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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16897896 No.16897896[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me 1 actual good reason I shouldnt order a feast of McDonalds breakfast ubereats right now and get high off salt and sugar and carbs?
>it makes you fat
I'm already fat an additional 5000 calories makes no big difference. And not being fat makes no difference socially for a short balding male.
>its too expensive
I'm on neetbux
>you shouldn't do it because.. YOU JUST SHOULDN'T OKAY? OBEY ME!!
No I dont think i will.

>> No.16897902

It tastes like shit

>> No.16897906

fuck off cancer

>> No.16897911

You could become a millionaire off neetbux if you spent frugally and put the surplus into bitcoin. Crypto is off-grid, and your profits won't end your gibs until you convert them to recognized currency.

>> No.16897927

because you can ubereats about 5 pounds of pizza rolls for cheaper and snack on those fuckers all damn day
source:5'8 279 pounds

>> No.16897961

Because de Jack in the Box is both cheaper and better

>> No.16897979

Since you admit to being on welfare, your best bet is to stuff your face with as much junk food as possible. Hopefully you will give the taxpayer some relief when you expire.

>> No.16898002

The only good reason is that you'll be feeling sad all day long for having surrendered to your gluttony.
Is it really worth it?

>> No.16898004

see anon, it's the same thing with people like you. you think you're so free and living on the edge. but deep inside you also realize there's something wrong. the reality is, you're just addicted. you're addicted to fast food, but more importantly, you're addicted to being being in your comfort zone of living like a fat lazy piece of shit. you want to pretend you're in control of your life, but in reality you're not. you realize you're helpless and can't turn things around. you'd want to, but you realize you don't have enough willpower, so you cope by saying "it makes no difference", "i'm on neetbux", and so on. so you just make a convenient excuse to give up instead of changing your life for better. you even pretend you're going against some spook that lives in your head, that you're "doing what you want", but in reality you can't even control or change yourself. keep wasting your life and getting fatter.

>> No.16898052
File: 94 KB, 800x800, Heavenly_Kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds your go-to for this?
How in the hell are you fucking up being a degenerate?

1. If you're going for a "high," and healthiness clearly isn't a priority, at least one of the following WILL give you a much better high in the same price range or cheaper while being legal: coffee (or other caffeinated beverage), cigarettes, or booze. These introduce substances which create a greater simulation/depression/euphoria than satiating food.
And don't fucking tell me that some cigs or some shots of liquor is so much worse than ~5000 calories of liquor.

2. For a decadent feast with no prep, McDs has inferior breakfast meals to Jack in the Box, White Castle, Wendy's, CFA, Carl Jrs, among others. And several of those give you more bang for buck anyway.

3. A local open diner should get you a better meal than the above, though it may not have uber eats specifically. Since you seem to have no shame about bring a fatass, tell me 1 good reason why picking it up yourself isn't viable.

>> No.16898078
File: 157 KB, 1060x1060, 3-wheels-shoprider-sprinter-xl-3-wheels-deluxe-777xlsbn-scooter-1_530x@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me 1 good reason why picking it up yourself isn't viable.
The scooter is out of battery

>> No.16898085

>or some shots of liquor is so much worse than ~5000 calories of liquor
wew my proofreading
~5000 calories of McD of course

>> No.16898089

who are you trying to convince fatty, cringe

>> No.16898096

This. I made 50k last year alone on crypto. It’s so fucking easy I was astounded how easy it was. Save yourself from your misery anon, we all can make it thanks to crypto.

>> No.16898158
File: 60 KB, 265x209, unpleasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made 50k last year alone on crypto. It’s so fucking easy I was astounded how easy it was.
Tell me you're LARPing. Or tell that you had free electricity or avoided trading the crypto or something I'm missing.
The only time I was able to stay green when mining and trading crypto was back when CPU miners for BTC were the fucking standard. And then I lost 400BTC reinstalling arch linux and not knowing what dotfile directories were.
Every other time since like 2012-2013 I get some starting crypto, and it's a constant struggle to just keep what I have started.
The only reason I'm not at least 10k in debt at this point, despite being risk averse and not keeping my eggs in one basket, was because I forgot about one of my old BTC wallets.
It actually pisses me off how much time and effort I put into trying to learn how to actively invest, only to find that I do best by doing nothing at all. It actually fucking hurts to see former wage slave online friends get off it, while I'm still paying college debts in my late 30s and hating every fucking job I struggle to hold. My only currently successful investments are my IRA, and until last two months my rainy day savings account.
felt good typing out though

>> No.16898168 [DELETED] 

>only to find that I do best by doing nothing at all.
Not him, but maybe you answered your own question? If you are in crypto since 2012 and didn't manage to turn a profit you must be among the 0.0001% worse investor on the market. When a market rise 100.000% you can only be green, even if your the worst idiot in the world.