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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 510 KB, 1266x855, mcplant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16854792 No.16854792 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else tried these? They were released in the UK on Friday and I've had 4 already.
They use a Beyond Burger, but they're somehow better than the normal ones, I believe it's because they're slightly thinner than usual.
The vegan cheese is OK, not great, and you're better asking them to switch it for a regular slice, and the vegan sandwich sauce is a little bit more oily than I might like, but otherwise this is an outstandingly good burger. The Beyond Burger really gives it a very meaty taste, and being thinner, it doesn't have as many issues with texture as the thicker ones.

>> No.16854818

As a sexless lonely anti-social incel the idea of eating something like this makes me sick to my stomach and makes me shake with anger.

>> No.16854852

I practice semen retention and nofap, but will test myself daily with hours long edging session. I believe this will naturally boost my testosterone to higher than naturally-achievable levels.
I also eat a diet consisting of mainly beef, pork, and some poultry with the only vegetables being canned corn, canned green beans and potatoes.
Seeing these plant-based frankenfoods all over put me into a blind rage. I see chads casually eat these things with their whore stacys like its no big deal, when based on my blood lab reports, I am almost literally twice the man that chad could ever be.
It makes me so angry that I am basically the ideal man and I still have never had sex and women ignore or deny my advances, no matter how persistent I am.

I would invite any plant-based """""meat"""""" eater to come to my house some time to see what it takes to be a REAL man. I could probably take on a whole group of these "men" all at once.

>> No.16854861

No, but I don't think I will if they were pushed in america. I would try the pizza hut vegan pizza they pushed in the U.K, even though I know most likely the ones I make at home would be much better.

>> No.16854906

>I don't think I will if they were pushed in america
The US version is a little different, in that it's not vegetarian, as it's cooked on the same griddle as the regular beef burgers, whereas the UK version is cooked on a separate area and is fully certified vegan.
The problem with doing it the US way is that people that don't want to eat meat can't order it, and people that want to eat meat won't order it either, so it's a product that no-one wants.
I have to say tho, it is very tasty, if you see it on a $0.99 offer on the app, it's worth a go.

>> No.16854945


>> No.16854965

Yea, same thing with the burgerking ordeal. I mean I'd way more excited about these things if I myself didn't know how to cook good food. If these fast food places actually cared for the customer maybe i'd consider it, but the fact that mcdonalds fries are processed with beef fat shows that they don't really care to please the vegan community.

>> No.16855393

I need to stop eating red meat because of health reasons, but burgers are my all-time favorite food.
I have had pretty damn good veggie-burgers so far, and I'm a sucker for convenience so I am looking forward to this being a success and it rolling out nationwide.

>> No.16855403

veggie burgers are actually pretty easy to make. recipes usually are for a large batch that you freeze and eat at your convenience.

>> No.16855664

mcplant sounds like a narc

>> No.16855704

>vegan approved
>cooked on the same equipment as other meat products

>> No.16855720

The other meat products are plant based too though??

>> No.16855731

Did they really call this shit the fucking McPlant?

>> No.16855739


Honest question - why does this matter? You aren't buying the meat products. You aren't adding demand for them.

So what if it touches the meat grill?

>> No.16855831

your brain must be small. im so sorry.

>> No.16856069

vegans burst into flames if animal-derived products pass their lips

>> No.16856442

>cooked on the same equipment as other meat products

But it's not?

>> No.16856468

cows eat plants, yes

>> No.16857183

Why would a vegan eat this weird mystery goop shit of 80+ ingredients instead of just a good Black Bean Burger? I can't see the appeal of this beyond novelty's sake

>> No.16857191

What a lame name

>> No.16857255
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>> No.16857796

the hamburgler

>> No.16857800

meat juice goes on grill, veggie patty absorbs meat juice.

>> No.16857811

Beyond burgers have a heterogeneous texture with pieces that are chewy as hell.

>> No.16858896

I don't see how vegans can support places like Mcdonalds, KFC, or Burger King, because they are hopping on the bandwagon when they are still involved in using animals in their products. Very hypocritical of vegans but I'm honestly not surprised

>> No.16858921

>It's a moral lifestyle choice I've arbitrarily adopted
>oops I mean it's a religious food law I alone follow

>> No.16858925

No I think I'll stick to real meat for now.
Hopefully they can perfect this shit by 2025 so that I can enjoy a nice McPlant out on the frontlines when I get drafted into WWIII.

