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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, brekkie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16887566 No.16887566 [Reply] [Original]

For me I have to go for the full english

>> No.16887568

Pancakes are great and tomatoes are gross, so American, ez

>> No.16887576

I'd take the right plate with the hash browns instead of the tomatoes and the beans. And where the fuck is the black pudding?

>> No.16887579

who the fuck eats 15 tomatoes?

>> No.16887582

Where are the vegetables on the american?

>> No.16887587

Anon, Americans don't eat vegetables.

>> No.16887593

what the fuck is that bacon in the American version? I've never got served anything like that in the US
also why is there 20 tomatoes but no black pudding or bread in the full english?
who is this fucking retard?

>> No.16887614
File: 1.08 MB, 1200x675, 1628014409341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pancakes are good. pancakes and maple or corn syrup bring happiness

>> No.16887631

both of those look like terrible representations
is this the true power of content creators???

>> No.16887637

Seeing as I don't lift hay stacks for a living, neither. That's WAY too many calories to start your day on.

>> No.16887647

American one is wrong, should be 2 bacon, 2 breakfast sausage links, and 2 pancakes. Also who orders scrambled, and whoever cooked those hashbrowns was a talentless faggot

>> No.16887654

Could you get that disgusting thumb off my plate?

>> No.16887664

>what the fuck is that bacon
thick cut from the butt

>> No.16887666
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, Full English Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darren McGrady was personal chef to Queen Elizabeth II, Diana, Princess of Wales and Princes’ William and Harry for fifteen years and has cooked for five US Presidents. He is now a chef, author, culinary consultant, event planner and public speaker living in Dallas, Texas.

A PROPER FULL ENGLISH BREAKFAST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-WNLRsLlvE

>> No.16887670

and not get paid? why would i?

>> No.16887671

I'll take the full English, but that's not a full English. No black pudding, those sausages look suspicious, far too many tomatoes and it appears an elf shat on the eggs.

>> No.16887699

That's funny, even made by a skilled chef it still looks like shit

>> No.16887757

>no beans

what a moron

>> No.16887762

Look at the colors of the bacon between the plates. The left plate has been edited to look bad. Whatever this is from it's propaganda of ome kind.

>> No.16887766

beans are for dinner, maybe lunch, but not for breakfast

>> No.16887769

>puts a bunch of random british shit around his kitchen to remind you that he's so british he shits black pudding

>> No.16887776

>American vs British Mexican
American for me.

>> No.16887782

Where are the vegetables on the english?

>> No.16887790

Is there anything more American than including dessert over veggies in a savoury dish. As an Aussie it's 100% the full English

>> No.16887795

Potatoes are a vegetable... out of the two it's the only one that has vegetables.

>> No.16887808

tomatoes are fruit

>> No.16887809

I'm more a 'coffee and cigarette' breakfast kind of guy, though I can see the appeal of the full English.

>> No.16887812

>I'm more of a faggot kind of guy

>> No.16887815
File: 3.14 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20211025_073848758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oatmeal, dried cran berries, blue berries, dash of salt.
PB and J on dark rye.

Gotta retune my biome a little bit...last nights adventure has me reeling.

>> No.16887817

Warp sickness is a bitch, yo.
If you can keep anything solid down, more power to ya.

>> No.16887821
File: 2.63 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20211024_183958221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For reference, this pic is last nights adventure. What's missing is the other eight Bud Lights I had. Fuck...

>> No.16887824

English easily the american version would get me constipated and I am american.

>> No.16887833

>Tomatoes at breakfast
Tomatoes are a fruit, fruit is for desert, fruits don't go on pizza, having desert at breakfast time; ngmi

>> No.16887837

faggot drinks lite beer

>> No.16887838

what are pancakes nigger

>> No.16887839

That bread looks fuckin' good. Not sure I'm a fan of that burnt ass meat though. I dunno, it's probably just an external sear to visually match the bread anyhow.
Props for mayo with fries, though. That shit is under-rated.

>> No.16887845

tree chopin fuel, you soft handed faggot

>> No.16887849

>doesn't like pretzel buns
not white. ergo, ngmi

>> No.16887851

I just said the bread looks good you fuckin' ESL nigger.
Learn to fuckin' parse.

>> No.16887863

> lite

Go sip your Miller piss water, bitch made churl.

