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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 650x391, cover-ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16861103 No.16861103 [Reply] [Original]

>creme caramel/flan

>> No.16861118

fuck you I like it

>> No.16861120

Flan is delicious.

>> No.16861140

I'm going to get absolutely shit on for this opinion, but cheesecake is gross.

>> No.16861141

Based, fuck flan

>> No.16861145


>> No.16861196

Ice Cream. I don't know why women, children and betas like something with the consistency of toothpaste instead of something more solid like a big ol pumpkin pie. Probably weak jaws or low levels of testosterone.

>> No.16861213

t.lactose intolerant non-white

>> No.16861309
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Indian ambrosia: basically ambrosia in custard.
. I really don't know why people like it.

>> No.16861323

Very homosexual post

>> No.16861327

Gotta agree with you on this one.

>> No.16861361

I will rape you to death.

>> No.16861373


>> No.16861692

[Insert seethe wojack here]
>"Why don't I like this popular thing?"
>"Is something wrong with me!?"
>"No, others are to blame!"
>"Damn others!"
>"Why aren't they like me!?"

>> No.16861928
File: 70 KB, 560x747, a1fb9bc8d43c95f087bb888be4c6a04e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Singapore

>> No.16861951

what the fuck am i looking at

>> No.16861952

I agree
t. Sniggerpoorean

>> No.16861961

Cheesecake can be fucking amazing if made well.
It is however disgusting in how caloric it is.

>> No.16861972


>> No.16862089

jungle monkey red bean ice with a bunch of other shit on it

>> No.16862101

I mean, you're not eating cheesecake for it's nutritional benefits.

>> No.16862512

it's called ais/ice kacang

>> No.16863255

I'm sure you never had a properly made one

>> No.16863294

Most of them because they should be reserved for holidays and special occasions.

>> No.16863524


>> No.16863817 [DELETED] 

What a fucking nigger

>> No.16863840

I'm good after one slice, and never think about it fondly afterward.
Pie tho...

>> No.16864077
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creme caramel can be vile but a good baked parisian flan is kino

>> No.16864085
File: 108 KB, 1200x1800, Tiramisu-Cake-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16864123

God Tier
>bread pudding with ice cream
>blondie with ice cream
>blackberry cobbler with ice cream

High Tier
>brownie with ice cream
>ice cream cake (quality, not cheap shit)
>strawberry shortcake
>pecan pie
>pumpkin pie
>banoffee pie (must include coffee)

Mid Tier
>standard ice cream dishes including sundae, waffle cone, etc
>apple pie
>cream brûlée
>standard cakes

Trash Tier

>> No.16864128

Flan is based, caramel is the only good form of refined sugar.
Cheesecake falls into two categories: Bad cheesecake is horrible. Good cheesecake is heaven. There is no inbetween.
Sorbet is nice, especially in summer.

My hated dessert is chocolate cake. Chocolate just does not work as a cake for me.

>> No.16864137

>Consistency of toothpaste

>> No.16864428

Jelly/Jell-O. What is it about solid Kool Aid that people go so nuts over?

>> No.16864445

cringing hard at your post rn no cap

>> No.16864459
File: 2.40 MB, 200x190, 1623022443752.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheesecake in the same tier as flan
>cheesecake in trash

>> No.16864499

>Chocolate just does not work as a cake for me

>> No.16864501

coping this hard ngmi

>> No.16864515

>basically ambrosia in custard.
>I really don't know why people like it.
Wow. Sweet fruit in creamy custard. What a mystery. You fucken dunce.

>> No.16864563
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>bread pudding with ice cream
stopped reading there. acquire taste you shitter

>> No.16864762

Retard, end your life

>> No.16864767

how does one post assblast so many african-americans

>> No.16864785
File: 101 KB, 1200x630, flan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could've just said creme brulee and you wouldn't be such a faggot

>> No.16864792

It's pretty nice if you have a wet topping like a jam on it desu

>> No.16864820

I wouldn't necessarily say it's bad, but it's definitely overrated.

