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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16923916 No.16923916 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most underrated European cuisine?

>> No.16923924

There's a Bosnian restaurant in town that's really good. I've otherwise never seen it mentioned and so that feels pretty underrated.

>> No.16923950


>> No.16923964

If you include Georgia, as European, I would say them.

>> No.16923971

sauerkraut mit dem bratwurst

>> No.16923973


>> No.16923978


>> No.16923983

Portuguese and Spanish cuisine shoud get more recognition, by al means. Croatian food is awesome as well

>> No.16924019

This might actually be the right answer. I don't see anybody shit-talking Bosnian, Spanish, Georgian, Croatian or German food (okay, maybe a few people shit-talking German food), but loads of people shit-talking English food, so it probably is the most underrated. Certainly not the _best_, but possibly the most underrated.

>> No.16924023

People shit talk Scandi food too and they're not wrong about that at least.

>> No.16924109

absolutely this
It's basically comfort food but people love to shit on it all day long.

>> No.16924248

Why do people hate on English food anyways? It's just meat and bread, served with beer.

>> No.16924260

add a prezel and cold beer.. food of the gods

>> No.16924285
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German food, they have a lot of good dishes, among them sauerkraut, einsbein (picrel), bratwurst, bread in general (they have the biggest variety of types of bread in the world), beer ofc, sauerbrauten.

>> No.16924486

British Cuisine. It gets a bad rep because of WW2 ration crap that people used to make.

>> No.16924500

Polish. I would eat it every day if I could.

>> No.16925072

Czech food looks pretty good. Goulash with dumplings yep yep

>> No.16925086

It's usually a mix of trannies/spics/americans always finding time to complain about english/scott food. Why do they do it? because they want something to seethe about

>> No.16925423

I dunno, but I really want some Serbian bacon bits. They cut it up into pork rind-sized chunks and fry them until crispy all over. The store I used to get them from closed years ago :(

>> No.16925497

it has been a meme that has persisted, people focus on the worst meals and don't think of the positives because it is more fun this way, simpleton /int/ banter

>> No.16925608

I doubt anyone here can seriously say anything truthful about any cuisine that's not one of the top 5 most famous ones nor their own country of origin. Like people shit on scandi food, but who can even name a single scandi dish that's not that memetic rotten-fish-in-a-can thing that nobody actually eats outside Jackass videos?

>> No.16925657

Which are the 5 famous ones? Scandinavia I'll name gravlax and cardamom buns, two for good measure.

>> No.16925697

>but everyone gushes over french food
I know
they still don't gush enough

>> No.16925716

Czech Republic. Gulash, knedliky, duck with plums

>> No.16925843


French food isn't even half as tasty as Italian food.

>> No.16926093
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Ireland. Pint of Guinness, Fresh soda bread. Kerrygold pure Irish butter

>> No.16926099
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I agree. I love German food.

>> No.16926282


>> No.16926427

Guinness is watery shite

>> No.16926604


>> No.16926608

Yeah, that's trannies, spics and americans, everyone else loves it. That's why there is so many british restaurants around the world...
Your "cousine" is utter shit, get over it. You are good at other things, you don't need to be good at everything.

>> No.16926614

this, Germonies have some rly nice stuff

>> No.16926634


>> No.16926674

Its not utter shit though, objectively its ok, not great, not terrible, certainly not as bad as its reputation implies.

>> No.16926686

well, I lived there for 11 months and it's bad, it's beyond "nothing to write home about"

>> No.16926711

Not Europe.

>> No.16926729

be careful where you get them. if they are too fluffy they will get muddy.

>> No.16926779

i really want to try some of the scaninavian non fish food. that banana bacon madness from sweden sounds great

>> No.16926798

flying jacob?

>> No.16926806

yes, i always forgot the name

>> No.16926810

stolen from Hungary
stolen from Germany
>duck with plums
stolen from Poland
Czechs are just a bunch of hack frauds.

>> No.16926812

Dutch. If you look beyond the standard overcooked vegetables mashed into potatoes, they do amazing smoked meats, smoked fish, pastries, baked goods, and fried goods.

>> No.16926820

Hungarian, Russian, and Portuguese don't get enough credit.

>> No.16926832

i've never had it. but bananas, peanuts, and bacon go well together. and depending on how it's prepared, the other ingredients could make something decadent that is pleasing to the tum tum. i do like casseroles. and if Swedish kids eat it, i'm sure it's alright.

>> No.16926835

smoked Gouda is the best cheese that has ever been made. and i will fight all to the death on this matter.

>> No.16926840

it reminds me a lot of the richer northern indian curries from mughals. i would prolly swap out the chicken tho. either turkey, lean pork or beef

>> No.16926842

Whatever the hell they call swedish meatballs with loganberry sauce

>> No.16926845

>t tastelet
france dabs on those silly swamp apes

>> No.16926862

yea, pork might be something that would be nice with all of the other ingredients. nothing against the other meats. i just always find them overpowering everything else, and in a dish that has a lot going on with it, having something else jumping out might derail your enjoyment. but you can never know, until you throw in the ole meat grinding orifice.

