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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16898923 No.16898923 [Reply] [Original]

Now we will see which one is truly superior.

>> No.16898925

Just looking at that is giving me the shits

>> No.16898934

Would you describe them as vinegary?

>> No.16898942


>> No.16898952

Let me be clearer. I have the power now. No more bullshit. Do you understand? I am the judge, jury, and executioner here, pal, and no one is going to be able to say otherwise because I AM EATING THE EGGS for once and WHAT I SAY GOES. Hope you buckled, cause it’s gonna be a bumpy landing when we arrive at the god damned truth.

>> No.16898997
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oooo fun i cant wait

>> No.16899060

In before plethora of scrambled eggs topped with various distasteful ingredients.

>> No.16899061

american bread looks like cake

>> No.16899087

Tabasco fucking sucks

>> No.16899091
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The verdict is in. Although original Tabasco is a favorite of mine, the sriracha was way more complex and exciting. The Tabasco cut the fattiness of the eggs nicely, but other than the vinegar factor I was bored while eating all the eggs and almost forgot about the eXperiment. Then I ate the sriracha eggs and I tasted a sort of complex spicy garlic that was very appealing. Sorry classic tabasco the sriracha wins.

>> No.16899107

wow who gives a fuck. too bad you didn't choke on it.

>> No.16899110

>sriracha wins
always does

>> No.16899119

ah, a peer reviewer
way too late for that inb4, friendo
We’ll see in a couple hours these eggs are being incubated for a third time now

>> No.16899123

I do taco sauce. It has more tomatoes and less heat. Siracha is a little over powering and tobasco has too much vinegar

>> No.16899192


try sambal.

>> No.16899201
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>mogs them both

>> No.16899207

Nope. You have no data. I ate the eggs. I decide. Show me a picture of three egg trials and then I’ll let you be gay as much as you please.

>> No.16899228
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not OP but I will be doing a report including this top tier sauce
>and yes im biased

>> No.16899233
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>> No.16899235

> I’ll let you be gay as much as you please
we can tell you are you keep typing stuff

>> No.16899253

Just post the gayggs

>> No.16899284

tabasco is too watery. always has been

>> No.16899296
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for me its this

>> No.16899297

This is just Tabasco with a different label to give you the illusion of choice. Don't believe the Capitalist lies.

>> No.16899378
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Tabasco makes a habanero version that has more flavorful ingredients which a lot of people seem to like, as long as you don't mind it being a little spicier.

>Distilled vinegar, habanero pepper, cane sugar, TABASCO brand pepper sauce (distilled vinegar, red pepper, salt), salt, mango puree, dehydrated onion, banana puree, tomato paste, tamarind puree, papaya puree, spices, garlic, TABASCO pepper mash (aged pepper, salt).

>> No.16900181

cholula is valentina with extra salt and 10x the price

>> No.16900253

As a yuro, this shit is literally ambrosia to me, it costs about 10$ in norway, and it doesn't last long ;_;

>> No.16900288

>look it up on internet
>hot sauce I buy for $2 a liter is sold for $20 for 370ml bottles in Norway
I need to become a black marketeer

>> No.16900341

Tobacco is less a sauce and more a spicy vinegar

>> No.16900583

Try Sriracha up against Frank's redhot, another hot sauce with garlic in it.

>> No.16900715

Everything is about 4x the price in Norway vs most other euro countries

>> No.16900900

I’ve got a bottle of frank’s. Neggst time.

>> No.16900924

Sriracha is overrated but Tabasco is garbage
All you can taste is vinegar and it's not even spicy

>> No.16900934
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Stand down, make way for the king

>> No.16900973

This stuff has a good flavor, but it's very spicy.

>> No.16900977

peri peri where?

>> No.16901046

Sriracha grosses me out, it's like aggressively tangy.

>> No.16901115

A hidden gem. I've only had it once at a friends house. Never ever seen it on super market shelves. Even California tortilla doesn't have it on its wall of flame

>> No.16901133

I’m surprised I haven’t seen a soijak mocking hot sauce yet.

>> No.16901167
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I've been really liking this hot sauce lately. El yucateco is another favorite. I used to eat hella Tabasco and sriracha but after eating it so much its not even spicy anymore and so I had to graduate to stronger stuff

>> No.16901497

they changed the recipe recently because the past two bottles ive got have this strange buffalo ish taste

>> No.16901510

Obsessed, tiresome etc.
anon plz, we both know soft sliced bread exists literally everywhere.

>> No.16901517

everyone else can fuck off, this is the only hot sauce that gets a permanent spot in my house

>> No.16901520

It's often sold out and usually only comes in the bigger size bottle.

>> No.16901525

Also, look for a box, not a bottle.

>> No.16901701
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>this thread
>these options
I am ashamed for this board.

>> No.16902101

I have grown to hate vinegar tasting hot sauces. I use sriracha for easy cheap hot sauce, or just cook using peppers. It just sucks that so many sauces are 99% vinegar.

>> No.16902308

How has no one commented on how awful your scrambled eggs look? Use more butter, lower the heat, beat them more before cooking to homogenize, and take them out of the skillet sooner.

I like to mix this with mayo and put it on burgers.

>> No.16902315

i cant into sriracha i think tobasco will win

>> No.16902328

Oh my, the neon green sauce. I know about the artificial colors. Don't care. Gimme that. And OP is wrong. Tabasco rules, sriracha just craps sugar on everything.

>> No.16902399

>Egg bread
Wtf is wrong with normies

>> No.16904286

Thanks for egg suggestions.
Thanks for being you.

>> No.16904288

They're supposed to be scrambled, not porridged

>> No.16904304

Tabasco is so watery. It doesn't even taste good. Why would anyone take it over sriracha or any other hot sauce?

>> No.16904335
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Why come so close to glory only to stop short?

>> No.16904345

Because it would seem the majority of people disagree with your “it doesn’t taste good” sentiment.

>> No.16904365

it tastes like vinegary assholes

>> No.16904427

Those cooked globs of white are due to not beating them enough; you can also definitely salt while beating. You can cook scrambled eggs on high heat but you do want to remove them before they're fully firm -- a little liquidy is fine. Hell, I dump my (mostly) cooked eggs into the bowl I beat them into and stir, it cooks/firms the raw egg because of all of the carry-over heat.

You can cook better scrambled eggs without making them French-style.

>> No.16904434


>> No.16904620

It's been so long since I've seen a 'vinegary shits' post

>> No.16904633

I'm surprised nordmenn don't spontaneously combust on contact with it

>> No.16905959

>t. Bonglander

>> No.16906009

This was the first hot sauce I actually thought added anything to food.
They aren't even remotely similar

>> No.16906021
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Personal favorite you can get at walmart. Hot enough to make my nose run but with enough flavor to be enjoyable.

>> No.16906055

Sriracha tastes better. Tabasco just tastes like vinegar & salt.

I like boiling chicken breasts, shredding them and mixing in sriracha & peanut butter