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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 128 KB, 1160x1160, ortolan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16880380 No.16880380 [Reply] [Original]

Ortolan, a small bird eaten whole, bones included, that has a nice hazelnut-like flavor, way better than chicken, but now illegal....

>> No.16880420

How do you even fit that whole thing in your mouth?

>> No.16880423

Imagining toturing your food before eating it, you chink.

>> No.16880425

Is that the thing that you have to cover your head while you eat, to hide your shame from god?

>> No.16880426
File: 182 KB, 560x292, FDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah... imagine

>> No.16880427

I put them up my ass

>> No.16880431
File: 538 KB, 1400x1955, 0 akm2sO128UwgrLb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ywn make a pan gravy out of Dodo drippings, fat, and stock.

It hurts. It hurts a lot.

>> No.16880435

I'll put something else up your ass, faggot.

>> No.16880441

God made your chocolate starfish as an exit only son. find jesus

>> No.16880445

It's to keep the fumes in, they say

>> No.16880449

Like what dickless chump?

>> No.16880451

You'll see.

>> No.16880452


>> No.16880454

Steller's sea cow
>Steller's sea cow was described as being "tasty" by Steller; the meat was said to have a taste similar to corned beef, though it was tougher, redder, and needed to be cooked longer. The meat was abundant on the animal, and slow to spoil, perhaps due to the high amount of salt in the animal's diet effectively curing it. The fat could be used for cooking and as an odorless lamp oil. The crew of the St. Peter drank the fat in cups and Steller described it as having a taste like almond oil.[53] The thick, sweet milk of female sea cows could be drunk or made into butter

>> No.16880458
File: 424 KB, 1200x721, 1200px-Rhytine_boréal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.16880461 [DELETED] 
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That isn’t because we believe the in some voodoo that the suffering will make it taste better like the Chinese do. It’s just to optimize production to improve profitability and affordability.

>> No.16880466

> the milk
How did they milk that?

>> No.16880469

They probably carved off their mammary glands when they were butchering it and there was milk inside.

>> No.16880475

By suckin on its udders obv

>> No.16880496

So... sea cowboys were a thing?

>> No.16880501

Sea cowboys would imply we domesticated them and sent them on underwater cattle drives. Nah we just speared the fuckers until they were gone.

>> No.16880515

imagine if it was better than chicken
and we just... we just don't get it.

>> No.16880528

Or it was stinky and we only would value its meat because it's rare

>> No.16880532

chickens used to live in jungles. we breed them en masse.
could do the same thing.

>> No.16880551
File: 71 KB, 600x564, mcdonaldsfrenchfries_getty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beef tallow frenchfries from Mcdonalds.

>> No.16880558
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Also kentucky fried chicken before they cut costs and lowered the quality of everything. God damn I hate the modern world.

>> No.16880565

The French aren't human

>> No.16880570
File: 720 KB, 1000x750, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never sit down in a smokey 50's diner and eat a bunch of stuff fried in trans fats while openly hitting on the waitress

>> No.16880591
File: 77 KB, 400x278, reeses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually had this but none of you ever will.

>> No.16880598

These make me pretty sad. Imagine if these were like infinitely better then any beef pork or chicken we have today. I would rather then people try to revive these things then dinos or whatever the fuck I love science people say they want

>> No.16880604

Oh god when I was with my ex wife I would get things like this as a "snack"

>> No.16880621

If it's any consolation, you've probably had zero desire to eat manatee or seal or any of their relatives regardless. I bet if they were still around you wouldn't be eating sea cow. On reddit you'd see people crying and begging to protect the heckin' water-moos

>> No.16880622

Got to travel down to the States a year or two back, but I never got to try Chick-fil-A, which I'm still kinda sad about.
Hey, at least it's not that other shake that keeps getting posted that's actually three servings to a cup.

>> No.16880656
File: 553 KB, 1772x1220, european-wildlife-aurochs-brehm-large-herbivores-wild-cattle-ungulate-color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aurochs were probably pretty tasty. Ancestors to the modern cow and fucking huge but also leaner, the last recorded one died in Poland in the 1600s. That said it's kind of hard to argue that it would be better than our own cows, we're pretty fucking good at breeding them to be delicious.

>> No.16880666

It's French cuisine, doofus.

