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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16866699 No.16866699 [Reply] [Original]

>dessert eaten with a soda
people really did shit like this.

>> No.16866706

My dad talked about this all the time but specifically with a banana moon pie. I can see the appeal of the moon pie on its own but I don't particularly care for soda, much less RC, and can't imagine that it would be a good flavor pairing.

>> No.16866709

Not everyone is diabetic, anon.

>> No.16866715

the south is a strange and mystical place

>> No.16866718

They were some of the earliest convenience foods. Imagine digging ditches in the southern heat. You couldn’t just grab a Gatorade and a slice of pizza back then. A cold soda and a carb bomb were probably solid choices at the time for an afternoon pick. Plus it was dirt cheap.

But you wouldn’t understand you soft handed, perfume wearing nance.

>> No.16866725

Miners ate shit like this because they actually needed the calories you dipshit.

>> No.16866745

>drop dead at age 50
>hurr durr it must be cause he worked so hard

>> No.16866753

Moon Pies aren't a dessert. They're a snack.

>> No.16866759
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>larping as miners

>> No.16866784

Nobody here is larping as miners, faggot. They're just explaining where the trend came from.

>> No.16866786

i havent had a moonpie in a decade, do they still make the banana flavor

>> No.16866812

it went away for a while and it came back again.
same thing with banana twinkies.

I can't eat any of this shit anymore.
It all has the texture of cold palm oil. Feels like it's clogging already as you chew it, before it even enters your arteries.

>> No.16866838

Eating like that is one way to become diabetic, though.

>> No.16866853

Maybe it's a coincidence but I keep seeing references about moon pies alot lately. Makes me want to try one now.

>> No.16867116

Lying on the internet isn't LARPing, newfag.

>> No.16867590

If you put it into the microwave just long enough to melt it, the standard processed convenience store food goes away. It’s actually pretty solid.

>> No.16867606
File: 49 KB, 500x628, 861f3efff59aedea603e35b8c3c059f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you put it into the microwave just long enough to melt it (...) It’s actually pretty solid.

>> No.16867611

he must've meant "standard processed convenience store food TASTE".

I hate fags who can't surmise typos like you.

>> No.16867629

That's not the joke, faggot. Do you need more omissions?
>If you (...) melt it (...) It’s (...) solid.

>> No.16867648

That gif is so depressing