>> No.16926868

i don't remember, kjott balla maybe. my memory is fuzzy

>> No.16926870

that's because you smoke too many cigarettes, and can't taste anything

>> No.16926872

are you the one defending fucking smoked gouda?

>> No.16926877
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>> No.16926917

a lot of the food available in england is very processed and unpalatable, traditional English cuisine itself though isn't all that different from French. Problem is nobody sees that, just the munchy boxes, kebabs and premade sandwiches the average joe is eating

>> No.16926933

>isn't all that different from French
yes, they are both cuisines. one is respected in the world and the other made island boglins switch to processed food

>> No.16926940
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Real Answer: Greek

>> No.16926949

WWII rationing killed English cuisine.

>> No.16926954

>traditional English cuisine itself though isn't all that different from French
Fuck off, your disgusting garbage has nothing in common with glorious French cuisine you delusional retard

>> No.16926965

Have my upvote cause I'm a huge Ireboo. Thanks for being the keepers of the Celtic folklore.

>> No.16926973

If that doesn't count then Greek

>> No.16926974
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>English cuisine itself though isn't all that different from French
good one

>> No.16926988

Yeah, I wouldn't really consider cheese cuisine, but those are great too. I recently had a stacked curd smoked blue Gouda-style cheese, that shit was wild.

>> No.16927020

if they serve pork it's serbian

>> No.16927021

>Frédy Girardet
>Benoît Violier
>Daniel Humm

The correct answer is Switzerland.

>> No.16927032

Who cares?
Never heard of them
One of them is french
Swiss cuisine is non existent

>> No.16927040

>meatballs with mashed potatoes and gravy
>pork (euro bacon) with potatoes and onion sauce
>pickled herring with potatoes and sour cream
>salmon or cod with potatoes

probably the 5 most common dishes that could be considered uniquely Scandinavian

>> No.16927074


>> No.16927081
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>traditional English cuisine itself though isn't all that different from French.

>> No.16927093

I agree.
Cheese constitutes about a 1/3 of my blood serum levels though. Well, dairy does, in general. That does sound good, and I'm not particularly fond of blue cheese.

>> No.16927140

Čvarci? That's not bacon. That's pig fat fried and pressed.

>> No.16927148

pork rinds is the english term i believe

>> No.16927241

it is
Captcha: PPPG0

>> No.16927334

Czech by a mile.
South german/austrian is maybe a runnerup. We get pulled down with shitty north german food.

>> No.16927659

>That's why there is so many british restaurants around the world...
there actually are tho... all the places brits visit

>> No.16927663

>Czechs are just a bunch of hack frauds.
hah i remember you

>> No.16927672

canada has all the same dishes as northern usa but with better food quality

>> No.16927956


>> No.16927962

Irrelevant. Canada is that one country literally nobody cares about.

>> No.16928265

>duck with plums
I love duck with apples (+a lot of marjoram), I've never had it with plums. Is it even better? What spices do you use for that?

>> No.16928268

Mah nigga.


>> No.16928321

I support that nigga, with Canada on board we would be triple the size or so.
Actually Canada is my fav. yurop country from now on.

>> No.16928328

It's unironically British cuisine.

>> No.16928346

Russian, Hungarian, Bavarian, British

>> No.16928690

>bohoo, trianon
magyars have a different goulash, we're talking about the one you eat with bread and has more of a soup consistency instead of just pure meat with paprika

>> No.16928712
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>> No.16928750

Nobody looks at smorgastarta and thinks there's a still a god

>> No.16929078

I recall a cook in the newspapers who said something like "north germany is a culinary wasteland".

>> No.16929095

Based and true. Khachipuri, kharcho, it's all good. One thing that always blew my mind about Caucasian cooking is that they use nuts as a base in savoury dishes, usually sauces and stews. Also blue fenugreek.

>> No.16929108

I’ve always been fond of Belgian food. It’s similar in ways to Germany and France by virtue of location, with regional twists. Steak frites, waffles, and there’s these triangle/pyramid shaped rasberry candies that are delightful

>> No.16929120

But Belgian food isn't underrated. Everybody loves it. Also, Belgium isn't a real place.

>> No.16929135

i guess so but as an american, you rarely hear about any belgian food that isn’t chocolate or waffles. to me it seem like most people are sleeping on what else they offer

>> No.16929144

>blue fenugreek
I read about Schabziger cheese having that in it. I have to try that sometime; it's got to be good.

>> No.16929591

i'm belgian, i could let you know about a lot of our regional cuisine, i'm actually writing a book about local recipes. Hit me up

>> No.16929624

Because Britain traveled around the world fucking things over for everyone to get spices and they made one, (ONE) (1) (Uno) (Single) dish with them before going back to eating shit.

>> No.16929664


>> No.16929669

Smorgastarta is pretty good though.

>> No.16929680


>> No.16929699

100% this

>> No.16929748
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Full full cirno Congo

>> No.16929811
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Hey want some bravura baby777
Talk about it.
Abracadabra madara except

>> No.16929964

I like a lot of the famous dishes from Ukraine. Tell me, something that you like, that an ignorant person such as myself might not know about.

