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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16903511 No.16903511 [Reply] [Original]

So I question whether the right is really a typical English thing. Do Brits really start the day with a plate full of beans so they can fart literally all day? Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.16903580

>No toast
>No black pudding
>No hash browns
>The beans are in the centre and touching EVERYTHING

Christ alive

>> No.16903584

If beans for breakfast were good enough for the pioneers and cowboys who built this nation they’re good enough for a limp twisted faggot like you.

>> No.16903587

No fried bread either or brown sauce either.

>> No.16903589

people work in offices now. that meal is literally built for the intention of crop dusting other cubicles. sorry but people don't eat breakfast and go work in a field by themselves for 5 hours before talking to someone. you can't do this when you live in a society.

>> No.16903594

They were hardy europeans not the safe space seeking, mutt fags that modern Americans are.

>> No.16903600

Beans never make me farty. Why does everyone else get farty.

And I only ate that american breakfast at diners.

>> No.16903609

EU says 100,000 Somalians a day for Europe to survive

>> No.16903624

Breakfast is for fat people.

>> No.16903628

factually incorrect but ok. eating breakfast is key to weight loss.

>> No.16903651

Not every day. A fry up, as it is more properly called, is a common go-to when you're looking to treat yourself at breakfast.

>> No.16903694

how the fuck have you never had eggs, bacon, hash browns and pancakes? are you 1 year old?

>> No.16903695

It's just baked beans. They don't actually make you fart like in children's cartoons anon.
Anon, c'mon. It's a bit cheeky to call it a full English if it's not, you know "full", but it's not like a fry up is some sacred dish where you have to have everything or it's the end times. It is a shame there's no black pudding though, they're the best part.
Nobody who works in an office is likely to be eating a fry up -- not traditionally, anyway. Do people abroad not know that it's associated with the working class?

>> No.16903704

>working class
>work in an office

>> No.16903708

Thats for a family, right?
People dont actually eat this much?

>> No.16903721
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We've had this thread several times now. It's clear neither of those are proper representations of indulgent breakfasts of either nation.
And for fuck sake when will people who do not live in the US realize "breakfast" means hugely different things depending on which state you are in.

>> No.16903736

Working class is the lowest social class, and it's usually associated with low-education jobs, i.e. hospitality and "blue collar" work. Ofc it also has a shitload of other stuff to do with culture and accent and stuff like that.

>> No.16903739

There's a reason the working class is ballooning into fat fucks. Heavily processed food and lots of greasy fry ups eaten by former rugby lads who now sit on their arse watching Dave on tv.

>> No.16903740

Im a JBS labourer who studies part time and I lift thousands of 30kg-60kg lamb and mutton carcases onto racks per day, which I consider on the tougher side of labouring, and Im also good with a knife and Ive never had breakfast that calorie dense. Just a 3 egg omlette and a piece of bread.

>> No.16903741

You've never been to a diner?

>> No.16903851

Too many fuckin' tomatoes taking up valuable space. And no fried green tomatahs on the American plate either.

>> No.16903868

kek that full english is so lopsided. soooo much tomato and mushroom. usually you get like two of each. beans are a bit much as well. and who the fuk are you fooling putting herbs on your eggs?

>> No.16903893

It's for a person who'll be doing hard manual farm labour all day, and will use up every one of those calories that very morning.

>> No.16903898

>noooooo foods can't touch each-other even though they're part of the same meal on the same plate and they're complementary and you'll combine them and eat them in the same bite anyway
Autists are really a different species huh

>> No.16903914

and they bitch about italians when they get mad when you break pasta, brits are truly pathetic

>> No.16903949

no it isn't. it's for a fat man 'treating himself' at a travelodge.

eating a lot for breakfast doesn't help you work. you got to bring lunch with you

>> No.16903955
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>15 tomatoes

>> No.16903984

I fucking hate this fat cunt

>> No.16904004
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yeah its Media bullshit

>> No.16904059

Spoken like a true NEET
This type of breakfast was made popular by cafes that factory workers went to before work.
The dish itself is a concept, you are supposed to have an element from each;
>Potato - Chips/Homefries/Hash browns
>Meat - Sausage/Bacon/Black pudding
>Roughage - Mushrooms/Beans
>Tomato - Chopped/Grilled/Baby (beans have a rich tomato sauce on them aswell)
>Bread - Toast/Fried bread
>Egg - Scrambled/Fried/Poached if you're a ponce

As long as you have something from each catagory it's a full english.
You can add and sub things out as you want which is what makes the dish popular, but they aren't traditional full englishes.