Was an external sear. Inside was (mostly) well done. Still had a TOUCH TOUCH of pink at the very center. Was a quite good. Feta cheese on one, sharp cheddar on the other, spinach, cherry tomatoes, red onion, mayo and spicy beer mustard. And yeah, IDK why people look at me odd for putting mayo on my fries. America's obviously not been mayopilled, fuck ketchup.

>> No.16887871

learn when someone is obviously throwing out bait

>> No.16887874

feta spinach tomatoes and maybe a little balsamic on a burger is pretty good. but i'm a pepperjack man

>> No.16887876

It's okay anon, not everyone can be Shakespear tier. I wont hold that against you.

>> No.16887878

Can respect it. Done the Southwest burger. Good as fuck w. the pepperjack, bacon, jalapeño and fried onion.

>> No.16887880

start at the beginning and reread my first comment >>16887833 and see if you can see how you was played you feeble minded little bitch, covfefe

>> No.16887887


>> No.16887909

Very true, the English has tomato (fruit), mushroom (fungi), and beans (legume). Only the American has an actual vegetable, potato (root vegetable).

>> No.16887920

thank you, same time tomorrow

>> No.16887922

Well, you gotta survive 'till then.

>> No.16887950

>Tomatoes are a fruit
>fruits don't go on pizza
Enjoy your 15" cracker with cheese

>> No.16887958

why is your bread black?

>> No.16887965

What's wrong with thin crust m8?

>> No.16887987
File: 187 KB, 720x480, 378168236712418364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thank you, I prefer Hedley and Wyche's tooth paste on my crackers

>> No.16887989

Its a pretzel roll.

>> No.16887990

I dont remember what the first bread you quoted is though

>> No.16888040

Definitely American

I hate fucking beans, and the rest looks way too greasy

>> No.16888051

swap the pancakes for the sausages and I'm good.

>> No.16888068
File: 331 KB, 1440x1440, 193558178_4339810196041014_4132932657557450880_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll stick to my Swedish breakfast as I'm not a huge lardass

>> No.16888087

>Not a huge lard ass
>Carbs in bowl
>Carbs and sugar in glass
>Carbs on table
>Minimal protein
>Some sort of processed spread over toast.
I don't believe you.

>> No.16888089

why do you put churros on your smørrebrød? captcha: yyytr

>> No.16888092

but it's black

>> No.16888094

>eating fish paste out of a toothpaste tube
why are swedes like this?

>> No.16888095

Kek thanks anon, I had never seen this

>> No.16888097

yeah, there were some good teasing back in the day

>> No.16888099
File: 361 KB, 1080x1350, 45464363_250431832300210_5271980688353001472_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tubes are just better for spreads

>> No.16888100

There he goes, the retarded american.

Meanwhile humanity's main food for more than 3000 years has been almost exclusively carbs and yet obesity has only skyrocketed in the last 50 years.

If you don't understand that the real problem is sugar, fat and lack of exercise then you're just another retarded american cunt.

>> No.16888101

no brunost

>> No.16888102

Not that anon, but holy shit that is amazing.
Why the fuck don't we have that here in the states?

>> No.16888103

The only tube I used to have was anchovy paste but now I'm realizing basically everything with a similar texture would last longer and be more convenient in a tube

>> No.16888124
File: 1.01 MB, 1400x718, ica-maxi-ljuslador-kavli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno, various pastes in tubes are quite popular here. Sandwich spreads, ketchup, mustard, mayo, tomato paste, thicker sauces, etc. It's convenient.

>> No.16888149

We do, they sell it in a bunch of grocery stores. You can buy it at Ikea too:

>> No.16888155

Dude I've never even seen an Ikea.
They sound really cool.

>> No.16888253

And still I pee

>> No.16888401

A true American breakfast is a black coffee hurriedly choked down while rushing out the door to the office. Busy busy busy, gotta keep working.

>> No.16888410

but not a full american breakfast tard

>> No.16888428

you have no clue what youre talking about.

>> No.16888461

Nah, he's not wrong.
Americans are tweakers.

>> No.16888564

>Failing to mention the unfiltered pack of smokes
Stop LARPing you European cuck

>> No.16888597

maybe in the big city (not real americans)

>> No.16888601

Have you met farmers?

>> No.16888603

I'd change the hotcakes for the beans.