>> No.16929969

only effeminate men think otherwise.

>> No.16929974

Chicken Kiev made well with the juice OK
:) go go 2 meet el 4rattata

>> No.16929985

I said I know famous dishes. In fact I had a chicken Kiev on Sunday. I'm not that ignorant. I know a bit of Russian but very uniformed on the Ukrainian language or culture in general.

>> No.16930010


>> No.16930016

Eta egra monster Hunter rise

>> No.16930131

Gordon hoe long did. It take.

>> No.16930352

Why can we not go one thread without this "well technically grain is from the levant so all bread dishes are levantine" reductionism?

>> No.16930444

The Japanese dish?

>> No.16930568

Why would trannies even care about British cuisine lmao. Take your meds

>> No.16930571

it’s literal mutts that bitch about it

>> No.16930575
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Danish. Only people in the know rate it (that does not include /ck/, obviously).


Currently has the two best restaurants in the world. And Copenhagen has been the leading food city for 10+ years.

>> No.16930584
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>> No.16930589

There was this one restaurant that I agree with, on how you should source food, from Denmark. They went out gathering in the morning and bought locally. I can't argue against that. I love it.

>> No.16930592

I'm listening...

>> No.16930596

Do tell!

>> No.16930597

you don't have to agree but i love eastern european cuisine. comfy homely (?) food. hungarian in particular but that's the odd one out i suppose.

>> No.16930607

When I make a Belgian-style dinner at home, it's always the same thing: moules grand-mère, frites, cheese croquettes, and beer. What can I do to change it up?

>> No.16930913

When in season, include things like endives, white asparagus, and seasonal root veggies like turnips and celery root. Belgian food is pretty much french food with local belgian ingredients like brussel sprouts and endives. Things like potato puree with added veggies are popular too here, similar to the dutch stamppot.White asparagus with eggs and hollandaise (a la flamande) also come to mind. And never forget belgian stew (carbonade flamande).

>> No.16930917

all countries did rationing

>> No.16930922

>Currently has the two best restaurants in the world
and both of them prolly do french fusion

>> No.16930952

whats up with the CZIDF? Czech cuisine isnt bad but doesnt use vegetables enough and the food is very carb heavy. A farmers cuisine

>> No.16931129

this is mostly true, problem with british cuisine is that most of it is simple
sunday roast comes to mind, consists of meat + veg + potatoes and trimmings, its not super fancy but it tastes fucking delicious when made at home (and nowadays there's a good chance your local pub cooks it just aswell)

>> No.16931223

Look for waterzooi, Liège salad, eel in green (sorrel+variation of herbs), Flemish stew with trappist and veal cheeks, Flemish aspargus, rabbit with prunes, deepfried mussels, eel with shrimp and leek, eel in tarragon sauce, Belgian endive rolls with cooked ham and béchamel, pheasant with Belgian endive, speculaas, veal tongue with madeira, croquettes with North sea shrimp, croquettes with Wynendaele cheese, pigeon and peas, sea bass tartare, hop shoots with poached egg, rabbit in Kriek beer, cod with buttermilk purée, shrimp and poached egg ("smeus"), tomato-shrimp-mayo-lettuce, snails from Namur in puff pastry, Ostend oysters in different ways, chocolate pie from the city of Aalst...

wine: Clos d'Opleeuw, Genoels-Elderen
cheese: Damse Mokke, Grevenbroecker, Achelse Blauwe, Oud-Brugge Prestige

Old recipes: Cauderlier, Gaston Clément, Pierre Wynants, Eddie Van Maele, Marc Paesbrugghe, Roger Souvereyns.

>> No.16931265

wanneer komt ie uit?

>> No.16931270

no such thing

>> No.16931316

anon anything you have i would love to read. if your book has a picture for every recipe i would prolly buy it too (unless it is in vlaamian or french

>> No.16931382
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Don't hate on my bros

>> No.16931387
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Are you the right kind of belgian though?

>> No.16931393

what's with all the eels

>> No.16931394

this. there is no translation for "terroir" in any language. foreigners drool over french food but still are so far from grasping how good and diverse it really is
t.jealous rital

>> No.16931418

Goulash has been popular since the 50s. It's old hat now.

>> No.16931437

Honestly I'm inclined to agree with him. If faggots were french they'd be everywhere.

>> No.16931454

You have the right to be retarded, it's fine.

>> No.16931456


>> No.16931467

noma and geranium are in no way representative of the cuisine of Denmark.

>> No.16931470
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Northwestern Belgium used to be very swampy/part of a huge river delta: perfect for eel and burbot (needed for "waterzooi") to thrive. Both are now near extinct.

In yellow land that was gained on the sea.

>> No.16931479

It's sucks so hard that eels have gone out of style in the UK

>> No.16931508

burbot are "least concern" buddy, we have them all over Lake Erie

>> No.16931511

but doesn't this just mean that there are good restaurants in copenhagen and that there are good danish chefs? do those restaurants cook danish cuisine? i'm guessing no.
a lot of good chefs are britbongs, that doesn't really mean britbong cuisine is good.

