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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16876475 No.16876475 [Reply] [Original]

Eat AT LEAST on cup of raw cabbage A DAY

>> No.16876486


>> No.16876506

cleans out the system, keeps ya running smooth my guy

>> No.16876508
File: 56 KB, 713x581, Cabbage Cate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romans knew how powerful the cabbage was. 1 cup raw isn't always a necessity, unless you have certain ailments. Perhaps a need for roughage or insoluble fiber, or a need to feel satiated. The amount of nutrients in cabbage in cabbage is absurd and varies based on variety to the point where their doctors categorized them and gave different treatments for different sicknesses. Suck as it being common sense that a person not able to handle solid food drink vegetable broth, yay cabbage. Cato the Elder who was a Senator and a historian, yes the Romans had historians, insisted men who held property have their own garden to provide supplemental food and herbs for themselves. Primarily cabbage and grapes for wine and vinegar.

>> No.16876516

shits lasts forever compared to other roughage too

>> No.16876523

i guess i will buy cabbage

>> No.16876538


>> No.16876542

No shit. If you don't slice into it but peel the leaves off a head of green cabbage can sit in my crisper for a couple of months at least. It's never lasted longer. What the fuck?

>> No.16876570

I can never tell if you guys are serious or not.

>> No.16876608

The flavour of cabbage can only be unlocked through cooking. I like to steam it and mix with butter.

>> No.16876722

My dad likes to sauté it in chicken stock and butter in his electric skillet. You can do the same with sauerkraut, but it has to either be bavarian or have a tablespoon of brown sugar mixed in with regular kraut.

>> No.16876729

>cup of cabbage

>> No.16876733

cruciferous veggies are the next big thing in health science, its like they are essential because they contain absurd amounts of anti oxidants not found anywhere else, that said i prefer cauliflower myself

>> No.16876893

cabbage is fucking based

>> No.16876944

>cup o' cab'

>> No.16877238

>absurd amounts of anti oxidants not found anywhere else
Pretty sure blueberries is the best thing in terms of that. Or is it different kinds?
Never got this shit either. Am I supposed to shred it and put it in a cup? And how many ml is the cup?

>> No.16877259

Super cheap, super delicious, easy to execute. Cabbage is amazing. Grill, steam, sautee, or mixed raw with a salad. Or make a slaw. Shit was 20 cents not too long ago, and it lasts forever. I have some napa that is like 3 months old and if you just peel off a little more, it's still perfect.

>> No.16877335

>Eat AT LEAST on cup of raw cabbage A DAY

What's that is grams please. Metric only bong here.

>> No.16877369

Cauliflower is literally a varietal of cabbage though.

>> No.16877419

bout 350

>> No.16877430

me too

>> No.16878442

Lol euro cuck

>> No.16878597
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It also has more bioavailable nutrients after cooking, just like tomato. Raw always being healthier is a meme.

>> No.16878665

/his/ meets /ck/

>> No.16878698

how so

>> No.16878700
File: 765 KB, 678x732, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been juicing a head of locally farmed cabbage every day for half a year now. My farts rival the thundercracks of Thor himself, and poops have never been smoother. Unfortunately my deliverer has run out, so I've switched to a head of broccoli and a head of cauliflower.
Pic related from yesterday from my last red cabbage.

>> No.16878711

>Making a sandvich
>Brain is turned off
>Wonder why the lettuce is slightly harder to cut
>Eat sandvich
>Wonder why the lettuce is extra crunchy/crisp
>Bring down the plate to wash
>Realize the lettuce was not lettuce, it was raw cabbage.

>> No.16878730
File: 187 KB, 808x1068, IMG_0750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the result from the broccoli and cauliflower. It's thicker than smoothie, and the taste was very mild compared to what I expected.
I forgot to mention I also add a pomegranate to the mix. It will make your cardiovascular system buttery soft.

>> No.16878850

pom is great, shame they're usually pricey

>> No.16879018

I buy 2kg every two weeks for ~$13 (I'm not american, but that prize is pretty fair compared to other fruits. You have aprox. three servings per apple). That's about 6-8 apples depending on the size.
I've considering harvesting some seeds next year, as they can grow and give fruit nearly everywhere.

>> No.16879039

Realistically, it should be about 1.5 cups per week.


>The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend for adults to consume 1½-2½ cup-equivalents of dark-green vegetables per week, including cruciferous vegetables, as part of healthy meals. (More information)

>> No.16879066

was it an unpleasant surprise? perhaps if the cabbage was dressed with some vinegar and salt it wouldve been better

>> No.16879400

>The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans
into the trash it goes

>> No.16879889

Heating food starts to break down the food a little bit. Breaking it down a bit before we eat it can make some food more nutritious as it allows our bodies to get access to it faster before it's broken down by our stomach acid and further along in the gut.

>> No.16880356

i eat sauerkraut with every meal