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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 473 KB, 1080x1060, Doggper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16835915 No.16835915 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat a Doggper?

>> No.16835918

I want America to go up in thermonuclear fire.

>> No.16835929

I’ve heard a lot of Korean people think that they are the most beautiful race. That they define the standard. Does anyone really think this? I don’t!

>> No.16835930

>America dies
>The rest of the world goes with it due to the fallout
Nice idea faggot.
Interesting idea but I don't see other countries following sui.

>> No.16835934

>Burger King Korea

>> No.16835952

"Burger King Korea" and "dog" in the same sentence, but it's not what you would expect.

>> No.16835956

I don't know but I'd definitely lick every square inch of the hot South Korean girl in the OP.

>> No.16835959

i like how the dog is staring off as if he's having an existential crisis

>> No.16835966

There are people paid to taste dog food, anon. Someone ate what your dog eats.

>> No.16835972

Oh, the Koreans invented Burger King?
I thought it was an American thing so that’s where I directed my anger.
How did a little Korean burger shop become a staple in the USA?

>> No.16835973
File: 2.45 MB, 1400x6618, s korea cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plastic surgery is seen as a rite of initiation when girls turn 16
korea is a fake hyperconsumerist society full of fake hyperconsumerist people led by a feminist death cult

>> No.16835997

Humans eat more disgusting food than dogs on average. Dogs only eat meat and drink water. Humans eat Impossible™ Whoppers® and drink high fructose corn syrup. Dogs have also managed to enslave a "more intelligent" species merely by being cute.

>> No.16836009

Now I know. Thanks.

>> No.16836010

holy shit dude

>> No.16836028

A Brazilian private equity firm created BK Korea. America hasn't owned BK or Popeyes for a while. The PE firm expanded both internationally beyond North America

>> No.16836094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16836104

Dogs are omnivorous

>> No.16836109

dogs eat everything on their path when not trained or full

>> No.16836118

Exept certain vegetables

>> No.16836181
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Fortunately, Koreans can be easily defeated by even the cheapest electric fan:


>> No.16836183

>Anti-American is an actual 20 IQ fuckwit
Many such cases

>> No.16836338

LMFAO based

>> No.16836348

Is there dog in it?

>> No.16836353
File: 176 KB, 1411x1458, 71akTzOZ4LL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, its just shitty dog food under a different shape covered in some kind of sauce that is pretty much the same thing used in treat sticks?

>> No.16836648

Americans invented being stupid and eating garbage junk food from mcdonalds, so yes, america is to blame for it.

>> No.16837359

Yes, they believe this. Also literally every Korean you see in mass media has had extensive plastic surgery. They don’t comprehend the irony in this. Also ironic, they believe they are the smartest race too. Fascinating people.

>> No.16839513

how the fuck does this even happen?

>> No.16839548

>dogs enslaved humans by being cute
No, we made dogs cute through eugenics by forcing them to mate with each other or raping them with artificial insemination. Modern dogs have essentially been created by humans for human enjoyment.

>> No.16839565

It disgusts me that people don't just feed their pets real food. Your dog or cat will be far happier and healthier eating fresh meat and organs than any processed bullshit. Processed dog food should be considered animal abuse.

>> No.16840005

God I miss my bichon

>> No.16840016

Would you like to post a photograph of your hand, palm facing up, so we can be assured that you are a human being with a soul?

>> No.16840047

>NOOOOO not the heckin doggper

>> No.16840097

>raping them with artificial insemination
Holy shit, PETA, calm down with the fetishization.

>> No.16840107

Rape is a power move, and it's factually correct. I'm not saying it's wrong to do, I'm simply saying the dogs are our slaves and not the other way around, as proven by our complete control over them and their genetic development. This whole "hurr durr the dogs own us" meme is fucking stupid when we objectively exert utter control over everything about them.

>> No.16840342
File: 228 KB, 677x721, tumblr_577781fa9ccc9c0303b8645c48d3462f_ae1bd391_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fucking rape you bitch

>> No.16840392
File: 150 KB, 640x628, nervous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is this thread

>> No.16840439

Not our fault you faggots fuck up our food so badly.

>> No.16840444

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16840482
File: 101 KB, 601x504, kQq0wOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's talking about race? You're nuts. Just stop doing this shit.

>> No.16840488
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>> No.16840491
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>> No.16840492

they are naturally ugly

>> No.16840508
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>> No.16840510

>Americans give their dogs burgers
I thought I'd seen it all...

