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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16881437 No.16881437 [Reply] [Original]

Is Chinese food safe to eat?

>> No.16881446

I would unironically trust canned seafood made in Venezuela over something with rona runes on it

>> No.16881458

It literally says it will give you cancer on the packaging, but I'm sure Chinese manufactures wouldn't cut costs and sell dangerous products. After all, Made in China is a well known stamp of quality and safety and they've never had cases of lead paint and other toxins being found in high levels in their quality products.

Honestly, even questioning it's safety is slightly racist and very problematic...

>> No.16881473

I can't buy eels in Ohio

>> No.16881484
File: 62 KB, 500x333, traditional-chinese-food-stew-braised-homeycome-beef-tripe-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

safee for yoo!

>> No.16881504

Sure, just make sure to use the chopstickz

>> No.16881538

If your nation's food agency is doing its job: yes.

If your nation's food agency lacks staff, funds or is corrupt: hell no.

>> No.16881551

You'll be fine.

>> No.16881572
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everything is counterfeit, unregulated, un-inspected, corrupt, and dishonest.

why the fuck anybody would buy actual foodstuff processed and canned in a chinese factory absolutely stuns me

>> No.16881594

Have sex polcel

>> No.16881596

enjoy your heavy metal poisoning.

>> No.16881603

>California wrong about everything except Chinese product health!
Go back

>> No.16881605

Prop65 has no threshold fucking oxygen can cause cancer anon gotta put the label on oxygen.

>> No.16881611

Yes. Overlabeling like this has a very negative effect. Certain folks with no risk tolerance become paranoid. Many other folks just learn to ignore all warnings, which is also not good.

>> No.16881614
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Aaaaaaaaah the Taste of Asia!

>> No.16881620

they literally add poison to baby formula, that kills babies

go watch any 101east documentaries on chinese food safety lol, everything is fake, all the ingredient lists are lies and scams. they fake everything, cheat everything.

>> No.16881629


Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.16881635

Go be racist somewhere else, you won't be missed

>> No.16881640

That went beyond criminal negligence that was outright murderous intent. It was known that melamine could fake the protein test but they didn't consider that someone would straight up poison baby formula so never tested for it

>> No.16881687

but literally everything gives you cancer in the state of california

>> No.16882023

looks like good quality to me, the building is still intact just set it up again.

>> No.16882031

Is that pusy hair??

>> No.16882043

you're actually retarded, buddy. the california cancer label thing is widely known, if you haven't noticed it yourself by now you're just dumb as bricks

>> No.16882061

>stumble across pre-cooked duck breast at my local food outlet
>$5 for two duck breasts
>buy 4 packages
>get home, putting shit in the fridge
>notice "product of China" on the side of the duck

I wasnt even sure about feeding it to my dogs.

>> No.16882551

Isn't that just beef tripe?

>> No.16882594

yes, dude's probably a american teen

>> No.16882597

Yeah but it’s spooOoOoOoky.
Because China.

>> No.16882799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16883037

>everything is counterfeit, unregulated, un-inspected, corrupt, and dishonest.
Sounds like just about any country.

>> No.16883084


Isn't it getting late in Beijing? With all the CCP caused electrical shortages happening I'm surprised they still allow Chang to post on here

>> No.16883105

Never trust Chinese food.

>> No.16883247

Chinese food (as in food made in China for Chinese people) is the kinda food which might kill you after thirty years of constant exposure to it. So long as you do your research and don't eat stuff which has a carcinogen warning on it you'll be fine. It's a damn shame they don't have proper regulations (or enforcement), though.
Anon, I don't know how to break this to you, but tripe is 100% traditional European food too.

>> No.16883673

>CCP shills/Chang can only be found in china
You must be a special kind of retard.

>> No.16883683


>> No.16883712

Ah yes, how could they forget about the Chinatowns all over the globe filled with human trafficking victims thanks to the Chinese Triads. Surely these new "Citizens" will integrate into their new host...erm..home

>> No.16883714

the game


>> No.16883738

Reddit moment

>> No.16883746

>tripe is Chinese
You’re a special kind of retarded ass faggot zoomer.

>> No.16883771
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If it's made in China, no. If it's Chinese food made outside of China? Yes.

>> No.16883781

>CCP shills/Chang
>immediately relates to Chinese Triads
You are the same kind of retard.

>> No.16883787
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Not the Islamic emirate of Afghanistan.

>> No.16883806

Im so lonely bros
Im /fit/ now, where is my qt asian gf?

>> No.16883823

>food safety doesn't test for poison
Then what's the fucking point? Clown world

>> No.16883849
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>thinks about the U.S. FDA

So , , I’m going to die ?

>> No.16883873
File: 473 KB, 1280x640, ji yeong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the weights at the gym find you? No, you went to the gym and found the weights.

Your qt Asian gf is out there anon, but just like the weights, you have to find her first.

>> No.16883931

I work at a seafood plant in Alaska . As far as I know , the feds don’t test for anything . We’re required to self report problems .

>> No.16883987

>Works in the USA but doesn't understand how to use punctuation in English

Thanks for the insight , Chang !

>> No.16884048

Are you calling me stupid , Chinese , or both ?

>> No.16884612

Bro, I've bought sunflower seed oil made in kansas that had the california Prop-65 warning on it.
Everything that might ever be sold in Cali-stan has to have it on the box or it's illegal to sell there, I think.
Also working with the CCP is the only hope White Americans have of not becoming a minority within "their" country within the next twenty years. If you oppose the globohomo or zionism, ironically, you have to work with the CCP if you want results.

>> No.16884638

Nice try, we all know your party actively funds and promotes this shit in the west because it's destabilizing

>> No.16884658

at least its made from animals unlike american food which is made from plastic/petrol

>> No.16884683

Is food from Taiwan at least less sketchy? I find the vast majority of packaged food in asian markets come from Taiwan and Vietnam.