>> No.16931767

Frenchfag here, travelled a lot around Europe and I'd have to go with Czech food since I'm a big meat eater. I see people mentioning Greek and other cuisines but they are actually rated by people unlike the Czech one.

>> No.16931802

I agree, I had very good meals in Prague and at good prices. Hungary has excellent food too.

t. other frenchfag

>> No.16931835


except for Germans, Poles and its other neighbors hardly anyone even knows that Czechia is a real place that exists somewhere. you won't make it a thing.

>> No.16931849
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Thank you very much! I'm screencapping these and looking up some recipes today!

>> No.16931851

Prague is a mandatory stop for American college student Eurotrips because of cheap beer and even cheaper women

>> No.16931858

true, Prague is disgusting shithole

>> No.16931926
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Most Amerilards would agree that Bong food is underrated and awesome. As do I.

>> No.16931931

Has been near extinct in Belgium for decades. Most people don't even know it's the key ingredient of one of our national dishes (Waterzooi) any more.

>> No.16931940


>> No.16931959

First Frenchfag you're quoting here, you're an obsessed schizo. I spent 3 years living in the Netherlands and while there I went to Scandinavia, Germany, Poland, Czech Rep, Austria, etc etc and while in France I did the usual Spain/Italy/Greece/Ingerland. I spent 2 weeks in Prague and 1 week in Karlovy Vary relaxing and the food was cash and cheap.
How about you tell us where you're from and show us on the doll where the Czech touched you? Or did you get cucked by a Czech girl? It's true they are quite slutty after all but we're talking about food here.

>> No.16931963

i am sure after three weeks you got to know czech girls fucking faggot. choke on dumplings next time

>> No.16931966

i've caught one while fishing on the Nete one time. Not a very big one, first time i ever saw one. Waterzooi doesnt get made with them nearly ever anymore.

>> No.16931978

Yall got eels and peas and meatpies. Don't try to be something you're not. Embrace who you are.

>> No.16931991

I've caught a tiny one once, more than 30 years ago on the Leie.

Apparently they're slowly returning now, as are the eels.

>> No.16931997

Avoiding the question I see. Are you Slovakian? Because their girls are just bad let me tell you.

>> No.16932007

>Karlovy Vary
that place is fuckin beautiful
t. polack

>> No.16932020

uh, i catch eels every friday on the Willebroekse Vaart, there are shit tons of them. I have to say though catfish seem to become more common every year, for each 5 eels i get a 30 plus centimeter catfish these days

>> No.16932034

i have to add, i dont target eels, i fish with a nightcrawler and a feeder cage, but when it gets late and the sun sets all i get is eels and catfish

>> No.16932044

it's quite okay. stop exaggerating, Seba.

>> No.16932046


>> No.16932068

dubz of not truth

>> No.16932153

I had no expectations going into it, but during my time in Budapest, I thoroughly enjoyed virtually everything I ate. Goulash is the bomb.

>> No.16932160

It's definitely one of the most beautiful towns in Europe.

>> No.16932164

Probably Hungarian. Genuinely good, but totally ignored.
English food is hilariously underrated but that's only because everyone thinks it's bad when it's really just average. Hungarian food on the other hand is actually good.

>> No.16932181

It was a stock joke decades ago and people REALLY don't like learning the thing they got told as a kid was actually just a lie.
English cuisine uses many new world spices. We use nutmeg, mace, allspice, cloves, and tamarind, for example. You can always figure out who hasn't eaten or cooked English cuisine when they say something like this.
Now THIS is utterly, 100%, absolutely, completely correct. It's a damn shame. Our cuisine is fine, but our cooks are awful.

>> No.16932188

No, he's right. Every time I mention stews, for example, someone will say
>but France has stews, I don't think stews count as British cuisine if France has stews too

>> No.16932191

And just to add to this, the main differences between French and British cuisine are the fact Frogs use garlic and wine, which is admittedly delicious and does make their cuisine better, but also isn't exactly a huge difference.

>> No.16932224

That’s not really true. I think the “British food bland” stereotype comes from Postwar austerity culture. For several decades after WWII Britain stopped spending money on fancy things like spices to speed up economic recovery. That’s when housewives start packing their kids disgusting things like butter and lettuce sandwiches for lunch, vid related, or making flavorless shepherd’s pies with only a dash of salt and Worcestershire sauce to save money.


Traditionally though, British food is pretty heavy on spices, herbs, and savory animal fats. I think they’re starting to regain that tradition too. When I visited the UK about five years ago, the food was great- the Haggis and meat pies in Scotland were amazingly spicy and savory and the pub food in England was served with an abundance of tasty curries, curried ketchups, tartar sauces, and heavily spiced mashed vegetables, all cooked with a generous amount of butter and animal fat. Really the ideal comfort food

>> No.16932240

Spanish food is pretty popular, but I agree with what you say about Croatia and Portugal. In America, anyways, (don't know about how it is in Europe), it seems like we all just forget about Portugal, most of us who take European vacations go to Italy, France, England, maybe Spain and Germany. For me, my time in Lisbon is beaten out only by my time in Prague and Dubrovnik, and Dubrovnik and Lisbon are neck and neck in terms of food and wine. Really underrated.
Italy is, by far, the most overrated place to vacation, in terms of food at least. Even London has better pasta. Fuck, even Bozeman, Montana has better pasta than the entirety of Italy.