>> No.16859063

The main problem with burger king is that they don’t use grills
The flame broiler is essentially a big metal box made from chains, grease, and fire. You put frozen burgers in one end and they come out the other cooked.
They’re also pretty bulky, most locations only have one.
There’s just no way to cook a plant burger the same as a regular burger without cross-contamination in that set-up, so the old bean burgers were deep-fried like the chicken.
.t worked in a burger king during high school

>> No.16859082

Its the other way round. Most vegans dont give a shit, these chains are just trying to get these people into the store and also mostly sell these to the "curious"
Vegans dont give a crap about mcdonalds, if theyre there they'd usually eat fries.

>> No.16859317

mcdonalds fries aren't vegan, they use beef fat to flavor them.

>> No.16859323
File: 184 KB, 759x1024, sadf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course yuropoors are into the veggie burgers and mcdonalds.

>> No.16859423


Always knew vegans were full of shit just doing it for fashion

>> No.16859446

>confusing vegetarians with someone with intelligence
common mistake

>> No.16859487
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Huh, I always thought this was the "Mick Plant"

>> No.16860922

Do they cook it separately from the beef burgers?

>> No.16860932

Those are from Peru

>> No.16860988

I bet that genuinely tastes great with the cheese on top

>> No.16861044

absolutely based

>> No.16861113
File: 10 KB, 585x103, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UK version is, the US version is not.


>> No.16861206

I'm a vegan, I actually do my research though.

>> No.16861215

I would never eat them because they don't have beef in them. Its fake. If they are priced for the poors then maybe it can be used to sustain them albeit very unhealthily. You need a 85%+ meat diet.

>> No.16861221


The fact we don't really know what's in the makeup puts me off trying the fake meat. I get serious Soylent Green vibes from it

>> No.16861231

It's not that, it's just not meat. I don't want to eat something as a main meal that doesn't have meat in it. I like the beef industry.

>> No.16861241
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>The fact we don't really know what's in the makeup


>> No.16861252

>I don't want to eat something as a main meal that doesn't have meat in it.
Have you considered not buying it and getting on wih your life and not worrying about what other people choose to eat?

>> No.16861258

Yes. I am just commenting though. When I see people doing things wrong, I try to help or at least point out the absurdity of stated subject.

>> No.16861271

finally i can get a maccie ds meal that's not the spicy veggie wrap

it's not even spicy

>> No.16861304

Uh, aren't you the retarded ketofag from above?

The vegan cheese, while edible, is still vegan cheese, you might wanna skip that. I've tried it both with and without the vegan sandwich sauce, and I have to say I prefer it without, but ymmv.
One mildly weird thing I noticed is that the large meal for about a fiver or something kept me feeling full for ages. I thought I would be hungry again in two hours, but I wasn't.

>> No.16861405

Vegan cheese isn't cheese ya goofs.

>> No.16861419
File: 439 KB, 578x500, 1610200490920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many vegan recipes out there that are just naturally vegan, why can't they just learn to cook instead of demanding vegan replacements for meat?

>> No.16861444
File: 167 KB, 800x1062, raf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why can't they just learn to cook instead of demanding vegan replacements for meat?

Why the fuck does it bother you? How the fuck does it affect you in any way, at all?

>> No.16861447

Because they are jealous of how great meat is. You can't blame them.

>> No.16861451

Why can't you just learn to cook, lardass?

>> No.16861452
File: 27 KB, 474x564, download - 2021-06-25T221322.735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cheeseburger there costs $2.00 now
Absolutely not worth it.
McCucks can get fucked

>> No.16861458

See the defensiveness and venom spitting here? That's how they work. They know they are eating trash because it's a fad or some odd reason and they are looking for others to justify their mental illness/mistakes. Classic vegetarian/vegan/lgbtxyz behavior.

>> No.16861466

>Why can't you just learn to cook, lardass?
What makes you think I can't?

Just answer the question, meatfag.

>> No.16861471

it's possible to home cook/go to restaurants with properly nice vegan food and also pop into macdonalds when you need to have a reliably quick and mediocre meal

>> No.16861490

It is significantly cheaper than the meat based burgers?
I mean they are feeding you plants instead of cattle raised on tons of plants which means it's cheaper to produce so it must cost a fraction of what a regular burger costs

>> No.16861500

>What makes you think I can't?
Because of the pic you posted in response to me asking why can't vegans cook. >>16861444

>> No.16861505

Lol you would think that, but trash is trash and kids like OP gobble that trash up.

