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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 89 KB, 600x430, Custard-apple-fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16850485 No.16850485 [Reply] [Original]

what is the best exotic fruit?
For me, it's custard apples

>> No.16850495
File: 1.15 MB, 2648x1535, Medlar_Cluster-of-3_May2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medlars are delicious. Also called the open-arse for obvious reasons

>> No.16850600
File: 154 KB, 1200x800, bittermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitter melon

>> No.16850609

those are artichokes

>> No.16850622

really like wax apples. gorged myself with them when I was in Taiwan

>> No.16850623

mangosteens and durians. unmatched

>> No.16850624

because you cram them?

>> No.16850659

does it taste bitter?

>> No.16850667

Yeah. Fresh bitter melon tastes like cigarettes

>> No.16851048

They decided for some reason to only sell this new pineapple flavoured cultivar of custard apple in Australia.

>> No.16851054

no they're not, they're pinecones

>> No.16851779
File: 44 KB, 493x335, star-fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like star fruit. Found out about them when I used to work in produce at a grocery store, they taste like a mix of sour apple and Bartlett pears

>> No.16853632

No it doesn't? Cigarettes taste sweet, creamy and vanilla. Bitter melon tastes like cucumber if done right.

>> No.16853648

Those are really great OP, seriously. I grew up in the sub-tropics and had the pleasure of eating those on occasion, namely the 3 days a year when the fruits of the local tree were ripe. Delicious fruit.

>> No.16853661

>Bitter melon tastes like cucumber if done right.
No, it tastes like cucumber if it's not fresh. Fresh bitter melon has a sharp, pungent bitter flavor. If the bitter melon you've had tasted like cucumber then you were eating 10x frozen bitter melon harvested half a year ago

>> No.16853692

>when done right
Bitter melon only tastes bitter if it's prepared incorrectly.

>> No.16853707

You've never had good bitter melon

>> No.16853821
File: 270 KB, 2200x1467, mangosteen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate that I can't get these back home. Also ripe Jackfruit and Fresh Durian are godly

>> No.16853836
File: 186 KB, 1024x768, 4d0cd05bf4a49119ec68adca38f524e8c464a17e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fuckers aren't necessarily the best but the ones I want to eat again the most because they are so fucking weird. Don't know the name but some call them Indian Olives. Can mostly be found in North East India and they really really sour and eaten with salt.

>> No.16853843

No, I've had poorly prepared bitter melon that still tastes bitter and astringent like acetone, if that's what you think is good. I feel bad for you if you've never had it done the right way and you think all bitter melon is supposed to be bitter lmao

>> No.16854105


>> No.16854344

lychees are nice. they have them in france more than here for some reason.

>> No.16854363

This guy did a video on those, he has done a video on everything in this thread so far I think


>> No.16854437

This guy is so fucking based. I've watched so many of his videos. This board doesn't appreciate a true foodtuber like Weird Explorer

>> No.16854451

Do tastelets really?

>> No.16854460

>Medlars are delicious
OP said exotic, retard, not 'native to the cradle of civilization and cultivated since before the birth of Moses'

>> No.16854464

I love custard apples.

>> No.16854470

As someone who worked at a 'restaurant' serving these lil bastards? People have no fucking clue what medlars are, they might have been eaten for a long time but they definitely classify as exotic.

>> No.16854485
File: 78 KB, 800x531, pejibaye-16933332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these

>> No.16854505

The people that visited your restaurant probably think shit like mulberries and dates are exotic though.

>> No.16854521

They’re the new avocado for hipsters over here.

>> No.16854678


>> No.16854767

>I had 100 times frozen bitter melon and it tasted like nothing
Uh, proud of you

>> No.16854806

Yeah, I don't know if it is impressive or crazy / dumb how he travels all around the world and usually ends up in bumfuck no where by himself eating local food. His YouTube channel is a 1000 times more educational than anything on the travel channel or food network.

>> No.16855078

yes that's the one I had it in the same town as him. I don't understand his overly germaphobia. I ate raw fruit all the time in india never got sick. interesting channel though

>> No.16855119
File: 3.48 MB, 2838x2577, IMG_1745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Custard apples and similar fruit (cherimoya, pawpaw, anona) are goat and I hope someone figures out a way to store and distribute them effectively.

>> No.16855850

>I eat fruit that tastes like paint thinner
Uh, proud of you

>> No.16855866

Are you aware that people live all over the planet

>> No.16857168

Let me guess, you don't drink beer

>> No.16857307

Mangosteen. If you mean what grows here, then red huckleberries.

