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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 512x307, unnamed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16923108 No.16923108 [Reply] [Original]

It's okay. Don't really get what all the hype is about. I don't think it's even worth the price tag. Maybe if it was priced like a McDouble but it's as expensive as a quarter pounder and not that great.

>> No.16923118

It's good I'd put it above most items except the quarter pounder and big mac

>> No.16923135

I agree. If it was a normal menu item it probably would have been discontinued years ago. It's only hyped because how sporadically it's on the menu.

>> No.16923142

There is no hype.

>> No.16923144
File: 239 KB, 1284x1871, 29C8729A-1178-4ECE-BC2F-D8EF1D70CDF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try ordering it without the meat and bun; pic related.

>> No.16923151

(((Mick)))ie dees hypes you cattle up every year for this slop and you all fall for it. The Fenians have been controlling the world for a while now with their shitty burgers and they've even convinced most people that they actually taste good. Capitalism does nothing but exploit normies weak, malleable minds for profit and the Irish are behind all of it.

>> No.16923572

It’s nogs, anon. They’re the ones obsessed with it because they’re too lazy to barbecue some ribs themselves.

>> No.16923855

It's fine to eat maybe once a year at most.

>> No.16923867

>$3.99 plus tax and tip and BLM donation for some pickles and onions coated with bbq sauce

>> No.16923908

That’s how I feel about most viral food trends or whatever you’d call them. Chipotle, chick fil a, popeyes chicken sandwich, nacho fries

>> No.16923995
File: 348 KB, 1284x2441, 1F3B9DC1-1DEB-4C79-AFC6-29AB48340A05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16924001

Salsa packets weren't an option?

>> No.16924028

>putting salsa on a meatless bunless McRib
Sounds kinda gross, bro.

>> No.16924108

It's really good provided you specify that they don't add pickles or onions. Fuck those high residue decoration vegetables that do nothing but agitate your GI tract.

>> No.16924124
File: 643 KB, 2400x2400, ribpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy these and put them on a bun with some pickles and onions. Same thing.

It is hilarious irony that the one single fast food item that can be replicated with ease is also the most sought after limited edition item

>> No.16924133

I was gonna get the mcrib for the first time but I hate mcdonalds burgers. They taste so artificial and the mcrib will probably taste artificial too.

>> No.16924192

I think people are more interested in new and different items at Mcdonald's then they are the McRib itself. Mcdonald's rarely gets new items, and rarely are they good.

On the otherside you have Tim Horton's who keeps fucking with their menu and removing favorites and adding items no one likes to decrease cost. Now everything there taste like shit.

>> No.16924217

Don't forget the 99 napkins and 99 of each plasticware

>> No.16924829
File: 252 KB, 926x806, bbq-rip-patties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Winco
>Get a box or two of pic related for $2 each (can do this anytime of the year btw lol)
>Get an onion
>Get a jar of sandwich slice pickles
>Get a bag of ciabatta rolls (you heard me)
>get home
>prepare and begin sauting onion
>throw box of ribs in microwave
>when the ribs are nearly done toast a ciabatta roll
>butter ciabatta roll when done
>when everything is done cooking assemble boneless rib sandwich
>serve with a handful of salt & vinegar kettle chips on the side
>Rib wise I can't taste the difference between the McRib and my ghetto ass semi-recreation
>Everything else wise (especially cause of the ciabatta roll) tastes far better than the McRib

>> No.16924879

this is illegal

>> No.16924885

>making a “better” McRib
Basically defeats the purpose of a McRib.

>> No.16925271

its garbage honestly bun comes undercooked or baguette hard and the meat tastes like dog shit. how they fucked it up in comparison to the fucking fries and easy to pound dollar burgers idk

>> No.16925341

I think the McRib is disgusting, personally.

>> No.16925354
File: 1.47 MB, 3000x3000, 1634695504568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fucking find these for some reason in any of my supermarkets. Not even the Banquet version.

>> No.16925385

>it's only two burger bucks lol
I hate when people exaggerate. No it's not you fucking brain dead retard. It's more like $4 now thanks to the recession caused by Biden's America. Hope you're all happy with president poopy pants. Doesn't even get to stand next to the other world leaders he smells so bad. Can't even get disgusting ass mechanically separated low cut pieces of pork and chicken for a reasonable price anymore. Fuck everything.

>> No.16925387

Those and the chicken nuggets/tenders with the mac & cheese and the brownie were my go to tv dinners when I was a kid & teen. Couldn't stand the self now tho.

>> No.16925494

which one of guys shilled this garbage and now are saying its bad tasting.

>> No.16926196

>now without lettuce!

>> No.16926201

I tried it once when it came here to Australia. Was fucking rubbish. Meat was just formed garbage, sauce was crap and didn't have much on it, and the only other thing on it was a tiny amount of chopped onions.

>> No.16926342

The whole concept of the McRib is that it failed miserably when it was first introduced so it was removed. They eventually tried again and noticed a burst of sales that quickly dropped off. Now they "bring it back" once a year and it has been working like that ever since and it's been a great marketing success.

Fuck the mcrib

>> No.16926364

>t. never been to Winco
Although to be fair I'm not sure where that anon is able to find these things

>> No.16926557

If they do the intermittent McRib for meme value at this point, why did they do it originally? Some kind of seasonal pork availability or something?

>> No.16926633

see >>16926342

>> No.16926671

Calm down, McShill.

>> No.16926677

>calling it a failure is shilling
Are you ESL or retarded?

>> No.16926704

You sound mad, did someone hurt you?

>> No.16926705

Okay Charlie I think you've had enough time with the adults tonight. Off to bed with you

>> No.16927378

Its a regular item here and when i go to mcd once every year or so i have it. I dont know anyone else who orders it or likes it. But i just do.

>> No.16928304

this. definitely exactly the same shit, but still not a purchase you;ll feel good about

>> No.16928310

cheap slop is cheap slop. if you dont want to put in the very minimal time, get something other than a mcrib at mcdonalds, I bet even the filet o fish is better, I;ve never had it though

>> No.16928315

sucks that the last president sucked off powell to use up all the ammo to fight his recession

>> No.16928323

that, and I;ve heard they just wait for a dip in the price of pork, which probably conveniently coincides with "its been long enough that these dipshits will buy it again and be disappointed again"