>> No.16904193

>be American
>have a delicious balanced breakfast with tons of energy for the day

>be British
>eat a plate of beans with other stuff that might as well be garnish and then fard and shidd your pants all day

No wonder British births are so low. You spend all day farting at each other. And for those saying beans don't make them fart, don't be trolls. The science is settled and beans definitely objectively make people fart.

>> No.16904235

This might be the most based yank bean take I've ever seen

>> No.16904247

Those scrambled eggs are disgracefully overcooked.

>> No.16904248

>why yes I'm based like the cowboys

>> No.16904321


>> No.16904329

>don’t include any fiber in your diet
>wonder why you fart when your body tries to figure out what to do with it on the rare occasion you eat some

>> No.16904666

please post a study that shows that eating more fiber makes you not fart when you eat beans. we're all waiting.

>> No.16904730

I never eat breakfast

>> No.16904736

consuming less calories than you expend is the key to weight loss, fatty.

>> No.16904747

post body

>> No.16904755

In my opinion, sterotypical American breakfast is fucking horrible. It's all the same shit:
tiny sausage links
hash browns
biscuits n' gravy

Let me order some pork fried rice. Let me order a steak. Let me order lobster risotto. Holy fuck, American breakfast culture is cancer.

>> No.16904774

Imagine pretending to be mad about something like this for the prospect of anonymous you's

>> No.16904786

I apologize for the butthurt. But I do detest it. Where ever you go for breakfast, even fast food places it's pretty much all the same thing.

>> No.16904808

>a country has specific items for different meals of the day
>what the FUCK americans holy fucking shit i actually can't handle this
Go back to your fag country

>> No.16904820

The difference in variety for lunch and dinner options is ridiculously more varied than breakfast.

>> No.16904977

i know what a builders breakfast is you tourist

people don't eat a full fucking english every day before work. they eat it on sundays after a pissup. the hardest work i've ever done has been working as a beater on a shooting estate in the highlands, and you really didn't want to start with a massive breakfast doing that. maybe a bacon roll at the most. save the big eating for dinner.

>> No.16905039

Who it's so many fried tomatoes?

I haven't tried fried tomatoes like that, are they good? How do you make them? Frying them with olive oil in a pan?

>> No.16905054


>> No.16905083

I’ve always heard them galled grilled tomatoes. So probably a quick coat of oil, then put onto the flame until the exterior is charred.

>> No.16905141

A bit funny innit

>> No.16905241
File: 27 KB, 675x379, gordon-ramsay-being-angry-getty-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How OLD are those fucking cherry tomatoes? My god. They're mashed to fuck and running all over the damn plate.

Then there're the pancakes. Serviced without syrup and the butter is clearly cold. What the fuck?

And look at that bacon. Its overdone and has a charred black edge.

There's so much salt on the eggs and its so poorly distributed that you can SEE the salt in that image.

And I know we're "American" or whatever BUT WHO THE FUCK eats like 6 pancakes that thick in one sitting? 2 or 3 is fine and normal. 4 would be pushing it, but 5 or 6?? Its not just oh thats unhealthy, no thats just fucking gross. Eat something else if you wanna be an unhealthy fat ass the right way. Only cartoon characters eat like that with just ONE pate of butter on cold ass pancakes.

And why, WHY if we are going full 'murrican is there no ketchup or condiments of any kind?

Then there're the beans. Center of the plate? Really? I could make a tall glass of juice out of the volume of liquid that's seeping into everything else on that plate.

Why is there no toast on either plate? They're classic breakfast staples OF BOTH COUNTRIES and its nowhere to be seen.

...Also what the fuck is up with that left thumb? WTF is that person even okay? It looks like just that one small section is black from gangrene or some shit jesus

>> No.16905281

Pasta is meant to be twirled look it up if you're skeptical.

>> No.16905292

A typical breakfast outside a diner is like
...anything + eggs

Those are clearly meant to represent breakfast at a restaurant.
Pleasw tell me they weren't trying to say those are both typical breakfasts...

>> No.16905296

Are those ostrich eggs or is the cook a 12 year old? Look at the size of those yolks.

>> No.16905348
File: 45 KB, 700x400, 83C33CB0-3439-4D61-A100-802826945D80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may want to mix them but I want that to be my decision. Use a sausage as a breakwater.

>> No.16905378

How can you be american and never eat a breakfast like that? That is classic american diner breakfast. You can literally get something similar from McDonald's ffs

>> No.16905393

yeah, they're both supposed to be the fancy restaurant breakfast

>> No.16905394

mom science

>> No.16905414

>the science is settled!
>post a study!
Anyone who unironically says the former disregards studies they disagree with.
Sorry that legumes make you shit yourself, though.

