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16940497 No.16940497 [Reply] [Original]

I know one dish with capers. ONE DISH
Fucking garbage fruit.

>> No.16940516

Some tryhard pizzerias put capers on their pizza.

>> No.16940521

stick 'em in a stew

>> No.16940523

Grill asparagus with capers to provide a lovely contrast. Are you looking for a more in depth flavor profile? Because capers can be used fairly proliferately in a number of recipes.

>> No.16940545

There’s this Spanish style tuna pie my family makes with canned tomatoes, onions, and capers in it. Really good shit.

>> No.16940553

chicken piccata
also they are amazing on bagels with cream cheese

>> No.16940559

tuna salad with capers and may/yoghurt
any tomotaoe sauce
any spread
meat dips

>> No.16940560

Is your ONE DISH chicken piccata?

Any time you would use pickles/dill or olives, you could substitute or augment with capers.
- Cold 'salads' of the tuna, chicken, or potato variety
- Hot dogs
- Salmon (as salmon piccata or otherwise)
- Dice them into mayo for a general-purpose sandwich spread

try harder you rock-thumping melanoid

>> No.16940562


>> No.16940565

nobody does this
there is no such thing as stew with capers

>> No.16940566

If you get the salt cured ones they go in anything instead of salt.

I like them in vinegary potato salad. Also on focaccia. In tomato based pasta dishes. Etc.

>> No.16940567

stick 'em in your ass

>> No.16940569

yes, Chicken piccata
that is literally the ONLY reason capers exist

>hot dogs
>cold salads
they might be good in a potato salad, i might try that
i dont eat jewish donuts, thanks
>dice them into mayo
so like caper mayo relish? sounds good
>rock thumping
you mom a slut she take it in the butt

>> No.16940571

>raw meat

>> No.16940584

This is pretty good

>> No.16940588
File: 82 KB, 700x700, 1259_Pan-Fried-Cod-With-Tomato--Caper-Relish-x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.16940610

tomato caper relish looks amazing

>> No.16940616
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x2448, 984428B5-F597-4B4D-80A4-401510E9319C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a piccy.

>> No.16940617

They are really good with carpaccio

>> No.16940636

>raw meat

>> No.16940638

>one dish
Is it puttanesca?

>> No.16940647

>Chicken piccata
Try making it with veal instead then.

>> No.16940658

I've literally never seen veal meat for sale in my life. i dont even know where to get it.

>> No.16940659

You can make caper sauce to go with either lamb or mutton.
Try one of the other things I suggested as well>>16940638, >>16940647
You can also make tartare sauce. I’m sure there’s lots of recipes out there just look for them, these are just some dishes that I know traditionally involve cappers.

>> No.16940660

Steak tartare usually has capers in it

>> No.16940663

Saute aubergine and mushroom, sweat onions and capers, deglaze w/ red wine and balsamic, add tinned tomatoes and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve with pasta

>> No.16940674

the fuck? surely i am not the only one who likes to eat capers or olives alongside white bread sandwiches with ham cheese mustard or mayo? tho not the super salty ones, those simply belong in the trash.

>> No.16940675

Do you live in a cave

>> No.16940686

Try your local butchers.

>> No.16940692

I live in Boulder

i have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.16940694

Looks good, but i am.Spanish and i never heard of that dish before, kinda sus.

>> No.16940697

I guess a butcher. I've never seen it either. But I buy meat from the grocery store so

>> No.16940698

a good rule of thumb is you can do almost anything with capers that you would do with olives. it's not 100% (probably wouldn't want a caper tapenade but then again maybe I would) and there are certain things you would only do with capers, but that'll get you started if you need to use some up.

>> No.16940702

Price Chopper where I grew up always had some but that was the 90s so idunno. they also had whole duck but people seem to have trouble sourcing that too.

>> No.16940703

Ive seen it in every grocery store meat department Ive looked for it in.

>> No.16940707

oh yeah, there is a bloody marry variation - tomato juice, worcestershire, soy, tabasco and a caper or two. pretty good.

>> No.16940712
File: 172 KB, 220x123, B6AE6B6B-7B94-4461-9C8F-434A24D5013F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no idea what youre talking about
I don’t know whether to call you retarded or an ESLfag.

>> No.16940717

i'm such an idiot, of course caper tapenade in a thing

>> No.16940736

I like them on ham/cheese/egg/tomato/black olive/mayo sandwiches. Sprinkle some salt, pepper and oregano over it. Delicious

>> No.16940737

I said style. I think dish is Mexican then.

