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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 600x600, jumbo_chocolate_chip_cookies3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16922676 No.16922676 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys your diet
heh, nothin personnel kid

>> No.16922695

Why are they so good bros

>> No.16922712

idk im literally contemplating going into rehab because i cant have enough

>> No.16922734

i've never liked chocolate chip cookies

>> No.16922735

>le food I like is LITERALLY like CRACK, dude! xD

>> No.16922772

sugar is literally a drug though

>> No.16922788

I'm trans and have an IQ of 67 btw

>> No.16922806

I always get constipated if I eat more than 1.

>> No.16922821

What is it?

>> No.16922924

it's not but lobbyists have parroted that mentality so much now you actually believe it. many such cases. SAD!

>> No.16923006


>> No.16923033

Cookies are buttery and sugary. They blast dopamine into your brain

That being said, you can cut them out with a little willpower alone and not have issues. You can get your sugar and fat dopamine hits from healthy foods that aren't concentrated calories

Actual addicting things will hurt or kill you in the short run if you cut them out. They are not the same as cookies. Cookies are not a drug

>> No.16923036

how did they cook it without melting the chips

>> No.16923046

Cookies are actually a drug, pal. It's just preferable to get blasted by a chocolate chip delight, than with a hit of that white.

>> No.16923313
File: 23 KB, 629x514, 1607015939562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sugar is le bad

>> No.16923338

it is youre just a retard and fell for sugar industry propaganda
>"Sugar also has clear potential for abuse. Like tobacco and alcohol, it acts on the brain to encourage subsequent intake. There are now numerous studies examining the dependence-producing properties of sugar in humans6. Specifically, sugar dampens the suppression of the hormone ghrelin, which signals hunger to the brain. It also interferes with the normal transport and signalling of the hormone leptin, which helps to produce the feeling of satiety. And it reduces dopamine signalling in the brain's reward centre, thereby decreasing the pleasure derived from food and compelling the individual to consume more"

>> No.16923339

fuck you, you fucking fuck.

>> No.16923344

>Students and a professor of neuroscience have found “America’s favorite cookie” is just as addictive as cocaine – at least for lab rats. In a study designed to shed light on the potential addictiveness of high-fat/ high-sugar foods, they found rats formed an equally strong association between the pleasurable effects of eating Oreos and a specific environment as they did between cocaine or morphine and a specific environment. They also found that eating cookies activated more neurons in the brain’s “pleasure center” than exposure to drugs of abuse.

>> No.16923354

source https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/10/131015123341.htm

>> No.16923391

What lobbyists? The fucking splenda ones? In reality it's much more likely you fell for sugar lobbying to consoom more products.

>> No.16923431


"Addicting" isn't a fucking adjective.

>> No.16923703

this is why I do not have them anywhere near my life. i dont consider it a food available to humanss. it is possible for something to be too good.

>> No.16923920

either a high in vegetable fats chocolate chip which hardly ever melts or they sprinkled a few on top right after taking it out of the oven for the pic

>> No.16923976

i hate chocolate chips/chunks in my dessert.
It gets all gummy and sticks to my teeth.
It's like stepping on dog shit but with your teeth.

>> No.16924008

looks like a pizza

>> No.16924020

Fuckin based

>> No.16924494

Are you sure chocolate chip cookie? Because the way you ruin diets seem personal

>> No.16924516

I guarantee you have misused "nauseous" and "nauseated." let him without sin cast the first stone, you miserable pedant

>> No.16924529
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x1960, 20211023_130529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that from crumbl cookie?

I had one a week ago!

>> No.16924538

I wish their chocolate chip cookie had walnuts in it. The chilled sugar cookie is basically perfect, though.

>> No.16924542

Piles of sugar and fat with a hint of salt? Not rocket science…

I do agree though, I can see how someone could get VERY obese eating these too often.

>> No.16924621

Something doesn't seem right about that chart. Diabetes went up 3X, but the amount of added sugar didn't increase THAT much

>> No.16924636

Babies being born to mothers eating high amounts of sugar during pregnancy

>> No.16924650
File: 194 KB, 720x1050, IMG_20211101_220517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to be an annoying redditranny, at least be correct.

>> No.16925012

>and a specific environment

>> No.16925018

My mom only get store bought ones that are vegan and gluten free. I've never had a good cookie before. totally overrated.