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File: 130 KB, 1516x648, Donut.jpg.9d54fd2f000ff607cda3c5a347477b52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16904825 No.16904825 [Reply] [Original]

Yeast or Cake. Also, top donuts.

Custard filled
Jelly filled
Chocolate Iced
Chocolate Glazed
Nut covered

>> No.16904838

most of the time yeast, but sometimes i have a craving that only cake can fulfill. my favorite is probably maple glazed yeast, blueberry cake, chocolate cake with chocolate frosting old fashioned glazed and apple fritter. haven't had a donut in forever though, i mean i made some a couple months ago, but it wasn't the same.

>> No.16904841

Cake donuts make me sad.

>> No.16904882

I usually hate cake donuts but for whatever reason I really like chocolate cake donuts with chocolate frosting

>> No.16905049

Cake hands down beats everything...
except apple fritters.

>> No.16905176

I like yeast because I think they're cool. If I have the option to leaven something with yeast I do it.

>> No.16905195

Yeast except for chocolate and anything with berries in it.
Based apple fritter chad. Literally the king of doughnuts.

>> No.16905199

AI comment?

>> No.16905209

waste of dubs!! ZERO!!!

>> No.16905284
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>> No.16905287

Take your meds

>> No.16905295

i read vodka gives pie crust some serious boost in texture and flavor.

>> No.16905301

I put that shit in everything. Which is part of why I have a fatty liver.

>> No.16905316

I despise cake doughnuts.

>> No.16905321

>yeast unless it's better cake
>apple fritter
>bear claw
>boston cream
>jelly filled (any kind)
>chocolate iced

>> No.16905389

>1. jelly (strawberry)
>2. crueller
>3. cronut
>4. boston cream
>5. chocolate frosted with sprinkles
>6. toasted coconut
>9998. sour cream
>9997. blueberry
>9998. maple anything
>9999. jelly (raspberry)
***honorable mentions***
>jelly (lemon curd)
>paczki (all fillings)

>> No.16905401

>jelly in first
Absolute shit taste

>> No.16905403


>> No.16905452

Jesus crist, this is the most pleb tier list I've ever seen. Is your name Brendan?

>> No.16905575

Chocolate glazed>glazed>everything else>jelly

>> No.16905834

>chocolate glazed first
You're no better than the jelly fags.

300 IQ tier:
>apple fritter
>sour cream unglazed
>honey cruller
>sour cream glazed
>long john (has to be top quality though, otherwise it's mid tier)

>> No.16905863
File: 47 KB, 533x533, Sour-Cream-Doughnuts-04-Square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer sour cream donuts.

>> No.16905876
File: 49 KB, 448x600, Buttermilk-Bars-2020-7-e1596108813299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those or buttermilk bars are my favorite.

>> No.16906016

A fritter is not a donut

>> No.16906038

Frosting is garbage. Even Mom and Pop places use hydrogenated waxy frosting and it’s disgusting. I think they’re frying oil typically is hydrogenated too. For once I’d love to have a donut place that used 100% peanut oil and made their own non-hydrogenated frosting. But they want all their oils to last months and months without spoiling, so it probably won’t happen

>> No.16906102

1. Sour Cream cake
2. Blueberry cake
3. Spiced/nutmeg cake
4. Custard filled Bavarians
5. cherry fritters

Not a donut but an honorable mention: Èclairs

>> No.16906367

best donut for normal flavors is honey glazed but the best donut i ever had was a baklava flavored one

>> No.16906375
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one should have both, to keep healthy

>> No.16906383

blueberry cake > chocolate frosted chocolate cake > regular cake > everything else

>> No.16906393

>blueberry cake
isn't that just a fuckable muffin anon?

>> No.16906422

No it's much sweeter and more dense and it's frosted

>> No.16906637

only donut that I really enjoy is a classic glazed sour cream

sadly only place I know of that sells them is about 20 miles away.

>> No.16906760

Plain cake and black coffee. Simple as

>> No.16906807
File: 79 KB, 220x226, pepo-g-peepo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're suggesting it's not fuckable then

>> No.16906840

Correct. It's already frosted (so you don't have to)

>> No.16906891

Not a very good list, I'm sorry.

>> No.16907041

Based. Blueberry cake was a huge contributor to my weight gain when I worked at DD, also fritters with a fat glass of milk is unmatched

>> No.16907049

>toasted coconut
Boomer detected. I bet you eat them with a small black decaf with your senior discount

>> No.16907135


>> No.16907165
File: 45 KB, 616x462, apple cider donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody mentioning this fall classic
Is it an east coast thing?

>> No.16907213

most likely, never heard of them on the west coast.

>> No.16907271

Wrong. We have them here in the Midwest

>> No.16907293

i said most likely and that i personally have never heard of them, then again i haven't went out to buy donuts in a very, very long time so things could be different now.

>> No.16907299

Pretty common to have small farms that make them in the PNW. Always a treat to get one at the pumpkin patch

>> No.16907397

cake are made to withstand dunking, think of it as one way to have a little cake without making an entire fucking cake

>> No.16907400

>jelly #1
what are you, a cartoon?

>> No.16907407

nice to see a fellow brother in arms

>> No.16907411

>apple fritter
mogs absolutely everything else. french crullers look cool too I guess

>> No.16907461

personally, i'm more into yeasted donuts, but cake donuts are a great treat too.
Also, best donut is eclaire. This is a fact.

>> No.16907473

>they want all their oils to last months and months without spoiling,
Yes? cooking oil is expensive as hell, especially the high quality shit. You'd need to be selling the finished product at a premium

>> No.16907516

These donuts are great! Jelly-filled are my favorite!
I'd pay extra for premium frosted yeast 'nuts, assuming I could tell the difference in quality.

>> No.16907840
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Both have their place and purpose in the pastry world, yeast for regular munchies and cake for dipping in coffee.

>> No.16908814
File: 3.65 MB, 3456x3456, 20210803_225439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeast > Cake

Top donuts are: Basic Glazed, Chocolate Forested, and Boston Cream

>> No.16908825

craving an apple fritter now

>> No.16909009

yeast with either Custard filled or Nut covered

>> No.16909451

My life is literally an anime