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File: 30 KB, 350x304, yerba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16932043 No.16932043 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16932048

Feels bad on an empty stomach

>> No.16932065
File: 38 KB, 801x814, c90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cranberry pomegranate yerba mate

>> No.16932070

Good shit. Theobromine > caffeine.

>> No.16932100

I have no idea what this is but its name looks like something an Australian would say

>> No.16932111

i just started drinking it because i always get bad headaches from coffee. works very good imo

>> No.16932119

it's a good natural alternative to energy drinks, like green tea. the secret to making it yourself is to pour the water right as it's on the edge of boiling

>> No.16932121
File: 499 KB, 1800x945, Yerbae623_1592925453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about those but got a bunch of these for cheap. Not bad. Light and not syrupy like most energy drinks and seems to have more boost too.

>> No.16932175

>work food service job
>on way to work, tired as fuck, need a quick pick-me-up
>decide to stop in the whole foods next door instead of Starbucks because fuck paying $4 for coffee
>all Whole Food’s coffee drinks are equally as stupid expensive if not more
>notice these canned Yerba Mate things (pic related) are on sale for $2.50/pc if you have prime
>heard from others they have a lot of caffeine and so I say fuck it and get one

>get to my job, only have time to take a couple sips before clocking in (it’s actually fucking good) so I drop it in the employee drink bin to come back to later
>fast forward about 45 minutes
>all my latino coworkers are in the back laughing their asses off about something
>walk closer and see the one shift supervisor in the center of them laughing and holding up the Yerba Mate can while saying something in Spanish
>he turns to me as I approach and says, “this yours anon?”
>I’m like yeah, what’s funny?
>coworkers all chortling and walking away, shift supervisor puts down the can and walks past me
>”nothing anon!”

Someone explain this?

>> No.16932233

they fucked with your drink.
latinos are pieces of shit, anon.

>> No.16932257

I used the n word last night and janny missed it

>> No.16932276

You think the Latinos pulled the old Chinese joke?

>> No.16932366

probably worse.
they put tapatio in it since they had it on had

>> No.16932378
File: 666 KB, 1000x667, yerba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like actual yerba mate infusions, I drink them on most days. they wake me up better than coffee
the canned stuff probably doesn't have much to do with real yerba mate though

>> No.16932428

are there any actual health benefits with yerba mate?

>> No.16932497

>the only place in my city that served actual yerba mate closed due to the coof
Anyway, the lemon, and mint still flavours are great

>> No.16932528 [DELETED] 

yerba mate doesnt mean shit in spanish they probably laughing for other reasons like maybe they thought you're weak for being tired and you neededing an energy drink i don't know just speculating as yerba mate has no significance in Spanish slang sensitive gringhoes always jumping at an opportunity to spew shit from their burger holes about their superior counterpart

>> No.16932534

not really. it has some b vitamins and magnesium though so it doesn't wash them out as much as coffee

>> No.16932540

idk maybe were just surprised to see a gringo drinking a traditional south american drink in a canned version

>> No.16932546

kek perfect reaction

>> No.16932575

As an actual Argie living in the US; I can get how a pick up and go can is really convenient, but those are pretty bad compared to just actual yerba mate. It isn't too hard to find, it's cheaper, and as long as you have the funny straw with the filtered end (few bucks, lasts years) you can make it in any old fucking cup, you don't actually need a gourd, it's just traditional. If you're just drinking this shit at home while shitposting, or you're sitting at your desk in an office, you'd probably have a better drink and for cheaper if you made actual yerba mate; I recommend Cruz de Malta or Rosamonte, but I like kick-to-the-stomach strength yerba, most people I know back in ye olde shithole prefer the milder ones.

I'm used to carrying around a thermos full of hot water, a bombilla (funny straw), a gourd and a marmalade jar with a spoon and yerba mate in it with me in my backpack or in my car, and nobody really gives a fuck about you drinking it in public (at least here) or at worst you get someone who goes "Hey, is that the yerba mate stuff? Can I try?" or an "Uuuuuuuh boludo, de que barrio y cuadro sos amigo, todo piola? O sos yoruga?"

