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16929280 No.16929280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We all know the climate change stuff is a load of crap, what's the real reason they are trying to push Veganism onto everyone?

>> No.16929283

Climate change isn't a load of crap, it's just a natural cycle thats nothing to be afraid of
I wonder if people think when the ice age was ending, cavemen went "ooga booga, vote liberal"

>> No.16929285

Because they think it's what the markets demand. That's the reason.

>> No.16929286

Same reason they pushed vegetable oil.

Turn the waste from producing one product into a second product. That way you're making two separate profits from the same amount of resources with just a little more manufacturing cost.

>> No.16929294

>We all know the climate change stuff is a load of crap
Its not, but the way meat eating is blamed for It is bullshit

>what's the real reason they are trying to push Veganism onto everyone?
The weak grain eater was defeated by the dairy and milk mongol warrior

>> No.16929304

Climate change isn’t crap, but it’s not because of Americans leaving lights on or eating meat or whatever bullshit they say, it’s literally all just Chinese and Indian pollution
That said, >>16929286 is pretty much spot on. Just like fluoride from aluminum factories got put in the water supply

>> No.16929306

>We all know the climate change stuff is a load of crap


>> No.16929311

Somehow a less intelligent post than OPs, and that's really saying something

>> No.16929315

It's best to think of it more organically, rather than top-down. If it was pure efficiency from some mastermind, veganism is not actually super efficient. Certain types of vegetarianism, or even just eating less meat makes more sense there.
Really, what we've seen is an increased displacement of man as something distinct from the rest of the animals. We're so far from starvation and suffering, as well as increased lack of awareness of the food supply, that animals are largely viewed as pets. Even things like spiders increasingly have this anthropomorphized fondness from folks. I think this is largely due to we're so wealthy now that we can afford to view nature as cute rather than something we struggle to deal with.
Given that, people reason from that point of thought. If we wouldn't eat humans, why is it okay it eat other animals? If we wouldn't enslave humans, why is it okay to enslave other animals? You can see this in the writing of Peter Singer, who is a major influence on the animal rights movement. The abstraction away from humanity and coming up with even more general justifications of morality that does not require humans to be unique or even unusual. Poll vegans. The amount of devoutly religious folks amongst them is slim-to-nil. Those who are, will actually tend to have a very distinct reasoning for it, the classical idea of a good steward. Further, in the poorer places of the world, veganism is rare to unheard of, because giving up meat or eggs or milk is likely to lead to death by a protein deficiency.

So, you have increased empathy with, and anthropomorphication of, animals as well as the wealth to not need animals as a source of protein in a practical way, and the urge to view animals, even wild animals, as pets, you get veganism.

>> No.16929339

Higher profit margins and possibly to weaken the people of the nation they are looting as a happy coincidence

>> No.16929344

They were pushing it like 2-3 years ago. I can't remember the last time I saw an ad for fake meat. It was just a fad that blew over.

>> No.16929346

Veganism, like obesity, is a modern luxury.

>> No.16929353

I 100% agree. Though I also think it's a confluence of that, plus an decrease of humanism.

>> No.16929579


Not a natural cycle. Carbon traps infrared energy in two distinct wavelengths that would normally leave the atmosphere.

>> No.16929583

>We all know the climate change stuff is a load of crap

Post again when your room is under water/being covered by lava/falls into the Earth due to an earthquake

>> No.16929608

I wonder if you will figure it out thirty years from now they are still saying the world is going to end in five more years if we don't do ineffective things who's contracts, merely by coincidence, are fulfilled by friends and family of the politicians calling for them.

>> No.16929612

I live in the midwest. I'll be chilling in my subtropical paradise home that is worth 15X its current value.

>> No.16929622

being vegan isnt about saving the planet or the animals or anything.
being vegan is simply a cult about feeling morally superior than everyone else around you.
that's why they broadcast the fact so much.

If you want to save the planet, nuke China.
Instantly you've reduced the population by 1/3rd, emissions by 60% and World Tension by half.

Cities in general have to go; there's no need for anywhere bigger than 12k population, being real.

>> No.16929627

Tell me more science faggot. How will this affect my silicone dildos going up my ass on livestream?

>> No.16929671

OP is referring to the vegan appeal to climate change as being a load of crap.
That is, the claim that the meat industry is the biggest contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, and that it has significantly larger carbon footprint than plant-based food.

Not climate change as a whole.

>> No.16929673


Well, if you're still around in 30 I will say 'what up, dawg'. "Climate change" is certainly real. The climate changes every day. But is capitalism actually raping the climate along with humanity/the animal kingdom itself? I wonder...

>> No.16929676

To make you stupid and weak

>> No.16929701


>women so horny and mean sucking scales off of live rattlesnakes


>> No.16929707
File: 279 KB, 4096x4096, 1629101581877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you didnt get any form of education without telling me you didnt get any form of education.

Yes its a natural cycle, but we are fuckin up that cycle atm. Read more.

>> No.16929717

You can shove as many dildos in your ass as you want anon, climate change won't affect your anus

>> No.16929731 [DELETED] 

>it’s literally all just Chinese and Indian pollution
per capita, surburban Americans produce the most pollution and have the largest ecological footprint

>> No.16929751
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x800, 180626-north-carolina-hog-farm-top1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is fine, it's just Jooz trying to fool you with propaganda!

>> No.16929767

how are we "fuckin up that cycle atm", my formal education friend? we're just accelerating it a bit
and by "we" I mean china and india

>> No.16929797
File: 59 KB, 600x374, 2009 08 beyond-organic-06-pigs jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just an argument against consolidated ag (aka factory farming). Not animal ag as a whole. It's like saying just because lots of dogs come from puppy mills or abusive homes that it's impossible to responsibly breed and/or own a dog.

>> No.16929859

>muh capitalism
Communist china is the largest contributors to it.

>> No.16930429

>We all know the climate change stuff is a load of crap,
what's the real reason they are trying to push Veganism onto everyone?
Prob because its an economic inefficiency. Waste of land, cows dont have any real economic output. Capitalists (the non cow-owning ones at least) would rather just feed the corn and soybeans directly to us rather than burn up half the product running a cows metabolism. Prob also some social engineering to prepare the goys for a vastly reduced meat consumption in the future as raising livestock becomes more costly