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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 211 KB, 1024x1004, meatmountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16871547 No.16871547 [Reply] [Original]

>McDonalds: "We've got the McVegan!"
>BK: "We've got the Impossible Whopper!"
>KFC: "We have Beyond Chicken!"
>Arbys: "We have the meats!"

>> No.16871558

oh hey it looks just like what i saw between your mom's legs last night haha

>> No.16871567 [DELETED] 

hey i'm also trans btw, not sure if it matters though haha

>> No.16871757

I got the Beyond Pizza.

>> No.16872060
File: 512 KB, 1080x1390, IMG_20211022_124625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mcplant ftw

>> No.16872073

>best vegan burger
Wow, how impressive to have the least foul dog turd.

>> No.16872084

Arby's would never cuck out to fake tranny meat

>> No.16872119

Finally a good sandwich from that shithole arbys

>> No.16872133

Smack yourself in the face, anon, Arby's is one of the better sandwich places besides burger king and White Castle if you live in the midwest.

>> No.16872145
File: 51 KB, 618x311, mongols-meat-yogurt-grain-1-618x311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm i wonder why the powers that be want us to not eat red meat and dairy

>> No.16872252

Lol meat-eater propaganda
Science says otherwise

>> No.16872256

another communist marxist

>> No.16872258

Too bad they suck.

>> No.16872260

Meat gives you protein, which is why the peasant warriors would starve more than the mongols. Plus, meat lasts a lot longer.

>> No.16872269

This is the first thread I've seen that I can confidently and assuredly call a shill with no doubt whatsoever

>> No.16872356

>sugar and grains rotting your teeth and making you sick is propaganda!!!

>> No.16872516

Eating vegan isn't about “perfection” or a quest for personal purity—it's about achieving real change for animals suffering in the food industry

>> No.16872527
File: 595 KB, 1080x1126, 20211007_023719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unmelted cheese

>> No.16872562

so i had the surgery recently and now it looks like this between my legs too haha felt cute might kill myself later

>> No.16872566

>cheese in a vegebögö

>> No.16872568

What? No one vegan ever said that

>> No.16872569

tofu, tempeh, lentils, nuts, seeds, and quinoa

>> No.16872574

sorry wytey, history and non-white science says otherwise

>> No.16872582

Not even remotely close in terms of protein or other complex vitamins

>> No.16872609

>We have the meats!
Thank, I hate it
The guy in these commercials is annoying af. Remember the one a couple years ago?
>Go bacon, go bacon, go bacon!
Shut the fuck up man!

>> No.16872622

Enjoy your Kidney stones, meatfag

>> No.16872724
File: 136 KB, 640x357, fully_loaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burger king doesn't shy away from meat, tho

way i see it, the impossible burger is just them offering more kinds of "meat"

>> No.16872744

Local chain Whataburger has no fucking vegan options and all the burgers are huge. They do have tacos though, because Texas.

>> No.16873110


I wish we had Arbys or Whataburger here in the UK at least they aren't caving into the vegan bullshit. Find it very hypocritical of vegans they would support places like KFC, Burger King, or McDonalds then again I'm not surprised about the behaviour of vegans.

>> No.16873137

I really don't see the hate. Meals without meat are fine. I don't trust fast-food "meat", anyway.

>> No.16873160


>> No.16873191

I went to 4 plate squat x 12 and 3 plate bench 3x5 and most of my protein comes from boiled split peas.

>> No.16873203

>I don't trust fast-food
You can stop there

>> No.16873229

Jurchen? Why do they spell it so weird

>> No.16873276

yeah i agree, but the beyond meat patties are just as bad as the 1000 cow beef patties - if not worse. tons of emulsifiers and binders and all sorts of frankenfood. youre better off doing what this anon >>16873203 said. just dont eat fast food.

>> No.16873373
File: 68 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1634916442866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this

>> No.16873421
File: 167 KB, 800x1062, raf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The McPlant is tasty as fuck

>> No.16873454

Almost all food contains protein. It isn't a precious resource.

>> No.16873473

clearly paid for advertisement and award. i don't trust peta, at all.

>> No.16874370

Arby's so fucking good.

>> No.16874456
File: 339 KB, 533x429, The Agricultural Revolution and its Consequences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16874485


>> No.16874522

>McDonalds: "We've got the McVegan!"
>BK: "We've got the Impossible Whopper!"
>KFC: "We have Beyond Chicken!"
>Arbys: "We have the meats!"
Ha I had Arby's not even two hours ago, and it was amazing

>> No.16874528

go post that on the arby's official twitter account, not on here buddy.

>> No.16874552

enjoy inflammation and not growing

>> No.16875321

Some day you will grow up and realize that you crave beefy pussies

>> No.16876071

Research shows both processed and red meats are high in saturated fat, which causes inflammation

>> No.16876080

Polyunsaturated fats are what cause inflammation due to how easily they oxidize.

>> No.16876109

Tempeh is a soy-based food, sometimes used as an alternative to meat. It's popular with vegans and vegetarians because it has vitamin B12 and is a complete source of protein

>> No.16876120

Polyunsaturated fats can help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol
Also Olive oil, peanut oil, nuts and avocados contain monounsaturated fats and possess anti-inflammatory properties.
Vegan wins again

>> No.16876128

>LDL (bad) cholesterol
The fact that you phrase it this way tells me you have no clue what you're talking about and are just stuck parroting outdated nutrition science from the fucking 80's.