>> No.16864849

flan or cheesecake is not good or bad per se, it's simply the kind of food where there is a huge discrepancy between the industrial version and the hand made one. Like it's not the same product. Unlike brownies or cookies for instance, where it's way easier to get very decent ones from the chemical sugar plant.

>> No.16864859

I'm with you OP flan is disgusting trash eaten by tastelets

>> No.16865184

bake your cheesecake then maybe it wont be a shit cake then

>> No.16865215
File: 564 KB, 479x408, 1631998659759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers probably dont know it but it is one of the most vile creations that grandmas in germany put on the table. However no "dessert" in the classical sense. So fucking dry everytime.

>> No.16865231

Plum pudding is the most terrible.

>> No.16865250

I don't really like the cream cheese version, but the Italian kind made with ricotta cheese is delicious because it actually has some more texture to it.

>> No.16865257

Someone hates things with creamy or bouncy textures, I see. I think you might have kinesthesia.

>> No.16865259

For me, I find chocolate cakes to be weirdly chalky.

>> No.16865298

Why are Mexican desserts so bland? They think all sweet and no flavor.

>> No.16865302

Sounds like you're weirdly chalky

>> No.16865305

w/ custard > w/ ice cream

>> No.16865332
File: 2.58 MB, 2160x3840, basque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cheesecake for me

>> No.16865423

this. Fuck tiramisu

>> No.16865600

Why are Japanese desserts so bland? They think all sweet and no flavor.

>> No.16865623

Take that back.

>> No.16865673
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>> No.16865968

chocolate cake, black forest is an exception however

>> No.16866106

love tiramisu but most places fuck it up

>> No.16866198
File: 48 KB, 665x665, Fondant Cake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's anything that uses Fondant, absolutely vile.
Flan sucks but Crème brûlée is very good
you've only ever had bad cheesecake, I guarantee it

>> No.16866217
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>> No.16866245
File: 48 KB, 600x400, 15COOKING-STRAWBERRYPAVLOVA1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pav is utter trash. I don't care if you say your mom's is the best and that I'll change my mind if I have it: it's trash.

>> No.16866813

There's usually to much cake compared to crust. Too tart I think

>> No.16866821
File: 656 KB, 1000x667, sdaas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful texture

>> No.16866827

Flan is Spanish

>> No.16866867

Any kind of fruit pie

>> No.16866878

This. I never understood the appeal to it. It doesn’t even cut nice, it cuts shatters apart into a bunch of egg white sand. Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.16866880

Pavlova is mostly a dessert for showing.

>> No.16867126

I think that's the case for me. I always get one from some restaurant or Italian place and it's always so fucking sweet. Maybe I just need to try a homemade one.

>> No.16867150
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 300343-1-eng-GB_284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything with choux pastry

>> No.16867312


>> No.16867367

Honestly, I dislike most chocolate, period. I find it is one of those sweets that immediately get into every nook and cranny in my mouth and I have an instant desire to brush my teeth.

I occasionally buy high percentage chocolate (75 - 100%), put it in the fridge and eat one bar over many weeks.

More chocolate for you guys, I guess

>> No.16867375

>It's anything that uses Fondant, absolutely vile.
I used to work in the sugar industry, and we once had a 30kg container of pure fondant. My colleague dared me to just try a tip of a spoon of the stuff and holy fuck it was so incredibly sweet that I almost vomited. Disgusting stuff.

>> No.16867390
File: 640 KB, 913x606, COVERLowRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

halo halo. this retarded, disgusting combination of gobbledygook ingredients makes me irrationally angry. it's trash

>> No.16867470

fuck you dude. legitimately. fuck you.

>> No.16867513

is that corn on the bottom?

