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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16864992 No.16864992 [Reply] [Original]

>allows your asshole to heal
don't mention it, kid

>> No.16864997

youre probably deluding yourself. fiber makes bloating and anal bleeding worse. removing all fiber from the diet is the only clinically proven solution

>> No.16865004

does this count as the one-per-board meta thread? XD

>> No.16865016

doubt it, unless its like this:
no fiber > lots of fiber > some fiber but not enough

>> No.16865027

My experience with this crap varies from rock-solid shits to a sticky gooey orange-scented diarrhea, with no in-between. It's such a crapshoot that I just can't be assed to use it long-term.

>> No.16866041

you might not be drinking enough water if thats the case.

>> No.16866054
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>It's such a crapshoot

>> No.16866058
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its like this

>> No.16866086

>for 60 people with chronic unexplained constipation
They should just do some butt stuff. Stretch it out permanently, you dont need to maintain some wacky diet

>> No.16866091


>> No.16866094

>here, le epic science disproves folk wisdom
>sample size n=60
>sample set is all people with longstanding butthole problems already
Smoothest brain in the west

>> No.16866103

>retard dismisses evidence because he doesnt like it
if fiber is so great for constipation surely you can provide a clinical trial showing thats the case? no you cant youre just another retard

>> No.16866117

don't use metamucil. you're paying extra for sugar (or whatever substitute they use for the zero sugar kind) and orange flavoring. Just get psyllium husk on it's own. $15 for a pound and a half and you only use a teaspoon or two a day.

I do lowcarb with all my fiber being from 1/4 a cup of walnuts. I go from having to strain to not having to with a teaspoon of psyllium. Anything more than that seems unnecessary though.

>> No.16866132

>>retard dismisses evidence because he doesnt like it
Wat. He dismissed it because it was a study with a very small and limited focus.

>> No.16866136

Just bought a bag is psyllium husk powder on Amazon. What am I in for? I shit pretty normally nowadays but sometimes my asshole rips and I'm cursed with hemorrhoids.

>> No.16866155

you dont need thousands of people, the study had statistically significant outcomes
>or no fiber, reduced fiber and high fiber groups, respectively, symptoms of bloating were present in 0%, 31.3% and 100% (P < 0.001) and straining to pass stools occurred in 0%, 43.8% and 100% (P < 0.001).

>> No.16866162

>whatever substitute they use for the zero sugar kind
lmao, they actually put sugar substitutes in something meant for people with GI issues? Pretty much all the fake sugars can fuck up your gut. Why are supplement makers so retarded.
But yeah, plain psyllium husk is a way better idea.

Start with a tiny amount and slowly increase the dose. That way even if your body doesn't like it, you won't suffer too much.

>> No.16866177

He dismissed it because the sample was arbitrarily small for his liking. How many people must be sampled for the finding to be accurate in your eyes?
>nooooo this survey is wrong its only n=1000

>> No.16866181

Yeah bro for sure 60 people with preexisting butthole problems are a good sample set of what normal people's digestive systems are like, you're for sure smart for calling all criticism of your (biased in favor of people with non-functioning assholes) sample-sizelet study arbitrary
Would be pretty cool if you broke all your fingers falling down the stairs and could never post again

>> No.16866188

>tell people to eat fiber to alleviate constipation
>the only study on the subject disproves this
>its wrong because it just is dont you trust the science?

>> No.16866218

You are literally telling me to trust the soyence of one bunk study conducted on a handful of defective digestive tracts over knowledge so common that asking any doctor specializing in gastrointestinal problems will get you one or two variations on "fiber good unless preexisting GI problems"
You are either a contrarian boy of soy to an unbelievable degree or this is the most thoroughly I've ever been trolled

>> No.16866228

look into taking serrapeptase/nattokinase as they're both good at cleaning up arteries and veins (busted ones are the cause of hemerobiids) and can slowly get rid of unneeded protein like scars or the hard bits of hemerobiids. Also good as a pain reliever and doesn't have the side effects of NSAIDs. I also suggest going lowcarb since carbs are inflammatory well just a low inflammatory diet in general with anti inflammatory supplements like curcuminoid.

>> No.16866231

do whatever you want i just presented the only clinical trial evidence on the topic i know of. now i know why all you fags are so butt hurt all the time

>> No.16866233

Not him but... you're gonna use fucking DOCTORS as your source? The ones that will tell you to eat low-fat, avoid salt, avoid eggs to keep your cholesterol down? They just parrot shit that they heard decades ago. Why would you assume doctors know anything, that's even worse than an N=1 study.

