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File: 68 KB, 1200x1800, Instant-Pot-Chicken-Breasts-foodiecrush.com-006A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16931363 No.16931363 [Reply] [Original]

So... Uh... What now?

>> No.16931366

Crumb it. Chicken katsu or fried chicken sandwiches.
season, spice and grill it. delicious and healthy.
chop it up and make a curry.
The options are literally endless with chicken breast.
Also for anyone that says chicken breast doesn't taste good or is too dry learn to fucking cook.

>> No.16931389

good to go
t. white guy with healthy poops

>> No.16931402

What's a good sandwich to make with that?

>> No.16931410

Crumbed chicken breast, coleslaw, pickle, spicy or tangy barbecue sauce

>> No.16931438

You know what most stores have too much chicken in one bag. Like I can not eat all that chicken in one sitting and safely storing it is a pain since it usually result in me getting diarrhea next time i eat it. They need smallerr chicken packets.

>> No.16931442

U eat it raw?

>> No.16931443

just freeze it dumb ass

>> No.16931445

Send me a good recipe and ill try

>> No.16931449

Dethawing it is a pain man and then the chicken gets permanently harder if i keep freezing and dethawing And where do i store it then a plastic bag?

>> No.16931463

>dethawing it is a pain
>leave in fridge for a day or two
>microwave for 20-30 minutes on dethaw setting
What part of either of these is a pain?
>And where do i store it then a plastic bag?
Yeah? get a pack of gallon storage bags for a dollar or two.

>> No.16931466
File: 127 KB, 800x533, Chicken-Cacciatore-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude there's so much you can do with chicken.
It's basically a blank canvas.
Personally, I'm a fan of cacciatori.
>tfw there were only two Italian joints in my town, and the good one closed because the owner went back to New York and the shitty one 86'd everything but pizza and is now just an overpriced pizza parlour

>> No.16931469

>leave in fridge for a day or two
I literally get diarrhea theh next day if i dont eat it the first day. If i have leftover cooked chicken then it may be a hit or miss if i get diarrhea after eating the 2 day old chicken with increasing odds after each day.

I could try a plastic bag but usually i have these glass lunch containers i store the chicken in the fridge with.

>> No.16931476

>barbecue sauce
Why do people think candy sauce is good?

>> No.16931484

Isnt this just spaghetti and grilled chicken with marinara sauce

>> No.16931487

There's something fucked with your fridge or you're waiting too long to freeze your chicken.

>> No.16931491

Well, some varieties are.
The good one is the Sicilian style, with wide noodles, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc.
The sauce is kind of like a marina, but it's a wine sauce that's not as sweet as your typical marinara would be.

>> No.16931493

That's no good with breasts.

>> No.16931495

Also if you're not going to eat it immediately after thawing then refreeze it, stop dethawing it if you're not planning on eating it. Do not refreeze if you thawed with microwave though, you have to cook that immediately.

>> No.16931499

Why not?
I agree that dark meat is better for a cacciatori, but hell I'm not serving it to a customer, just eating it at home.

>> No.16931505

Take it back to the shop and exchange it for thighs.

>> No.16931515

Recipe for what? There are endless options. What do you want to try?

>> No.16931516

I usually throw it in the freezer as soon as i get home which is a 20 minute drive from costco. Weather is currently around 40-50f here
I think it may be the glass containers but cant say for sure.
Its so hard to get it out if its not thawed at least a good portion though. Maybe i could get a small ice pick to help.

>> No.16931518

I usually thaw in the fridge overnight too.

>> No.16931520

>Dethawing it is a pain man and then the chicken gets permanently harder if i keep freezing and dethawing
Why are you doing that? Just freeze it and defrost a day or two before you're ready to use in the fridge.

>> No.16931524

Chicken katsu or fried chicken sandwich whichever you prefer and your ideal recipe. I made fried chicken before but spicy style and it tasted good thing is i dont want to eat fry stuff all the time. I want to see ur version too.

>> No.16931527

>Hasn't had a good tangy or spicy barbecue sauce
Find a gun, put it in your mouth and shoot yourself through the brain.
Or try some barbecue sauces that aren't supermarket confectionary. There's actually a shitload out there now because a lot of people had the same objection you did.

>> No.16931533

Microwave thawing just dries it out too much for my taste, and while I don't mind quick defrosting thin fish fillets in hot water, I'd rather not do that with thick chicken breasts. (I have done so when drunk and lazy and I didn't die, but that's definitely not a good idea)

>> No.16931535

I usually defrost it in the fridge overnight or like a day in advance. But i only eat half to a 1/3 chicken breast a day. The packet usually comes with 3-4 large ones and i dont know how to store it well or else i cannot cook with it since the next day in the fridge it will give me diarrhea

If i throw it back in the freezer the meat will get harder

>> No.16931540

That said i think my only options are
1. Try plastic bags and throw out after 1 use for storage.
2. Get an ice pick and get out 1 chicken breast.
3. Im not sure maybe see if anyone sells in smaller portions

>> No.16931542

Well, you could cook up the extra ones before you stick them in the fridge. Then they'd be sterilized and you could reheat them for making whatever the next couple days.

