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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.01 MB, 3024x3024, DUDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16837048 No.16837048 [Reply] [Original]

>made with genetic engineering
What the fuck?

>> No.16837055

my guess is GMO high fructose corn syrup, so enjoy the glyphosate cancer

>> No.16837065

GMOs are... LE BAD!

>> No.16837075


>> No.16837579

everything that humans eat or have eaten for the last 3000+ years is genetically modified.

get over it.

>> No.16837761

>eats a head of broccoli

>> No.16837770

>plant habaneros next to jalapenos
>grow out their seeds
>voila you just genetically engineered some peppers

>> No.16838129

we're being raided by corporate shills telling lies and spreading disinfo and this is the 5th time I've read this exact post.

>> No.16838156

You're retarded.

>> No.16838200

Can you still get them with the old wrappers in the US? They come in gay shapes in clear plastic now here.

>> No.16838221

Were not being raided you foil hat retard. This is an anonymous imageboard and you’re bound to get variable replies, many simply posted to troll you. This is how it’s always been here. You can always go back to plebbit or somewhere that you can identify your fellow posters if it triggers you this much.

>> No.16838224

Dang, this thread reminds me of an ancient /ck/ copypasta about eating at subway and something about "this is msg in meat"-- does anyone remember what I'm talking about?

>> No.16838590

The ironing

>> No.16838647

It's good to see some companies advertising their products as GM instead of the typical GMO free bullshit.

>> No.16838886


>> No.16838908

Hating GMOs is the lefts version of science denial

>> No.16838932

GMO = Lovely and useful
The people in charge of GMO = pure fucking evil

>> No.16838998

True, just look at the study that Monsanto approved of dating they are good!

>> No.16839000

Ah yes splicing e coli and other genetic material and dosing them with round up is purely natural! Go peddle your scientism elsewhere.

>> No.16839010

No, it's the left's version that multinational corporations owning the food/seed industry is not good. But nice head canon and straw man you right wing idiot.

>> No.16839019

Real question:
Why do so many anti-GMO people go for fallacious scaremongering shit like "frankenfoods", instead of reasonably explaining the actual problems with them? You can make a pretty watertight argument against GMO corporations without resorting to dishonesty and intentionally bad arguments, so why don't they?

>> No.16839040

This but unironically

>> No.16839050

Because the point isn't to create an argument against GMO that would satisfy a professor of mathematics, there is no longer any question as to the dangers of GMO monoculture. The point now is to get the voting public on board. The voting public is not interested in nuance, you have to appeal to their emotions or you will lose. And anything requiring more than a sound bite, punchline, or catch phrase is politically useless at best, and possibly even harmful to your own cause if the opposition is (as it is in this case) willing to do whatever is necessary to bury inconvenient facts


>> No.16839059

Owning genes are bad all trademarks and patents should expire 5 years after at most but GMOs are a God send to the human race and yes I steal monsanto corn and regrow it to crossbreed with other stuff NO I will not share get you'd own commie nigger

>> No.16839133

No one actually cares about that from the discussions I've had. They all just think that it causes cancer and don't like that it's "unnatural".

>> No.16839137

>selective breeding is GMO because well it just is okay
Look at the science denier over here

>> No.16839140

You live in the honey boo boo universe

>> No.16839225

What are the reasons you are against GMO? Is it a health thing, do you just not like companies that use this technology, or is it something else?

>> No.16839231

You only trust “science” (aka actual results not you making up stuff) in particular things
Things you don’t include
>Killing babies in the womb
>5000 genders
>The mental illness involved with saying you’re a trans demigod
>Genetic differences between races

>> No.16839256

>the lefts version of science denial
...I think their version of science denial is something else.

>> No.16839263

You can oppose monoculture, Monsanto practices, and overuse of pesticides without opposing GMOs. But instead of opposing those things, anti-GMO retards go after GMOs because “technology is scawey”.

>> No.16839264

>agricultural giants BAD
>pharmaceutical giants GOOD

>> No.16839273

I see the frankenfood shills have switched to concern trolling. Did you guys hire a new PR team or what?

>> No.16839305

You glow so damn hard

>> No.16839319
File: 1.45 MB, 1908x2487, 20211011_150643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to nu/pol/ fag some of us here are smart enough to know GMOs are not the problem but Corporate monopolies holding them are also fuck biden and fuck trannies

>> No.16839334


>> No.16839347

>t brainlet.

GMO and HFCS are buzzwords used by liberals who have no idea what their religion "science' has to say.

>> No.16839355

disliking bad things is... LE BAD!

>> No.16839358

Look up controlled opposition you dumb zoomer

>> No.16839366

Why is GMO bad?

>> No.16839430
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causes cancer for starters

>> No.16839434

>science is... LE GOOD!

>> No.16839441

go live in the woods buddy, I’ll stay here with my chiccy nuggets.

