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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 318 KB, 1500x1330, duck_breast_2.jpg__1500x0_q85_autocrop_crop-smart_upscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16878996 No.16878996 [Reply] [Original]

I love duck, just too bad I only have it this one day a year.
How about you, anon, how often?

>> No.16879000

I can never find it and when I do it's prohibitively expensive and I'd rather just have a bunch of prime steak instead. I'll probably eat it once a year at a restaurant.

>> No.16879020

Why is it only once a year? Duck is amazing
Where do you live? Here duck breast is like 5/6€, a good steak is probably about the same price /kg if not more

>> No.16879028

If duck is so good should I just go to the lake and get in a fist fight with one

>> No.16879030
File: 150 KB, 1200x800, Andesteg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only at Christmas and one other holiday here where it's customary to eat duck.
It's so fucking delicious and that fucking gravy, bros

>> No.16879081

No, you will end up in the hospital. NEVER go near a duck when youre unarmed. not ever.

>> No.16879097

Living near a large asian population has it’s advantages.

>> No.16879099

Indiana here, we eat duck all the time since we produce 75% the ducks sold in the US.

>> No.16879107

Can't really get it where I live so I've honestly only had it maybe twice in my life.

>> No.16879111

Only had it once in my poverty life, in high school cooking class. Our instructor presented us with some duck breasts and showed us how to score them. He then salted them, saying "I don't remember if I already seasoned them but we can't have bland duck if not." Turns out he double salted them

>> No.16879490

My daughter wants to go to the "sushi place" every week when I have her, I always get the crispy duck. She eats the jasmine rice and snow peas and a piece of sushi and a piece of the duck. It's lightly battered and fried, really amazing.

>> No.16879515

>My daughter wants to go to the "sushi place" every week when I have her
As a redpilled incel, I really want to deride you right now.

>> No.16879553

I used to get peking duck a couple times a year.
For some reason it started making me feel nauseous when eating it. I think it might have something to do with the fat or something. I dunno.

>> No.16879632

I have a chest freezer full of ducks.

This winter the plan is to eat one duck a week

>> No.16879639


>> No.16879647

I mean yeah most domesticated ducks are mallards unless you are eating muscovy.

>> No.16879651
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everytime i feel like cooking all my stuff with duck grease for a week i steal one of these bad boys from the supermarket

>> No.16879655

in the US the mallard is a wild duck. Which are disgusting to eat.

>> No.16879657 [DELETED] 
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My grandma and grandpa have these. They're delicious

>> No.16879664
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every 4 months aprox, yes it feels like a luxury, over here there is a saying
>of the good things, if only a little, that makes it twice as good
No need to live like a billionarie my neeg, just live a humble life and eat some good stuff every once in a while, be happy with having a healthy and varied diet, do you think super rich people enjoys a nice steak the way a low-mid class man does? Not even close.

>> No.16879669
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Im on my second year raising ducks. Pretty good. Very messy. Very hard to pluck. Lot less destructive than chickens.

>> No.16879671

based fuck anon

>> No.16879695
File: 46 KB, 161x171, ahoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i grew up in the south west of france, so duck grease probably makes up 10% of my blood at this point. it's a matter of survival

>mfw mom just showed us the foie gras she's preparing for this year's christmas

>> No.16879709

I'm thinking anon, all their shit might be worth some to some "old school/bio" farmer, what do you think? Or maybe for your own garden?

>> No.16879711

What resources did you use to learn how to care for them etc? My dream is to have that one day, cozyness levels max

>> No.16879713

tell me something tasty to cook in duck's fat

>> No.16879739

I buy a whole duck for $3.60/lb four times a year.
My birthday, my grandpa's birthday, summer family reunion, and Christmas.

>> No.16879744

Christmas is like 2 months away, did she just point to the backyard and say "it's that guy"?

>> No.16879751

Basically this. Duck isn't really expensive but mostly sold in a whole, which is way too much for me and my gf. It's even too much for a family. Geese are even worse when it comes to that.

>> No.16879788

Jeezers I must have it 2,3 sometimes more times a week. It's not the most popular thing around here but there's actually quite a few good resources if you look for em. Lot of bars in my area. Long as you don't throw it in their faces even the muzzies will at worse swear at ya for it around here

>> No.16879790

Oh you said duck. Nevermind

>> No.16879795

Maybe once or twice a year if it's on sale. It's not good enough to pay full price for.

