insecure fucks I've ever seen on the internet

>> No.16951617


>> No.16951629

There's a lot of unrefined europeans who only know of the outside wirld from memes, fastfood, and lidl. In many ways they aren't different from how a lot of Americans are equally ignorant of Europe, and knowledge is on a mostly superficial level.

>> No.16951672

Vermont makes better cheese than Wisconsin, and France makes better cheese than Vermont. It is a truth you must simply cope with.

>> No.16951690
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For me, it's caveman blue cheese from Oregon

>> No.16952452

You dont get to control the conversation.
This is now a thread about mcchickens.

>> No.16952676

big cope

>> No.16952760
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> american article on said event
> couldn't be more seething about having beat france
> https://nypost.com/2019/10/26/america-snubs-france-at-prestigious-world-cheese-awards/

> America is finally the big cheese.
> France fell to the US in this year’s prestigious World Cheese Awards, losing top prize to a fromage from the Pacific Northwest.
> France’s best-performing cheese, an Epoisses (a soft cow’s milk cheese from Burgundy), ranked a humiliatingly low eighth place — tying with a Swiss Gruyere.
Best part here :
>The French press was shocked at their nation’s stinky performance.
>“Sacrilege: only one of the 15 top-rated cheeses is French,” wrote Ouest-France, one of the country’s largest-circulation newspapers. They expressed outrage that “the world’s best cheese is not French.”
Ouest-France isn't even a national newspaper. They couldn't even find one serious national newspaper that covered the story. Really shows how much france cared about it, whereas americans seemed to be very very proud of having won this one particular competition.
Frankly good for them, don't really care. I'll still be eating my camembert

>> No.16952858
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>take English cheddar
>add salt as emulsifier
>it's now American cheese
>yuropoors REEEEEEEEE

>> No.16952909

Didn't the judge even try to change the results after he found out he pick a American cheese

>> No.16952924

Keep telling yourself that. Nobody flat out says that we're just fucking up countries for revenge, and testing equipment since we aren't allowed to gain territory.

>> No.16952932

Pasta potential.

>> No.16952948

>Americans seething about Europe episode #655273

>> No.16952952

>didn't even write about that year
>Really shows how much france cared about it, whereas americans seemed to be very very proud of having won this one particular competition.
You act like cheese news is big news in the US. This thread is probably the only time any americans found out that France lost at another thing in life, but still feign superiority.

>> No.16952955

>Euros are the most insecure fucks I've ever seen on the internet
He says in a thread about Americans crying because some surrender monkey, sour kraut, or italian (no further insult needed) made fun of American cheese.

This is "I don't care so much I made a thread showing how much I don't care"
Eurotrash and their COLONies are so insecure I can shitter-shatter them with two words. Spicy Food.

>> No.16952960

Americans eat a ton of spicy food. You don't realize how much Mexico has influenced our palate.

>> No.16952961

>claims this on website where yurop can't stop shut the fuck up about the US
4chan isn't even about the us, lel.

>> No.16952965

> Best cheese in the world.
> Vacuum packed in plastic.
Americans, everyone.

>> No.16952971

France lost to that. Ouch.

>> No.16952973
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Why do I look this shit up.

>> No.16952986

For me its Dutch cheese on bread, italian cheese in food and French cheese as dessert.

>> No.16952992

looks like all the 8 years olds have logged in

>> No.16953135

So you keep samefagging, yet I see nothing of any substance.

Other than that, fuck the French. Almost as bad as Americans for food these days. People carry on, but when you actually go there finding decent food is surprisingly difficult. You really do have to go to the provinces and smaller cities for anything edible. Paris for example is a total shithole and the food is McDonald's tier outside of silver service.

>> No.16953173

>americans seemed to be very very proud of having won this one particular competition

American here. No one around here really gives a shit.

>> No.16953181

kek I don't doubt it. Euros mad

>> No.16953653

The yuro asshurt from this one post is amazing. They have no argument. You demolished them completely and they know.

>> No.16953680

Bro, I have several books on wine tasting and neuroscientific profiling. I do scientific research on wine and I know every guy that works on wine and cheese production around California and the southern belt of the US. Even more, my wife has a WSET diploma, and it's about to get her master degree. Believe me, you are not an expert, you are just an enthusiast