>> No.16888605

What is that shit colour bacon?jxznx

>> No.16888622

yes, they eat breakfast because farming is hard work and they need the energy.

>> No.16888646

The hell does that have to do with anything we were just talking about?

>> No.16888652

Full Welsh is the best

>> No.16888656


>> No.16888679

Those hash browns look shit

>> No.16888690

Based Cincinnati!

>> No.16888693

fuck you're retarded

>> No.16888697

I don't understand the appeal of pancakes. It's just bread with sugar. Absolutely disgusting as a breakfast food. I'll take the english breakfast minus the stupid beans.

>> No.16888702

You've never had buttermilk pancakes, it seems?

>> No.16888731
File: 34 KB, 619x511, 2449EBEC-3342-4A7B-8098-14F04BCC668E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they edit the American side to look like bland shit? Compare the green herbs on the left to the green herbs on the right.

Why does everything look greyer than it should be? Scrambled eggs are bright yellow. Hashbrowns look like grey shit, too. The brownness of the pancakes is way lighter than it should be and the bacon doesn't even look bacon-coloured.

>> No.16888763
File: 923 KB, 1280x720, 1635154038194_copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol look how much they had to desaturated the thumbnail to even compete with american one.

>> No.16888788

lol they did.

>> No.16888830
File: 1.66 MB, 1023x592, 1630260967369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Quebecer full breakfast,which is eggs, baked beans, sausage, bacon, ham, toast and potatoes with side of pork spread.

>> No.16888839

what are you doing?

>> No.16888841

Pretending that makes it healthy

>> No.16888867

Rural Anerica is just like any other agrarian region in the world. To claim that's the "real" America is to deny what makes America distinct.

>> No.16888890

Just 2 fried eggs, hashbrowns and a meat for me.
"Full" breakfasts are too large.

>> No.16888895

>t. 5 year old

>> No.16888897

That's way too much food for so early.
The variety is nice, but smaller portions wouldn't hurt.

>> No.16888899

>ruins a perfectly good meal by adding beans
do british people really?

>> No.16889072

American, why the fuck would I want to eat beans and whole ass tomatoes for breakfast? Also the American is missing sausage and ham.

>> No.16889103

The absolute seethe and cope of the cucked Swede.

>> No.16889236
File: 39 KB, 533x400, Steak N Eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck that is not the American equivalent to the English full breakfast. The American equivalent is Steak N Eggs, because we eat beef in America and we are not europoors who have to eat fucking ketchup beans and adulterated blood sausage for breakfast.

>> No.16889272

Post feet

>> No.16889781

kys faggot

>> No.16889819

I'd take the American but we don't usually serve all of that together on one plate like the English do with their breakfast. For example, pancakes are usually an order on its own. Only the fattest of fucks would order a stack of pancakes and then a bunch of bacon, eggs, and hash browns. That's two meals in one.

>> No.16890071

American, purely because of the fact that the tomatoes and beans take up half of the plate, the other parts look really good though.

>> No.16890093
File: 122 KB, 1024x737, McMuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the McMuffin

>> No.16890096

I'd take a full english over the shitty scrambled eggs & pancakes any day, but adding hashbrowns & a steak would make it perfect, so long as the beans aren't that ketchuppy Heinz trash.

>> No.16890126
File: 110 KB, 650x420, 5435343452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the Denny's Lumberjack Slam would be more of the American full breakfast.
Ham, bacon, sausage, hash browns, toast, pancakes.

>> No.16890130

>not taking the scrambbeasy eggs and bacon and wrapping up with a pancake like a taco

>> No.16890138

Hashbrowns from left, beans from right.

>> No.16890140

All it's missing is a side of gravy.

>> No.16890154


it's Kalles Roe Paste

>> No.16890162

I know, well not exactly what the flavor/ingredients are, I was just teasing. I'm no expert on Scandi cuisine/culture, but I know a fair amount, for a dum dum that is.

>> No.16890218

deadass eating heavily salted rice and a fish steak for breakfast rn

>> No.16890224

Substitute pancakes for biscuits and gravy and sunny side up eggs instead of scrambled all day on the American

>> No.16890246

Biscuits and gravy is too complex of a dish for the brits to master for a commoners breakfast. The most they can do is crank a can opener around a can of shitty beans and plop it on a plate next to eggs that look like they were cooked by a retarded baboon.