>> No.16867555


>> No.16867564
File: 25 KB, 203x293, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moctezuma has never heard such bullshit before

>> No.16867610

Very nice

>> No.16867624

corn, red beans, rice flakes, shaved ice, it sucks

>> No.16867693

looks like one of those ai generated images that breaks your brain when you look at it

>> No.16867696

yeah it's nasty

>> No.16867758

How the fuck is pumpkin pie more solid than ice cream?

>> No.16867940


>> No.16868015

interesting bait

>> No.16868307

Agree. Choux pastry sucks.

>> No.16868404

flavor don't matter
all of them are shit

>> No.16868432

I hate creme brulee

>> No.16868491

Agreed. Basque Cheesecake is nice, but the rest can eat a dick.

>> No.16868495

I'm not a huge fan. I don't mind a scoop as part of a dessert, but sitting down to a bowl of icecream isn't my thing.

>> No.16868500

Bread pudding w/ custard is on a tier of it's own. Hands down my favourite dessert ever.

>> No.16868502

Fuck you.

>> No.16868503

I flip-flop between liking it and disliking it. Depends on the pie, really. I'm kind of partial to lighter fluffier ones. The ones my mom made as a kid were like dense bricks and left a bad impression.

>> No.16868505
File: 147 KB, 1880x1000, 392D412B-4039-422C-AFDD-6B243CBF1B51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figgy pudding, it deserves to be left alone in a Christmas song.

>> No.16868506

Fuck I hate pav. My wife's whole family fawn over that shit at Xmas. I always make trifle because nobody else eats it. They all fight over a garbage fruit-coated meringue, while I get drunk on pudding.

>> No.16868510

looks like he types 'dessert' into one of the neural network image generator things

>> No.16868556

burgers eat black forest cake too, anon

>> No.16868571

What does this shit even taste like? I've not once seen it actually prepared.

>> No.16868589

like figgies and pudding

>> No.16868890

Fellow chocolate cake hater here, I can't stand brownies either. Neither dessert tastes like chocolate to me, I'd rather have a nice plain bar of chocolate.

>> No.16868901

Basketball-American here, I hate banana pudding. In fact, I hate any kind of dessert that uses bananas or plantains.

>> No.16869042

Perhaps the best dessert I've ever had was in a cheap Parisian restaurant. I tried to order a peach pie instead but the nosy ass waiter kept insisting I get the creme caramel and she was absolutely right. Rich and creamy with a lovely delicate texture and a dash of orange liqeur in the caramel. It was exquisite. Cost like five eurobucks.

>> No.16869080

Meringue is awful. Its like insulation

>> No.16869140

Never had a dry one in my entire life.

>> No.16869160

Alright big boy, mommy gonna buy you the calippo you love so much

>> No.16869215
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NY style is awesome, all others are meh.

>> No.16869226
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>flan & cheesecake lumped with jello-o

>> No.16869237
File: 590 KB, 2800x1220, b172565360774655ade40b05803a5855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly the most based dessert ever made after trifle

>> No.16869304

I dislike chocolate cheesecake in general, but the Kinder Bueno cheesecake my sister keeps requesting for her birthday every single year is a special kind of awful

>> No.16869433


>> No.16869829

Interestingly, I don't mind brownies much. I do love blondies for some reason.

>> No.16869838

>don't like brownies
>likes blondies

>> No.16869869

It's still the same consistency and makes me want to brush my teeth immediately, but somehow tastes better.
Also, I said I don't mind brownies.

>> No.16870286

you've probably only had mexican flan
aka watery bullshit

>> No.16871208

Same, actually, I fucking love blondies. They're brownies with the same texture but without the chalky taste of the cocoa

>> No.16871216

tiramisu cause I keep tearin my suit

>> No.16871358
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Not desert but apparently this is a "sweet"

>> No.16871531

would try it at least once, seems proper experimental to me.

>> No.16871543

holy shit this, fucking disgusting

>> No.16871578
File: 27 KB, 404x475, tm-3fRBf_46l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit taste

>> No.16871583

really depends on how the flan is made.

