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File: 227 KB, 640x960, 2019Food_Different_types_of_cheese_on_a_wooden_table_133803_30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16934904 No.16934904 [Reply] [Original]

Do people in Asia know this exist?

>> No.16934911

Asians can’t eat cheese.

>> No.16934914

False. Koreans eat more cheese than Americans.

>> No.16934918

but koreans like cheese

>> No.16934939

Koreans consume insane amounts of American culture. They should be considered honorary Americans.

>> No.16934944

Well, they got that there kimchi that makes you go bibimbap and I say that's okay. They say 'mericans need to get more roughage and put down the 'yrup. Good on them, good on them, Kimcheese I say.

>> No.16934957
File: 1.33 MB, 1069x580, Screenshot_2021-11-03 78313155 jpg (WEBP Image, 1069 × 580 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in fact their are several cheese-producing countries in Asia. There are many varieties of cheese created around the continent, hard or soft, made with many different types of milk.

Pic related is churpi, a Nepalese/Indian hard cheese with a firm chewy texture and mild tangy taste. It's typically made with yak's milk.

>> No.16934972

>they got that there kimchi that makes you go bibimbap

>> No.16934983

There isn't enough lactose in harder cheeses to cause problems for even lactose intolerant people, most of it gets drained out with the whey or broken down by enzymes used in cheesemaking.

>> No.16934984
File: 1.02 MB, 900x600, Screenshot_2021-11-03 byaslag jpeg (WEBP Image, 900 × 600 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is byaslag, a Mongolian cheese with a sour taste that's often compared as having a texture that's "a cross between mozzarella and feta".

>> No.16935005
File: 96 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Kesong_puti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft cheeses made from asian water buffalo or carabao milk are made all throughout southeast Asia. Pic related is kesong puti, from the Phillipines. Similar cheeses are also made in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh.

>> No.16935746

These are interesting but I doubt it is consumer by the general population probably just a delicacy

>> No.16935751

I am Asian and my family and friends are prejudice against all cheese. They believe it will kill you and make your skin look bad. We literally hate cheese lol.

>> No.16935752

Does dick cheese count

>> No.16935792

Cuisine is always regional, no matter how your country develops. In Asia, there cheese-eating regions are typically border regions, close to highlands, etc. China is notorious as a non-cheese nation since the only cheese-making regions are on its borders and fringes with areas that do produce cheese.
In the end, a regional staple can be considered a "national delicacy". The fact is that there are many asiatic cheese-making regions. Compare to how there are regions of Europe where cheese-making isn't common due to the prevalence of other foods.

>> No.16935797

It's like you know nothing about mongolia.

>> No.16935977

Piss poor nation with no accomplishments? Yeah not interested

>> No.16936073

mongolian cuisine is a meme. no one does the the traditional dishes (and who can blame them?), so its mostly just filled dumplings. they do have few quirky milk drinks and foods but its on its way out. ulanabtar worker doesnt have a horse to make kumis and beer or liquor are much cheaper.
so seethe cope and dial8

>> No.16936087

>Compare to how there are regions of Europe where cheese-making isn't common
such as?...

>> No.16936107

gooks eat garbage american style cheese, low moisture mozzarella and pre-shredded cheddar

>> No.16936108

Indians love paneer what are you talking about?

>> No.16936121

paneer is to a cheese as kid is to a grown man. laso its disguating because pajeets

>> No.16936138

there are no people in asia

>> No.16936158

These words are mutually exclusive. By definition.

>> No.16936166

Definition of delicacy
1: something pleasing to eat that is considered rare or luxurious
Example: considered caviar a delicacy

>rare or luxurious

>> No.16936170
File: 47 KB, 683x1024, soy cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they make it from soy

>> No.16936171
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>> No.16936262


>> No.16936307
File: 516 KB, 1296x778, Cincinnati3way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BEHOLD the luxurious staple of Ohio

>> No.16936770

There are so many subgroups of the Asian group. Use slurs all you want but a filipino is nothing like a Japanese, even a Chinese is different than a Korean, and I have no idea which one you're referring to. So you could keep jerking yourself off to your ambiguous slurs or actually post a relevant and interesting reply and choose a nationality or sub classifier.

>> No.16936774

>Regional staple
>National delicacy
See? No contradiction.
Caviar is an example

>> No.16937300

only east asia doesn't do dairy really

>> No.16937483

I've never seen such cheese in Japan.

>> No.16937490


>> No.16937516

the exception being south koreans love them some cheese especially with barbeque.

>> No.16937574

a gook is a korean, specifically. the korean suffix for country is "guk"(국), similar to how -stan is used in iranian, arab and turkic languages.
korea is hanguk(한구) and america, funnily enough is miguk(미국), pronounced "me-gook"
when koreans met americans they started saying "me gook" to them and the rest is history.
if you've been referring to all asians as gooks all this time, you need to apply yourself. you can call filipinos flips or SEAmonkeys, the chinese chinks, and the japs japs or nips.

>> No.16937605

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16938296

calm down, racist

>> No.16938347

stop it with the pasta anon

>> No.16938359
File: 56 KB, 414x600, 20100117_786744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japs japs

>> No.16938582

Fucking savages

>> No.16938601

Bullshit, you forgot about expats living there

>> No.16938609

Hell yes. What is more preferred by a native Ohioan, Gold Star or skyline?

>> No.16939811

For me, it’s cooper sharp or cheddar horseradish

>> No.16939823

Wasn't a staple in Mongolian diets cheese curds?

>> No.16939857

>Yes, in fact their are several cheese-producing countries in Asia
>Pic related is churpi, a Nepalese/Indian hard cheese
thank you for the new information on cheese, but you know gosh damned well what OP meant by "Asian", dude. yes, India is considered to be part of the asian continent, but no one in their right mind actually thinks of India as Asian. Nepal i guess would be grey enough zone where I won't argue about it, but still wouldn't be any one's first 10 guesses for asian.

>> No.16939997

God, nature is beautliful.

>> No.16940005

I'm in Japan and cheese is so expensive. In australia I can get cheddar bricks by the kilo. Here a matchbox size piece of chedder is like 500 yen. Bull shit.

>> No.16940147

actual yak cheese is way better you desi faggot

>> No.16940161

>dude it's in asia but c'mon they're not asian
are you retarded?

>> No.16940171

Koreans also eat more black sausage than Americans
Doesn't mean it is good for them