>> No.16840520
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>> No.16840540

Schizos leave

>> No.16840544

I love how other countries get away with this, but could you imagine the global outrage if American stores started carrying "Honorable Japanese - Sushi Japanese Style" made with cheese instead of rice and bacon instead of seaweed?

>> No.16840561

We probably have that desu

>> No.16840583

If someone has made that it would never be called "Japanese style sushi" because we're not THAT retarded. In fact, I could imagine a company getting sued for false advertising for that.

>> No.16840585

wtf bbq flavored marshmellows?
do europeans really think we eat that?

>> No.16840594

Roasting marshmallows is a camping/bonfire thing, not a barbecue/grilling thing.

>> No.16840602

They misunderstood the concept of toasting marshmallows. Nobody ever "barbecues" marshmallows. Never seen anyone toast them over a grill.

>> No.16840605

Yeah I see your point. That would look stupid in a grocery store.

>> No.16840619

I make smoores on my grill after I cook and eat dinner the coals are still hot
with some nice gram crackers and some good chocolate its a nice easy desert

>> No.16840623

That sounds remarkably comfy

>> No.16840624

>Made with fresh quality ingredients that can be consumed by humans
So the dogpper is actually a higher quality meat than the real whopper?

>> No.16840651

The worst part of the neolib world order is how painfully cringe advertising has become. I can tolerate some cringe, it happens sometimes, but for some reason fast food multinationals are just unstoppable, please no more.

>> No.16840750
File: 1.35 MB, 3865x3031, dug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The child who made your iphone is more of a slave than some white bitches Pomeranian whos only job is to sit on its ass, get massages, and get fed exotic game meats its wild ancestors could never dream of eating without risk of injury or death

>> No.16840765

Go back to /pol/ already spazz

>> No.16840777

Cats have a very specific dietary need that can only be easily met with processed food. You basically have to feed them mice if you don't want them eating canned food.

>> No.16840792

Their graduation gift is a plastic surgery just tell you how ugly and fake these people are

>> No.16840795

u have to have like some developmental disability
please just come out and say it so i can treat you accordingly

>> No.16840828
File: 47 KB, 128x128, 638154614990176287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are the most conventionally-attractive people of Asian-heritage, on average, and I'd say by a pretty wide margin....even without factoring in plastic surgery.

>> No.16840905

It's not all that complicated, just grind up skin-on bone-in chicken thighs, fish, and organs (chicken liver, heart, etc), add some eggs, lightly cook the food before serving it. You can make the food in big batches and keep it in the freezer and fridge. 3-4 pounds of meat will feed a cat for a couple weeks. People just don't want to put any work into caring for a pet they claim to love. Cats especially have it hard because people keep them inside, so the combination of sedentary lifestyle and grain-filled kibble makes them prone to all kinds of problems (obesity, diabetes, dental decay, hair falling out, digestive distress, urinary issues) because they're just not made to eat that kind of stuff.

>> No.16841022

Will look into this kind of recipe, currently feeding my cat with quality wet food only but it's kind of expensive.

I would add to your post that for an indoor cat it makes a huge difference to play with them everyday for 15 min.

>> No.16841161

Here's a good resource as a starting point: https://catinfo.org/making-cat-food/
A long read but it's good info and includes a recipe. The supplements in the recipe (vit E, fish oil, etc) can just be replaced with actual fish for a more whole food approach.

>> No.16841169

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.16841511

>I’ve heard a lot of Korean people think that they are the most beautiful race.
If they really thought that then why do all the women get surgery to get European features?
They are just liars.

>> No.16841550

From eating dogs in burgers to feeding dogs burgers. What a journey for Korea.

>> No.16841559
File: 116 KB, 1200x800, British_Horse_Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us not forget our friendly Brits with the horse burgers.

>> No.16841574


>> No.16841580

I fucking hate the way that dog looks. why the fuck do Koreans have to make everything look retarded

>> No.16841581

That was an EU problem, and as we all know the UK is no longer a part of the EU.

>> No.16841609

You know how you ask for burgers with no lettuce or something, but then it comes and there's like a bit of tomato that got cross-contaminated.

Imagine that.

>> No.16841634

I disagree. They are androgynous blobs.

>> No.16841794
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>> No.16841808

Bro it’s a dog, what do you want it to look like, a horse?

>> No.16841813

The horse burger debacle was from years ago, before the UK split off from the EU.

>> No.16841821
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kinda surprised corporate burger king would okay this for their brand image

>> No.16841850

What are you some kind of picky eater that doesn't like plastics in your food?

>> No.16841883

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