>> No.16932247

The difference is big. Also France doesn't even use garlic that prominent. What differs France from most other European cuisines is the usage of plenty techniques, the much more creative use of ingredients like herbs, liquors and stuff like that but also they spend much more on food/quality than other countries even though many are richer.
You will find similarities in every European cuisine if you take a fucking roast or stew as an example. It's always some meat, mirepoix and liquid seasoned with similar spices.

>> No.16932252

>but France has stews, I don't think stews count as British cuisine if France has stews too
Nobody ever said that. Every single cuisine has stews you pathetic fucking idiot

Oh yeah remove garlic and wine and french and british food are the same thing, you’re a fucking retard.

>> No.16932298

>Also France doesn't even use garlic that prominent
Traditionally, Britain doesn't use garlic at all. Ofc nowadays everyone does but y'know.
The UK has plenty of techniques and herbs too you know, and while we don't use wine or liquor we use beer and cider to good effect. What do you actually know about British cuisine, out of interest?
>they spend much more on food/quality than other countries
This is absolutely true.
>see they are similar because they both have stews!
This is my point.

>> No.16932312

stay mad mutt fuck, I'm gonna live through my 90s thanks to muh overrated cuisine, you'll be lucky if you wake up tomorrow

>> No.16932317

>This is my point.
Your point is fucking retarded. Every single cuisine has stews, that's neither a difference nor a similarity. You brits have brain damage.

>> No.16932324

czech "cuisine" is literally poison for the body, those are just fat amerimutts

the most underrated euro cuisine is by far the polish one

>> No.16932328


>> No.16932329

What I know of British cuisine is its peasant food, and then after the second big boy war, the whole country never got the memo that they no longer have to eat wartime poverty food like canned baked beans on bread.

>> No.16932331

But stews are a huge part of British and French cuisine, while you wouldn't say the same of Spanish or American cuisine. So when you mention British stews, like oxtail stew or chicken in cider, someone always pipes up and says "um actually other cuisines have stews too??".
Interesting how nobody says the same when someone brings up coq au vin though.

>> No.16932353

>while you wouldn't say the same of Spanish or American cuisine
Spanish cuisine is filled to the brim with stews! Even Americans have tons of stews. Do you know who else has stews? Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Czech Rep, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco, Russia and fucking China and the list goes on.

Your main problem is how insecure you are towards british food and how you try to cope by saying "FRANCE HAS STEWS TOO!!!" when everybody does. Your point makes no sense outside of you tiny conflicted little mind.

>> No.16932358

It is jarring to me, how much of a life expectancy gap there is between Italian and French, and Americans. I didn't see a single Italian or Frenchman who didn't have a cigarette in his or her mouth, and wasn't already four big glasses of red wine deep by noon on any given day of the week, and there's so much fucking butter and bread in french food. I wonder if the US life expectancy would go up if you didn't account blacks shooting people and having heart attacks at 35 because they just eat salt and pork. By the way, the French kick your fucking ass when it comes to pasta, you guys really need to stop resting on your laurels and step your game up, you do not live up to the hype.

>> No.16932365

I would give my life to bring back my polish granny to have just one more of her paczkis. Eastern European food, in general, is pretty damn good, but the pastries just blow everyone else out of the fucking water.

>> No.16932371

is it that hard admitting that you don't like pasta at all? No Marios will come and rape you tonight if you do bro

>> No.16932374

Stews are part of every European cuisine, because they're peasent food.

>> No.16932386

>But stews are a huge part of British and French cuisine
Stews are a huge part of every single cuisine, dumbass

>> No.16932392

>y the way, the French kick your fucking ass when it comes to pasta
Care to elaborate? I am fucking mad.

>> No.16932395

yeah well it turns out that wine and cigarettes aren't as bad for you as morbid obesity.

>> No.16932401

>yeah well it turns out that wine and cigarettes aren't as bad for you as morbid obesity.
and opiates. and meth.

>> No.16932422

he won't, he probably suffocated in his own lard

>> No.16932429

I love pasta, actually, I even make my own. Noodles, sauce, some kind of veggies and meat? What's not to like?
The french really take their time with every single aspect of the dish, from rolling the noodles, to making whatever sauce, every thing is cut to the same specific measurements, herbs are toasted, and allowed to bloom, everything is meticulous and painstaking and it comes out in the food. On the particular vacation I'm talking about, I actually worked stages in Nice, Paris, Naples, Florence, and Lisbon, it was really more like a working vacation and all about food, and I'll tell you that "fine" Italian cooking is throwing together a fucking sloppa and spicing it with cigarette ash. Beautiful cities and countryside, some of the best pussy I've ever had, I think maybe only Colombian women are more zealous and freaky in bed than Italian women, but please step your food game up, I've had Bolognese in Idaho that's better than anything I had in Italy.

>> No.16932435

Why do Italians seethe so hard? Your food's not that good, why does this fact upset you so much?