>> No.16876137

80s? Sorry but that the fact and no one debunk it yet, brainlet

>> No.16876150

High LDL cholesterol is not inherently bad, it's LDL that goes through glycation and becomes damaged and splintered that embeds itself into arterial walls and causes blockage. The idea that all LDL cholesterol is equally bad is outdated science.

>> No.16876162

Looks like something that was made in a prison commissary

>> No.16876671

Not him, but cdc says otherwise
And yet you can't tell benefit of LDL
>studies show that lowering LDL cholesterol reduces risk for coronary heart disease

>> No.16876680

hitler was vegan

>> No.16876705

I always want to try the meat mountain but too many people say its not good, too dry.
Also they say employees hate making them and purposely use the oldest meats.

is any of this true?

>> No.16876718

Nope, that was propaganda

>> No.16876756

Yes, I posted this thread because I'm paid by a fast food restaurant to post threads on an anime imageboard for retards, pedos and incels. It couldn't be because I was eating an Arby's sandwich at the time and began to think about their campaigning on having a lot of meat products versus other places that are pushing the whole vegan shit hard.

No, the paid shill thing makes more sense. Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.16877549


>> No.16878055

A study of over 135,000 participants across 18 countries over 7 years showed that fat intake and cholesterol levels are both negatively associated with mortality. Meaning the higher percentage fat you eat instead of carbs and the higher your cholesterol the LONGER you will live. This vid explains: https://youtu.be/wBsnk2PtPeo?t=1200

The problem is that excessively elevated blood glucose levels will lead to excessive glycation in LDL cholesterol which TURNS it dangerous. So in that sense, for the average person who gets more than 50% of their energy from carbs LDL cholesterol is dangerous, but not because of anything inherent to LDL, but because of how it interacts with high carbohydrate intakes that cause consistently elevated blood glucose levels.
More on the different forms of LDL cholesterol here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXKJaQeteE0

I hope this encourages you to do some real research into how this stuff works.

>> No.16878091

>purposely use the oldest meats.
Literally everywhere uses the oldest stuff first, it's called stock rotation.

>> No.16878099

cdc also says the clotshots are safe lel. you can produce studies that say anything.
by all means avoid cholesterol (your brain is made of it) while the rest of us feast on delicious meats and healthy animal fat.

>> No.16878116

plant nutrients are barely bioavailable to humans. what you think is nutritious is just filling your belly and nothing more

>> No.16878721

First of all,
secondly, fast food restaurants don't give a shit about your dietary choices, wellbeing, or anything beyond how willing you are to fill their coffers. Every decision a fast food company makes is an attempt to maximize profit. Arby's 'muh meat' marketing is an attempt to reach a specific audience while some other fast food chains are competing to capture a young, urban audience that typically has a poor perception of fast food by offering meat substitutes. The fact that you are taking corporate marketing at face value speaks to your cognitive capacity.

>> No.16878815
File: 74 KB, 531x731, 1447268380132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiter was a vegetarian and wanted to turn Germanys diet from factory farm meats too farmer agriculture.
Try harder you fucking plebian.

>> No.16878832

>Hiter was a vegetarian
He ate ham and calves liver.

>> No.16878918

>go post that on the arby's official twitter account, not on here buddy.
Well I don't have a Twitter or any other social media account because I'm not a raging faggot. Keep seething because I enjoy eating Arby's.

>> No.16879242

kys namefag

>> No.16879264

Vegans are riddled with kidney stones from oxalates

>> No.16879292

He ate dicks and killed himself because he hated eating out Eva Braun's pussy.

>> No.16879319

you know you don't HAVE to be vegan to eat a vegan burger. I personally just love a well made veggie patty. Never tried a McPlant though as I generally hate maccas

>> No.16879332

Meat free Monday? Ok fine!
>eats extra cheese

>> No.16879340

>I don't trust fast-food "meat", anyway.
I'm picturing a smug vegan saying this while shilling McPlant burgers and giving me heart disease

>> No.16879457

their fries are really good, but i personally never saw the appeal to roast beef sandwiches. it always seemed lackluster to me compared to the other fast food choices.

>> No.16879698

that looks like something you would put out for birds or squirrels

>> No.16880416

McDonalds cheese isn't real, so it's still vegan.

>> No.16880492
File: 9 KB, 244x122, 6E61864B-68F8-4617-81E8-7AED73B5E1D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT:Vegan soibois/pretenders trying to troll meat eaters on a mongoose chasing forum on a Saturday night.

We all need to sort ourselves out i mean really come on

>> No.16880616

I don't agree with vegetarian & vegan diets myself, but if I were a restaurant owner, I would do anything to maximize profit. If I owned a restaurant in a super-liberal city, you can bet I'll serve gluten-free vegan food. If I owned a restaurant in a Muslim neighborhood, I'll serve Halal food. In a Jewish community, I'll serve Kosher food. I personally don't give a shit, but as a business owner, I'll follow whatever local trend will make me the most money.

>> No.16880647
File: 206 KB, 1024x913, 1627501246453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16881580

so is this what we're doing? pretending to like arbys because we agree with their sentiment? you people are really pathetic, and ive been on this website for 3 years

>> No.16881602

>you people
>ive been on this website for 3 years

>> No.16881609


>> No.16881948

This most ignorant post I ever see

>> No.16881963

me on the left

>> No.16882071

>their fries are really good, but i personally never saw the appeal to roast beef sandwiches. it always seemed lackluster to me compared to the other fast food choices.
The roast beef is mediocre, can become 7/10 with Arby's sauce if you happened to be craving it that day. I usually get a roast beef slider, a chicken slider, and a buffalo chicken slider. Their turkey tastes weird though, I can't recommend it.