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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 239 KB, 1333x1812, Aligot-©-Tourisme-Aveyron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16872287 No.16872287 [Reply] [Original]

Aligot. Its a medieval dish from the 12 century it was made with bread and cheese then we modernized it in the 1700 with mashed potatoes and cheese. We eat it with porc sausage. Its from l'aubrac in the south west of france. We also invented roquefort which is nice.

>> No.16872292

So... fondue.

>> No.16872308

No not really its mashed potatoes. Its not as liquid as fondue. Imagine something that make a lot of cheese things. Also its not the same kind of cheese. And well if you don't stir it constently it burn and wont make cheese strings.

>> No.16872328

>50% cheese 50% potato
Do americans really

>> No.16872329

>aligot is from France
Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.16872332
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Its french. From the 12 century. Its like... i mean are you gay ? Like swiss eat cheese 24/7. Spaniard make cheese bread with chorizo. Where the fuck are you from ? Can't you enjoy lactose ? Are you black ?

>> No.16872336
File: 409 KB, 750x750, Gruenkohl----buergerliche-Art----mit-Mettwurst_featured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the fattiest vegetable based dish in existence. Kale, potatoes, onions and some cured meats. Traditional dish from northern Germany and Netherlands bringing people through late autumn and winter.

>> No.16872349

People who think that just dumping cheese, cream and butter into a dish simply sara style are obviously american.

EUducation, everyone.

>> No.16872353

Or hispanic. Mexico is one of the fattest countries in the world.

>> No.16872359

Same difference

>> No.16872381

Cheese has lactose in it, just in much smaller quantities than in milk.
Nice education, bro, i'm sure you thought you'd look smart

>> No.16872386

>took 20 minutes to google that
do you still use dialups in europe

>> No.16872393

My first post in this thread, your attempts at trolling are both lame and cringe.

>> No.16872408

Do americans are really insecure this much everytime? Aligot is based, and auvergnats too, my fellow frenchman.

>> No.16872432

What happens if the place where you were born doesnt have 4 season but 2? As in rainy and dry season.

>> No.16872446

Ouais, au lieu de péter ta bouche va apprendre les rudiments de la grammaire avant de poster ici et de passer pour un bouffon. Merci d'avance.

>> No.16872506
File: 75 KB, 500x319, 630098FA-1B32-45EC-A9B0-6FECAAB30F7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That with a glass of wine sounds delicious

>> No.16872513

It is.

>> No.16872528


>> No.16872563
File: 536 KB, 2016x1512, bubble and squeak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubble and squeak
Literally just leftover pototoes, cabbage, onion, carrots or whatever you have, fried in a pan until crispy

>> No.16872955

Ca veut dire quoi péter ta bouche, gros fils de catin sous éduqué? Je chie sur la grammaire anglaise et sur toi.

>> No.16872963

J'entends par là que tu ferais mieux de simplement fermer ta gueule et de nous éviter à tous l'embarras que tu provoques en étant incapable de formuler une phrase que n'importe quel petit bougnoule de 6ème pourrait faire.
Tu ôses me traiter de sous éduqué ? Va vider des palettes au Leclerc pour un smic de misère et laisse les Patriciens entre eux. Vulgaire merde humaine.

>> No.16873006

Mais je te pisse a la raie immonde raclure, sous produit de consanguins tri-chromosomiques, gavé d'inculture crasse et de coca cola tiède, ignoble pute crasseuse, tu te prends pour un patricien mais t'es qu'une grosse merde de mosellan juste sorti de sa fuego tunée pour violer une nouvelle fois son petit cousin et venir grossir les rangs du sous prolétariat dans une banlieue dortoir remplie de gens aussi stupides, tristes et inutiles que toi. Je chie sur toi, et ta descendance qui heureusement n'existera pas étant donnée la bassesse de ton taux de testostérone et ton impossibilité a tenir une éréction. Va bien niquer ta grosse mère et dit lui d'arreter de pondre des demi fréres avec tous les types en liberté conditionelle de ton quartier.

>> No.16873015
File: 597 KB, 2000x1364, Garlic_Fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic fingers, a regional dish of garlic butter and mozza on a pizza crust, considered a side to go with pizza. Especially good with donair sauce, another regional sauce made mostly from condensed milk and vinegar.
Excuse-moi, comment dit-on niggers en français? je me demandais ça hier soir.