>> No.16871745

you are crazy dude

>> No.16871767

sounds like your granmda made shit black forest, mine makes the most amazing cake I have ever had and she isn't even german, was yours even soaked in kirsch? bet not

>> No.16871797

Caramel ruins everything it touches instantly.

>> No.16871824

Do you have a recipe for that anon?

>> No.16871848
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fuck the fags itt that said creme brulee

>> No.16871976

digestible rubber

>> No.16873888

Cake is disgusting, specially cupcakes with that awful colored icing

>> No.16873900

>good desert
>my opinion

>bad desert
>your opinion

>> No.16873923

your grandma is a fag

>> No.16873976

>It is however disgusting in how caloric it is.
How fat are you?

>> No.16874135

is this the prophesized dessert sloppa

>> No.16875793

Jalebi is disgusting
Anything malt flavored is gross

>> No.16875843
File: 71 KB, 654x600, halva-with-pistachios.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had store-made halva, I've had home-made halva, I've even tried commercially manufactured halva. I've had halvah, halwa, halvasi, all the ethnic variants.
I've never tasted one that wasn't cloyingly dry or bland and oily. Where do you find good halva?

>> No.16875934

Any other fat fucks salivating at the thought of all these sweets?

>> No.16876003

Eat snicker apple salad like a grown man.

>> No.16876031

I can't agree with your more. It's so shit.

>> No.16876035

It's not bad, just very overrated.

>> No.16876163

Raw marshmellows are gross.

>> No.16876456

Just make a cocoa butter cake then. You dislike it probably because it only uses the cocoa powder but not any cocoa butter. Cocoa butter cookies are absolutely godly and the most delicious thing I've had in my entire life, cake should be the same.

>> No.16876461

Make it yourself and tweak the recipe to your liking if you think it has potential.

>> No.16876912

hank? is that you honey?

>> No.16876940

I don't think the fuck it up, so much as cheap out. the average pleb won't know the difference.

>> No.16876942

if only, rubber doesn't taste like poison.

>> No.16876961
File: 56 KB, 735x1102, cake-slice-with-fork-scaled-735x1102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matcha is just overrated shit pushed by wannabes. Usually not one of these "foods people pretend to like" guys but I think for matcha it's actually true.

>> No.16876974
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I ate some with raspberry jam on top, it was absolutely delicious, and I'd call myself a picky eater.

>> No.16876980

Shaved ice with various syrups & toppings poured on top.

>> No.16877031


>> No.16877052

nah, yer just a gay baby.

>> No.16877096

ice cream cake since the ice cream itself always seems to be complete shit

>> No.16877586


Dry meringue can fuck right off.

>> No.16877664


>> No.16877693

The ladyfingers need to be completely soaked with coffee/espresso until soggy. When they're still dry in the center it's just like a stale cracker and that's not very pleasant. Apparently soaking them until soggy isn't the "right" way to do it, but I always thought it sucked at restaurants until I had a homemade one where they were completely soaked and thought it was great. Completely soaking them adds a little more bitterness too which helps balance out the sugar.

>> No.16877748

Came here to post this overrated shit

>> No.16878333

You always get some basic bitch super excited over it

>> No.16878349
File: 8 KB, 275x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never understand how people blow their load over a basic cake.

>> No.16878366

Fuck Singapore. Faggots don't know how to make Halo-halo properly.
Vile disgusting shaved ice POS.

>> No.16878533

Anything with icing.

>> No.16878664

Very true.

>> No.16878689
File: 47 KB, 728x675, dog5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only valid post in the thread
The rest of you are braindead, contrarian monkeys.

>> No.16878835

Based. What kind of homo enjoys skunk-ass flavored sponge cake?

>> No.16879157

This is the only "dessert" I hate

>> No.16879312

log off forever

>> No.16879364


>> No.16879481

I think it has it's place in traditional desserts and dishes, like mochi and tea and shit, but when people try putting it into icecream or modern cakes its just ends up being such a weird clash of flavors

>> No.16879613

>skunk-ass flavored
Chocolate and coffee?

