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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.09 MB, 1400x1132, mac-and-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16881965 No.16881965 [Reply] [Original]

I hate mac and cheese. Anybody else?

>> No.16881968

yea it's gross but a spoonful or two is nice if it has a toasted crust

>> No.16881969


>> No.16882034

i dont hate it, but i always feel like Mac n Cheese is lacking, like it needs something else to add to the texture or flavour profile.
Considering it's Canada's national dish, any Moosebros wanna share any secrets into kicking KD up a notch?

>> No.16882089

ground pepper makes it instantly better

>> No.16882128

get better stuff, rather than something out of a box with "cheese" powder

a lot of recipes include adding breadcrumbs to the top and baking it

>> No.16882133

we in south germany eat our cheese spaetzle with geschmelzte onions. thats basically just onions fried in butter, but it really gives it a nice kick.

>> No.16882136

I'm convinced that anyone who says mac is shit has never had real mac. Imagine judging mac and cheese by fucking 99c boxed powdered cheese product.

>> No.16882142

I used to when I was a kid. All I had access to was blue box Kraft though. Now that I can make it from sctratch it's not bad.

>> No.16882158
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If this is Mac and Cheese then hot dogs really are sandwiches and the world is collapsing

>> No.16882172

>how to tell people I'm not white without telling them I'm not white

>> No.16882180

Pizza is also a vegetable in America

>> No.16882204

>Pizza is also a vegetable in America
rent free

>> No.16882679
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>> No.16882695

Generally, yes, I dislike it. It's often baked or gussied up with fancy cheeses. Not good. If it sits for too long, not good. Ooey gooey is a bug, not a feature. Boxed mac and cheese with the powdered cheese, noodles cooked very al dente, consumed while still runny with a dash of very fresh fine grind black pepper and or black truffle salt is tasty.

>> No.16882717

they tried to say the tomato sauce on pizza counted as a serving of vegetables. nobody thought pizza is a vegetable. don't be dumb.

>> No.16882732

>waaaaahhhhh big scary chemicals WAAAAAAHHHHHHH mommy mommy save me mommy from the big words i dont like the big words WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
Kill yourself. People without any college education are truly worthless.

>> No.16882751

For me its a bit of nutmeg and seasoned salt on my 'ac and 'eese

>> No.16882752
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>> No.16882765

Most of the premade stuff isn't very good. Mainly because cheese is expensive so they try to use as little as possible. If you haven't made it yourself from scratch then I can understand not liking it.

>> No.16882770
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get a load of this self sucking faggot
I bet your bread label looks like this too

>> No.16882775

Tell me which one of those ingredients is bad for you any why. I'll wait.

>> No.16882833

>Tell me which one of those ingredients is bad for you any why. I'll wait.
Okay let's start with High Fructose Corn Syrup and Soybean Oil right up at the top. One makes you into a fat fuck while the other one emasculates you, ups your estrogen levels and turns men into faggots.

>> No.16882846

>One makes you into a fat fuck
Just eat less. Same as table sugar.
>while the other one emasculates you, ups your estrogen levels and turns men into faggots.
Hops is 50× better than soy at this. Most of soy's estrogen isn't bioavailable, while almost all of the estrogen in hops is. Like IPA's? Hope you like having tits too faggot.

>> No.16882856
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>corn syrup or sugar
but HFCS is about identical to sucrose in terms of glucose:fructose, so it's no worse than any other sugar, and better than honey. (honey has lower glucose to fructose ratio).

Phytoestrogens are not found in the fatty portion of the soybean plant. This is why soybean oil does not contain phytoestrogens.

>> No.16882868
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>I don't like basic dish because it's basic

>> No.16882876


>> No.16882879


what brand exactly? I hated it too before I tried velveeta. Kraft is shit, Annies is ok.

>> No.16883392

>hot dogs really are sandwiches
they are.
pizza is also an open faced sandwich.

>> No.16883466


>> No.16883803

Me. It's such babby-tier food and there's much better alternatives.

>> No.16884540

It's 'macaroni', you lazy ass

>> No.16884565

I've never had mac and cheese

>> No.16884985

>no soy
It’s actually one of the better white trash products.

>> No.16884989


>> No.16886671

Lol. Lmao. I've made my own mac & cheese from scratch and had people lose their shit at how good it was. Know how to into cheese and maybe you'll git gud.

>> No.16887377

>mac and cheese gloop
Yikes, fuck off

>mac and cheese with hot dog bits, small veggies (roasted broccolini), and a slightly crunchy crust

>> No.16887385

dont care. still gonna eat it

>> No.16888296
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, food_1624093088324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've picked up some bootleg brand that comes with cheese goo rather than powder so you don't have to add milk.. I still add half block of cheddar cheese.. n hotsauce..

>> No.16888419

I will share my vegan mac and cheese recipe for those interested. takes about 10 minutes to make, makes two servings

>170g rotini/elbow/whatever you got pasta, cooked to package instructions

>50g cashews, soaked in boiling water for 5 mins
>2 tbsp nutritional yeast
>1 tsp paprika, i used smoked sweet paprika
>.5 tsp garlic powder
>.5 tsp onion powder
>.5 tsp salt
>1/2 cup water
>2 tbsp tomato paste

>cook pasta to package instructions
>soak cashews as water boils/pasta cooks
>add rest of ingredients to a blender or food processor, blend until smooth
>add mixture to cooked pasta

wala, easy meal, hearty, filling, healthy, creamy without the cream

>> No.16888439

Thanks for agreeing.

>> No.16888443
File: 538 KB, 736x3671, 2 am chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my 2am chili recipe fort those interested. takes as many hours as youve got
no i like it
i dont like that

>> No.16888447

>Nutritional yeast
Fuck no. Vegans shouldn't be eating yeast anyway, it's obviously a living organism. But these are the lengths they will go to to poorly imitate reality.

