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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16833866 No.16833866 [Reply] [Original]

well well what have we here. who wants this lovely feed?

>> No.16833869
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>> No.16833876
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ok easy anon easy just season ur meat
captcha drya2

>> No.16833878
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they seem to be going OK. a little charred but I like that with lamb

>> No.16833881
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we'll just cook off most of this water and then that will be us friends. I hope you'll be joining me.

>> No.16833884

clean the seals around your sink anon

>> No.16833886

fuck no I don't live here

>> No.16833895

honestly the lamb wasn't that great. I don't think it suits the fried steak format, even if I tried a little longer at a little lower heat. stick to cooking it slow I think.

>> No.16833923
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overcooked, veggies cooked in the pan at the same time without even deglazing, looks like you used vegetable oil instead of butter as well. better luck next time kid

>> No.16833924

Spring lamb is the best. Try the old mate marinade:
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

>> No.16833935

nasty one, who the fuck leaves their kitchen in that state?

>> No.16833948

Good shout. I never liked fried lamb, but in a stew with some mint? fucking beaut.

>> No.16834074

what self-respecting person drinks four x??

>> No.16834078

They were frozen veggies too.

>> No.16834128

XXXX Gold is a girls beer

>> No.16834132

Your kitchen is disgusting

>> No.16834162

hahaha, "Try it, love it, or your money back."

>> No.16834229


>> No.16834232

youre lucky cunt, my family just piles shit on the sink

>> No.16834236

they make girls beer? there's no winning with beerfags. just drink spiked punch.

>> No.16834237

this isn't my family its this stupid girl I live with

>> No.16834239

not nice to call your mom stupid

>> No.16834243

XXXX gold isnt beer

>> No.16834247

why do people do this? just wash it. unless you are piss drunk or a doctor who just got called in to deliver a baby there is no excuse.

>> No.16834251

my mother lives on a different continent to me young fella. this is some girl that lives in the next room in this house. she left the freezer door open 2 nights ago and kill my beef :(

>> No.16834255

>i dont live here
>girl i live with

>> No.16834256

xxxx gold is fine, that anon doesn't have a job so he doesn't get breatho in the morning and can drink 10 fullies

>> No.16834260

I'm one of the many many types of homeless that doesn't involve rough sleeping

>> No.16834261

>veggies cooked in the pan at the same time without even deglazing
Explain for this retard please?

>> No.16834272

water from the frozen veggies will deglaze the pan

>> No.16834284

?? I literally put a bit of water in when I added the veg

>> No.16834292

well fuck me alright then

>> No.16834299

bend over and I will

>> No.16834305

*unbuckles belt*
"every fucking time, im sick of this shit"

>> No.16834312

ok you should know >>16834299 is not me u are having sex with a stranger

>> No.16834316

that's the best kind of sex anon

>> No.16834469

If you don't deglaze, the fond (the tasty stuff that sticks to the pan) will just burn into the pan and not go into your food. Rookie move.

>> No.16835221

You tried but this worked out poorly. And don't buy meat from Woolies, there's always cheaper

>> No.16835602

if cheaper is a problem for you, I don't think you should be eating lamb in Australia

>> No.16835638

Based aussie

>> No.16835652

Non-halal butchers chat too much. I'm sick of pretending to be friendly.

>> No.16836763

Holy shit that countertop is hideous

>> No.16836773

at least she left it open and filled it with water. my family is an ass at that and leaves it closed so its basically a stink bomb for whoever cleans

>> No.16837011

So is deglazing just putting a bit of liquid in there and scraping the stuff off the bottom? I've always done that anyway because that's the tastiest stuff and if you leave it it makes cleaning up afterwards hell.

>> No.16837069

>cooking meat and vegatables together in nonstick pan
NGMI. Cast iron for the lamb by itself, otherwise you're steaming it.

>> No.16837074

You fucked it up by steaming it in a nonstick pan like a mouthbreather.

>> No.16837425

Yep. That's it.

>> No.16837441

This is fucked. What a waste of money and honestly time raising and feeding that lamb. What kind of retard makes lamb like this? What s waste of good meat I'm legitimately pissed.

>> No.16837472

It's not really a waste if he ate it.

>> No.16837477

I threw it in the trash, tasted like shit

>> No.16837480


>> No.16837525


>> No.16837544

then go to halal butchers, i guarantee the meat comes from the same abbatoir. most beef in aus is halal by default

>> No.16837552

Fuck off you American larping as a wannabe Pom/Aussie

>> No.16837585

13 bucks for 4 lamb leg chops? thats a bargain mate

>> No.16837591

yes I am cooking this woolies lamb I purchased at the wall market. you stupid cunt

>> No.16837594

> Never heard of stir-fry

Wait, who's not going to make it, retard?

>> No.16837600

post ur favourite maccas order and we will see what u eat

>> No.16837607

Woks are made of carbon steel or cast iron, asshat.

>> No.16837620

all steel has carbon in it you mouth breather

>> No.16837650

I can literally hear the tears rolling off your cheeks

>> No.16837973
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>> No.16839239
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>> No.16839440
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might wana try cooking it next time m8

>get a lamb shoulder
>fuck off the useless flammable string if it has any
>wrap that fucker up tight
>shit loads of salt and pepper rub
>sear each side in a large pot until it's CRUSTY do not fuck about
>take it out and leave it
>deglaze with wine/vinegar
>add some big heaps of sugar
>reduce it to a syrup and deglaze again with chicken stock
>put the meat back in with a lid
>load the fucker into the over 135 C for 3 hours or more

>> No.16839473

this is literally wanker food with 3x the effort and a weak outcome compared to searing and slow cooking

>> No.16839520

it's literally seared and slow cooked tho, maybe if you put as much effort into cooking as you do talking shit you'd have lamb as juicy as mine