>> No.16884691

He >>16883084 sounds more like a retarded boomer to me, as in an ACTUAL 65 year old. He seems to think they still reside only in Chinatowns and that the triads are still relevant, lmao. I'm surprised he even knows how to use a computer honestly.

>> No.16884696

Believe whatever you want. If you blind yourself with ideology that isn't in line with reality, you will inevitably suffer for it.
Keep sucking up to the jews, though. You'll be rewarded for being a good goy eventually.

>> No.16884710

Are you saying DuPont and Dow don’t know what’s best for us ?

>> No.16884878

>people defending china in this thread

>> No.16884908

>people defending china in this thread

>> No.16884934

>people defending china in this thread
wowzers, shiggy diddle doo

>> No.16884967

>people fend chong ding scroll
yabba dabba doo

>> No.16885079
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At least the FDA is run by the corporations they regulate.

>> No.16885082

>if you dislike the chinese government you must love israel's
You're allowed to hate more than one thing my dude. We can discuss which is the lesser of 2 evils but don't pretend china doesn't promote this shit

>> No.16885321

Some of us live on the edge . I also ride my motor scooter without a helmet .

>> No.16886026

This. Americans are nuts

>> No.16886044
File: 1.20 MB, 2248x1993, 743C620F-48B5-4AC5-AC96-AEDA0B59FDDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating food from China
Anon you already know the answer to your question

>> No.16886054

>Is Chinese food safe to eat?
not at all, but that's what makes it fun to eat. however everything in california causes cancer so you can ignore that. seems like the boy who cried wolf

>> No.16886736

if you live in a first world country you can trust food on your shelves
they don't just let people import shit and sell them on shelves without checking them

>> No.16886742

>rona runes

>> No.16886815

>start eating deenz
>gf notices them around the house, grossed out
>explain to her how deans are a cheap nutritious snack
>I have a few different brands so she must think I'm not picky
>she brings back a few cans from the store one day
>don't recognize the brand
>read label
I plan on burning them when I go hunting in a few weeks with her dad to lure a bobcat, they are hard to catch but he has done it before and says it may work.Fuck no would I ever eat that shit. T. Lived in China for two years.

>> No.16887507

If there's an asian market near you buy frozen Japanese eels instead.

>> No.16887510

Last time my mother had some chink-made canned seafood, she ended up in hospital.

>> No.16887511
File: 19 KB, 500x327, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are also thousands of local health jurisdictions anon

I'm not saying any system is perfect but you gotta weigh it up and be sensible

>> No.16887523

So , you’ve lived in China , am I correct in thinking that they will do whatever they can get away with ? I worry because I don’t believe most governments actually test many products . It seems as though most regulations require self reporting which I doubt Chinese companies take seriously .

>> No.16887527


>> No.16887528

companies will literally put the prop 65 warning on anything they export to America, even if it doesn't actually have lead in it or no danger exists of their being lead, just because it's cheaper to do that than actually do the testing to prove their product doesn't have lead in it
also, I know you're just shitting but any eat the soup bigots can kiss my ass because I question the safety of everything

>> No.16887531

chinese are notorious for telling foreign companies they'll build to spec, use quality materials, perform quality control, whatever they want, for outrageously good prices, and then give them whatever they can budget with the price that was actually paid

>> No.16887551

My boss was furious when six sea containers of frozen fish he owned thawed out on a dock in China . He didn’t believe his contacts in China when he was told that the workers went on strike . My boss said the Chinese government never allows people to strike without permission . He was forced to renegotiate a contract that should have been honored .

>> No.16887600

it's his fault really for trusting mainlanders in the first place

>> No.16887621

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16887698

>Chinese is a race
>schizo hillary vs trump rambings
this is your brain on amerimuttism

>> No.16887704

Nothing is safe to eat. You just do it, because not eating is even worse.

>> No.16888739

yes they are totally negligent in the way they source materials so somewhere in the supplychain the lowest bidder will cut corners and until it makes the news nobody checks for quality. I would be hesitant to eat anything from Southern China, Sichuan food is pretty good, and Northern Chinese food is meat and bread heavy so not as exciting to foreigners so it doesnt export. Muslim china actually has the best quality food in my opinion but the 95%+ of Han China doesn't want to be mogged so they keep it hushed.

>> No.16889855

>cope and seethe

>> No.16890239

China doesn't promote globohomo, though. You ever hear about hollywood having to change/edit their movies or scripts for china? That's because China doesn't allow faggots to be shown in their movies. China is, ironically, very staunchly against cultural marxism. They want western designs, they want technology, they want industry, but they don't want the west's spoon-fed faggotry and their poison ideology that's been peddled by jews to them for the past hundred years.

>> No.16890457

Yeah, The Communist Party of China doesn't want anything to do with Marxism. Don't look up who the (((Western))) Advisors to Mao were though or how the whole Cultural Revolution went for China under Mao...China loves Tradition Goyim...ermm...guys!

>> No.16890467

>The Communist Party of China doesn't want anything to do with Marxism.
Don't they have large floor-to-ceiling gold-trimmed paintings of the guy in their opulent political palaces?

>> No.16890681

I didn't say they had nothing to do with marxism, just that they don't like CULTURAL marxism.
After Mao's great leap forward especially. They realized it wasn't so good but didn't give up on communism 100%, just realized they had to change things. The only remaining communist countries, China included, have stopped treating Marx as the next messiah and his word as gospel, unlike the communist countries which have fallen to outside forces/espionage revolutions. Since Deng Xiaoping it'd be more accurate to call China a national socialist country than a communist one.

>> No.16890767

yeah that seems about right, those guys are total fuckwits