>> No.16888450

i want to hurt the author of this

>> No.16888459

guess you dont like the smell of touchdowns

>> No.16888499

never said i was vegan, but your point is braindead

>> No.16888533
File: 404 KB, 1080x1297, Screenshot_20211025-174354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. If you're buying amerimutt golem mac n cheese you've only got yourself to blame.


Just make your own.

>> No.16888573

Literally just put ketchup on it, the acid and sweetness pairs perfectly with it

>> No.16888824

Sounds delicious, thank you!

>> No.16888847

I love it. I'll even put ketchup on it sometimes. I wish it was more socially acceptable for grown men to eat it

>> No.16888904

>Jewish cum guzzling closeted homo gook with too many names -Alt
>He/him (debatable) says to use Science! to combine evaporated milk and cheese with starch water in exact ammounts to emulsify the cheese
>could've tossed a chunk of Boar's Head American cheese and a little milk and butter in the pot to get the same thing.

That guy (debatable) has some good info, but this is just stupid.

>> No.16888911

Not really.

>> No.16889204

no one asked

>> No.16889234
File: 79 KB, 370x393, 1269400496832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds almost good enough to cum yourself

>> No.16889238

People who eat this shit are the same people who still drink milk. Grow the fuck up!

>> No.16890875

I hate how /ck/ is a brainlet board

>> No.16890877

yeah it can be gritty and underwhelming. imo it's not worth the time or the cheese.

>> No.16890886

everyone's done that though, it's been done to death.

>> No.16890906

I genuinly didn't know "mac & cheese" was a phrase or existed outside KD until I started Uni

>> No.16890918

Author should be euthanized

>> No.16890956
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>mac and cheese with hot dog bits, small veggies (roasted broccolini), and a slightly crunchy crust

>> No.16890965

So if you put a serving of vegetables on a pizza they magically have no nutritional value because... it makes you mad or something?

>> No.16891009

I hate how it makes me shit myself (hyperbole, it just makes my stomach feel bad and have a bit oily shit) if I eat too much, but that's my fault due to ny sensitive stomach and poor/non existent portion control

>> No.16891043

Explain, bigbrain. I bet you really think cheddar makes it better.

>> No.16891044

why the fuck are you eating mac and cheese over the age of 12?

>> No.16891048

pulled pork

>> No.16891063


>> No.16891087
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, 20211025_202537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kick KD up a notch
Picrel. You're welcome.

>> No.16891093


>> No.16891119

>oh no, he pointed out im retarded, better call him a tranny! That'll show how smart I am!
The rope awaits.

>> No.16891161
File: 956 KB, 1046x1404, Screenshot_20211025-203838_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, so you're a he/him. That's even more pathetic. Box mac and cheese is best mac and cheese. Wiggle and squirm, worm. You know I'm right. YWNBAM.

>> No.16891191
File: 192 KB, 1024x1536, 1EDE8F6C-2CDC-42F0-B91B-FC190E4A0E2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you preparing it wrong? That looks too cheesy,

>> No.16891216

>looks too cheesy
Yes, it does. Too many people think that if cheesy=good then more cheesy =more good. This is not how life really works. More cheesy is not always better.

>> No.16891250

>Box mac and cheese is best mac and cheese.
Why would you double down so hard on being a retard and why do you think everyone who disagrees with you wants to mutilate their genitals? Genuinely curious I'm fascinated by how room temperature IQ brains think, if you could call it that.

>> No.16891306

My boyfriend is a manchild who often requests mac n cheese regularly so I am starting to get sick of it

>> No.16891319
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Homemade mornay with iberico, pecorino, sharp cheddar, and touch of kabocha puree. thoughts?

>> No.16891326

>only 2 cheeses, one of which is hard

>> No.16891328

No, only kids hate it. Their taste buds haven’t developed yet. Mac and cheese is a sophisticated dish for smart adults who have healthy amounts of sex.

>> No.16891331

Dry, not melted, not runny. I'm sure it tasted good, maybe a fantastic meal, and that's what counts. Not mac and cheese though.

>> No.16891337

I don't like Mac & Cheese, because I associate it with faggot canadians and I hope each and every candian piece of shit dies a slow and painful death. I cannot think of a more utterly useless and shit people than canadians. Honorable mention goes to faggot kangaroo nigger australians , and their homosexual cousins new zealand dicksuckers.

>> No.16891354

iberico is also a cheese, homie

>> No.16891363

Probably tasted good but terrible presentation. I wouldn’t eat that unless I made it myself or just got back from climbing a mountain.

>> No.16891372

Oh thought you meant the ham for some reason, iberico is gud.

>> No.16891403

I can only eat the mac & cheese my black neighbors bake at their birthday parties

>> No.16891406

Good thing I didn't make it for you!

>> No.16891435

Most of my cooking is the same way since I’m usually just cooking for myself.

>> No.16891521

I suppose it is in good practice to present even when cooking for one.

>> No.16891544

I’ve pretty much given up by the time I’m cooking dinner most night.

>> No.16891552

this is the only good suggestion so far.
do you mix it through, or serve the pulled pork along side it?

>> No.16891567

So you’re a womanpedophile? Certainly sounds like it.

>> No.16891576

Mix it all up, of course. 2/3 mac to 1/3 pork is about right for me. Chopped bacon works, too.

>> No.16892273

I prefer ground beef, but pulled pork sounds like a winning choice too. Do you slso add BBQ sauce? I probably will.

>> No.16892341

I've never had it because I'm not a burger.

>> No.16893223


>> No.16893264

>this recipe offends me
holy fail

>> No.16893284
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I prefer the unhealthy comfort foods of other cultures to my own.