>> No.16932613

>health benefits
I'm pretty sure the intense caffeine buzz you get from it is healthy

>> No.16932652
File: 714 KB, 1209x1612, 20211103_115811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw out of rosamonte
I haven't had mate for a while, having a bowl now. Imported these so it's not beat up dust, I wish we had the shitty fernet from argentina and not the shitty super-mint, it's all I need now to complete my nostalgiaboner.

>> No.16932656

cruz de malta has a nice combination of mild taste and powerful caffeine kick, nice choice

>> No.16932679

Thanks anon, idk what I'm even doing on /ck/ or what choices that led me here but I'm gonna search for my bags of rosamonte. Also [meme]its been so long I am putting sugar in it[/meme]

>> No.16932704

yerba means fucking
mate means nigger?
idk. where are you? everyone drinks those here on the coast so no one really bats an eye at it.

>> No.16932727

how much of this can you drink before youre way too buzzed?

also does most of the effect come out when you do the first extraction with the hottst water? are all the later sips gonna be less powerful?

i really enjoy drinking coffee in the morning (or anytime, really) drinking one of these just feels like drinking a soda.

i once had an alcoholic coffee beer and it was alright but i became sad becuase i could have just enjoyed a whole coffee and also enjoyed a whole beer

>> No.16932760

>how much of this can you drink before youre way too buzzed?
idepends on your caffeine tolerance and the variety and amount of mate you're using
>also does most of the effect come out when you do the first extraction with the hottst water? are all the later sips gonna be less powerful?
the first couple of sips are stronger, but all of them are more powerful than tea. I usually steep it a few times in the morning and later a few times in the afternoon, I'd say I usually get at least 10 steepings before it becomes too watery

>> No.16932828

Man, when I was doing university back in the UNLP, everyone lived off that shit. I know the meme is Playadito brand yerba plus Don Satur brand biscuits, but more often than not for me and my colleagues it was mate and nothing to go with it. The hippies in geology ate a lot of Don Satur though, from the time I has to spend in their not-great campus doing some courses for my degree.

It gives you a kick but it's a lot more drawn out and harder to get too buzzed on compared to the immediate spike of coffee, at least in my opinion. Works a treat for waking me up either way, but that might just be my brain recognizing the beginning of my morning ritual and that it's time to do shit now. Although, I'm not the best person to ask this, since I drink two thermoses (1L of hot water to the thermos) worth of the stuff a day if I can, although I don't really notice a difference in my wakefulness or attention when I'm unable to get my yerba mate for whatever reason.

And yes, the first steep is the strongest, and each one gets progressively less strong; at some point you have to switch out the yerba if you wanna keep going because it stops becoming mate and starts becoming hot water with random tasteless crap floating in it. "When" varies, but personally I drink it quite a bit past what other people consider being "spent", but not completely flavorless or a nasty soup (most of the yerba should be a semi-compact wet mass, not a bunch of floating loose bits, that's way too spent).

>> No.16934097

i prefer it

>> No.16934103

it's fine, but sells 4-5x higher than it should. i've never bought one and never will.

>> No.16934139

its like $3 max bro

>> No.16934157

Yerba Mate looks like the spelling of some sort of australian slang.

Hard yakka, no wokkas, get some maccas mate yerba mate this arvo cunt

>> No.16934160
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, 2CE0E043-8AE6-4642-B74B-B5245E366E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also recommend Rosamonte, it's my favorite of the half dozen or so I've tried. The canned stuff is fine, but the markup is crazy and it's fun to brew yourself.

>> No.16934763

the price to make it is probably 15c

>> No.16935495

>make drink to try and appeal to Aussies
>Aussies fucking hate it cuz it's hipster soy shit
what was their plan?

>> No.16936040
File: 54 KB, 629x418, 1629756352313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some gay shit

Mate is for drinking as a tea of sorts. Anything else is sacrilege.

>> No.16936052

They're okay. Pretty tasty. Fuckton of caffeine, I prefer them to energy drinks. I drank them when I was cutting back on alcohol, wasn't awful. I feel weird buying them though.