>> No.16873025

Aucun style, c'est forcé, des fautes de partout... Clairement pas au delà d'un Bac+2...
Toi et moi ne faisons pas partie du même monde, crasseux.

>> No.16873028


>> No.16873029

Why do french people always insult each other the second they spot an other frog ?

>> No.16873039
File: 127 KB, 1200x900, pizza-crunch-resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pizza crunch
Take a frozen, budget, cheese & tomato pizza. Cover it in a simple batter. Deep-fry it

>> No.16873041

Mais on s'en branle de ton avis de limousin, ton seul rôle dans la vie c'est de créer du Co2, tu feras même pas du bon engrais lorsque tu vas( le plus rapidement possible, j'espère) crever seul comme l'animal rageux que tu est.

>> No.16873046

>Do Americans really
C-could I, maybe?

>> No.16873048

En français on dit "nègre".
Bonne question.

Sauf que je ne suis pas limousin, lamentable mongoloïde.
Aussi, arrête de répondre à tes propres postes : >>16873028 c'est gênant pour toi.

>> No.16873055

Non mais tu viens de la diagonale du vide, toi et tes semblables n'êtes même pas humains.

>> No.16873058
File: 2.27 MB, 1200x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hete Bliksem (Hot lightning) is a mash of potatoes, tart apples, sweet apples and onions. Best paired with a fatty sausage or large slab of bacon.
Yep Grünkohl or boerenkool is great for the colder days.

>> No.16873062

Je suis Normand.

Cette discussion est terminée, ça devient cringe.
Bonne journée à toi et à ton pédé de père.

>> No.16873066

> American
Its a SCOTTISH delicacy.

>> No.16873070

Bordel donc tu est un sous homme, d'une sous race, c'est confirmé. En plus tu utilise "cringe" dans une conversation en français, donc t'as 17 ans. En effet cette conversation est finie j'ai de la peine pour toi.

>> No.16873072
File: 139 KB, 924x924, lentil-soup-3sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

red lentil soup, tastes good on its own, even better with bread and it's very filling.

>> No.16873073

God fucking damnit I love boerenkool met worst. Add some mustard too.

>> No.16873077
File: 48 KB, 1240x1240, 5442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish, milk, and butter, aka cullen skink. It's THE comfort food. It's so simple, too. You find yourself some smoked haddock or cod and drench it in milk and butter, with some chopped up leeks and onions and some roughly mashed potatoes which combine with the milk to make a chunky creamy broth. You can see why the old fucks who fished off the coast of Scotland could live on this stuff.

Weirdly, my mixed granny from India is the one who passed this down into my family.

>> No.16873080

cullen skink is insanely nice and hearty

>> No.16873081

Merci beaucoup, bonne chance avec l'autre francophone, sa mére est une vache.

>> No.16873085

M-might I, laddie?

>> No.16873174

Graupensuppe. Or Wirsingeintopf.

>> No.16873205

For some reason I assumed this was some wholesome conversation about their food or french life, maybe mocking some Americans or something considering the post the first french reply was to. Translating this has sent my sides into orbit, the insults are so overboard and lengthy.

>> No.16873261

Not really a recipe, but peanuts. Easy to grow, high in calories and protein. Very good for the soil as well. Can be utilized in a decent number of ways and last at least a year or so. Grind the peanuts, mix in some honey and you have peanut butter.

>> No.16873270
File: 72 KB, 512x800, 2AFF8C6D-59A7-44A7-8213-27C69C131ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pic related

>> No.16873672

So basically cheepo stretched out fondue?

>> No.16873686

Sounds real nice. Do you think smoked makerel would match?

>> No.16873740

Like animals in the wild, territorial issues

>> No.16873778

Lmfao why is this so much funnier translated from French

>> No.16873867

peanuts are only easy to grow in certain hardiness zones.
>t. 5A

>> No.16873901

Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelt of elderberries.

>> No.16873930
File: 223 KB, 416x721, Screenshot 2021-10-22 at 20-10-16 ck - Food Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16873957

>Stir mashed potatoes in with the cheese
>End up overworking the starch and end up with disgusting tacky mess


>> No.16873996
File: 216 KB, 345x304, noice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16874626
File: 66 KB, 679x497, Donny Dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putain, qu'est-ce que tu viens de dire sur moi, petite salope ? Je vous ferai savoir que j'ai obtenu mon diplôme en tête de ma classe dans les Navy Seals, et j'ai été impliqué dans de nombreux raids secrets sur Al-Quaeda, et j'ai plus de 300 meurtres confirmés.

