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16933586 No.16933586 [Reply] [Original]

Ladies and gentlemen...

The champagne of beers.

>> No.16933610

I tried that when I was in the US, and it was comfortably the best American beer I tasted (I tried them all over the course of 3 months). Make of that what you will.

>> No.16933618
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I miss the old logo

>> No.16933620

Where are you from? It's not a terrible beer but far from the best. It's very mediocre.

>> No.16933627

A Scandinavian country, my friend

>> No.16933634

I'm pretty sure your basic beers over there are all better than this one. If you were to blindfold me, I probably couldn't tell the difference between this one and Bud.

>> No.16933642

>anything classy coming out of milwaukee wisconsin

>> No.16933654

If you seriously can’t taste a distinct difference between High Life and Bud, it’s best to disregard your opinions on beer in general.

>> No.16933680

Coors, Miller, and Bud basically taste the same. It's all carbonated water, flavorless swill.

>> No.16933769

Yup, le epic American water beer meme.
Here’s a tip though; it’s a dead giveaway you honestly don’t know jack fucking shit about beer and are just trying to project faux snobbery to sound sophisticated if you honestly think they taste identical.
And of course you’ll double down and insult the taste of anyone who points this out, while disregarding the fact they never said anything about liking those beers.

>> No.16933779

They don't have any flavor. Why drink any of them when Sam Adams lager exists?

>> No.16934018

high fructose corn syrup pisswater... home...

>> No.16934045

You're the one coming off like a snob. Tastes are subjective. Are you really surprised that beers of the same style trying to appeal to the same market taste pretty identical?

>> No.16934083

A 6 pack of tall boys of MIller is cheaper than PBR lately. It's good for the price point I guess

>> No.16934162

Isn't Champagne a reserved sparkling wine apellation? I know this is beer, but isn't that kind of lame?

>> No.16934170

Yeah but it's not labeled as champagne, it's labeled as the champagne of beers. It's like the Dark Souls of beers but with champagne instead.

>> No.16934271

No; I got that. But it's fairly obvious they're trying to profit off the name while skirting the law via some loophole.

>> No.16934304

PBR and Tecate are both better

>> No.16934306

I'd honestly rather drink Mickey's.

>> No.16934332

>anything classy coming out of the US

>> No.16934340

What's the beer of wines?

>> No.16934361

Carlo Rossi

>> No.16934365

Bota Box White Zin

>> No.16934425

>You're the one coming off like a snob
I’m only calling bullshit, I’m not countering with a “superior objective” opinion
>Tastes are subjective
“Taste” in the abstract sense of personal preference is indeed subjective. It is based on one’s own opinion.
“Taste” in the sense of flavor compounds or ingredients in something is not subjective.
No matter how much you dislike certain foods, being unable to tell which is which when they have different ingredient ratios and production methods would indicate your dislike is based on things other than taste alone.

> Are you really surprised that beers of the same style trying to appeal to the same market
Once again, it seems more of adhering “lol American pisswater beer” meme. The same style/market thing could be said for lagers in Germany and stouts in England; they’re literally competing in the same way, but you likely wouldn’t say they taste the same, and instead talk about the nuanced differences between them.

>> No.16935387

You didn't try Yuengling or rolling rock?

>> No.16935441

They started calling it the champagne of beers in 1906, the French appellation stuff really went in in 1935 (champagne had some limited protection in treaties before then).

>> No.16935446
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>> No.16935693

What makes this the champagne of beers?

>> No.16935705

>t. never tasted any of them and just regurgitates stale memes about things he has no knowledge of

>> No.16935709

Their marketing team

>> No.16935729
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>> No.16935776


>> No.16935786

Interesting strategy. I wonder what kind of people will take them at their word and treat it as a high-status party accessory that champagne is known for

>> No.16935856

zoomer-kun, that's been their tagline for literally over 100 years

>> No.16935860

It's the best nationally available mass produced lager, hands down. It's not even up for debate. It's the only one that actually looks like beer in the glass and leaves lacing.

>> No.16935861


>Rolling Rock
shit, metallic taste.

>> No.16936152

For me, its Samuel Adams

>> No.16936470

welcome to the US of A

>> No.16936476

Bud in Australia is delicious, whereas I find beers such as carlsberg, heineken & corona to all be flavourless like dirty water.

I like brown, red & amber ales + hefeweizen & dunkel generally though.

>> No.16936490

Miller nice sugary soda Bud seltzer water Coors never had one

>> No.16936523
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shut your whore mouth

>> No.16936529

Did you try PBR?

>> No.16936536

Rolling Rock hasn't been good since AVGN first featured it on the channel

>> No.16936539

Tastes like cardboard.

>> No.16936799

Why do Americans have such low standards?
If anything is "the Champagne of beers" it's a Belgian monastic ale.

>> No.16936803

rolling rock is good

>> No.16936810

Barleywine, obviously

>> No.16936813

ive been on a miller kick lately it really is a mellow beer no offensive flavors smooth and refreshing on a hot day

>> No.16936816

They're meant to be mild pale lagers, but there are differences in the hops, malt, and even carbonation. Because there aren't any strong flavours, the subtleties stand out. If I'm drinking a mild pils, I'd grab a Warsteiner over these, but that might just be because it's slightly cheaper here.

>> No.16936819

Freixenet Cava Brut would be the beer of Champagnes if it were French... instead, it's just the adjunct lager of sparkling white.

>> No.16936839

...before it was bought by Anheuser Busch. Now it sucks.

>> No.16936930

More like beer mixed with whire wine and then diluted with water.

>> No.16938098

stella is the champagne of beers

>> No.16938993


>> No.16939002

He's probably a smoker and can't taste anything unless it's bold

>> No.16939010

It's very bubbly like champagne

>> No.16939029

>If you were to blindfold me, I probably couldn't tell the difference between this one and Bud.
jesus christ
so why even bother discussing beer with others? just drink bud until you die

>> No.16939039

These were my favorite commercials