>> No.16866235

whoa autocorrect really went crazy there

from what I've read insoluble fiber is a bad idea if you're constipated but soluble fiber (properly mixed with water) helps

>> No.16866242

Because you are wrong on the internet in a way that is obvious to people who are not autists who specced into the "schizoaffective thought patterns" skill tree

>> No.16866256

once again i merely presented the only clinical trial, with multiple statistically significant findings might i add that you dismiss because... trust the doctors bro they know and are infallible

>> No.16866267

Damn, that's crazy, considering I just found another clinical trial conducted on 20 more people than yours that has the exact opposite result
If you're not trolling you're a retard beyond compare

>> No.16866282

>appeal to the implied illegitimacy of authority
Go ahead, ask me how I know you're American.

>> No.16866292
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Fiber is a corporate meme. Don't fall for it.

>> No.16866305 [DELETED] 

as i said i posted the only trial i knew of but instead of all the douchebaggery you couldve just posted this to begin with. would be nice if you had full text link though as i cant get it on scihub to look at it

>> No.16866608

>Fiber is a corporate meme. Don't fall for it.
>youre probably deluding yourself. fiber makes bloating and anal bleeding worse. removing all fiber from the diet is the only clinically proven solution

I think the shills want us to go a fucked up version of no-carb paleo with no fiber so we wreck our liver and kidneys due to keto-acidosis while shitting out literal bricks of zero fiber compacted shit and destroy our buttholes and bleed to death so they can sell us all sorts of over the counter and prescription meds for various health problems that could have been avoided simply by eating a healthy balanced plant based whole unprocessed diet in minecraft. I'm not a doctor. don't trust me.

>> No.16866622

>with no fiber so we wreck our liver and kidneys due to keto-acidosis while
fuck off. it has nothing to do with eating fiber or not its a pathological state in poorly controlled type 1 diabetics

>> No.16866627

>simply by eating a healthy balanced plant based
shouldve just said the anemia diet

>> No.16866637

Once you take Metamucil twice a day on a regular basis shitting becomes a dream. I was using more toilet paper on top of the water to prevent splash, than I was for wiping. Every single shit is a Phantom or a minimal wipe job.

>> No.16868115

>Sit on toilet
>Straight up wards with legs open wide
>Shitting is a pain, literal pain and it hurts so bad
>Start leaning forward and closing my legs together
>Shit flies right out of my ass to the point it smacks the back of the bowl and splashes everywhere.
Take seated fetal position pill.

>> No.16868199

I buy bulk psyllium husk powder, it is a game changer if you are in search of the perfect poop. logs just sail out and only require 2 wipes maximum, healed my haemorrhoids since im not straining anymore.

>> No.16868207

he knows you're correct, he just wants to pretend he doesn't know you're right

>> No.16868297
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youre on to something. apparently knees elevated is proper pooping posture.

>> No.16868300

this. Metamucil is way overpriced and if you need the sweetener and flavouring you don't deserve perfect poops.

>> No.16868318
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I could only get really coarse psyllium husk and it wasn't as effective or easy to drink as Metamucil so I thought surely there was some other stuff in it. Just read the ingredients and it's just psyllium husk and sucrose. Going to find me that fine blend psyllium husk when this runs out.

>> No.16868327

yeah they sell husk and husk powder. dont see why just blending/processing the husk into a powder wouldnt work. might be worth a try.

>> No.16868338

ive been trying this lately so far day 2 my poop is a bit more fuller in shape.

before hand my poop was. abit hard in the first part then it came out like mud on the seconr half.

>> No.16868343

only problem with the powder is it has a tendency to clump if you use cold or still water, I just room temperature sparkling water and it dissolves almost entirely. if you just cold/still water you're in a race against time to get it to dissolve before it turns to jelly.

>> No.16868347

i dont know why my brain is confusing just with use. rip me.

>> No.16868427

I used to use fibre supplements. I needed them because I wasn't eating enough greens and vegetables. Nowadays, I eat a salad for lunch and improved my diet by adding some veggies with dinner. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.16868437

i eat lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes and my shits were not even close to being the same as when taking psyllium.

>> No.16868459 [DELETED] 

My sister uses this to help her avoid unfortunate pants accidents.

>> No.16868515

Scratch that I am trying to do my day 2 morning poop and I am so constipated

I think it was because I ate an entire pizza yesterday. So it must be too many carbs for my body to digest fast enough I think.

>> No.16868573

What is it about?

>> No.16868579

did you take it with the pizza? i take it with every meal i eat.

>> No.16868598

No I forgot to I think. But i remember I took a tablespoon after dinner.

I am still mid poop right now and after some pushing and shoving rabbit poops out. I managed to shoot out some nice solid pieces like a torpedo.

I feel like I have a bit more to go though.

>> No.16868728

I just gave up on getting the last bit out. I needed to go to work.

>> No.16869648
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My lower tummy will not stop making grumbling sounds. Like constant. It feels like someone moving furniture around down there. It will not stop. I can't fart or poop though. It's really uncomfortable and weird.