>> No.16940741

The closest thing we have is "carniceria" and I'm pretty sure they make meth there

>> No.16940746

i've not had this experience once in my life. I literally never seen it for sale anywhere, in any grocery store

>> No.16940818
File: 1.25 MB, 2500x2500, buttered-salmon-red-onion-dill-alison-roman-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat so much capers, with everything
tartar sauce
tuna salad
potato salad
tomato salads and sauces
fish, fried or roasted
pasta dishes
eggs, deviled, in omelets, on scrambled

>> No.16940835
File: 16 KB, 300x233, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the translation of "butchers shop" in Spanish. You must not live in Spain as I'm pretty sure I've seen veal in hypermarkets there.

>> No.16940847
File: 118 KB, 960x960, koenigsberger-klopse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's exactly one dish here in Germany that calls for capers and that's pic related. I bet 99% of all caper sales in supermarkets go into this one dish.

>> No.16940852

Havent you heard of caper stew?

>> No.16940853

oh yeh. devilled eggs and tuna salad with capers is pretty common, forgot about those.

>> No.16940855

They are for taste for salads.

>> No.16940873

I mean it only looks like dog food I bet its nice

>> No.16940950

well here it translates to sketchy ass mexican garbage meat with flies and meth

>> No.16940992

It’s some east Prussian dish which begins with a “k” which I can’t remember, yh?

>> No.16940996

goes great with most sandwiches and practically every type of fish you can think of

>> No.16941002

They're great in salads. Lettuce, onion, tomato, hard boiled egg, tuna in olive oil, olives, capers, EVOO, vinegar and salt.

>> No.16941004
File: 245 KB, 1280x848, chicharron-de-cerdo-beneficios-para-la-salud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you speak like a 15 year old.

>> No.16941042

They're nice in beetroot salad or with sautéed chicken livers and go well together with fish.

>> No.16941052

I've actually got a recipe for a artichoke and chicken pot pie that has capers. Pretty damn good too. But still, other than piccata and that one random pot pie recipe I've never seen capers used on anything else

>> No.16941062

I can't tell if you're just LARPing or not, but either way, these posts make me wish white genocide was real

>> No.16941066

[Insert meat of choice] Piccata

>> No.16941094

>I know one dish with capers. ONE DISH
Fucking garbage fruit.
Is the dish "bagels with lox", because that's the only dish I know that has capers on it.

>> No.16941099

They're good with anything that takes a lemon butter sauce, like salmon
I put them in potato salad

>> No.16941110

Found the jew

>> No.16941119

>Found the jew
Wrong... but jews do run my city.

>> No.16941134

If it's Jewish to like bagels with lox cream cheese and capers then cut my dick off and give me a job at the bank

>> No.16941141
File: 21 KB, 535x457, 1636017444805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poach some salmon in salted water
>once cooked, shred the meat
>very lightly pan-fry it with a little pepper and some capers (possibly garlic, depending on taste) and finish with a dash of cream
>serve with pasta (best with non-meat stuffed pasta like ricotta ravioli or most kinds of girasoli)
wah lah
I don't even know if it's a legit recipe, my mom just makes it like that and it's a great way to use capers for a nice contrast

>> No.16941146

too bad salmon is the filthiest fish on earth, even worse than tilapia at this point

>> No.16941150

If you're that concerned about it just go vegan and leave the salmon to people that arent giant pussies.

>> No.16941153

what do you mean ? pollutants ? parasites ?

>> No.16941157

or I could just eat fish that aren't literally trash in the shape of an animal. notice I didn't tell you to stop filing your trash body with trash, you are what you eat after all

>> No.16941166

farmed fish where I live have higher standards of quality than in the US (not hard at all) and idk why you'd be worried about the worms in the fish when you cook and/or freeze it sufficiently to kill them
maybe relax a little bit

>> No.16941170

you can put them into literally every tomato based sauce

>> No.16941176

Norway is the US now?

>> No.16941225

So what fish do you recomend?

>> No.16941228

Sorry bud can't help you there, I'm just a stupid american. Maybe you should ask someone in europe where they have standards.

>> No.16941233

And it's based !

>> No.16941249

maybe you should stop being a passive aggressive bitch
do you realize how faggy you come off as or do you think you're being cool?
trout should be an acceptable (if not indistinguishable) substitute for salmon, but that anon is mostly spouting bullshit to look smart

>> No.16941285

So stfu about it then

>> No.16941288

put'em in a homemade tartar sauce

>> No.16941303

>farmed fish where I live have higher standards of quality than in the US
Where do you live? The only standards higher than US farmed fish standards are other competing US farmed fish standards.

>> No.16941655

you think groids and shitskins eat veal?

>> No.16941763
File: 10 KB, 310x163, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shitskin and I eat veal
the white genocide can't come soon enough

>> No.16941823

You use them anytime you want something small and very salty. I add it to any kind of clear or white pasta sauce. Also goes great on some cream cheese on a bagel. It's not rocket science.
Have some fucking self respect. Don't be a chud.

>> No.16941837

Try cod liver on toast with capers and a dash of mayo. It's a great appetizer.

>> No.16941850
