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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 707 KB, 712x563, shrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16867232 No.16867232 [Reply] [Original]

Shrimp bros, we've won

>> No.16867272
File: 1.57 MB, 3456x3095, 1634788215608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damnit not again...I remember when outback steakhouse did this and I finished like 10 plates of shrimp. gonna have to do it again at Red Lobster.

>> No.16867335

seriously, how do they make money on this? i can literally eat like 5 pounds of shrimp in a single sitting

>> No.16867352

me too, I also felt sick for a day afterwards. but I am still going to Red Lobster and eating all the fucking shrimp

>> No.16867372

Man I love shrimp. There’s a red lobster nearby too. I have been to a red lobster probably once though

>> No.16867397

prawn > shrimp

>> No.16867409

>be me
> A shit fry/burger cook
>place I wokr has multiple restaurants
>ski hill
>restaurant above mine is a Sushi restaurant
>none of the cooks are samuria
>one day
>walk into jumbo shrimp defrosted
>14 hours of warm water
>try to tell anyone this is pure dangerous

The Menu's have a warning about seafood being dangerous lol


>> No.16867417

Dude. You're drunk. Stop posting.

>> No.16867421

I can't stand shrimp.
There, I said it.
I hate all the sea bugs. I just fucking hate them. Especially lobster. It just tastes like butter and pepper or whatever you put on, it has NO flavor.
...Crab was pretty good, but I've only had real crab once. It was very sweet and tasty.
But shrimp and stuff just taste like garbage to me. I fucking hate it. They're gross to eat too, just little poo pods.

>> No.16867423
File: 38 KB, 444x445, 1306851953569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling red lobster

>> No.16867438

>But shrimp and stuff just taste like garbage
>just tastes like butter and pepper or whatever you put on
don't put garbage on it then

>> No.16867439

Meds now

>> No.16867440

If you genuinely believe there are shills on this website of maybe a couple dozen people, then maybe you need to see a psychiatrist. Make sure the meds they prescribe you are from Sandoz-Novartis: the world leader in psychiatric prescription drugs and a trusted household name!

>> No.16867445

If you put nothing on it it literally tastes like nothing.
Comparing some plain lobster to a steak, both just cooked by themselves with nothing lobster would go in the trash.
The sea bugs are also gross. Shrimp are nasty. I'm like 95% sure its garbage peasant food people got tricked into eating.

>> No.16867456

>gross and nasty
>tastes like nothing
well, which is it?

>> No.16867461

Sorry, I'm talking about two things here. I know that English is a hard language to grasp, but the lobster or other crustaceans similar have zero personal flavor (Except for some types of Crab I suppose), and Shrimp/sea bugs are gross, nasty filthy things.
I hope you'll practice your English sometime, ESL-kun.

>> No.16867473

Your writing it terrible then
>But shrimp and stuff
This implies you're talking about lobster and shrimp. You also said
>I hate all the sea bugs
In fact, you said you hated lobster more
>I just fucking hate them. Especially lobster.
Yet you say it tastes like the ingredients you put on it.

I think you need to sort yourself out a bit, anon.

>> No.16867474


>> No.16867489

Imagine being a child with a child's palate on a board for 18+

>> No.16867618

how come they have endless shrimp but no restraurant has endless chicken tendies

>> No.16867632
File: 73 KB, 220x218, pepe-the-frog-trippy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate all of you that order endless anything
t. survivor of 400 coconut shrimp on a fucking monday

>> No.16867635
File: 52 KB, 600x597, 1422066139423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want endless shrimps but i don't wanna go to Red Lobster alone..

>> No.16867669

hey maybe you'll get get a cute girl as a server

>> No.16867684

Are you fat or look like an incel? If not it literally doesn't matter.

