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16895146 No.16895146 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16895150


>> No.16895154

Overrated. Real Italians don't even eat this shit

>> No.16895229

No one gives a fuck about muh real Italians.

>> No.16895332

These just make me miss my Grandma, now a days. :(

>> No.16895365

I already see them in boxes in stores. Help me out anons, what's a good brand? I don't wanna buy that department store boxed up crap

>> No.16895390

No such thing as "real italians". Only Apennine jews.

>> No.16896563


>> No.16896565

Bauducco is pretty alright.

>> No.16896566

I prefer pandoro

>> No.16896576

Isn’t pandoro just a fruitless panettone?

>> No.16896626
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Fucking hell, Italians are such faggots. If they could D.O.P. pizza, I bet they would.

>> No.16896801
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Who the fuck gives a shit about 'real Italians'? Have you seen how they live in 'real Italy'? No other third world country has such a chip on its shoulder

>> No.16896812

This looks really mediocre. Whats the appeal exactly

Also the ones ive seen are international imports.. why would people want to buy old bread? I really dont get the hype

>> No.16897258

It has a different dough, not sure how specifically.
Pandoro surely has more butter

sadly it's one of those product that you really should get from a good artisanal bakery (and pay a lot), because it makes a night and day difference.
Store bought panettoni taste all mediocre at best.
if you can find "le tre marie" panettone you could give it a shot

neapolitan pizza has STG (traditional gastronomic speciality), not sure if it has DOP.
But I'm glad they did, looking at what people (especially in us) sell as "italian food"

>> No.16897651
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>Mogs your shitty crystallized fruit "dessert"

>> No.16897660

i always wanted to try one of these but i cant lactose and these are heavy on butter.

>> No.16897669

For whatever weird reason, choco pannetone were usually the worst sellers when I worked at an Italian grocery store.

>> No.16897795

I can't wait!

Recommendations for one with no fruit or raisins?

>> No.16898260
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>wait until january
>50% off everywhere
people that buy this shit before xmas are fuckin idiots

>> No.16898272
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I'll take a fruit cake over your loaf of white bread thanks

>> No.16898289

I am a real italian and eat this.
Do not talk about things you don't know.
(Pandoro is still better tho)

>> No.16898355

That’s for children.

>> No.16898681

Panetonne is okay but I liked pandoro more

>> No.16898686

I bet you're getting shitty 14 dollar Walmart ones for 7 bucks. What a steal! Any quality pannetone is reserved and sold by the 20th.

>> No.16898778

That's the one I see all over, I don't wanna get that
I'll look that brand up, thanks anon

>> No.16899135
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Got some Baladin last year, fucking amazing. Also got a Fiasconaro Pandoro. What should I get this year? Baladin is obvious, any other brands I should try?
Wish I could but that probably won't happen.

>> No.16899144
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This is fruit cake and it is perfection

>> No.16899252
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I am going to buy Baducco and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.16899261

panettone is total shit

>> No.16899273

panettone is god tier when dunked into coffee you fucking retard. That or with butter toasted. I fucking hate you

>> No.16899756
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For me it's panettone paired with a mug of abuelita

>> No.16899828

Aldi always has some for cheap, it is good coffee cake

>> No.16899847

panettone is total shit

>> No.16899857

coffee is also total shit
keep your negrowater away from my mugs

>> No.16899867

who falls for this shitty meme faggotry?

>> No.16899907

How much do you want to bet none of these retards have had proper panettone but rather whatever trash they found at Walmart?

>> No.16900079

For me, it's pear + chocolate or just plain

>> No.16900218

for me, its choco-panettone with huge glass of milk, or black coffee (no sugar)

>> No.16900272

For me, it's

>> No.16900328

only real real italians (argentinians) do

>> No.16900613

That's just fruitcake

>> No.16900643
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>But I'm glad they did, looking at what people (especially in us) sell as "italian food"

God damn I hate Italians so fucking much, you guys are the biggest faggots. And your food sucks ass, "oh there's garlic and cheese in this, how unique!" You're the lowest of the low, even literal africans are less obnoxious than you wops.

>> No.16900848

Some do but Italians are selling yuuuuuge pannes (5 - 10 kg) and those are delicious

>> No.16901041

forgot about these, love em

>> No.16901082

> God damn I hate Italians so fucking much
That's sad anon, we don't think about you at all in all honestly

> oh there's garlic and cheese in this, how unique!
we don't use much garlic desu.
You should stop being angry you could have a stroke you couldn't afford kek

>> No.16901086

> even literal africans
I'm sure you love them

>> No.16901109

Panettone is a bread, not a cake.

It’s a kind of brioche with candied orange peel and rum-soaked raisins.

>> No.16901118
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>only real real italians (argentinians) do
Yo my negro

>> No.16901220
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>based 99 cents store enjoyed
They're already in stock, along with the choco-version

>> No.16903050

no, the dough is different with a noticeably different texture.
It's lighter and similar to a sponge cake

>> No.16903054

that's bullshit. I still have to find a real italian who doesn't eat panettone or pandoro during the holiday season

>> No.16903086

meme shit. No Italian eats this dry grandma cake anyway.

>> No.16903096

you make French toast and bread & butter pudding with it, dumb tastelet

>> No.16903104

so this is the newest meme for you amer*cans to try to feel at least a semblance of being cultured?

>> No.16903341

Speaking of panettone, I’m gonna try my new recipe today (it’s the 15th version)

>> No.16903400

pandoro is for cucks and manchildren
imagine liking some plain ass oversweet bread

>> No.16903409

ah yes, the pannetone masters come out of their artisanal caves in november and craft exactly 666 panetonnes that are gone before xmas, sold off to those who hold a ticket picket up seven years ago, now those are the only true real pannetones, anything else is basically figuratively literally like eating garbage and nothing like the true experience.

>> No.16903435
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>> No.16903454

Nobody cares about slimy mafia faggots.Paneton is life

>> No.16903629
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I can and I will, either you've had real Italian Panettone or you haven't and therefore your opinion is worthless, it's that simple.

>> No.16903635

I didn't know this was an italian thing. I always thought it was spanish cause my mom likes it so much. I hate it tastes too artificial with the gummys.

>> No.16903731

Here in Brazil we start getting it in September. That's not counting supermarket panettone we have basically year round. Most of it are low quality, though.

>> No.16903742

Why have no company thought of making panettone with fruits and chocolate? It's always one or the other

>> No.16903818

>I hate it tastes too artificial with the gummys (canditi).
I dunno about Brazil but in Italy you can get it without the canditi. That said, only the cheap shit from supermarkets has artificial tasting canditi, I loathe canditi in cheap panettone too but in the better stuff they're fine.

>> No.16903879

Are the savory ones any good?

>> No.16903883

Some artisans actually do that if you ask. I'd say that industrial panettone probably doesn't have both at the same time because it would cost more to manufacture, while also being a (probably) niche product since those who buy chocolate panettone don't like canditi and those who buy classic panettone are purists who wouldn't want chocolate in it.