>> No.16879796

anything is tasty in duck fat because duck fat is the tastiest ingredient known to man. i just use it as you'd use butter or olive oil.

that's basically how it is in that region of france, my parents moved to a bigger city so i think my mom just went to one of these stores that sell ducks from local farms in all kinds of ways (from patties to saucisson to aiguillettes, dried-or not magret, piperade, orange or green pepper confits, etc....) to make this year's terrine, but when we were in a smaller town she used to take an order to the farm and hace her fresh foie gras ready to eat well before christmas season.

(just add fleur de sel and caraelized onions with it on a lightly toasted piece of bread, and voila)

>> No.16879812
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I want a fucking recipe, surely there must be something that stands out, maybe french fries? Gimme the specifics.

>> No.16879815
File: 900 KB, 2560x1440, 20210621_104756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a large garden and thier shit water and old bedding make great plant food. Almost as good as my usual chicken shit and oak leaves.
Backyard chicken forums
Accept your going to lose some. Do some web searches. Give it a go. You can gets started for very little. Theyr gross heartless creatures and they arent to picky about conditions.
I lets them have as much freedom as predators and neighbors allow and they do very well.

>> No.16879820

>and oak leaves
according to some dude I know that seems pretty autistic about modern bio agriculture in general it goes like this:
. put all the dead leaves and vegetal organic matter in some kind of container, to rot a bit
. mix it with animal shit
. . now you have god-tier fertilizer

>> No.16879823

do birds fuck with your garden?

>> No.16879830
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any form of potatoes with duck fat is a transcendental experience. it would be expensive to fill a fryer with it though, so maybe just put as much as you can afford miwed with vegetable oil? i never tried it with french fries. I just eat my usual meals but add some leftover grease from the magret. rice, pasta, potatoes, couscous, etc. anything goes.

>> No.16879831

Why is this? Fishy taste?

>> No.16879835

the magret pisses out a fuckton of grease, maybe enough to fry some fries in a small pan, I'll keep this in mind, thx for the suggestion

>> No.16879856
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They ducks will trample swall plants and theyll eat my greens if I leave them in there for weeks. But I only let them in once in awhile to orgy on grasshoppers and other bugs.
Chickens dont get let in because they dig. Theyll destroy a garden pretty fast.

>> No.16879860

I was going to ask what color your skin is but
adds up

>> No.16879866
File: 750 KB, 2560x1440, 20210406_090157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I throw in as many leaves as I can into the chicken run. A few feet high I can. Then over the winter the shit in it and stir everything up. By spring I have compost.

>> No.16879873

The "city gardeners" over here just place some shitty wood structure and cover it with some plastic net, they build some kind of door too I guess. The point is to block birbs that do eat your greens. But I guess if you're complaining about your ducks you don't really have that problem and a small net (like a few centimeters tall enough to block the ducks from coming in) would suffice

>> No.16879875

You're doing it right then fren. Any other tricks you can share with me so I can pass them along my hobby gardener father?

>> No.16879925
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>> No.16879941
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Oh the based "feed the chicken some cake, then make cakes with their eggs" chicken farmer, truly a legend, I kneel

>> No.16880124

>clenching and grinding
>mouth is slack jawed

>> No.16880334
File: 128 KB, 1300x957, domestic duck raping wild duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't understand, all the most common domestic duck breeds (pekin, khaki campbell, indian runner, etc) come from wild mallard. The ducks in my freezer are not wild, they are domesticated birds. See pic related, both are mallards, the one getting raped is a wild mallard, and the one doing the raping is a domesticated mallard.

>> No.16880344

What temperature is the water at when you pluck them? And how old are they? Do you use dish soap in the water?

>> No.16880657

thats like saying all dogs are wolves, you dumbass. It's just trivial shit that retards spout.

>> No.16881132

Nah its more like comparing pigs to wild boars. They are gonna taste different.

And idk chang, do you eat dogs? Do you think they taste like wolves?

>> No.16881686

If I wanted to I could have anytime I want, family farm has big maskovys or how it's spelt.

>> No.16882510

How do I tell my mom she can't cook? Every christmas is ruined by her dry duck.