>> No.16857682
File: 359 KB, 1000x665, chicoutai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing beats those bad boys

>> No.16857689

I might add that the jam smells a bit like vomit, but the taste is godly

>> No.16857710

>OP said exotic, retard, not 'native to the cradle of civilization and cultivated since before the birth of Moses'
Do you know what exotic means? It doesn't mean novel, retard.

>> No.16857717


>> No.16857750

Let me guess, IPA's are your favorite variety? I'm currently struggling with the waning märzen season.

>> No.16857763

I don't like IPAs. I'm a lager man
>I'm currently struggling with the waning märzen season.
Me too

>> No.16857768

all exotic fruits are nice, but if they were any good they wouldn't be exotic in this modern age

>> No.16857842

>shelf life = quality

>> No.16857857

Dried dates are awesome, I love baking with them.

>> No.16857868
File: 638 KB, 480x480, Saskatoon_Berry_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these count?

>> No.16858428
File: 8 KB, 194x259, infungo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infungo. This tastes like a mixture of berrys. Currently in season in southern africa.

>> No.16858440

Yeah. Apple trees are an introduced species to USA, so I'm going with apple.

>> No.16859459

Salmon berries?

>> No.16859607

I kneel. The fucking seeds though...

>> No.16859883


>> No.16860145
File: 942 KB, 800x599, image_2021-10-19_122157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wax apples. like a flowery tasting apple but lighter and juicier. i only ever found them in taiwan.

>> No.16861067

Here we call it chicoutai or plaquebière, in english it seems to be called cloudberry and it is often confused with salmonberry.

>> No.16861167

I have never had frozen bitter melon, I've always had it when my sri lankan wife made it from fresh, and it's never been bitter when she makes it. I've only had it taste bitter when other people who don't know what they're doing try to prepare it. Sorry that you've never had bitter melon made by someone who knows how to do it.

>> No.16861205

Passion fruit

>> No.16861286
File: 127 KB, 683x1024, 5920092800_b078c3263b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if most of it is one big seed, I fucking love lilly pillys.

>> No.16861674

I picked them off trees when I was in costa rica but ive never found any in the store since that tasted anywhere nearly as good.

>> No.16861686

All the best exotic fruit, like banana and pineapple, are heavily cultivated.

>> No.16861746

Cloudberries are delicious

>> No.16862108

this isnt valheim, nigger

>> No.16862728
File: 830 KB, 1024x683, Rambutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like rambutans. They look, taste, and feel good.

>> No.16862770

>Bitter melon
Outright disgusting, normally when something tastes that bad you're supposed to assume its poisonous and never eat it again, but I guess that doesn't stop some people. Is there some way to prepare it so that it doesn't taste like shit?
Love starfruit too friend, I don't know that I've seen it in stores lately though.

>> No.16863079

Who thinks mulberries are exotic? They grow all over New Jersey

>> No.16863164

mmm fruit flies with a side of pit seed mlord

>> No.16863204
File: 607 KB, 1208x811, dragon_fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Fruit is really good when extra ripe. It became popular, and now it's it's cool to sell it under it's name Pitahaya instead of Dragon Fruit. I'm guessing for a more authenticity? I don't know, was always Dragon Fruit around here.

>> No.16863205


>> No.16863214
File: 3.79 MB, 363x360, 1621112795787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't get ripe fruit in American supermarkets.

It's all unripe frankenshit because producers in this country are greedy pigs that want enhanced shelf life. I've never had a sweet strawberry in my life and I live in a big city.

Fuck the USA

>> No.16863220

I started growing my own raspberries a few years ago, and I gotta say, for how low-maintenance fruit trees and bushes are, they're demonstrably better than literally anything store-bought. I always strayed away from walmart or other grocery store raspberries because they were always almost-hard and tasted like nothing.

Fresh raspberries actually have flavor, who would have guessed. They're soft and you get a good 1-3 pints off one bush per year, depending on the canes. Buying a damn raspberry cane starter is less money than a single pint of raspberries, and if you plant in early spring, you can expect your first harvest in September, and if you plant them in open soil instead of a planter, those fuckers SPREAD.

>> No.16863246
File: 642 KB, 750x563, 1606134352826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your well intentions anon. Nontheless, I have no land and have not the slightest inclination to remain in this country. I shall go to Italy and eat proper food harvested by humans who aren't completely rotten to the core.

The American experiment has failed. I'd much rather prefer we stop referring to it as a country, but rather a conglomeration of corporate entities.