>> No.16861513

>Because of the pic
I'm afraid I would require further elucidation upon your part. How does the picture lead you to this conclusion?

>> No.16861519

So you are telling me they are selling a worse product (lacking on nutrients) for the same price as the regular better product just because it's cheaper for them to make right?

>> No.16861526
File: 1.46 MB, 498x379, ghfgh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the meatfags cannot into economics 101

>> No.16861528
File: 1.89 MB, 236x224, 1609453286062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ordered fast food every day for three days in a row (or more).

>> No.16861535

And? I'm not seeing the connection here. Could you explain, clearly, the logical thought process which you are undertaking to lead you to this outcome?

>> No.16861539

They are in it for the money. Lower quality product that is cheaper to produce to imitate the greatness of another established product. Never trust them.

>> No.16861570

>veganfags trying to justify their mental illness

Why do they seek out these forums to point out their mistakes? Do they think they will get reinforcement from other nutsos?

>> No.16861572

>And? I'm not seeing the connection here.
That's because you're fat and therefore stupid.

>> No.16861585

>learn to cook, lardass
>That's because you're fat

You could put Cinemark out of business with projection like that

>> No.16861597

>orders fast food via itoddler app every day
>not fat
pick one

>> No.16861659
File: 221 KB, 976x1174, front_de.18.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, fat, if a 429kcal burger once a day is causing you issues, you need to rethink your lifestyle.
Meatfags are getting even more retarded. There should be some way to filter out those posters who consume the rotting flesh of decaying carcasses so that I don't have to suffer the infernal mindless drivel spewing from these vapid NPC shells.

>> No.16861663

Lol the vegetable head is mad.

>> No.16861664

I'll assume that you are making reference to roadkill eaters, which is carrion, which is not meat.

>> No.16861667

No, he's just a idiot vegan/grass eater fag.

>> No.16861694

>Lol the vegetable head is mad.

>"Ma! He's postin' them big wurds again!"

>> No.16861703

You didn't get just the burger, you got large combo meals each time and one of them had two extra items.

Learn to coot fatty

>> No.16861710


>> No.16861716

It's easier for him to just eat fake shit from McDonald's.

>> No.16861725

just what I needed 100% carbs

>> No.16861734

Pretty sure he want's people to be as obese as him.

>> No.16861737

>You didn't get just the burger, you got large combo meals each time and one of them had two extra items.
The side salad has 18kcal, and the tea has 0.
The two extra items was another McPlant meal for my gf and a chilli dip, fat.
Maybe if you put down the quadaruple bacon burger and picked up a fucking vegeburger once in a while your finger might not be so fucking fat and you could type on a keyboard like a normal person?

>> No.16861748

Not him but at least the quad bacon burger is real meat, tasty and healthier than the shit you are eating.

>> No.16861756

>Maybe if you put down the quadaruple bacon burger
I don't eat those

>and picked up a fucking vegeburger once in a while your finger might not be so fucking fat and you could type on a keyboard like a normal person?
Maybe if you learned to cook you wouldn't be so mad, Fatty McLardass

>> No.16861797

>tasty and healthier than the shit you are eating
[citation needed]

As it happens, fat, I bought a house last week and the kitchen is being remodelled and rewired.
But now you mention it, there really isn't enough vegan and vegetarian cooking threads on here.
So when the work is finished on my kitchen later this week, I shall start many, many threads all about my vegan and vegetarian cooking.
Every time you visit /ck/, it will be full of the very latest of my vegan and vegetarian cooking exploits. Fuck, I might even start a general there will be so much vegan and vegetarian content. Thank you again for highlighting the lack of vegan and vegetarian cooking content, I will undoubtedly enjoy posting much more about this exciting topic in the months and years to come. I sure do hope you enjoy reading about them.

>> No.16861813

Oooh veggie mush headvis just seething.

>> No.16861826
File: 1.15 MB, 768x606, didn't read lmao.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16861831
File: 482 KB, 840x859, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oooh veggie mush headvis just seething.

>tfw your fingers are so fat you miss the fucking space bar

>> No.16861845
File: 59 KB, 576x507, 1607494798376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this mad

>> No.16861849

Lol poor dude no one wants your shit food and you threaten to spam it in the future. Typical veggie/vegan homosexual filth.

>> No.16861873

You're a ketofag too, aren't you? I can smell the stupidity over the https protocol.

>> No.16861891

The grass you've been eating has been tainted.