>> No.16880688
File: 26 KB, 524x476, Crunchy_Chick .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems a little evil OP

>> No.16880730


>> No.16880741

It's basically a giant flightless pigeon. And it didn't even taste good, the pirates just ate it because there was no other meat on the island

>> No.16880743

>eaten whole, bones included
feces included as well?

>> No.16880756

I've done this in many greasy spoons throughout this great country. The only difference is the waitresses are 70 years old too, but eh, they have fun I have fun, no worries.

>> No.16880757

That's just an excuse to hide your drool and blood from everyone. They actually say part of the "flavor profile" is your own blood from the bones cutting up your cheeks and gums

>> No.16880773

you can get KFC's original mix


or UK version


>> No.16880776
File: 37 KB, 330x440, Bird_lore_(1913)_(14562557107).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of pigeons, we also can't have passenger pigeons anymore.
>he flavor of the flesh of passenger pigeons varied depending on how they were prepared. In general, juveniles were thought to taste the best, followed by birds fattened in captivity and birds caught in September and October. It was common practice to fatten trapped pigeons before eating them or storing their bodies for winter.[107] Dead pigeons were commonly stored by salting or pickling the bodies; other times, only the breasts of the pigeons were kept, in which case they were typically smoked.
Given that they were the preferred pigeon of choice, they probably tasted even better than any squab we still have now.

>> No.16880782

there were over a billion of these guys less than 100 years ago

>> No.16880783

And people fuss about balut . . .

>> No.16880790
File: 198 KB, 1080x1350, 7ae90cefa21fe05edb04434c82001a75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting, I had no idea they ate them. We still have obscure pigeons like fruit doves nowadays but you're probably not allowed to eat them

>> No.16881777

Now that you mention it, manatees do still exist...

>> No.16882209

The feces were cooked and washed away

>> No.16882264

nigga just go get one and make it yourself
whos gonna know

>> No.16882272

I need to open that door though

>> No.16882465
File: 260 KB, 426x640, Great_Auk_(Pinguinis_impennis)_specimen,_Kelvingrove,_Glasgow_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1108249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great Auk. So delicious that when i was becoming known it was about to be extinct they intensified the hunting for it because people just couldn't live with not getting to eat it at least one more time.

>> No.16882501

They’re probably unhappy, but torture implies deliberate malice with the intention to make them as unhappy as possible. Negligence is probably a better word for it. Considering chickens aren’t exactly intelligent, there’s very little evidence it has a major psychological effect on them anyway.

>> No.16882505

What is special about this bird. Couldn't I just capture a finch and deep fry it

>> No.16882514

anon >>16880741 is right, they were most closely related to pigeons. Just go to your nearest city, find one of those winged rats too fat to fly and you've got yourself the taste of a dodo.

>> No.16882515

It’s estimated that they at one time comprised the single most abundant vertebrate species on the planet, with anywhere between 5 and 10 billion being alive at any one time. Flocks of them would be tens of thousands deep, extend for miles, and be thick enough to blot out the sun. Their extinction led to a fundamental change in the botany of north america, because the trees they preferred to roost in and eat the seeds of no longer had their main pollinator, leading to completely different species of trees becoming dominant all across the continent.

North America before European colonisation was a very alien place compared to what the wilderness looks like today. The bison used to be common and roam by the millions from Florida to Vancouver.

>> No.16882521

retard logic

>> No.16882523

Why would it being illegal mean I will never try it?
I've had loads of Heroin.


>> No.16882536
File: 140 KB, 1200x693, evolution2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ does not recognize the authority of State, anon.

>> No.16882566
File: 159 KB, 524x478, BB421B1D-3AE9-41B5-8A39-7B141EB4331B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think tiktaalik tasted like frog, or more like fish?

>> No.16882580
File: 1.68 MB, 1474x754, YG464WUGKVF2RKRVGQ6PRHZGTI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never eat at mcdowell's

>> No.16882582

now you won't be able to get into heaven

>> No.16882606


>> No.16882762


>> No.16882781

You can still do this in Tennessee

>> No.16882797


>> No.16882966
File: 7 KB, 284x177, D50FA4FC-9405-4CFA-B424-20DA30C5F22F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the Chinese eat Ortolans? It seems like something they would really like.

>> No.16882968


>> No.16882985
File: 79 KB, 768x768, 75ED8EE9-4461-4D67-8C47-606EF55364B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tea smoked pigeon is some good shit. In China the traditional way of preparing it is to slowly torture the bird for several hours before cooking it


>> No.16883011

Ohhh so thats for the reasoning of all my tortured dog videos from overseas and the propane torch burning off hair while squirming.