Je suis formé à la guerre des gorilles et je suis le meilleur tireur d'élite de toutes les forces armées américaines. Tu n'es rien pour moi mais juste une autre cible. Je vais vous effacer avec une précision comme jamais auparavant sur cette Terre, notez mes putains de mots.

Tu penses pouvoir t'en tirer en me disant cette merde sur Internet ? Détrompez-vous, connard. Au moment où nous parlons, je contacte mon réseau secret d'espions à travers les États-Unis et votre adresse IP est en train d'être tracée, alors vous feriez mieux de vous préparer à la tempête, asticot. La tempête qui anéantit la petite chose pathétique que vous appelez votre vie. Tu es foutrement mort, gamin. Je peux être n'importe où, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de sept cents manières, et c'est juste à mains nues.

Non seulement je suis intensivement entraîné au combat à mains nues, mais j'ai accès à tout l'arsenal du Corps des Marines des États-Unis et je vais l'utiliser au maximum pour effacer ton misérable cul de la face du continent, petite merde. Si seulement vous aviez pu savoir quel châtiment impie votre petit commentaire « intelligent » était sur le point de vous infliger, peut-être auriez-vous tenu votre putain de langue.

Mais tu ne pouvais pas, tu ne l'as pas fait, et maintenant tu en payes le prix, espèce d'idiot. Je te chierai de fureur et tu te noieras dedans.

Tu es foutrement mort, gamin.

>> No.16874744

So... Fondue

>> No.16874752

frito pie with wolf brand chili of course

>> No.16874758
File: 57 KB, 512x384, 3cb578465f3033d3353c718277ab1c4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot pic

>> No.16874764

thats not a frito pie, kill yourself

>> No.16875762

Sweet potatoes as well. Basically anything slaves grew. They had shitty land, little time and limited tools. Collard greens, beans, squash, tomatoes, onion, melons …

>> No.16877554


>> No.16877649

>Its from l'aubrac
>Pic is "Tourisme Aveyron"
Kek cope harder bougnat-fag

>> No.16877653

I was about to post this when I saw the thread. Based Grünkohlbro. Nothing fits autumn-winter better than a steaming hot plate of potatoes, kale and Bregenwurst.

>> No.16877657

You need to shovel it into your mouth with buttered bread.

>> No.16877727
File: 27 KB, 550x413, galette-ble-noir-au-lait-ribot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galette de blé noir au lait robot
>Buckwheat crepe with buttermilk

>> No.16877752
File: 2.00 MB, 245x207, 1590984432378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>la guerre des gorilles

every time

>> No.16878077

Red lentil soup, spiced in the Turkish way, with paprika oil, sour cream and a side of Turkish bread with köfte is my jam. God I hate the T*rks, but I love their food.

>> No.16878303

>This dish was prepared for pilgrims on the way to Santiago de Compostela who stopped for a night in that region.[4] According to legend, aligot was originally prepared with bread, and potatoes were substituted after their introduction to France.
apparently the choice of cheese is important, wonder if the pilgrims introduced a spanish variant with a cheese I can find

>> No.16878334

peanuts are notoriously difficult to grow in most of the world

has the right idea, but still hard especially if not doing pesticides and shit

>> No.16878348

The GOOD kind of frogposting

>> No.16878461

The French have concluded they are better than everyone on Earth, including the French.

>> No.16878472

>wolf brand chili
>not Hormel

>> No.16878552

I've been monitoring this thread since yesterday and am only now realizing it means fall as in autumn not fall as in the end of the world as we know it...

>> No.16878582

Had this in scotland, was weird because skink is a lizard where I come from and the menu had no description so what I got was a very standard soup when I expected something lizard-adjacent.

>> No.16878631

one thing all french can agree on is that they hate parisians

>> No.16878765

Provincial, ton salaire c'est mon loyer

>> No.16878774

Inutile de perdre ton temps avec ces sottises, tu as trop de bites de nègres à aller sucer. Allez, au boulot !

>> No.16878814
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>> No.16878819

you learn to deal with it
here the seasons are winter and construction