>> No.16906753

Maybe because there is no cultural cohesion anymore. We are citizen of the world and we all eat the same fast food all over the world.

>> No.16906792


>> No.16907916

You've never had pancakes bacon eggs and hash browns? How? What

>> No.16907921


>> No.16907922

nah eating the majority of your calories after you wake up instead of before you go to sleep (even if you eat the same amount of calories across the day) will lead to a higher metabolism. just google for studies it not like its a big secret

>> No.16907996

Imagine being proud of being a girlyman doing a girlyman job.
Eat the beans and get your first dose of fibre for the month faggot

>> No.16908119

>tfw /fit/ and a labourer and you havent had pancakes for half a decade

How can Americans even eat this stuff? Unless youre all fattys whove accepted that youre ok looking like lard asses to live a life of gluttony, this will only give you a heart attack in the longterm. No wonder incelism is on the right, who would wanna date a fatty who thinks a plate of bacon, pancakes, and other crap is good breakfast.

>> No.16908122
File: 32 KB, 680x578, 1524776636902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a good breakfast because it tastes good.

>> No.16908409

I typically eat that kind of breakfast for dinner desu

>> No.16908471

Definitely too many tomatoes. I think they probably went overboard with them for the picture to add colour. If I were using cherry tomatoes I would do this >>16905083 but for regular tomatoes I would half or quarter them and pan fry them.

Those look like beef sausages when 99% of the time they would be pork and judging from the colour of the bean sauce I'd bet it's molasses based. I rate it cream-in-carbonara/10

>> No.16908474

I love seeing 50 threads a day with the same thumbnail. Can you also post a thread with the famous "Last Meals" of death row inmates, along with the question, "What would you eat for your last meal?"

>> No.16908527

A short stack of pancakes only has like 500 calories with butter and syrup, and you’re not eating it everyday since pancakes just take so long to make. So it’s usually a Saturday or Sunday breakfast. The issue with America is the drive through meat, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches, along with fast food in general, easy to eat shit like pop tarts and hot pockets, chips and sodas, driving, and office work.

>> No.16908529

The issue is not diner food. I forgot to add that part.

>> No.16908589

Jesus christ it's so fucking easy to trick retards like you. If you want to cite studies because you hecking love Science™ then at least get enough education to understand them. You can start with googling "false dichotomy"

>> No.16908595
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>> No.16908606

I learned a new word today.

>> No.16908667

what, you dont need potatoes to make it an english breakfast you tard
i've never had potatoes for either full english or scottish breakfast
also you need sausages, bacon and black pudding, just having one of them doesnt make it full english

>> No.16908672

because this ameritard doesnt know what english breakfast is, maybe in some fancy hotels you'd get a few cherry tomatoes, but standard is a large tomato cut in half and then grilled

>> No.16908684

Then you haven't had a full English kid.
Read what was said again.

Potatos are a vital part of a Full English.
Usually hashbrowns

>> No.16908695

No shit sherlock.
People don't really do hard labour these days.

That's why people are getting fat.
But that's exactly what the dish is made for, to provide labourers everything they need in one meal to get through the working day.
Just because fatasses like yourself eat it every other day and sit around doing nothing doesn't change the point of the dish.
If you were a fucking retard and ate weetabix for dinner does that make it a fucking dinner dish? No.

>> No.16909257


you arent actually english are you, or is this some weird southerner thing

>> No.16909274

The oldest people in the world promote eating a large breakfast (well, skip morning breakfast, and make lunch your breakfast) and small dinner (especially the Seventh Day Adventists of Loma Lima, CA).
Your largest meal absolutely should not be your closest one to going to sleep. I don’t know why. Maybe gastric distress with digesting that much food horizontally? It’s one of those trial and error health things that old people learn.

>> No.16909288
File: 511 KB, 1024x898, BD1CC7CE-DF1C-463A-A519-84AE8BA1D328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a survey from the UK. Most brits think the hash brown is more important than the black pudding or tomato. The most vital parts are the bacon, sausage, and toast, however.

>> No.16909289

That will never be bacon

>> No.16909310
File: 62 KB, 700x479, 250e7a9dc189c6f6712530c7d2e9ca5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, go find a decent diner in your area and get it, it's pretty good. I personally skip the pancakes, but a diner breakfast served by a woman that calls you hun is one of the best uniquely American experiences.
Except people ate them because it was cheap and that was available to them at the time. Imagine thinking that anyone that doesn't eat beans for breakfast is a faggot lol.

>> No.16909319

Closer than beef bacon.

>> No.16909335

I thought the "hash brown" was actually a weird vegetable fritter called "bubble and squeak"?