>> No.16839450
File: 124 KB, 382x491, 1463069855621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16839478

what's lovely and useful about making crops resistant to pesticides and sprays so they can be absolutely doused to hell with toxic sprays that are known to cause disease? that stuff doesn't just wash off, it's absorbed into the plants

>> No.16839532

Massively increased yields majorly overblown danger everything causes cancer including searing your steak
Don't like it? Buy organic or grow your own

>> No.16839538
File: 1.75 MB, 720x480, Echo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who disagrees with you must be a shill.
or they could be telling the truth.

>You're retarded
ad hominem


>You glow so damn hard
back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.16839556

I'm going to engineer rice so that it specifically binds as much arsenic as organically possible and then have you eat it 7 times a week for a year. Everything is genetically modified, get over it.

>> No.16839557
File: 88 KB, 648x648, d403ac308afcf124ef1af981fcd41898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't like it? Buy organic or grow your own
You tried to kill a guy for exposing cross contamination, are you going to threaten me for posting this image?

>> No.16839574

>heh don't like us constantly lying about fucking everything and trying to monopolize the food industry through corruption and lawsuits, just start your own big agriculture
Psychopathic liars like you belong in a padded room.

>> No.16839579
File: 62 KB, 661x496, corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the plant at the top is what corn used to be before ancient humans genetically modified it through selective breeding.

the only difference between GMO and selective breeding is one is faster to do.

gmo is here to stay and will soon be the only thing out there unless you grow your own.

>> No.16839584

Why don't you read higher where I said the corporate jews are bad but the GMO process is a net good retard

>> No.16839590

It's not a net good you ignorant fucking retard.

Go to your fast food drive through you fucking subhuman

>> No.16839592

I've wanted to pound that girls cunny since 1988 when I first ejaculated to an episode of TNG.

>> No.16839597
File: 148 KB, 451x339, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh stop with the jew thing no one cares or believes that except poltards.

>> No.16839602

Concern trolling? Are you a fat tumblrite from 6 years ago?

>> No.16839623

You are the ignorant one you believe that scientists are a kabal of liars You are the reason for many of the world's problems GMOS are the future and all you have to say is strawman similar to 1984 brave new world and soylent green levels of fiction keep living in your brain fog ecochamber

>> No.16839641

Can I buy these candies with a loan?

>> No.16839643

Yes the term "concern trolling" was invented by fat people on an antique social media platform. You've got this whole thing figured out, don't you.

>> No.16839651

Good shill. Just pick a completely random topic and jam it into the thread because you can't defend your earlier position.

>> No.16839684

Don't grow next to other industrial farmers or grow hydroponic indoors sorry your pure crops got tained but the genes in them is a nothing burger especially if you don't use pesticides

>> No.16839693

Yeah just grow your crops on the moon to avoid getting sued by an evil megacorporation for intellectual patent violations, good suggestion thanks shill

>> No.16839700

just grow inside what are you poor?
Also READ the fucking thread where I say owning the specific genes are bad and besides I just steal them and would shoot anyone on my property telling me I can't grow thier corn anyways

>> No.16839703

it literally is dumbass

>> No.16839724

or we could just ban your frankenfoods. what's the matter, can't you find a business model that works without flooding the biosphere with your patent trolling genes?

>> No.16839754
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x1908, 20201106_063633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just corn dude they no different except they switch a U for T somewhere in the dna code u wouldn't suspect a /x/ tard to know that though
>flooding the biosphere
Zero corn grows naturally its domesticated grass that would die off if we stopped farming it. It in no way floods the biosphere schizo
The world is our oyster we should use crisper to rid of people like you next
Go back to /nupol/ tourist

>> No.16839771
File: 678 KB, 2400x1602, GettyImages-1145533095-2400x1602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys seem to be very familiar with all these different 4chan boards, but unfortunately for you this is /ck/ where we actually care about what goes into our hot pockets and tendies

imagine shilling this hard for a company that's so universally reviled that they decided it would UPGRADE their image to rename themselves after a company that made poison gas for nazi death camps

>> No.16839779

>nazi death camps

imagine living in 2021 and still not being able to get over one case of historical killing which is likely complete bullshit anyway

you realize history isn't just two fucking events right schlomo?

regardless i sincerely hope you will die.
enjoy your kfc up until then mutt

>> No.16839794

>GMO shill
>holocaust denier
checks out

>> No.16839806

Read the whole post before replying, faggot.
I said that GMO is useful but the people in charge of it are using it for evil.
I'm not the other guy you're arguing with because you're not worth that much of my time.

>> No.16839813

Yet you ignore the fact where I say patienting genes is bad and keep spouting anyway shill

>> No.16839818

>I want to consume glyphosate residues, they're grrrrrrrrrrreat!

>> No.16839819

Literally noone has any idea what GMOs specifically means for each product.

>> No.16839823

Kys fed

>> No.16839824

Pretty sure the sale wasn't done for branding purposes?

>> No.16839833

It typically implies glyphosate-resistant corn or transgenic Btk corn.

But yes it is extremely vague.

>> No.16839854

buy cast iron

>> No.16840380

Monsanto frankencorn.

