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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16866325 No.16866325 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any fun kitchen gadgets? My kids love this thing.

>> No.16866333

So how do they usually use it?
Would you rec it to others?

>> No.16866336

Ngl I would've loved that shit as a kid.

>> No.16866345

got one of these next to my battle station and a coupla jugs of instant pancake mix, easy and tasty snacks to munch on while resting from Osu! sessions.

>> No.16866347
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These are pretty handy in the kitchen

>> No.16866350

Looks very inefficient. Food is not for playing, food is for sustenance.

>> No.16866355

>jugs of instant pancake mix
Brotip: get those squirt bottles like they have for ketchup at cheap diners. It's faster, cleaner, and more ergonomic.

>> No.16866358

i have a marvel waffle iron

>> No.16866359

Too bad I'm petrified of women, anytime one tries to flirt with me I have a panic attack and can form sentences. I'll be alone forever and it makes me yearn for death.

>> No.16866365


>> No.16866369

My son is 3 and he absolutely loves matchbox cars. I'm definitely getting one of these. Thanks OP

>> No.16866377

Not a Vader Toaster?

>> No.16866411

This anon cooks. I've been doing that for years now. So much easier than pouring from a mixing bowl.
One of my ex-girlfriends had ordered a Japanese pancake maker that cooked pancakes into the shape of cats, dogs, and rabbits' heads.
This is similar to what she had:
It would play a musical chime when cooking was done. A kid would love it.

>> No.16866417

yes, a wife.
this nigga knows the deal.

>> No.16866421

You never met my ex wife.

>> No.16866423

Capeshit faggot

>> No.16866428

We have a pressure cooker, rice cooker, air fryer and a toaster oven
Most are used for convenience and in a time crunch
We mostly use our oven, stove and gas grill to cook
We have stainless steel and cast iron cookware
But also have a clay cooker, charcoal grill, dutch oven and slow cookers to get the job done right
I started off with a ratty old set of pots and pans my mom gave me when i got my 1st apartment

>> No.16866429

Please son...3 of my last 5 ex-girlfriends have been incapable of cooking anything. I'm the cook in relationships as almost every woman under the age of 35 was never raised on how to properly cook in the kitchen.
I had to teach my last girlfriend, who was 26, how to hold and use a knife.

>> No.16866445

Pick your women better, if mist of them are shitty you are the common denominator.
Captvha : G0D0D

>> No.16866457

I'm this >>16866421 anon.
I upgraded. Wife 2.0 is a badass in the kitchen. The downside: She's always cooking and offering me food. I gained 20 pounds since getting married.

>> No.16866491

Not going to deny, my taste in women is awful.
I'm a right-leaning conservative but have always been attracted to women that end up being leftist.
Doesn't help that I don't support BLM, the alphabet soup crap, or leftist policies. Living in a Democrat city makes dating near impossible.
>I gained 20 pounds since getting married.
KEK, 1 of the 5 ex-girlfriends that could cook did that to me. I went from 180 to 225 lbs over the span of 6 months.

>> No.16866520

Are you a twink? They might find that cute or something.

>> No.16866528

You don't know that.

>> No.16866555

No, just a spergy guy. I've even been in tons of relationships, even a 5 year long one, but they all came onto me hard. Now that I'm 30 women don't approach me as much and I'm more shy than ever.

>> No.16866559


>> No.16866570
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Maybe I'll get the kids one for christmas.

>> No.16866578

ebay has it for $65

>> No.16866582

Then I'm definitly gettign them one

>> No.16866585
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>> No.16866595
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I present an alternative

>> No.16866623
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>> No.16866647

f-fuggun b-b-b-b-based
this and dino nuggies and i can be a complete autistic shut in

>> No.16866698

White trash

>> No.16866710

>imaginary offsprings
you a woman?

>> No.16866720

Not going to deny; I would have LOVED this as a child. Hell, I semi-want it as an adult.

>> No.16867078
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>> No.16867100

60% from a sample size of five means jack shit.

>> No.16867113

>said by the upset roastie who cannot cook

>> No.16867143

I'm 36, have had many girlfriends and not a single one has been able to cook for shit

>> No.16867316

Dino-sama, I kneel!

>> No.16867349

>My kids
I'd be so ashamed of my dad if I caught him posting on 4chan

>> No.16867369

I've known maybe a total of three men who can cook in 32 years of life, not counting grilling. About a third of the women I've known can cook, again not counting grilling.

>> No.16867382

>>Lancer's dad is an asshole.

>> No.16867519
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>> No.16867529

You mean to tell me that they've comercialized playing with your food? The profits will be endless.

>> No.16867533

Nice find.
>Cook up a lot of block pancakes
>Get drunk or high and build edible things
Me, in my 20s, would have used this every weekend.

>> No.16867558

Me in my 20s right now is going to do exactly that.

>> No.16867568

you buy the cars and the block ones and you can build a city and a garage for the cars

>> No.16867570

Based anon.
I wish I could do that with the wife like we use to do in our younger years but having children prevents you from having that sort of fun.
Well, you could, but we're good parents and not white trash or a minority.

>> No.16867579
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hahaha im godzilla arrragggghhaaa haha

>> No.16867600
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fucking galaxy brain here

>> No.16867645

Then the dinosaurs to launch the attack.

>> No.16867661
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Praise me

>> No.16867687

I still buy fun shaped pasta as an adult, anyone else?

>> No.16867848

Good thread

>> No.16867854

Only penis shapes. I exclaim "I sure love eating cock!" When I serve it. To myself, I mean. I live alone.

>> No.16867861

It might be better that way anon. After all, other people might misunderstand and think that you're ACTUALLY homosexual nad that you ACTUALLY love eating hyuge big black cocks, which you don't, certainly not. All is in jest.

>> No.16868225

>but have always been attracted to women that end up being leftist.
Women are narcissists by nature so they'll always tend towards leftism because it gives them a warm and fuzzy feeling without having to do anything.
If they're actually into you they'll drop all that bullshit when you tell them to knock it off.

>> No.16868244

Nice projection.

>> No.16868951


So glad I have enough money to send my children to private school so they aren’t forced to associate with people like this.

>> No.16869129
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>> No.16869135

Mom used to have a waffle maker that does waffles in the shape of Mickey Mouse's face

She gave it to me when I moved out, and I still use it sometimes

>> No.16869162


>> No.16869496

my parents have this old school mickey mouse pancakes and every once in a while when I go their house they pull it out for brunch

>> No.16869504


>> No.16869792

buy one now bro it's not too late to have fun

>> No.16869906

God bless.

>> No.16869912
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>> No.16869997

Yo if i had one of these as a kid, there's a possibility i may not have robbed that 7/11 as an adult and done 3 years for armed robbery and can't get a job anywhere except for peeling potatoes at some shitty bar in the middle of no where...

>> No.16870092
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>> No.16870198 [DELETED] 

Trump lost

>> No.16871128


>> No.16871131

this is the best thing /ck/ has done in years

>> No.16871148

>made in china

>> No.16871159

>no alaska
we're getting gypped out of 17% of out waffles over here

>> No.16871223

It would be cold anyway

>> No.16871259

And too oily

>> No.16871263


>> No.16871282

Yes, but for my gf. It's the only pasta she'll eat

>> No.16871310