I always thought better meat was from ones who weren't scared at the end.

>> No.16883035

They are a protected species and you will be in jail for years if caught actively hunting them, there's a large fine and maybe even jail time for hitting them with your boat.

>> No.16883050

It makes the meat tough and the Chinese believe that eating tough meat will toughen up your own muscles

>> No.16883054

I can go fast in no wake zones on my jetfoil and I never hit one yet. Space coast. Also the marine patrol can't do shit to me since I am not making wake.

>> No.16883062

Ah you are right I think. You can also season the meat through the throat.


>> No.16883063

I always kinda wonder if the chinks are right and tortured meat tastes better

>> No.16883077

I don't like my meat overly tough. Might as well eat leaner cheaper cuts.

>> No.16883160

what animal is that?

>> No.16883175

Shiba Inu. Or Doge I guess you kids call it.

>> No.16883191

if you dont see the difference between killing a animal fast or torturing it in the most fucked up way you can think of to death than you are a mother fucking retard.

>> No.16883205

The question is, what makes the meat taste the best and what is the most fun you can have with the thing while it's still alive.

>> No.16883214
File: 172 KB, 400x400, 1397684387651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most fun you can have with the thing while it's still alive

>> No.16883221

>look at me i am a edgy 15 year old

awww who is a edgy boy? who? you! so cute.

>> No.16883231

If you have the time I mean.

>> No.16883344

Nothing wrong with beating up/torturing or exercising a animal if it is just destined to be food anyway. They are animals, not humans. They don't have rights. It says in the good book they were placed on this Earth for our use as beasts of burden. So in effect, if you torture or eat an animal and it relieves you of frustration or satiates your hunger, it has served its purpose.

>> No.16883576

>there’s very little evidence it has a major psychological effect on them anyway.
holy fucking cope.
Is that critter sitting on an office chair?

>> No.16883613

I am a office chair anon...

>> No.16883675
File: 56 KB, 586x554, federals_brandy_station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn eat at McLellan's (Army of Northeast Virginia)

>> No.16883786

Oh, the general?

>> No.16883798

That just adds a pinch of flavor. Besides, if they are so all rare there's no time to lose.

>> No.16884230

jesus how is ck such an awful fucking board

>> No.16884278

How is that? Dogs can be food and fun for... things.

>> No.16884308

Found the asiatic.

>> No.16884322

>no evidence presented

>> No.16884369

I am not oriental. I am from the US. So your welcome world.

>> No.16884400
File: 284 KB, 800x1244, 800px-Pioneers_in_South_Africa_(1914)_(14576727409).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me sad we killed this dumb friendly bird
It never had a chance, island tameness is fucked up

>> No.16884452

>"we're fighting to free the darkies n shiieeeee-
>still have a black servant in the back
rofl i hate yank scum

>> No.16884467

>"I bring my molars down and through my bird's rib cage with a wet crunch and am rewarded with a scalding hot rush of burning fat and guts down my throat. Rarely have pain and delight combined so well. I'm giddily uncomfortable, breathing in short, controlled gasps as I continue slowly – ever so slowly – to chew. With every bite, as the thin bones and layers of fat, meat, skin, and organs compact in on themselves, there are sublime dribbles of varied and wondrous ancient flavors: figs, Armagnac, dark flesh slightly infused with the salty taste of my own blood as my mouth is pricked by the sharp bones. As I swallow, I draw in the head and beak, which, until now, have been hanging from my lips, and blithely crush the skull."
bourdain said that

>> No.16884474
File: 218 KB, 1024x576, sh_9lJF3Np_6JOeKaWfF1LnIT399n5Mz9xfTAE4NkeU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't mind a Moa drumstick

>> No.16884521
File: 616 KB, 1448x1080, wacholderdrossel-3d414813-d9d7-467c-a961-914596fa16c6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to try songbirds. The Ortolan thing is fucked up though and so are most of the trapping methods the pastaniggers still use. Still like the idea though, Mediveal Europe had a shit ton of meat variety because they ate every bird they could get their hands on.

>> No.16884677

>All the pro-torture dog-eating chinks in thread

You're all fucking subhuman. Torturing an animal literally ruins the meat, that's why a good hunter kills the animal in one shot rather than letting it tense up and run. It's just like how you messily butcher meat and then say the bone fragments improve the flavor. You're such fucking scum, holy shit, I hate the Chinese so much. They're bigger dogs than the ones they eat.