>> No.16931546

It's not special. For Katsu get some potato flour and obviously panko crumbs.
Flour it, dip in egg mixture then crumbs. Chill for an hour once you've got your batch ready.
After that it's about maintaining your oil heat and not overcooking a breast in the oil. That only comes through practice.
I use golden curry for katsu. Sorry if you wanted some original recipe for that but there's legitimately very little pay off from creating your own curry roux imo. Serve on rice and slice up some cabbage as thing as you can and serve it on the side.
If you're like me you'll mix it in because rice, cabbage, curry and fried chicken tastes so fucking good together but it looks nice before you start eating and especially if you're serving it to a girl.

>> No.16931547

Tbh they sometimes give me diarrhea that much chicken 3-4 breasts would feed me for like an entire week at least. Not sure why is still gets me sick though even if i cook it. Sometimes im ok and just get some stomach gurgle other days i run to the toilet 30 minutes after eating the cooked chicken i left in the fridge in my glass container.

>> No.16931556

Dude I dunno what to tell you about that one.
I've never had that problem.
Everyone's microbiome is different, so maybe your's just doesn't agree with chicken.
If you eat chicken at a restaurant does it do that to you?

>> No.16931558

No and no. Barbecue sauce is disgusting. If I want something that sweet I'll buy a candy bar

>> No.16931559

Why in the fuck aren't you freezing in portions you would consume in a day? I honestly cannot fathom how this is even an issue.
Divide the chicken into portions you would consume in a day then pack those portions into a container or freezer bag.
Freezing bulk, defrosting then only using a portion is utterly retarded. How have you not deduced differently?

>> No.16931560

I appreciate your assitance fren

Usuallly restaurant chicken doesnt make me sick unless its really oily.
That said I probably have IBS.

>> No.16931562
File: 760 KB, 259x214, 1334450925749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16931564

COOKBRO so lets say i get refridgerated chicken at the store
I rip the package up and store the extra in a freezer safe plastic bag and then cook whenever i need it.

That said i will probably need a lot of those frrezer safe bags. I think that should do it right cookbro?

>> No.16931568

You can. Just get tupperware. Divide breast, put it in the tupperware then freeze it. Day before take it from the freezer and put it in the fridge. With that amount of chicken breast it'll be defrosted well and truly before you're ready to cook it and will be good for 3-4 days in the fridge from defrost.

>> No.16931570

If restaurant chicken usually doesn't do that way, but your chicken at home does, maybe it's some kind of environmental contamination?
Are you cleaning your kitchen with absurd quantities of quaternary or what? Quaternary sanitizer, while highly effective, is highly toxic when ingested even in very small amounts. You gotta rinse that shit off of stuff after it's done it's work.

>> No.16931585

I usually use tupperware but im not sure why it gives me diarrhea when i store cooked chicken in the fridge. Maybe i need new tupperware. Or maybe i use a tupperware inside a plastic bag for extra precaution

Usually i just clean my kitchen with dish soap on the cutting board i have. Thats the only place i put my chicken on besides the pan which i clean with dish soap and rinse it out before cooking.

I think maybe the chicken at costco i buy is just bad but why do so many other people buy it. My parents say it doesnt give them diarrhea but i feel like they are lying.

>> No.16931590

Sounds tasty anon ill save this for later to try.

>> No.16931592

Well I'm stumped man.
I got nothin'.

>> No.16931595

Its ok cookbro i love you and the effort u gave it. If i was with you i would want to hug you and maybe kiss you.

>> No.16931603

Nigga use your brain
Just half each breast and freeze each half separately
When you need half a breast, you pull it out of the freezer the day before
It's not as complicated as you're making it out to be

>> No.16931621

I could try it fren. What do you think is the most optimal way to store chicken in the freezer?

>> No.16931643

I use food safe plastic bags

>> No.16931650

Ok thx cookbro
Ill look out for those

>> No.16931731

It's too lean. Breast can be used for very rich sauches like curries and peanut sauce though.

>> No.16931848

saute and pressure cook imo. I can't go back to anything else

>> No.16931881
File: 521 KB, 1642x977, Poached chicken over brothy rice with cilantro-scallion sauce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16931886
File: 192 KB, 1080x1080, Poached chicken over brothy rice with cilantro-scallion sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16931900

>Poached chicken
I have it so rarely I have no need ti voice anything but seeing it now, it's fucking gay and offers nothing that can't be captured in another cooking method aside from how it was good.
Grilled well tastes better than poached

>> No.16931969

Pound it flat, season it with some good stuff, put in oven at 420 for 20 minutes.