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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16889267 No.16889267 [Reply] [Original]

Americans make better burgers than Europeans

>> No.16889274

This was never in question. Americans make everything better than Europeans. Wine, cheese, olive oil, meat, produce, it's all superior in the states.

>> No.16889707 [DELETED] 

This is true. I traveled to burgerland last year for 3 weeks, and I thought America was a wasteland of plastic cheese and artificial food filled with sugar. I went to Napa Valley and the wine was better than anything in France or the Rhineland. The restaurants had better quality food. The produce in stores was bigger and more beautiful than anything I had ever seen in my home country. America is a wonderful country, don't let the blacks and mexicans turn it to shit, please for the love of God you must protect this land.

>> No.16889723

Real talk, the best burger I have ever had was in Japan, and they used Australian beef. Freshness Burger.
>t. Amerishart who has eaten every possible style of burger.

>> No.16889728

Of course we do.
That sounds very good. I've heard good things about Australian beef but I don't think I've ever had any.

>> No.16889735


>> No.16889740
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>Freshness Burger
My nigga.
Also, Japan makes the best LONG POTATO

>> No.16889777

There is good stuff and shitty stuff everywhere. Be lucky that you decided to vacation there instead of my Indiana shithole which has fuck all for food. All of the memes about American food might as well be memes about Hoosier cuisine.

>> No.16890067
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>the best burger i have ever had was from a fast food chain
I don't care what country it was in, you haven't eaten "every possible style of burger".

>> No.16891565

best burger I ever had was a burger from a golf course

>> No.16891586

pretty sad life you must live my man

>> No.16891672 [DELETED] 

This bur unironically.

>> No.16891678

sandwiches too
you ever seen a german sandwich? a razor thin layer of meat layered between thick, grain filled black bread. the british consider a piece of toast between two bread slices a sandwich. fucking grim

>> No.16891683

This but unironically.

>> No.16891707

and then theres the french unironically saying ham on a baguette with an entire stick of butter spread over it is high culture like that isnt some low class trailer park shit. like eating bugs boiled in butter. fucking euros

>> No.16891747

Normally this guy would be murdered.

Normally this would have a dozen replies from Bri’ish posting photos of disgusting breakfasts and fried fish claiming they have the best cuisine.

Are euros range banned from this thread somehow? I’ve never seen more than 3 positive replies about America without euros dog piling the thread with cringe, cope, and seethe. What’s going on?

>> No.16891762

The meat is right but their bread is on fucking point. Just add more meat and you're good

>> No.16891802

yeah well at least our niggers are house trained

>> No.16891851

they're asleep

>> No.16892070

We're glad you enjoyed your visit and hope we served you well. You are welcome to return to visit our country anytime and we will do our best to make you feel at home here again. Thank you for your kind words.

>> No.16892279
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Americans agree that America makes an American dish better than Non-Americans

>> No.16892296
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America makes everything better, even Belgium waffles.

>> No.16892304

>Just add more meat
Unfortunately, the German government dictates that all sandwiches are to be made to these parameters and any deviation from said parameters will result in the public execution of all involved parties.

>> No.16892332

Americans shit in their pants better than Europeans.

>> No.16892377

Who the fuck do you think picks all the produce you saw, moron?
Oh, and fuck off back to /pol/ with this shit.

>> No.16892390

>Belgium on suicide watch

>> No.16892864

The best hamburgers are made in Sweden and Germany.
I tried them myself and compared them to the US and Canada.
Europe is generally better at food than the US, since it's more quality rather than cheap stuff like it's sold in the US.

Europeans in general also eat much healthier (with exceptions of the bongs).
That's also the reason both bongs and americans are so unfit, fat and unhealthy overall.

>> No.16892882

>Europeans in general also eat much healthier

Thats why they're gay

>> No.16892897

>i have to shitpost since i fail at bring arguments on the table.
Gay shit including LGBT faggotry and nigger bootlicking comes from you guys. Not from us.

Fat tittied neckbeards with low test are the result of constant fat and sugar overdoses.

>> No.16892901
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that's real fuckin disgusting

>> No.16892909

Those posts are obviously sarcasm. What is there to say about them?

>> No.16892935

No one in France every claimed that jambon beurre was a sophisticated dish you ameritard

>> No.16893022

Americans are also more retarded than Europeans.

>> No.16893301

Just when you thought racism couldn't get any more racismer.