>> No.16884689


pic makes me irrationally angry
whether intentional or ignorant, abuse of pets drives me up a wall.

>> No.16884703

Yeah and chink conditions are even worse for factory farming, AND they torture the animals prior to slaughter because they think that suffering makes the meat taste better.

Stupid tankie.

>> No.16885011

This post reeks of reddit

>> No.16885020

Bro that's fucking rational anger.

>> No.16885093

nah. They like their meat tough and bitter. The bitter adrenaline from terrifying/torturing an animal ruins the meat for most anyone else. May as well just eat bushmeat

>> No.16885137
File: 18 KB, 525x478, stayvun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you like leaving the aquatic environments Stayvun?
>I don't knowwwww

>> No.16885145
File: 13 KB, 290x174, lataus - 2021-10-20T015336.274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not necessarily food but i'd love to know if you could stick your dick in batter and deep fry it like a corn dog so that it would be crispy from the outside but the dick wouldnt burn

>> No.16885181

Basically the same concept as a baked alaska

>> No.16885356

that and the chestnut blight has ruined forests forever

>> No.16885358

Human. Obviously. People say it's like shitty pork, but there's a lot you can do with even shitty pork

>> No.16885613
File: 20 KB, 335x504, 2DA8CEED-1DF2-4C95-8389-7723260FF678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat them the same way I eat potato chips. One after another until I feel full. I once ate nearly 20 of them in about an hour

>> No.16885665
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>> No.16885671

>cope cope cope hurr cope!!!!!

>> No.16885679

We all know you're too autistic to hit on a waitress even in a 50s setting

>> No.16885690
File: 23 KB, 800x473, Ventastega_BW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never enjoy Ventastega stew

>> No.16885704

>Why would it being illegal mean I will never try it?
This. That's a fucking challenge. Down with the man and his bullshit laws, if he doesn't want me to eat that bird, that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

>> No.16885731

gr8 post
privileged to be here

>> No.16885798
File: 20 KB, 589x430, 50219AFF-E138-41B0-A477-A4BE3ED4537E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hot rush of burning fat and guts down my throat
I’m sure that’s not all Bourdain had with that description shooting down his throat

>> No.16885808

man chinks are retarded

>> No.16885814
File: 257 KB, 418x418, 1618456921379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lobster. I am poor :(

>> No.16885818

checked devil trips

>> No.16885864

I could have had wild dodos roaming my garden right now if it weren't for those damn Dutchmen...

>> No.16885969

I bet your farts stank like the devil after eating all those Ortolans. I’ve heard they give you really bad gas. I can imagine that is true, your body trying to digest all that fat, bones, and beak

>> No.16886001


>> No.16886017
File: 217 KB, 1280x853, Ortolan_bunting_in_Sierra_de_Guara,_Aragon,_Spain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're tiny songbirds, like a finch or sparrow, not chicken-sized.

>> No.16886056
File: 419 KB, 950x683, 668137B1-7FE0-4B17-AEF8-B949A18DF4DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat them the same way I eat chicken tendies and I dip them in ranch dressing. Delicious!

>> No.16886123
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>> No.16886130

The ultimate neutral flavor base. Dodo was clearly the chef's bird.

>> No.16886187

You are clearly a monster.

>> No.16886255

>North America before European colonisation was a very alien place compared to what the wilderness looks like today. The bison used to be common and roam by the millions from Florida to Vancouver.
Hey how are ya? Hey how are ya?

>> No.16886418

>I care more about dogs and property than people

You're white

>> No.16886485
File: 973 KB, 1600x1490, Steller-sea-cow-shore-kelp (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a species ofanatee that was driven to extinction for being delicious

They're literally just cows

>> No.16886513

Caring about animals is a pretty standard part of being a decent person, it's tied into the same parts of the brain that make us care aboout our children. People who don't like animals are usually massive cunts who treat "people are more important than animals" as a way of saying "I am more important than anyone else"

>> No.16886637

And people meme about Mao's sparrow killings lol.

>> No.16887166

>t. retard
You'll notice that even today restaurant and hospitality staff will wait on you with tea kettles in hand! Basically the same thing as slavery, if you think about it...

>> No.16887185

Retard did you even read the thread, that's literally what started him off about manatees.