>> No.16867723

The ONE time I went to Outback Steakhouse and got their Endless Shrimp promo, this is how it went:
>get a plate a shrimp with my entree
>ask for another when the waitress refills my beer
>35 minutes later another plate of shrimp comes out
>only 4 of them and drowning in butter
>eat it
>waitress brought the check without asking if I wanted another one because I had already been there for over an hour at this point
>leave mad

Never went back.

>> No.16867732
File: 40 KB, 688x683, 1632860074917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck shitty servers. nothing ruins my restaurant experience more than a inattentive waiter.

>> No.16867734

Get drunk first. You'll forget all about that.

t. frequent solo diner

>> No.16867738
File: 77 KB, 1200x675, 16802482908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive always wanted to try shrimp but the one time i did i had allergic reaction to it but that was years ago no idea if i still am allergic to it now what do i do

>> No.16867743
File: 549 KB, 640x480, 1626607376417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they make money on these promotions? It's not like there's room left for desert.

>> No.16867754

Buy some at your local supermarket and eat it. Are you retarded?

>> No.16867771

There are places with endless boneless wings like TGI Fridays. Not sure if they're still doing it but they've done it before.

>> No.16867779

Why isn't that more common? Surely deep fried mechanically separated chicken goop is cheaper than shrimp.

>> No.16867785

These have got to be shitty Vietnamese shrimp farmed in their own shit. No thanks.

>> No.16867881

ASMR mukbang eating all of the asscream and slurping the booty like pickles

>> No.16868000

You mean besides going to an allergist and having an evaluation done?
>Buy some cooked shrimp from the supermarket.
>Place a bit of shrimp on the back of your hand for 5 minutes, wash your hands. Wait 15 minutes to see if you develop a rash or anything.
>Hold a bit of shrimp against a single point on your lips for 5 minutes. Wait 15 minutes. Evaluate yourself for any swelling, pain, tingling, rash, ect.
>Take a small piece of shrimp, place it in your mouth, and hold it between your cheek and gums for 5 minutes. Wait 15 minutes. Evaluate yourself for any swelling, pain, tingling, rash, ect.
>Eat a tiny piece of shrimp. Wait 8 hours and hope you don't die.
If at any point you have a negative reaction, realize that you probably have a shrimp allergy and throw your shrimp away. Also possibly call 911 if you can't breath.

>> No.16868124

not only that these shrimp are disgusting. Wild caught shrimp or prawn can be good but the stuff you get at Red Lobster is farmed filth doused in anti-parasitic chemicals


>> No.16868743

youre not getting served more than one refill unless you make a scene, same with any endless promotion ever

>> No.16868785

this, the time spaced out between servings, the fact they usually have some carb involved like rice or pasta or even the coating usually means the customer get's full before they can get their money's worth

>> No.16868791

/pol/ is absolutely shilled out the fucking ass you stupid fuck. I think the shills just spend time here because its comfy and can't help their shillposting habits

>> No.16868796

You are really getting worked up trying to make a stupid point but only proving to this entire board that you are a tastelet child.

>> No.16868799

Thats why you always sit at the bar, bartender is just a server that was better than everyone else when the last bartender quit

>> No.16868910

Eat your bugs

>> No.16868916

this kills the sea

>> No.16868920

Cooked 21-25 count shrimp is $9 a pound at Safeway, just whip up some lemon butter garlic sauce to dip. Just throw in a dollars worth of rice or potato and you're all set.

Unless you really want cheddar biscuits. Those are a bit more involved to bake and a tad messy.

>> No.16868984

How expensive is such a thing?

Wtf, i would starve for a week and eat a ton.

>> No.16868985

Shrimp are almost free when looking at them on the industrial/corporate scale. They are doing this to curb costs on other seafood, which have all gone up by 20-40% in price over the last two years. Red Lobster will have to keep serving lobster because it is in their name, but ten years from now they won't be called that, and will no longer serve lobster. The last time I went and got lobster, it was a single bite the tail was so fucking small.

>> No.16869077

Why can't they just increase the price? You act like their is no price elasticity to supply and demand curves.