>> No.16893406
File: 28 KB, 220x292, look_at_this_fucking_guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? Look at this faggot

>> No.16893414

Not a big fan of the "huge gross 3k calories" burger mentality in full display in your pic.
By all means, burgers should be filling and big, but if the lower bun is getting crushed under the weight of the content then you are doing something wrong.

>> No.16893425

>t. seething brownoid.

>> No.16893428

i mean yea? probably. Its a burger what ever who cares

>> No.16893492

In my opinion, you have to think about the jambon beurre as something kind of like sushi. The basics are kind of laid bare, so they'd better be good. A jambon beurre made with an excellent baguette, excellent ham, and excellent butter will be exquisite. And France does tend to have good basics in that department. But obviously they're not all exquisite either; in France you can get factory jambon beurre at the gas station kind of like America's gas station egg salad sandwiches, and those can be kinda mediocre.

>> No.16893511

Rent free and obsessed

>> No.16894150

suddenly once its convenient for you the goal posts start shifting. fuck yourself lying euro, you dont get to retroactively define reality

>> No.16894221

But jres like you do?
Why are you murrikanians always so screechingly autistic?
Can't you just continue to eat your daily dose of sugar, fat and processed plastic cheese and leave normal non fat people alone?
We all know that murrika doesn't know what quality is, but we don't have to be liars for that.

>> No.16894228

Coping this hard

Amerilards make everything greasy and gross.
They're like King Midas but instead of gold, it's shit.

>> No.16894231

>you dont get to retroactively define reality
you don't get to say stupid shit and act like a pissy faggot when you're told you're wrong

>> No.16894295

I only say deep dish pizza.
In Europe, you would be outlawed and shot on spot for committing such a "pizza" crime.

In the US:
Coffee is atrocious
Cheese is plastic and artificial but not what it's called
Dishes are generally overloaded with tons of cheese (they call this quality food)
Americans even think that cheap wok oil colored green with chemicals is native olive oil.
Their bread is baked with corn syrup and sugar
American beer is generally fad tasting and mixed with other stuff to make it somehow consumable.

>> No.16895920


>> No.16895962

everything you said other than that bit about the bread was retarded and incorrect. you are stupid and probably a faggot too.

>> No.16896733

I tried out and compared the stuff i mentioned personally, since i lived in the US for 13 years.
You just don't know what you are talking about since you lack the ability and knowledge to compare. Most likely, you never left the US.
Most US citizens don't even have a passport and only speak one single language and that's spanish for more and more parts of this society.

Give in Ramirez, you are a nation of fakers and bling bling.
You are the ones building cardboard mansions with fake balconies, fake cheese, colored lemonade called beer and much more shit.
You even fake European architecture and it always ends up the disney world style.
Nothing in your country is authentic. Not even the cars. Huge as fuck but without any quality.

>> No.16897829


>> No.16897985

the bread in paris is beautiful
with a nice bit of charcuterie? delicious
only trailer trash would get confused

>> No.16898042

>the bread in Paris is beautiful
it’s the same fucking shit I’ve been baking at home for decades and you can’t convince me otherwise. SPOILER i do like europe a lot though SLASH SPOILER

>> No.16898110

That proves that home baked or homecooked food is superior in my opinion, as long as you have a bit of knowledge on how to prepare it properly

>> No.16898116

only fags say 'charcuterie' irl

>> No.16898137

>Dishes are generally overloaded with tons of cheese
those videos you see of a 27 year old LA food blogger on youtube are just glorified advertisements and a way to romanticize gluttony

>> No.16898443

Thanks for visiting, glad you found the good spots.

>> No.16898503

The top 3 best burgers in the world are all in Copenhagen

>> No.16899545

Bring an actual argument.
Where am i wrong?
Don't americans build their houses with OSB, plywood and cardboard? Yes they do.
Don't americans add fake balconies to their villas and other ecoration that is non functional (garage door hinges taped to the doors)

As said, i lived in the US for 13 years and i have seen a lot of this stuff. You can't find this in Europe.
Here, if a house has a balcony, it is a real one. And walls are made of concrete or real stones but not blywood and fake stones tacked to the walls.

And about the food, i'm right on every point i mentioned.

>those videos you see of a 27 year old LA food blogger on youtube are just glorified advertisements and a way to romanticize gluttony
I don't even know who you talk about to be honest.