>> No.16890268
File: 139 KB, 1200x1800, cretons (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some cretons slapped on toasted white wonder bread. Reminds me of childhood

>> No.16890277

Canadian is the best combination of these two, doing away with the disgusting pancakes and beans.

>> No.16890341

i've never had that before. after a quick look up on the ole internet machine, i'd try it

>> No.16890351

>Roe Paste
We use that garbage to catch bottom feeding catfish in the states.

>> No.16890358

Where in Canada do you live that pancakes and beans aren't standard breakfast foods? Out west I bet?

>> No.16890361

How much of a picky faggot do you have to be to find pancakes disgusting? It's one of the least offensive foods I can think of.

>> No.16890364

Nice try.

>> No.16890370

>hurrr you have to love my classless taste or you're picky!
Ironic because you probably struggle to eat anything that's NOT pancakes or tendies.

>> No.16890378

It's great and easy to make

>> No.16890383

The only thing that I'd be hesitant to try is snails.

>classless taste
Look at this retard that thinks his subjective palate makes him a special snowflake. I'm calling it. You just turned 16.

>> No.16890388

someone needs to make a standardized intercontinental breakfast that combines the best of both. english and american bacon, couple hash brown patties, beans, a tomato, black and white pudding, mushrooms, 2 eggs any style, a single pancake

>> No.16890393

Good to know I'm arguing with an actual retard who probably likes Halo and action movies.

>> No.16890398

The fuck are you on about

>> No.16890400

Your autistic tastes do not make you a special human being. Having "classy tastes" is just a fancy way to call yourself a picky eater.

>> No.16890408

You really shouldn't be this angry at the world and/or this drunk at your age.

>> No.16890416

I'll give it a try next week, perhaps this weekend. Thanks parner!

>> No.16890423

No one's saying I'm classy. I'm saying that guy is classless for defending fucking pancakes of all things. The shittiest possible way to combine flour and sugar; he's a complete slave to his childhood and the lazy cooking of his sub-par parents.

>> No.16890452

I'm the same guy and you're still coming off like a picky fag. You can say that pancakes are bland or boring because they basically take on the flavor of whatever you top them with. I'd understand that. But to say that they're disgusting means that you have a really sensitive palate. They're extremely neutral tasting.

>> No.16890483

Enjoy fren

>> No.16890485

They're a disgusting ensemble whose purpose is to shut kids up and give them diabetes. Sure, they taste neutral; that's not always a bad thing, if there is nuance or enticing textures. In the case of hotcakes, they're mushy and almost unanimously made from cheap prepackaged powder whose only "nuance" is the borderline stale aftertaste that you get after you "enjoy" the bland front flavors. Even worse is that 99% of people outside of Canada are using fake maple syrup that tastes like corn syrup and artificial flavors because that's literally all it is. You're a slave to your childhood, man. Cut up hot dogs in Kraft dinner is SHIT. Pancakes are SHIT. Take your sugar and grains and go be a bottom-tier American somewhere else.

>> No.16890499

Again, you sound really picky and spoiled. Also, you come off like a really shitty human being in general getting so bent out of shape over pancakes.

>> No.16890501

>burnt eggs with green onions?
>burnt bacon
>burnt steak or whatever the fuck that is
>unmelted butter on stale pancakes
>color saturation turned way down

Hey look, I can do it too

>> No.16890507

Was your family murdered by a pancake salesman or something? Jesus.

>> No.16890508
File: 53 KB, 634x473, nintchdbpict000408868948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16890520

Where do you think you are, double nigger?
No. I ate pancakes and shit growing up. Then, I... finished growing up.

>> No.16890547

>Where do you think you are, double nigger?
Assuming you really have been here since the late 2000s, you must be in your 30s by now or approaching 40 like I am. When are you going to drop the try hard act? It's a fucking pancake. If you can't handle eating one at your age I don't know if you can be helped. You keep saying that you don't have "classy tastes" yet you keep sperging out about how people who tolerate pancakes are somehow beneath you lol.

>> No.16890551

Safe sailing

>> No.16890572

The day I turn down a buckwheat pancake with a slab of butter and warm maple syrup is the day I have stopped wanting to live.
Jesus christ I've never seen anyone get butthurt over a pancake before.

>> No.16890581
File: 97 KB, 1024x730, 1629092528317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Assuming you really have been here since the late 2000s, you must be in your 30s by now or approaching 40 like I am
Didn't need a reminder, Anon.

