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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 1024x683, Cabbages-horizontal-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16874669 No.16874669 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16874671

>no savoy
None of those cabbages like you.

>> No.16874672


>> No.16874733

Cabbage is a super food. It can provide texture and mouthfeel when simply chopped and used to garnish a meal. It can serve as the foundation for a meal, and it can be added to pretty much any meal along with your standard mire poix, soffrito, trinity, etc.

It's nutritious, cheap, and can be tossed in the fridge and kept for way longer than your typical lettuce. It's the bomb.

>> No.16874742

i am cabbage and i love u 2 tenks anon

>> No.16874755

humans shouldnt eat brassica

>> No.16874767


>> No.16874770

Cabbage is absolutely based and so are OP

>> No.16874780

I love it as well, good taste.

>> No.16874781

>nappa cabbage without a bunch of tiny brown spots at the base of the leaves

Fake. Obvious shoop.

>> No.16874792

>Cabbage is a filler

>> No.16875797

Fuck red cabbage though, unless it’s pickled or in a salad.

>> No.16875806

Cabbage is absolutely delicious. I do just fine with it when it's raw in slaws and stuff, and with sauerkraut. But, man, if I cook it it bloats me like crazy. Gas city.

>> No.16875824

Chop, fry until soft/brownish, add mince, salt pepper/whitepepper, love it so fucking much

>> No.16875944

My mama would cut the core out and let me eat it. Its like a pyramid stem but it was always delicious. Am I the only one?

t. Amercanski Pollack

>> No.16875953

It's good stewed with onions, apples and pork imo

>> No.16875965
File: 161 KB, 960x1280, 1107161310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

napa cabbage is the best cabbage for the day

>> No.16875971

I ate a ton of kimchi last night and my stomach hurt all day today.

>> No.16875977

What is the best way if incorporating cabbage in fried rice or rice dishes in general? I tried dicing it up like I do onions, then putting it on some oil and mixing it in. I didn't really get much flavor from it though.
Should I go for strips instead? Should I get it crunchier or softer for better taste?

>> No.16875981

I like the core.

>> No.16875995

I do that with iceberg and romaine lettuce too. I like that it's slightly more bitter.

>> No.16876006

Pickle it. Lots of ways. Full ferment, quick salt pickle, half sour. Easy.

>> No.16876011

anon you need to sautee the cabbage first to get rid of all the excess water and intensify the flavour

>> No.16876012
File: 56 KB, 713x581, 1615931892554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16876402

I havent had cabbage in too long. should i pressure cook some soup with cabbage, or should I pressure cook a roast with cabbage? is there any sort of roast I could pressure cook that would simply fall apart into a decent soup-eating form so that I could do both of the above simultaneously?

>> No.16876405

whats in that cabbage

>> No.16876409

I think you;d want it softer for fried rice. you could steam it, though >>16876011 could be correct, in which case steaming might retain too much liquid

>> No.16876413
File: 149 KB, 1200x1800, Stuffed-Cabbage-Rolls-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into malfouf. It's my favorite.

>> No.16876550
File: 142 KB, 1280x960, 1107161523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are golabki, so basically seasoned meat and little bits of things

>> No.16876585


>> No.16876599 [DELETED] 

cabbage stays so long in the refrigerator. i always find a place for cabbage. i love you cabbage.

>> No.16876732

Two ways.

First is to finely chop it and saute it with onion, bell pepper, garlic, chilli pepper. Second is to finely chop it and add it at the end so it provides a nice crunch.

>> No.16877681
File: 380 KB, 2048x1151, 42CE7365-A004-4898-A3BE-C70CF561D5C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’re your favorite recipes, bro? I like
>French cabbage and bacon soup
>polish cabbage and kielbasa skillet
>German or Irish red cabbage
Cheap, filling and wholesome

>> No.16877689

>It's the bomb
A chemical in cabbage may protect against the negative effects of radiation. That's why no one died in Chernobyl. They were all hopped up on cabbage. Eastern Europe is immune to nuclear Warfare.

>> No.16877706

What kind of meat do you recommend with this?

>> No.16877742

Fry the cabbage to brown it, then add the rice and rest of your ingredients.

>> No.16877743


>> No.16877789

Both would work depending on what you're looking for. I love cabbage just sautéed until it caramelises.

>> No.16877810

Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage.

>> No.16878737
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1067, xwrodtiu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not too many threads about cabbage, that i can remember

it's my #1 favorite vegetable, by far, and my favorite foods incorporate it in some way

imagine a world without pork, rice, wheat, cabbage, onions, garlic, etc., and i'll imagine a world i don't want to live in

>> No.16878741

i mean this in the nicest way...
please improve your photography

>> No.16878746

>thread about cabbage
>shows shitty asian food
>cabbage wasn't native to asia
This place is so weeb.

>> No.16878773

I like cabbage salad. Just white or red cabbage finely sliced with vinegar, oil, salt, pepper and some sugar. Not a big fan of cooked cabbage.

>> No.16878781

is this true??? wtf???

>> No.16878794

Just because it's not native, doesn't mean that there isn't a ton of cabbage in gook food, and gook food is great. It's like how tomatoes may not be native to Italy, but the wops have done far better things with tomatoes than the mesoniggers ever did.

>> No.16878806

One of my favourties. Steamed and served covered in butter, salt and pepper. I make my own kraut and kimchi too. Fucking delicious.

>> No.16878829

Most of what you know about "traditional asian food" started in the 1940's.

>> No.16878916

Cabbage is the ultimate comfort food ingredient, virtually any recipe that has it is great on a cold and/or rainy day.
Try the core from fresh cauliflower, it's even better.
Looks good.
Who gives a shit how traditionar it is if it tastes good?

>> No.16878989

Why are there two cabbage threads right now on /ck/? Did Big Cabbage start paying for more guerilla marketing?

>> No.16879265
File: 7 KB, 275x183, red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i recently discovered red cabbage soup

cant stop making it

>> No.16879275

i can easily imagine a world without it.

>> No.16879283

I take umbrage with your remarks, sir.

>> No.16879306

Because you are a goat fucking shitskin

>> No.16879502

that’s purple

>> No.16880462

OP is larping you huge faggot

>> No.16880490

purple? that's not purple, Mary. that color up there is mauve

>> No.16880533

Anon, that's going to go way over his head and you know it.

p.s. fag

>> No.16880764

cabbage pickles are godlike