>> No.16932443

Italians are (rightfully) insecure when you start comparing their food with french food. Guess why...

>> No.16932460

Are you kidding me? It's not the 90s anymore (maybe it is in your shithole). They do New Nordic, which you might as well call New Danish because that's where it was invented, perfected and emanated throughout the world from.

>> No.16932461

I just don't get it, it's okay to not be number one in everything. Not like the Italians are number one in anything at all, but still, maybe they should stop wasting their energy seething and actually try to be good at... something, anything really.

>> No.16932480

Italians have been living all this time on tradition and forgot to improve, adapt and innovate.

>> No.16932505

I came up with the concept independent of the movement. Don't get me wrong, I support it. I'm just saying that I completely agree that that is how people should do things, and I've thought this way since I was a child. It's a major aspect in the solving of the, how much we negatively affect our environment problem.

>> No.16932512

In a lot of ways, so have the French, I'd say they're a lot more rigid in a lot of ways in the kitchen, but it works for them. Italians are steeped in tradition, but it's a tradition of grannies slapping shit together haphazardly.

>> No.16932577


>> No.16932731


>> No.16932795

not the original anon, but i took issue to some faggot calling czech girls slutty after 3 weeks.

>> No.16932834

Spain and Portugal aren't underrated. They're garbage.

There's a handful of people in Valencia, Basque country, Catalonia and Lisbon who know how to cook and that's it.

That's a handful of people for 4 regions, you do the math.

>> No.16932840

They never needed to.

Enjoy your Ketchup™.

>> No.16932897

its not true. italian wine changed dramaticaly in last hundred years and is now better than ever before

>> No.16932965


are you a french larping? I've literally never met an italian being insecure about their food, ESPECIALLY about some frog eaters

this board is either full of larpers, trolls or uncultured mutts. Or all of it.

And I fell right for it didn't I

>> No.16932992

>And I fell right for it didn't I
yes. unless the discussion is about food its mostly just shit flinging, but from time to time /ck/ threads are great. it was here i got persuaded to try north german cooking and it was actualy great. albeit i have still not found germbro who could tell me how to do saurbraten in buttermilk

>> No.16933052


>> No.16933059

Chicago style margharita when tho?

>> No.16933066

not italian so you wont piss me off. no idea what this chicago style is, prolly something disgusting

>> No.16933081
File: 340 KB, 1900x1425, Hero-image_1210-v2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was a joke, not meant to piss you off
chicago style pizza is picrelated, inside-out margharita basically. I've never had that, but I guess it's up to cheese that you use, whether is disgusting or not.

>> No.16933084

looks like that one bit will have 5k cals lol

>> No.16933101

Yeah, I'd be full after one slice, I'm pretty sure

>> No.16933102

I tried to have einsbein once at oktoberfest and it was the greasiest most unpleasant thing. Granted I was pretty hungover, but I didn't get the appeal.

>> No.16933103

Joining the conversation just to tell you that Slovak girls are the fucking best

>> No.16933145

what a worthless post. at least tell us the what is your underrated cuisine nigger

>> No.16933193
File: 51 KB, 600x600, biz-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ has gone to shit again so I'm shitting other boards instead

>> No.16933209

is bitcoin down or something?

>> No.16933223

Tbh it's a hit or miss dish. If you get a bad piece of meat it will be horrible. I had Haxen with almost no meat on them but just trash while others were very good. Just rarely something inbetween those extrema.

>> No.16933241

Oh is that where the frogposters crawl out of
Of course

>> No.16933250

nah, pajeet is just going to bed so it's boring

>> No.16933257

American here. Visited england.
Food was absolute shit. A true disappointment.

>> No.16933267

prove it! what color is the boathouse at Hereford?

>> No.16933279

before I answer, put that mug down please

>> No.16933297

you don't eat more than 2 slices unless you're huge

>> No.16933301

it will get all over your pants, but as you wish

>> No.16933350

I WAS IN 22 SAS!!!!

>> No.16934380

>Spanish cuisine is filled to the brim with stews! Even Americans have tons of stews
You would not, nonetheless, characterise either cuisines as being stew-based.
British and French cuisine, on the other hand, is stew heavy.
Check out these retards

>> No.16934891

>smokee gooda so gud xdddd
Not gouda

>> No.16935830

He did. The Slovaks serve girls, apparently. Roasted whole, stewed, or deep fried?

>> No.16935897

Because you have no idea what you're talking about, just like the Americans that have never tasted British food.

>> No.16935918

I'm picking you're one of them 1% American Irish fags that think they're more Irish than the actual Irish themselves.
No-one eats that shit in Ireland, I lived there for 12 years as an ex-pat electrician.

>> No.16935926

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

If anything, their food is over-rated and generally un-healthy.

>> No.16935928

I just came back from Tbilisi and all the Khachipuri I had looked like fucking cheese pizza slices, not that oval pocket of bread with eggs and shit
tasted good but thoroughly disappointed

>> No.16935934

Love the Serbs

>> No.16935950

This. The best on the world. Only clueless people think otherwise. Stuff you buy it a french supermarket is stuff that would get served in star restaurant in other countries. I'm not even kidding.