>> No.16887248

Reply chains are for faggots

>> No.16887554
File: 69 KB, 1000x750, dino tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're white
and you are not enjoy your micro peen and shitty aestethics :)

>> No.16887585

Who said that being against abuse of animals = you value them more than people you dumb cunt?
>you’re white
And that’s a good thing

>> No.16887625
File: 296 KB, 1920x1080, 1603493741291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see the joke

>> No.16887639

Any hunter will tell you it's inherently worse.
You want to kill animals as fast as possible, then bleed them out and cool them down as fast as possible.

>> No.16887652

Sure thing, chang

>> No.16887662

>arguing the opposite
>calls me a chink

>> No.16887669

This is peak ESL.

>> No.16887690

The meat probably shit as steak but tits braised

>> No.16887694


>> No.16887700

I thought the dodo was three times the size and fatter like a turkey of all dark meat

>> No.16887703

Try to stop me.

>> No.16887711

Shitty pork with prions

>> No.16887910
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>> No.16887918

> No Dodo and Dumplings

>> No.16887923

Very carefully....

>> No.16888127

this isnt reddit anon

>> No.16888339
File: 52 KB, 620x349, asm.jog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I eat them the same way I eat potato chips. One after another until I feel full.
Same here. One after the other. They are addictive. Can't just eat one.

>> No.16888357

Hello newfriend. Believe it or not, there used to be a time where posting unintelligible garbage would result in the poster unanimously getting told to fuck off or lurk more.
This was before moot in his infinite retardation desided to invite all the underage b& in, by enabling mobileposting. As more and more of you flooded in, the standards here went further and further down the shitter.

tl;dr: Punctuation matters. A single comma can change the meaning of a sentence completely.

>> No.16888374
File: 92 KB, 666x500, 5rquu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's singing songs now songbird? Huh?

>> No.16888397

shut up you dog cunt at least post something original
its because they are so addicting! i eat them under a napkin to hide my sin from god

>> No.16888400
File: 1.53 MB, 4000x3000, Ortolan_à_la_provençale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16888414

Doesn't posting stale copypasta get old? I mean, do you giggle yourself to tears every time you do it? It seems like such a waste. Why not do something original, or have you no personality of your own?

>> No.16888453

That word doesn't mean whatever you think it means.

Here's a link to /ck/s archive. Feel free to link to posts identical to mine.
Protip: You can't.

>> No.16888467

you are painfully unfunny and cringe anon

>> No.16888522

>has no arguement
>resorts to NO U instead of just admitting defeat
I'll spare you further humiliation and consider that post your admission of defeat.

>> No.16888558


>> No.16888578

imagine unironically using cringe

>> No.16888584

technically speaking railcar diners date back to the 20's/30's

>> No.16888587

It's the youths word of the year

>> No.16888711

sir this is a dennys

>> No.16888743
File: 56 KB, 650x418, breadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll spare you further humiliation and consider that post your admission of defeat.
i bow to no man!

>> No.16888752

you cant eat bones retard

>> No.16888820

Of course there is no difference from slavery and employment except that slaves are guaranteed work whereas wagies have to worry about things like getting fired and paying taxes and such

>> No.16889145

This why colonial suck

>> No.16889297

sure thing, bud
but why are you replying to pasta? do you happen to be...retarded?

>> No.16889489


>> No.16889499

Maybe you can't, babyteeth.

>> No.16889998

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.16890016

Pigeons are the sweetest animals. Anyone who eats them or thinks they're disease ridden can get fucked.

>> No.16890030

How short are you because of this malnutrition?

>> No.16890059

Tell me about pigeons, anon. Don't see them often given where I live.

>> No.16890125

They absolutely love to cuddle and they're pretty easy to train and to tame. Theyr'e tough as fuck for their size and many feral pigeons live happily with one leg or eye (or both). They feed each other, especially if one has a beak disorder.

>> No.16890160
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>> No.16890395

>They feed each other, especially if one has a beak disorder.
Damn, that is cool. There are a ton of deer where I am and from what I've seen they'll just leave their injured to die. Nice when animals have each other's backs instead.

>> No.16890454

I wish someone would figure out how to farm manatees or dugongs, they're supposed to be really good.

>> No.16890486

Disease ridden pigeon hands typed this post.

>> No.16890496

Nigger hands typed your post.
Yeah, it's really fucking sweet to see. You can literally pick up your pet pigeon and hug it for hours and it will love you for it.