>> No.16869102

shrimp sucks
red lobster sucks

>> No.16869118

What is this, all you can eat shrimp?

>> No.16869121

Because the target market won't go there anymore, red lobster isn't some god tier fine dining place and if they have to raise prices their customer base isn't going to keep going. It's faux high end and seafood for flyover trash, people with real money dont and wont go there

>> No.16869127

I think the joke there might have gone over your head.

>> No.16869137

I wish I could eat shrimp like I used to. Something happened as soon as I turned 20, and eating shrimp gives me hives/swells up my face an hour later. I tried to brute force overcome it by eating more shrimp one time, like a buffet's worth of tempura shrimp and I ended up with my entire head swollen, itchy and painful to touch which took hours to settle down, I'm surprised I didn't die

>> No.16869167

That’s sad man. I hope they hike the shit out of the price to allow the populations to grow and reproduce.
>inb4 simping for sea bugs.

>> No.16869790

Isn't dicking customers around on all-you-can-eat promotions a capital offense in America? How do they get away with it?

>> No.16869800

>produced by Green Peace
imagine sharing this vid as some kind of reference

>> No.16869821

oh yeah, it's just annoying inna restaurant if the bar is already packed shoulder to shoulder.

>> No.16869904

the local one here has a 4 or 5 seat bar

>> No.16870050

capital always wins, baby
dont think the population is fat because the consumers have the power

>> No.16870782

>dont think the population is fat because the consumers have the power
Based american peasantry, finding ways to get engorged while getting gouged. The fat man marches on.

>> No.16870914

Rice means nothing to mean and shrimp are like candy. I bet I could get them to ask me to leave.

>> No.16872772

Yum factory farmed shrimp from Thailand. What a bargain….

>> No.16872991

>be you
>too much of a cuck to demand your birth right of endless shrimp
>this is somehow the servers fault

>> No.16873069

This. On the gulf coast we have Royal Red shrimp which don’t need to be drowned in gummy saccharine sauces

>> No.16874381

The "endless" shrimp came out VERY slowly and only have 4 shrimp on the plate.
I'm not staying in a restaurant for 5 hours just to eat 12 shrimp.

>> No.16874848

Yeah, clearly we have to save the gourmet atmosphere here at "what can I put in my Ramen" and "daily McChicken thread" /ck/

>> No.16875139

Your fault for not asserting dominance at the start.

>> No.16875443

Hey George, the ocean called

>> No.16875559
File: 31 KB, 450x600, jean claude van kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a infinite ______ restaurant
>it isn't a buffet, you have to order things
>somewhere around 3 or 4 servings, the waiter tells you "we've run out of ______"
>stay in your seat staring down all the wait staff as they insist you order your check and leave
>berate them when they serve other patrons ______
>"sorry anon [insert bullshit excuse here]"
>speak to your relevant food/consumer's rights authority
>"there is no way to objectively prove the restaurant did anything wrong, even if you were to videotape a waiter telling you they're out of _____, then head into the kitchen and get some ______ for other patrons"
I have given a total of 23 restaurants one chance to not fuck this up in my lifetime.
Not a single one passed the test.
The only all-you-can-eats you should visit are buffets, and you need to examine the place beforehand to not go during peak hours so when the good shit gets refilled maybe once per hour, it isn't gone before you get up from your table.

>> No.16875592

little faggots like you get their necks twisted until it pops off.

>> No.16877034

How fat are you?
Answer honestly.

>> No.16877065

349 lbs
0% body fat

>> No.16877110

I want to give you a hug, you must be really warm

>> No.16877120

You dont stay there for 5 hours to eat shrimp, you stay there for 12 hours to make a point that endless means endless. The quicker they serve the quicker you leave otherwise you will take up a table all day long out of spite.

>> No.16877124 [DELETED] 

this is the gayest most homosexual nu-male point anyone has ever tried to make on this board

>> No.16877145

I dont think it is.