>> No.16840391

Is the squirrel ok?

>> No.16840397

I'll threaten you with a gay bashing for being an faggot

>> No.16840556

>select the sweetest maize and breed those plants specifically
>the result is a super sweet variety of corn
>because this was intentional, some retard thinks this corn now causes cancer
Read a book you fucking inbreds.

>> No.16841033
File: 1.13 MB, 3120x4160, butt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it that you retards scream shill when people disagree with you? are you so fucking stupid that you think it will make us change our minds? or stop commenting?

it won't.

You remind me of the retarded bitch on youtube named Frederique Zug that hangs out on this video https://youtu.be/EoM43CXB4FY [Embed] and has for the last 9 years called anyone and everyone a shill for the power company.

Here is a list of things I have been accused of for being a shill on 4chan:
pro trump
anti trump
pro vac
anti vax
pro mask
anti mask
a jew
a stormfag
being black
being white
being a tranny
being anti tranny
being a shill for or against any fast food restaurant I comment on in /ck/
pro gun
anti gun
now I'm a shill for GMO?

nope my opinions are my own and are not paid for in any way.

but you just keep impotently screaming "shill". no one cares.

pick related is what you should do.

>> No.16841125

retards dont understand its the chemicals sprayed on the corn that are the problem
its in my fridge if that answers your question

>> No.16841754

that's like comparing selective breeding in humans to CRISPR, but even without a single piece of evidence that GMO's are unhealthy I will oppose them on principle because I dislike the companies that benefit from them, patenting genetics is a slippery slope, and I don't care about increasing our food surplus to feed african children

>> No.16842062

at least your honest, and not just screaming "SHILL!"

>> No.16842083

>Everything in the last 3000 years
I ate your mom's pussy last week and it was au naturel

>> No.16842101

Post the next pictures

>> No.16842122

>and it was au naturel
Pretty sure she got the snib

>> No.16842148

well she's been dead for 7 years and cremated, I'll ask my brother if anyone's been in her urn lately.
I hope you didn't ship your teeth on the titanium knee replacement.

>> No.16842243

Yeah, Gregor Mendel's peas are totally comparable to corpo faggots CRISPRing herbicide resistance genomes into cash crops to optimize profit per square mile, you stupid fucking technophile queer

>> No.16842255


>> No.16842497

It’s the GMO crop too because that exacerbates the pesticide issue. Not to mention you don’t want horizontal gene transfer of Btk or glyphosate resistance into native plants/weeds.

>> No.16842532
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>humans selectively breed plants to get the genes they want
>humans selectively edit plants to get the genes they want

>> No.16842542

You can't get them at all here anymore last I checked. Which is a shame. I like them. I still have a couple lying around. They were my great-grandmother's favorite candy.

>> No.16842570
File: 81 KB, 620x388, 1618821277464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Actually yeah.
some butterflies have dna from a virus that was injected by parasitic wasps integrated into their genome.

It makes it extremely ironic that the non gmo project uses a butterfly as its logo

>> No.16843825

The gmo genes arnt in the weeds though the weeds naturally selected for the roundup resistance, we could have made glypohosate resistant crops the old fashioned way too it just would have taken longer

>> No.16843859

Europoors are morons who are afraid of genetics, not knowing that pretty much every thing we've been eating for the past several thousand years is genetically modified.

>> No.16843862

You do understand a company can be bought and keep its name, right?

>> No.16843865

>seething this hard
I hope this is pasta, jesus christ seek help

>> No.16843911

Look at the [Embed], it's pasta.

>> No.16843997

Shit! I used to have the copy pasta on my old pc. I have strong but vague recollection of this.

>> No.16844009
File: 9 KB, 225x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last Night I ordered two sub. I arrived home, I and my friend ate Subs, half hours later, we pooped. In the morning we got pain head. That is MSG in Meat.

>> No.16844010

I hope someone takes your Enter key away

>> No.16844170

as usual no argument just rhetoric.

>> No.16844197
File: 31 KB, 398x401, at what point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your giving me flashbacks, man

>> No.16844251
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Americans especially are so brainwashed and mind broken when it comes to food, nutrition and diet, and our media is so pozzed beyond belief that discussions on this stuff are always a waste of time. As always, since I've been on /ck/ I'll drop the facts and you can believe it or not

GMOs are not inherently bad. Modern GMOs are bad because they are GM'd to survive chemicals and toxins that persist in the finished product. Yes, all grains are bad for you because glyphosates persist through the cooking process. Chemicals sprayed on wheat are in the cereal that you feed to your kids, it adheres to the digestive tract and the body enflames to try and kill the chemical it perceives as a bacteria.

This is all fact, any disagreement means that you have been mind broken.

>> No.16844322


why is butt stop in quotes?

>> No.16845075

GMOs are fine, creating a crop with super-virulent pollen and then patent trolling any farm that happens to be in the way of said pollen isn't

>> No.16845094

Cause he's a jew and he can't stop thinking of butts