>> No.16879675
File: 366 KB, 746x754, khabib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiramisu best desert you knaw dis brather

>> No.16879773

spoken like someone who's never licked a skunk's ass before

>> No.16880627
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>> No.16880711

Black licorice is excellent fish bait

>> No.16880796

Damn, I couldn't imagine life without chocolate

>> No.16880837
File: 16 KB, 460x276, images (60).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas cake, especially with that chemical tasting crap known as marzipan on it
Also carrot cake with similar

>> No.16880849

95% of fun is a shitty custard that tastes like eggs 5% is a delicious thick rich creamy caramel custard that is God tier.

>> No.16881441


>> No.16881468

What’s wrong with flan?
It’s literally just slightly more structurally sound caramel custard? I always enjoyed how light it feels and the taste is simple and effective.

>> No.16882430

I don't know, I never had a good one. To me, it tastes bland and overly eggy. In my country we call it "milk pudding", and I always preferred bread pudding over it.

>> No.16882470
File: 56 KB, 750x920, pol-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could live on a diet of matcha and matcha flavoured things tbqhwudesu

>> No.16882527

At one point I thought I started liking cheesecakes, but then I had one some time ago that made me gag. It was gross and it was from a very famous place. I think I just prefer no bake ones.

>> No.16882533

It depends. Sometimes the taste is too earthy for me. Tastes like dirt. If it's properly baked into something I don't despise it AS much.

>> No.16882576
File: 42 KB, 600x450, 800px-creme_caramel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed about creme caramel, especially the supermarket ones in plastic pots, nasty crap.

>> No.16882585

I have never seen so many shitty, contrarian opinions in one thread

Cheesecake is good
Ice cream is good
Tiramisu is good
Some are contentious, like Christmas Cake, but that does not include the above

>> No.16882599
File: 110 KB, 1024x1024, DE-165_Mozartkugeln_Chocolate_Bonbon_with_Marzipan_by_Heindl_2_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time i get merci i leave the Marzipan chocolate to rot

>> No.16882635

I like literally every dessert that has been posted, you guys just don't get it

>> No.16883157

I'm assuming he meant "non-toasted".

>> No.16883275

an overly sweet basic dish that even a toddler would eat wow yeah truly the strongest filter of picky eaters

>> No.16883814
File: 168 KB, 620x604, Mochi Ice Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faggot. Just call it green tea.
>when people try putting it into icecream
>He doesn't know

>> No.16883943

Really? I sometimes buy the pre packaged ones from the grocery store and they are pretty decent as far as pre packaged deserts go. Way better then Jello or dry ass stop and shop cake or something.
Never really felt it had an overtly eggy flavor either.

>> No.16883961

I didn't like the taste of flan when I was a kid. Then I got a little older and thought it was delicious. Then I got a little older and realized eating food from different cultures is racist. Now I am living my best life

>> No.16884723

>Faggot. Just call it green tea.
Matcha is a specific kind of finely ground green tea though.

>> No.16885114

>Imagine not liking flan
What a sad life you have anon. I'm truly sorry for you

>> No.16886477

Tbf I only like soft serve ice cream, and I rarely want to eat it often. I just buy it for pictures

>> No.16886483

This shit is awful, I can't understand how Italians convinced everyone that this was a decent "dessert"

>> No.16887028

Literal styrofoam mouthfeel. Macarons are cool though.

>> No.16887076

wait what is happening here, why does this not greentext properly?

>> No.16887116

ikr, flan and creme brule are god tier.

>> No.16887480

Boy add more of that there Kirschwasser.

>> No.16887496

I don't like plain cheesecake at all, but I've tried some different flavored varieties that I didn't mind, like chocolate truffle.

>> No.16888084
File: 73 KB, 1024x1536, Malva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's malva pudding. Omega Shenron god breaker tier

>> No.16888104