>> No.16890522

They are nothing but flying rats. I hope some chinks clear out the street for the city.

>> No.16890537

Nice, you got fucking tricked by some 80s Jew York propaganda. What else have you fallen for?
(you cannot get ANY diseases from handling pigeons, aside from lung issues if you literally have hundreds and breathe in their dander all day for 20+ years)
(you can, however, get diseases from rats, cats, dogs, and horses)

>> No.16890549

>Jew York
I don't talk to retards. Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.16890708

>"Here's a link to /ck/s archive."
>still replied to copypasta
>hur hur "That word doesn't mean whatever you think it means." hur
>can't spell "arguement"
We need a good explanation/argument here, kid.

Or else we are forced, by your retardation, to take away your holy """"victory"""".

>> No.16890712

>I don't talk to retards.
I can tell, you probably never ask yourself a question.

>> No.16890736

I can tell, you did not take your meds.

>> No.16890743

What a load of crap you are.

>> No.16890843

I bet you do nothing but cry yourself to sleep,
when those chinks catch your little lovely birds, to make little lovely fried drumsticks.

>> No.16890880
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>> No.16890894

You're going to deny that New York has the highest Jewish population outside of israel? Sounds like YOU need some meddies

>> No.16890905

Is that all you got? Your lovely fried drumsticks are tougher than you.

>> No.16890915

You're going to assume everyone is from New York? Take your meds before too late, bro.

>> No.16890931

>way better than chicken
Most poultry outside of turkey is better than chicken...

>> No.16890944

Your excuse for this is "but at least we arent chinks amirite!?"

Raise the bar for fucks sake.

>> No.16891053

Small minded one, I was referring to New York's declaration of pigeons as pests.

>> No.16891066

See >>16890537, small mind.

>> No.16891202

What the actual fuck is your point? New York pigeon propaganda is extremely well known in pop culture and in legislation.

>> No.16892130

I've been thinking about having my own diner for a while now. The waitresses would all wear cute uniforms. What would you want on the menu?

>> No.16892202

>ortolan thread

>not one mention of the reprehensible practice of DROWNING the birds in armagnac prior to cooking

>French "culture"

>> No.16892221

>reddit spacing
>using caps at the beginning of a greentext
Lol go back

>> No.16892240

good post

>> No.16892257


>> No.16892308

What a fucking joke you are anon

>> No.16892334

>I love science!!!!

>> No.16893446
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It's a sparrow.

>> No.16894130

>Walk into 1950s diner
>quaint interior, man working the griddle, cute waitress
>Oh fuck I’m in a 1950’s diner

>> No.16894254

It depends, you might pass. How black are you?

>> No.16894272

And? It's fucking food, not a person nor someone's pet. Who fucking cares?

It does nothing at all to kill it another way, it might even the quality of the final product. So why do you care?

>> No.16894343

They were fighting to preserve the union during your chimp out. Daily reminder Lincoln started shipping out slaves back to Africa, but you fags couldn't live without your bulls

>> No.16894387

Apparently, the taste just isn't the same unless you thoroughly chew until the bones are all crushed and your mouth is full of open wound, because your own blood is what complements the bird's taste.

>> No.16894497


>> No.16894517

Why would a fucking black walk into a 50s diner for whites? That's just asking for trouble.

>> No.16894949
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Tongzi Dan / Little Boy Eggs
Basically eggs cooked in the urine of pre-pubescent boys.
The shell is crushed half-way through similar to a black tea egg, so that the flavor can get in.

>> No.16894955

Foi Gras. Fuck california has no culture

>> No.16894998
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I regularly ate town pigeons as a kid in the Eastern Bloc in the 70s. Pretty nice meat if I remember correctly, more delicate than any chicken or even duck.

>> No.16895018
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Couldn't read the sign

>> No.16895514

How does somebody even think to do this to an egg, then eat it? What fucked up thought process leads to thinking that's gonna be good? Piss-soaked fuckin' eggs. Piss.

>> No.16895572

*Foie Gras

>> No.16895582

Chinks and gooks, anon.
Chinks and gooks.

>> No.16895593

I have lots of practice

>> No.16895611
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>b-but you see when we do it it's okay because actually they have small brains and probably don't feel anything anyway haha
Die, retard.

>> No.16895781

> little boy
What a fucking waste of a concept, faggots have to ruin everything

>> No.16895792
