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16833579 No.16833579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is everything getting so expensive? Don't say jews

>> No.16833586
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>> No.16833601

The economy is being imploded by the government so the government can save us.


>> No.16833615

Supply chain is kill. That’s basically the gist of it

>> No.16833616

>due for a housing market crash
>virus hurts businesses
>businesses shortstaffed, supply chains take a hit
>people cant afford rent, landlords struggle with mortgage
>bail out billions in businesses
>offer billions in pandemic stimulus
>literally print money to prolong shit from tanking
you have to pay the piper eventually

>> No.16833648

Some businesses didn't want to go a quarter without massive growth, so rather than telling everyone to go home for a month or two to stop a spread of a virus, they choose to make those low paid workers vital to the economy keep working while their co-workers and family were dying around them. These workers realized how bullshit their treatment is and so they all quit most or all of their jobs because they could afford do due to government aid. Nobody but those at the top want to go back to the way things were since it was all bullshit. With supply chains falling apart and certain jobs not even being filled anymore, the fragile system we have been forced into is now visibly failing.

Things are going to change.

>> No.16833674

>due for a housing market crash
>virus hurts businesses
>businesses shortstaffed, supply chains take a hit
>people cant afford rent, landlords struggle with mortgage
>bail out billions in businesses
>offer billions in pandemic stimulus
>literally print money to prolong shit from tanking

>> No.16833693

yes, they did poorly respond to the pandemic, but if we were in your fantasy ancap land, huge swaths of people would have just died.

>> No.16833749

1. COVID (fucked up production and transportation)
2. Inflation (if you don't get salary increases annually you are getting paid less)
3. Trade deals (Brexit, various parts of the supply chain, etc)

>> No.16833756

Inflation and shortages, so jews.

>> No.16833762

Printing money and making your savings worth less? Jews.

>> No.16833769

>but if we were in your fantasy ancap land, huge swaths of people would have just died.
yes, and?

>> No.16833772

Because we septupled our active currency and essentially entered hyperinflation. If Biden weren't a dottering geriatric we might have something in place to mitigate this but don't expect anything to return to more normal pricing for another decade.
The defacto minimum wage jumped from $8 to $13 here overnight and I live in flyover usa

>> No.16833775

>huge swaths of people would have just died

>> No.16833776

Absolutely jewery

>> No.16833778

It's not, you're just a poor fucking chimp.

>> No.16833782

Why ask a question if you don't want the answer anon?

>> No.16833784

No they just would've stayed poor instead of living off 75% their normal wage without working whatsoever. Wages overall have shot up massively across the country for even the most pathetic jobs and people still refuse to take them because $11/hr to sit on your ass is better than $15/hr to show up and throw fries in a bucket of oil

>> No.16833785
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it's very simple, as many have already pointed out

>> No.16833787

I agree with everything you've said except for
>Things are going to change.

>> No.16833788

LOL yes far more people would have died if government didn't force covid patients to live with the elderly. Holy shit the delusion

>> No.16833793

>it took the VARUS for piss poor overworked retards to realize their job sucked
Most of those people have been there for years. This wasn't the breaking point, they were pissed they didn't get welfare.

>> No.16833831

Reminder to check what school and religion many elite are (jesuit)

>> No.16833842

Perhaps your just a cheap cunt that's consigned to making minimum wage?

>> No.16833848

What is your point?
Try to be precise if you're capable and not a nig.

>> No.16833872

4 years of a completely incompetent president combined with a pandemic he did everything he could to make worse. It's more complex than that, and only retards fall back on blaming [x/y/z], but that's how we got into this mess in the first place; most people are retarded.

>> No.16833877

>covid would not have existed if Hillary won 2016
Thanks for proving that wuflu was a military chicom weapon

>> No.16833883

I explained perfectly fine, try learning English you dumb faggot