T. German (our food is good, but leagues below french cuisine)

>> No.16935954

We can't have a decent thread here without cock-sucking Americans telling us how poor British food is.
This is because very few American people on /ck/ have ever left North America, yet they still tell everyone how bad other countries food is, never ever having tasted it.

Never listen to another American on here, when they talk about other countries food, they have more than likely never experienced it and more than likely are 13 years old, living at home and live on really shit food.

>> No.16935961

Britain and the other Commonwealth countries
(like Australia, NZ, etc) went into rationing a lot earlier than the rest of the world.
And of course, the Americans waited the war out until Pearl Harbour was bombed, as usual they couldn't give a shit until they were affected.

>> No.16935975

So why do we not have Americans posting stews here, retard?
Because they don't know how to fucking cook stews.

>> No.16935978

I'm picking you're American?
The people that made quality pizza and spaghetti a bargain-basement dish, for the masses.
It doesn't have to taste good at all, it just needs to feed everyone and that is American food defined.

>> No.16935983

Bitcoin is for gay men that have nothing else to do with their time.

>> No.16935986

And what did you purchase, if I may ask?

>> No.16935999

I swear british people are fucking retarded

>> No.16936015

We’ve got dozens of chili threads everyday you stupid fucking cunt

>> No.16936032

>You would not, nonetheless, characterise either cuisines as being stew-based.
>Im ignorant therefore im right

>> No.16936042

We eat all of that in Ireland, retard

>> No.16936066

you eat buttered bread with kerrygold (lol) and warm guiness? your life must suck!

>> No.16936075

i prefer uncooked, but each his own

>> No.16936078

so /biz/?

>> No.16936081

This. It’s the Budweiser of stouts. It’s not even that it’s bad, it’s just nothing special. I always find it amusing when people say it tastes so much better in Ireland. It doesn’t. That’s like mutts saying Bud is so much better in the US. That said, the Export in bottles is much better.

>> No.16936094

It's 'mit DER Bratwurst' since Bratwurst is a feminine noun (and it's in dative case)

>> No.16936123

budweiser is shitty in europe too

>> No.16936131
File: 533 KB, 2500x1668, full-english-7355w-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone resist THIS:

>> No.16936173

Both Danish and Norwegian food is great. It's just that Swedish food is so vile it has tainted the reputation of "Scandinavian" food.

>> No.16936176

redpill me on DanNor stews

>> No.16936181

I don't want to eat 20,000 calories of fat for breakfast.

>> No.16936196

> Chili
> Stew

Who is the useless cunt here, it's not me, sweaty.
Think about that before you reply

>> No.16936207

Chili is a stew/ragout.

>> No.16936213

You're already too fat if you can't handle that.
Some of us do actual work as tradies during the day.
And let's get one thing straight here, that is not 20,000 calories, you pulled that out of your arse.
Any real man that does actual work could burn that off in a morning.

It's sad that Americans that sit on their fat arses all day criticise all other people from other countries about calories, yet they like a large amount of burgers from McDonalds.

Most people in Britain would eat a meal like this at home once a week.

>> No.16936216

No, Chili is not a Stew.
Does Chili have Barley in it?
Does Chili have carrots and other vegetables in it?

>> No.16936220

Onions are vegetables. A goulash is also just meat, onions, spices and liquid and a stew.

>> No.16936235

Honestly we don't eat a lot of stews.

>> No.16936246

so how about some good meat dish. mutton, beef. no game since it is harder to buy and preferbly no mince

>> No.16936248


>> No.16936265

Krebinetter is good. Breaded pork or half pork half veal patty usually served with boiled potatoes and a white sauce with peas and carrots

>> No.16936277
File: 49 KB, 944x531, 2020_02_19T15_57_53_image_944_531[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have that peas&carrots side too?
t. curious polan

>> No.16936278

that is pretty common all around the europe desu. never tried it with a white sauce tho

>> No.16936295

I'll be honest a lot of our food is basically just german food.

>> No.16936340

shame. i find the swedish flying jacob extremely interesting so i was hoping for something similar

>> No.16936419

Of course it's a stew you dumbass, onions, tomatoes, chilis etc. Who cares about barley and carrots? Are you fucking dumb or something?

>> No.16936436

Poland here, and agree: Czech. Very similar quality, but Polish cuisine gets quite a bit of world appreciation, which Czech doesn't. Measuring "underrated" as quality:popularity ratio, Czech wins on obscurity.

>> No.16936467

> stew
> barley
> carrot

No, Pepperoni is not a Pizza.
Does Pepperoni have fries in it?
Does Pepperoni have Brie and other cheese in it?


>> No.16936472

>Very similar quality
i it always seemed to me that poles use much more vegetables in their cuisine, which is great in our modern world, since no one needs 6k cals per day.

>> No.16936804

They have been conquered for eons. Their national history has been largely erased by those conquerors. It's not their fault. Let them have their regional variants.

>t. American expat in CZ

>> No.16936885

yeah in the same way a curry is a stew
this is the sheer brainpower of anti brit posters I see

>> No.16936896

it figures you are expat trash

>> No.16936936

Curry is a stew. How is it different from a ragout/fricassee?