>> No.16890591

I'm in my early 40s too. this pancake sperglord is fucking weird.
the occasional stack of pancakes is delicious, it's not like it's something that gets eaten every day. I can't imagine being so fragile that you think only children can enjoy a pancake

>> No.16890597

American hashbrowns, Full English shrooms, Full English eggs and American Bacon. Half the tomatoes from the Full English, perfect breakfast

>> No.16890830

I prefer corn cakes with butter and powdered sugar.

>> No.16890888

>try hard
Lmao. Also, your estimate was completely fucked; I've been here since I was 11 in 2005. Do the math. I'm calling bullshit on you being here any earlier than 2012.
I know, I can't believe >>16890547 is so upset just because I told him pancakes are shit. Some people.

>> No.16890909
File: 116 KB, 307x283, 1630371694489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girly thighs
no wonder you're so bitchy

>> No.16890917

Double nigger from what I remember was a meme from around 08 or maybe 09. You were just trying too hard to claim you're an oldfag by dropping a dead meme.

>> No.16891000

Nah, I just call people double niggers. You have a problem and you are upset.

>> No.16891030

No one cares about how long you've been here you fucking faggot. You're too autistic to understand why I used your dead meme usage as a reference for your age. Go away faggot. I'm tired of wasting keystokes on your attention seeking, manchild ass.

>> No.16891039

I love the full English, wonder where I can get those sausages in my country

>> No.16891055
File: 148 KB, 800x800, 6647_cvr-sfs-bisquits-sausage-gravy-01-279513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outta my way you limey faggots

>> No.16891060

>No one cares about how long you've been here you fucking faggot.
You seem to. You're the only one egging on about it.

Softly, btw

>> No.16891083

You're a grown man desperately seeking attention from another grown man in his late 30s. What are you trying to accomplish here? You're not trolling anyone. You're just pathetic.

>> No.16891147

You're a man in his late 30s getting extremely bent out of shape over pancakes. You must be a father, and a shitty one at that, defending your mistakes. I hope your kids lose some weight when you're not looking.

>> No.16891155

You're confusing me for the other guy. Go away idiot.

>> No.16891194


>> No.16891271

Those are tiny tomatoes. I have family that will eat a very large tomato that comes close to that size with their dinner when they're in season. And no they're not fat, one is damned close to underweight.

The American platter looks like it was intentionally prepared to look dark and dry.

>> No.16891281

No, American breakfast just looks like that. Poverty niggers eating dry nasty Aunt Jemima pancakes and store bought bacon and overcooked eggs.

>> No.16891476

The eggs look good but the rest of the English looks like someone had a diarrhea on a plate so bad, they actually died from the bowel movement. Like stuff came out that wasn’t supposed to come out. But breakfast is for babies.

>> No.16891490

uhh are the vegetables on the English?
>French fries
>carrot cake
>onion rings
>fried zucchini
>lettuce on a hamburger
Boy is your face red.

>> No.16891498

I guess that car accident was a blessing for Diana because that is just garbage. God I bet her asshole was nasty.

>> No.16891502

Your bloodline is weak.

>> No.16891508

>store bought bacon

>> No.16891512

What year do you think it is? People don’t eat that. Maybe 70 year olds and the mentally handicapped because their parents send them off with the social worker for 12 hours a day

>> No.16891649

>Full English
Full? Fuck off

>> No.16892453


looks good desu

>> No.16892488

To be honest, it looks like they turned the saturation down on the left and turned it up on the right. Bong inferiority complex? Both breakfast types are delicious.

>> No.16892644

American, but I can't have pancakes because they trigger my low blood sugar.

>> No.16892673
File: 2.83 MB, 3840x2160, 1289B378-A700-4987-AEF2-A6EA00880E7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prefer my eggs fried to poached but this was a pretty good breakfast for only a tenner

>> No.16892686

What do substitute the black pudding with sheep ass?

>> No.16892896

Literally edited the left plate to make it look unappetizing.

>> No.16892914

most am*ricans prefer their condiments in gallon jugs

>> No.16893166

Bagel and Lox is better than everything in this thread, please gain taste, oy vey

>> No.16893354

Tomatoes and Mushrooms retard

>> No.16893570

Irish Brekky is better tbdesu

>> No.16893591

eggellent looking finish on that table you got there