>> No.16899667

Stop sinking to their level. Let the Americans live in their ignorant bliss.

>> No.16899680
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>> No.16899686


>> No.16899743

>napa valley

that's such a basic bitch move I can't tell if you made up this up or are that much of a dumb tourist

>> No.16899931

Yes, and this is probably the most productive thread I've seen on /ck/ all week.

>> No.16899962
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>san sebastián

That's such a basic bitch move I can't tell if you made up this up or are that much of a dumb tourist.

>> No.16899970

the fruity pebble delights were so fucking good. That era was perfect, I feel like im the only one who mourns the grilled stuffed nacho.

>> No.16899976

>The people who are literally called burgers here also make the best burgers

Gee OP you figure that one out all by yourself between sucking dicks?

>> No.16900011

I like BBQ pitboys or how do you call that youtube channel. I wouldn't mind trying some of that stuff
t. yuro

>> No.16900018

Probably the best thing the usa has to offer you. Come on over, fren.

>> No.16900034

I wish, but I'm bit short on money atm. But I'll visit USA one day for sure.

>> No.16900045

We’ll leave the light on.

>> No.16900099


>> No.16900238

I'm not sinking to their level when i hammer the facts on the table. I got pretty tired of them being arrogant fuckups.
No matter what it is about, they always want to be the best despite beinf full of fake and plastik.
Not even the niggers they do have under control, but larping for years with "muhh stronk becoz weponz".
If they for one fucking time would have the balls to use them to get their fucking niggers sat on their place.
But trying to ridicule based Euros for not having these problems as much as they do.
So tired of these murritoddlers.

>> No.16900425

best burger I;ve had was in Montenegro. it was beef, pork, and lamb. it had cheese, russian dressing, some other shit. I dont think I can find something to compete here in the states

>> No.16900444

where have you gotten your best burger?

>> No.16900456

>"yeah I'll take the meat plank, thanks"

>> No.16900482

Damn haven't seen someone so retarded that they ate plastic for 13 years in a country with some of the highest rated food on earth

>> No.16900486

You haven't laid a single fact on the table
You're just a whiny faggot, worse than the Americans you complain about

>> No.16900494
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Based. This guy gets the struggle it’s takes an outsiders eyes to truly make you know how important the struggle is

>> No.16900521

>Fat tittied neckbeards with low test are the result of constant fat and sugar overdoses.
you are correct, though your post makes it sound like fat is bad. sugar is bad, sugar and fat is worse, fat is fine in the absence of american levels of sugar

>> No.16900522

>Damn haven't seen someone so retarded that they ate plastic for 13 years in a country with some of the highest rated food on earth
I did prevent eating the plastic during this time. But visibly proven, most americans did a worse job than me in this regard.

>You haven't laid a single fact on the table
These are obvious things for everyone to know if you just want it. Tell me you haven't seen how they build their houses, how their beer tastes, what a deep dish pizza is and why they have fake balconies added to their cardboard mansions.
Open your eyes.

>You're just a whiny faggot, worse than the Americans you complain about
No, i'm just tired about americans that think they are better in every aspect while living with fakes literally surrounding them.
And even their balls i previously talked about seem to be plastic, since they never use them (what a surprise).

>> No.16900536

I know all this, but americans either don't know or don't care.
Not my problem anymore.
Ask yourself, why there are no hanging toilets in the US?

>> No.16901335

You’re right about our shitty homes. I don’t get the hate for our beer, and I completely understand why you don’t get deep dish. You’ve never actually had it.

>> No.16902903

>I don’t get the hate for our beer,
The main brands mostly taste watered out, way too mild or have other issues like added sugar.
The one brand that is acceptable to what i'm used to is Miller Export. But i had serious problems with most of the others.

>and I completely understand why you don’t get deep dish. You’ve never actually had it.
I had deep dish pizzas and they are not Pizzas.
Way too much tomato sauce and cheese for my taste. The dough wasn't either what i expect to get from a pizza.
Deep dish is more like a sort of tarte (like they have them in france or switzerland. Very similar but with less cheese and tomato sauce in the euro versions.

I had only one good pizza in Monterey California while working there at the DLI and one in New York City . The New York place was actually an italian guy making them who koved there from Italy.
When i ordered Domino's, they were way to greasy, and i had this problem with Dominos on a several different locations in different states. But i guess that's how they make them.
Pizza Hut was better but even them taste better in Europe. Such as Finland and Germany.