>> No.16936938

It's not objectively different, but nobody would call it a stew in everyday speech. I mean idk, maybe it's different where you come from, but they wouldn't here.

>> No.16936990

What you are missing is that french cuisine changes a lot from regions to regions. So for example, in the center of France they do use wine and garlic in cooking, but in the north of France they use beer, sugar and mustard. In côte d'azur you've got more italian influences. Not even mentioning overseas cuisine.
Hence why french cuisine is more renown than british cuisine.
Than again ranking cuisines doesn't make any sense

>> No.16937022

>What you are missing is that french cuisine changes a lot from regions to regions
No, I'm not. I live in France (although I'm not French). Yes, French cuisine actually does deserve to be more renowned than British cuisine, but there are many similarities between the two. There are honestly broad similarities between west and central european cuisine in general.

>> No.16937028

>although I'm not French
so why are you living in france?

>> No.16937053

My parents bought a place there because my dad's a francophile who half grew up in Chamonix.

>> No.16937071 [DELETED] 

>people can't live in another country
the way to fix global warming is to euthanize oxygen thieves like you

>> No.16937076

yawn. try moar

>> No.16937134

I'm guessing you haven't tried all french regional cuisine though, because there are a lot of them. Though I guess that if you don't know they exist you cannot understand properly how much more varied french cuisine is from english cuisine.

>> No.16937212

No, you're right, I haven't. How much regional British cuisine have you eaten?

>> No.16937304

I'm sorry I do not eat british food.

>> No.16937405
File: 1021 KB, 667x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently russia has pancakes made out of cottage cheese
Sounds good

>> No.16937411

Exactly! So why do you feel you can judge whether there are similarities between French and British food? It doesn't make sense.

>> No.16937435

I didn't say I dont know what british food is like, I just said I don't eat british food.

>> No.16937750

Well then, I'll say the same about French cuisine. c'mon are you really not getting where this is going yet?

>> No.16937972

Based kerrygold and fresh made bread appreciator

>> No.16937980
File: 208 KB, 1071x1600, 50EB61C9-E92A-4DD8-943A-468E01F2BA46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the most underrated European cuisine?
The only real answer is Greek food, it’s literally the best in Europe, but somehow it gets overshadowed by Italian and French fags.

>> No.16937986
File: 122 KB, 1015x1015, 1633807344266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I never knew Moscow was that far west

>> No.16937989

nigger faggots who add resin into wine should sit quitly in their cuck corner and hope no one will notice them

>> No.16937991

Icelandic probably.

>> No.16937994

Based and american geography-knowledgepilled.

>> No.16938003
File: 107 KB, 722x574, A4471506-52B2-4D79-899D-91943B5D9E4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Greeks were drinking wine over literature before your people could even read, nigger

>> No.16938006

i only need to know where the nearest walmart is, brotherman

>> No.16938013

i would rather drink water than resin wine. and dont appropriate ancient macedonian slavs as greeks faggot

>> No.16938019

>t. a monkeydonian
Excuse me, I thought I was talking to a human being.

>> No.16938023

seethe, alexander fucked your city states up the ass

>> No.16938024

>in ancient Greece
No wonder it was full of gays.

>> No.16938027

That looks disgusting

>> No.16938033

there is nothing wrong with the girl on the left anon

>> No.16938045
File: 187 KB, 860x1290, 2E76E6BC-002E-4C2F-9B21-0A01E97BBDAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alexander was Greek... you SLAVe subhuman.
Checked and based

>> No.16938064

yeah sure. alexander is the secon most popular name in russia but sure he was greek. even though greeks didnt consider macedonians greeks. your we wuz helens is pathetic.

>> No.16938373

The Russian alphabet comes from Greece... I wonder where names like Alexander come from... hmm

>> No.16938392

>I'll say the same about French cuisine
Alright. I do not care.

>> No.16938430
File: 311 KB, 2238x1800, Fenninger with flip ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great coffee, sweets, cakes, meats, roasts, distilled fruit spirits, beers, wine, big booba waitresses ...
And they are smug about it like the French

>> No.16938587

no it doesnt. it was made by a slav named cyril and his pal metodej. both came from thessalonika - ancient makedonian (slavic) city

>> No.16938602

Not entirely sure why you started an argument about it then but glad we've come to an agreement

>> No.16938614

>thinks Cyril was a Slav too
Go fuck yourself

>> No.16938620

We didn't.

>> No.16938633

they weren't slavs but they created an alphabet for all of slavic europe at the time.

>> No.16938636

slavic alphabet - cyrilice, is named after him. SLAVIC. and thessalonika is in macedonia. perfectly reasonable for him to be macedonian - a slav

>> No.16938681

Sure we did. You agreed with me about French cuisine just here >>16938392. You don't care, remember?

>> No.16938731

>slavic alphabet - cyrilice, is named after him. SLAVIC

>> No.16938800

wtf are you talking about?

>> No.16938840

not the same person

>> No.16939722

Yes they are lmao

>> No.16940207

macedonians. slavic macedonians